
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
mupBug #1643403 opened: [2.1.1] regiond requests to going via external proxy and failing <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643403>02:56
mupBug #1643552 opened: API renderings do not contain fields necessary to construct self-referential URI <api> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643552>13:04
mupBug #1643595 opened: [3.0] Drop escape.shell from preseed.py <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643595>15:40
wililupyif I want to deny bootp on a specific subnet in MAAS 2.1 I can use a DHCP snippet "deny bootp;"16:25
kikowililupy, I do think so16:26
wililupykiko, excellent. I"ll give it a try and report back.16:26
kikowililupy, do let us know if it doesn't work and what the resulting dhcpd.conf look like?16:27
wililupykiko: ack.16:27
mupBug #1643640 opened: same boot image listed multiple times <MAAS:New> <MAAS 2.1:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643640>17:43
mupBug #1643651 opened: MAAS UI takes a long time to load a node page <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643651>17:49
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
jwitkoHey All,  I'm wondering is there any way to disable the ability for server interfaces to be provisioned using "Auto Assign" ?21:02
kikojwitko, well, I think you can say "do not assign", right?21:03
jwitkokiko, sorry ?21:03
kikojwitko, for a given interface?21:03
jwitkoWell, in general really.  Trying to disable it as a feature.21:04
jwitkoI have built some automation around MaaS and it is not the source of truth for IP addresses.  I don't use MaaS for VMs just bare metal, so it sometimes will try to assign an IP thats in use outside of MaaS21:04
jwitkoCan a static reservation over-ride a subnet IP reservation?21:05
jwitkolike if i disable a large block of IPs from being used does that just apply to dhcp and auto-assign or static as well ?21:05
jhovaTrying to use maas 2.x for the first time. When provisioning a server, after reboot of the initial provisioning, get booting local disk ... Warn: No MBR magic. treating disk as raw. Booting... and then nothing.22:55
jhovaAnyone dealt with this issue before?22:56
jhovaAlso getting "/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory" in syslog during provisioning (xenial).23:07

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