
keesanyone working on the nvidia regression?00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1639663 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu) "vdpau permissions incorrect in 304.132-0ubuntu0.16.04.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1639215 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu) "After upgrade of Nvidia 304 drivers, mythfrontend.real crashed with SIGSEGV in QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags()" [Undecided,New]00:49
rbasakmdeslaur, tseliot (not here?): ^00:53
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cpaelzergood morning06:37
ANTI_psychiatryPsychiatry         i __ s :     F__R__A__U__D       F__R__A__U__D      F__R__A__U__D                      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           PLS,visit: antipsychiatry.org07:33
cpaelzerpitti: hi, the gnutls28 fix is blocked on some dep8 regressions on libaws and network-manager07:36
cpaelzerpitti: it doesn't appear really to be related to me - is that a "known to happen, just buzz on retest" or what would you think?07:37
pittiGood morning08:01
pitticpaelzer: libaws is part of the "gnat broke recently", we can just ignore that; and NM is flaky indeed; I'll have a look08:02
cpaelzerpitti: ok, thanks08:03
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mdeslaurkees: nothing much we can do, nvidia hasn't published a fixed driver yet12:07
mdeslaurkees: binary blob ftw12:07
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ubottubdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, infinity, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.15:00
hron84Hi! I trying to re-create a binary deb package without source (i have no access to the source package, this is a legacy, discontinued software) with fixed dependencies for Ubuntu Yakkety. However, I faced with error when trying to run dpkg-buildpackage against these configs: https://gist.github.com/hron84/dc1e009852e23e3357527ceefefa77cb the error is "binary build with no binary artifacts found; cannot distribute". What do I miss from my configs?15:10
hron84(cross-posted from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-app-devel)15:11
lamontrecently, zesty seems to have decided that I don't need about 3 inches of my second display's width.15:14
lamontnot even sure which package to file that bug against15:14
mterry@pilot in16:16
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Yakkety Yak (16.10) Released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-yakkety | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | Patch Pilots: mterry
vimpulselamont:  If this were Debian, you might be able to file it against "unknown" or maybe "general".  In Ubuntu, I'm not sure if you have any such option.16:20
vimpulselamont:  So -- ask us which package to file it against!16:20
LocutusOfBorgrbasak, sorry, when does the addition to the team happens?16:38
naccmdeslaur: it seems like there might have been an upgrade-regression with mysql-5.5 in trusty (LP: #1637280)16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1637280 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Upgrade to 5.5.53-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 fails to start daemon, due to missing secure_file_priv directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163728016:56
mdeslaurnacc: that's weird. any idea why the postinst isn't being run?17:05
naccmdeslaur: not yet, that might be something good to test in a container/VM and try to run the postinst manually to see if it does work (then it's a matter of debugging why it didn't get invoked)17:06
naccmdeslaur: do you mind putting that in the bug?17:06
mdeslaurnacc: I did run upgrade tests and it worked17:06
naccmdeslaur: ack17:08
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
naccrbasak: full bind9 import with patches-applied and unapplied in the history: https://git.launchpad.net/~nacc/ubuntu/+source/bind917:19
naccrbasak: is LP: #1637703 one of the known classes of upgrade bugs?17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1637703 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: проблемы зависимостей — оставляем не настроенным" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163770317:20
powersjnacc: that user also filed LP: #1637701 which I just looked at17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1637701 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163770117:27
rbasaknacc: neat, thanks.17:33
rbasaknacc: maybe add the filename to the subject if "No DEP3 Subject or Description header found"? Sometimes if there's nothing else the filename is still informative.17:33
rbasaknacc: I'm starting to suspect a new bug affecting release upgrades from 14.04 to 16.04 causing that error (7703).17:34
rbasakI had reproduction steps until diglett broke (I still have them but haven't retried yet).17:35
naccrbasak: the filename for a patch is alwasy present17:49
naccrbasak: Gbp-Pq: ...17:49
rbasaknacc: I mean right there in the summary.17:49
naccrbasak: oh but you want it in the commit message summary, ok17:49
rbasaknacc: right. See https://git.launchpad.net/~nacc/ubuntu/+source/bind9/log/?h=applied/ubuntu/zesty-proposed for example17:49
rbasakPerhaps even put just the filename, and "No DEP3 Subject or Description header found" only in the body?17:50
rbasakThen the summary will be bad, and the body will explain why. But that is more useful than no summary at all.17:50
naccrbasak: so reverse the order? Gbp-Pq: as the summary ?17:50
naccrbasak: or on ly in the case of no header found?17:50
rbasakYou might still need Gbp-Pq: in the body for consistency with gbp and automation.17:50
rbasakSo...if no dep3, then filename (only) in subject, both "No DEP3 Subject or Description header found" and Gbp-Pq: ... in body.17:51
naccrbasak: ack17:51
rbasakphilroche, Odd_Bloke: FYI, gce-compute-image-packages added to the ubuntu-cloud packageset for yakkety and zesty.17:56
philrocherbasak: Thank you18:04
LocutusOfBorgnacc, php-imagick merge to probably fix testsuite? (imagemagick)18:18
* LocutusOfBorg leaves18:19
nacclutostag: will look at it, yep18:24
naccrbasak: would it make sense for mysql-server to detect 'thread_concurrency=...' like it does for key_buffer and myisam-recover? (LP: #1638521)18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638521 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163852118:28
rbasaknacc: yes. Please dupe to bug 1612517.18:37
ubottubug 1612517 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "Server fails to start after upgrade because of customized config and obsolete/renamed directives" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161251718:37
naccrbasak: thanks!18:42
naccbarry: is there a sensible way forward for LP: #1638583? I know little about mailman, just trying to understand the bug18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638583 in mailman (Ubuntu) "mailman 1:2.1.16-2ubuntu0.2 fails to upgrade on Trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163858318:43
naccpowersj: would it make sense for the triage list to not list bugs where Ubuntu Server is already subscribed and the bug is >= triaged?18:46
barrynacc: it's a tricky one because of some choices the debian maintainers have made.  basically, the packaging refuses to upgrade if there are "qfiles" laying around.  these files are the on-disk representation of the messages and their states between processing queues.  a running mailman system will almost always have these files laying around so it effectively means mailman can't be upgraded without sysadmin intervention.  i think it's18:47
barryan overabundance of caution because lots of sites install from source where that isn't a restriction, and we try very hard not to break the qfile pickle format (i can't remember the last time we even changed it)18:47
barrynacc: tbh, i would file a bug with debian and not worry about that for unattended upgrades, but still allow it for manual upgrades, if that's possible.18:48
rbasaknacc: in that circumstance, it may still be a user volunteering a patch, in which case we might want to pay more attention.18:48
barrybut i'm not the debian maintainer of the package ;)18:48
naccrbasak: yes, that's true -- i think we could split it into two lists, though18:49
naccrbasak: purely updates, versus those that need to be triaged properly18:49
rbasaknacc: what would be the benefit of doing that?18:50
naccrbasak: i'm only noticing that right now, particularly when i get behind, as i always do, the list is full of bugs that i don't need ot triage18:50
naccrbasak: it was purely a question, feel free to disregard18:51
naccrbasak: is LP: #1642275 familar to you?18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1642275 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.16-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: podproces instalovaný post-installation skript vrátil chybový status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164227518:54
rbasak2016-11-16T13:45:43.192868Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1 error: 1118:57
rbasaknacc: no, not seen that before.18:57
naccrbasak: i've seen that particular issue in a few bugs so far (the unable to lock in the logs)18:59
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robert_ancellslangasek, did you upload snapd into Debian? Would you be able to sponsor snapd-glib there too?20:28
slangasekrobert_ancell: I could do a sponsorship, for sure; what's the long-term plan for who will maintain this in Debian?  would you be the maintainer (are you a DM)?  have you talked to zyga about it?20:53
robert_ancellslangasek, jbicha wanted it there. I'm not a DM and don't plan to be one. Haven't talked to zyga.20:54
slangasekrobert_ancell: does jbicha want to maintain it? :-)20:54
robert_ancellslangasek, mostly wanted to check who would be best to do the sponsorship20:54
robert_ancellI'm hoping :)20:54
slangasekI could help out with sponsorship, but it's best if there's a path for someone closer to the action to get direct upload rights on it in Debian (DM)20:55
robert_ancellslangasek, thanks. Will ask jbicha then20:56
mterry@pilot out21:55
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Yakkety Yak (16.10) Released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-yakkety | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | Patch Pilots:
tsimonq2mterry: Hello, ping. :)22:48

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