
m0nkey_Anyone recommend an e-mail host? I'm willing to pay for something decent.02:42
daftykinsG suite \o/02:42
daftykinsdepends what you need02:42
m0nkey_just email02:42
daftykinsright but that doesn't say what devices to access from, webmail option, technologies for grabbing it, blah blah02:43
m0nkey_mobile access for sure02:44
m0nkey_imap and probably webmail02:44
daftykinsnew setup or have you been doing something else?02:45
m0nkey_this will be new02:45
daftykinsi love me the rapid setup of G suite though02:54
daftykinsa wild diddledan_ clone02:57
m0nkey_power went out03:00
m0nkey_gotta power down03:00
m0nkey_cya for now03:00
m0nkey_power came back on03:06
m0nkey_gotta love UPSs03:06
m0nkey_shut down my server in case it was going to be out for longer, turned out it was only out for a few mins03:08
daftykinssometimes i've woken up to the alarm from downstairs and just left it \o/03:10
m0nkey_with the server shutdown, the ups in the closet can run the router, modem, switch and wifi for an hour :)03:10
m0nkey_and the ups at my desk will run for 20 mins, with my desk lamp on :)03:11
m0nkey_that's with my PC and desk lamp03:11
m0nkey_Turn off the lamp, I get 30mins03:11
daftykinsi bought a C whatever to standard sockets so i could put my home router and switch on, i think mine'll go for ages if i turn off the server too03:11
m0nkey_that was a funny two minutes, i was the only one with wifi and lights on in the neighbourhood :D03:12
daftykinsi've had the same UPS for years now, probably going to need a new one before too long03:12
daftykinshehe that happened one morning here, there was even some event in town that got a rude surprise - i hopped on here from my phone \o/03:13
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
diploMorning all09:00
davmor2Morning all09:16
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:30
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Monday, and happy World Hello Day! 😃  ðŸ‘‹09:33
SuperMattprint("Hello, JamesTait")09:36
JamesTait20 GOTO 1009:37
SuperMattprint("Hello, JamesTait")09:37
JamesTaitHang on, I thought *I* was supposed to be the bot?09:38
davmor2JamesTait: for the opening line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrOQC-zEog and then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHsXMglC9A and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_ILDFp5DGA  I think that covers it right10:36
JamesTaitdavmor2, not bad. ☺   Comfortably Numb is one of my all-time favourite songs.10:46
davmor2JamesTait: I thought it was a nice change from the two obvious ones10:47
JamesTaitI was expecting https://youtu.be/hIcJxJL4MOM10:48
davmor2JamesTait: I might of stretched to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtQUJMBH8uE10:59
diddledangotta love a good bit of lionel richie11:31
diddledanI do like hello by martin solveig and dragonette, too11:32
foobarrycan i get later kernels on my LTS?11:39
diddledanfoobarry: you can use any available HWE kernels (I forget the package naming scheme) or there is a PPA somewhere11:42
foobarrythats what i thought. my laptop no longer suspends11:42
foobarrywould like something newer than 4.4.011:42
davmor2JamesTait, diddledan: please forgive me I completely forgot about this which must say hello more than any other song ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg11:43
diddledanfoobarry: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:44
foobarrythe HWE kernels don't seem to be available yet11:45
foobarryin 16.0411:45
foobarryah http://askubuntu.com/questions/836260/how-can-i-use-16-10-yakkety-kernel-in-16-04-xenial11:47
foobarrysuspend test 1/1 works on yakkety...11:49
foobarrysigh...broken still11:52
davmor2foobarry: stop suspending simple solution :P11:57
zmoylan-pihe likes been kept in suspense, i'll tell you all about it... tomorrow... :-P11:58
foobarrywhats the alternative to suspend?12:01
foobarryturn off screen?12:01
foobarryto disk? ewww12:02
Seeker`never turn off your computer, of leave the house if it's a laptop12:02
zmoylan-pido you have access to a red dwarf stasis field? :-)12:04
foobarryit needs reinstalling12:07
popeywhat exactly is the issue?12:09
popeyand have you considered capturing data and filing a bug to get it fixed?12:09
popeyyou can use an upstream kernel, to see if it's an ubuntu specific patch to blame, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/12:10
diddledanpopey: wait, someone fixes stuff?12:10
popeye.g. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8/12:11
SebthreeBQM10HDhi ppp12:13
foobarryif i revert to pre dirty cow it work, so i might try that12:13
popeybetter to go forward than back12:15
popeyhello SebthreeBQM10HD12:18
foobarryi just did something i'm ashamed of12:23
foobarryran some scary polish app from a 3rd party repo12:23
foobarrysuspend desperation caused this madness12:24
foobarryi feel like a noob12:25
foobarryit said my APM was corrupt12:25
foobarryhmm "As I discovered, the issue was there was no suspend on lid close at all, the messages in dmesg are just of the i915 driver turning off the display on lid close and trying to put some of its chips into lowpower mode (and failing on "device 40"). Which would by itself a nice behavior, if it would not fail and no suspend is wanted. "12:27
popeyfoobarry: so, time to try different kernels maybe?13:42
foobarrythis spooky polish software seemed to fix it13:45
foobarry8 suspends and still working13:45
popeywonder what it does?13:45
foobarrysomething to do with APM13:45
foobarryits a system checker and gui tool for various system optimisations13:45
davmor2foobarry: did you even check to see if suspend on lid close was enabled in settings?13:46
foobarryit worked seamlessly on old kernels and haphazardly, mostly not on newer ones13:47
foobarryit updated my APM13:49
foobarryscary . no idea what it did13:49
davmor2foobarry: it installed a deep seated virus that is only activated on suspend and then sends all your keypresses to gchq and nsa but don't worry they never loses data13:51
davmor2foobarry: so you didn't suspend right?13:52
foobarrydo machines usually ping after suspend?13:53
foobarrymine is13:53
SuperMattmaybe, because it might Wake on LAN13:53
foobarryin which case the ping is handled by creepy Intel IMT13:55
foobarryhttps://github.com/xuehuichao/freemind-latex handy for someone?13:58
popeyno, computers don't respond to ping when suspended14:06
foobarry"Both Intel AMT and the host OS are able to respond to ICMP ping requests."14:07
foobarrysuspend while on battery: no pings14:09
foobarryplug in power: pings return. quite high latency (4ms). thats the intel IAMT pinging14:10
foobarryremove power while suspended, pings stop.14:10
foobarryunsuspend, pings return at <0.5ms14:11
diddledanok, this concept of running doom on everything ever is getting stupid: https://9to5mac.com/2016/11/21/doom-macbook-pro-touch-bar/14:23
foobarrywhat actually is the touch bar?14:25
foobarrya OLED touch sensitive slider?14:26
foobarryah, https://9to5mac.com/2016/11/14/the-best-apps-for-macbook-pro-touch-bar-touch-id/14:26
foobarrylike the Elite keyboard overlay14:26
foobarryi like it14:26
diddledanmannequins ftw http://digg.com/video/mannequin-challenge-gymnastics-texas-am14:28
foobarrywow digg still exists?14:30
=== john is now known as Guest88329
MoBeatsdigg does it with ubuntu, just ask Damo.14:32
foobarryi think mike pound from computerphile is the best and most prominent advert for ubuntu14:51
foobarrycanonical should send him some posters for his cubicle. it always looks bare14:51
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: I can run Doom on my Sandick Sansa E280 media player.14:54
TwistedLucidity"Sandisk". What a typo!14:54
davmor2TwistedLucidity: sand-ick nope I don't get it :P14:55
MoBeatssans dick? apt-get install penis14:57
foobarrywow childish much14:57
foobarrywilly jokes and its only monday!14:57
MoBeatsit's a digg refernce... had to be there.14:57
diddledanoracle are buying dyn: https://www.oracle.com/corporate/acquisitions/dyn/index.html16:05
* davmor2 wait for the entire userbase to move to no-ip16:16
diddledan"Microsoft is planning to enable x86 on ARM64 emulation in Windows 10 by Fall 2017" http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsofts-x86-on-arm64-emulation-a-windows-10-redstone-3-fall-2017-deliverable/17:02
zmoylan-piso now 1-2 windows tablet users can use desktop windows very slowly? :-)17:09
=== Darkstar is now known as Guest82830
zmoylan-pijust paint it pink and no one will notice...19:24
davmor2oh that's diddledan on the watch list ;)19:26
zmoylan-pii think it's now cheaper for gchq to maintain a no watch list... and that just has jeremy clarkson's name on it... :-P19:27
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson

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