
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest26625
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SporkWitchvalorie: you got me yelled at :P00:58
valoriesounds like a bit of a debate indeed01:00
SporkWitchi'm with you; it's the LTS, fix that shit01:00
valorieyou called attention to a *problem* and I hope that will be fixed one way or another01:00
* valorie goes off to dinner01:00
SporkWitchwhatever his opinions, they're bundling packages that are broken without it01:00
SporkWitchmost importantly, it's a problem that only really affects the very users who are not likely to be able or willing to FIGURE OUT the workaround or fix01:01
Eli2_should be more prominently on the homepage01:35
Eli2_especially the note about upgrading from 14.04 to 16.0401:35
Eli2_upgrading "should not be attempted" !01:36
krytarikEli2_: It's in here too though: http://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement/01:38
doyleHey. What version of plasma and qt does the latest kubuntu ship with?01:38
Eli2_krytarik, did not read that page before pressing that upgrade button01:39
Eli2_are there any plans to make it work properly01:41
Eli2_i have kubuntu on some family computers where i don't really want to reinstall01:41
krytarikThe main problem is the Plasma 4 → 5 switch there.01:42
krytarikSo I don't think it'll ever work, no.01:42
Eli2_hmmm, ok01:46
doyleHey. How can I get plasma 5.8.x installed? Is there a --enablerepo=updates-testing type flag for apt/02:37
Eli2_doyle, from what i read you might have to wait for 17.04 to get it in a stable way02:49
Eli2_maybe before that in the backports repo02:49
[Relic]that's a weird one playing a full screen game changes the time02:52
doyleThanks Eli2_02:54
[Relic]not sure why playing a game screws up the digital clock; not even sure what I would be looking for in settings to fix that either02:55
[Relic]and even more bizarre the games get "discover" as the taskbar item and then the FF icon goes to 2 icons  :(02:58
[Relic]think I shall reboot and see if that clears it up02:59
doyleMan. Even the yakkety-proposed has failed me. The closest I can get to two 4k monitors off a thunderbolt 3 port is Fedora KDE Spin with plasma from updates-testing03:06
[Relic]all cleared up  :)03:11
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IrcsomeBotreguard was added by: reguard03:43
[Relic]weird that annoying time clock modifier thing is back05:55
drexhello i have installed kubuntu on asus r558uf and trackpad is not working. what to do? i already tried booting with i8042.reset and i8042.nomux=1 but no luck still its not working. please help?07:00
drexps i am using kubuntu 16.04 lts07:01
hateballdrex: it's not disabled with a hardware switch either?07:02
hateballdrex: looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/763584/elantech-touchpad-not-working-on-ubuntu-16-04-and-arch-linux someone used "i8042.kbdreset=1" instead07:03
drexhateball: i tried i8042.kbdreset=1 also its not working07:04
drexhateball: and hardware switch is on07:04
drexexternal mouse is working and also first time it worked but after reboot its not working07:05
hateballdrex: hmmm, sorry I dont know anything about this issue really. You could try asking in #ubuntu also, since it's got more people and it's a kernel issue07:07
drexok i will try there thanks for the info07:07
SporkWitchhateball: if you see him come back, have him try booting with acpi disabled.  Hopefully that's not it, but that is something I saw once with a Toshiba laptop and ubuntu (issues were worse with other distros, but at least with ubuntu the only issue was the touchpad wouldn't work unless you disabled ACPI features)07:37
hateballSporkWitch: cheers07:54
SporkWitchmind you that issue was back in 2010 or 201107:57
SporkWitchi've since made a point of buying sony laptops; nice standard parts, and i've yet to run into a single hardware compatibility issue with linux07:57
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yocs0000I have problem: I hve an external monitor connected and I can only show the content of the laptop screen, and not haev iit as a extension. Why?11:52
yocs0000Until two weeks ago I could!11:52
hateballyocs0000: have you went into the monitor config (kscreen) and made sure the monitors are beside each other?11:53
hateballif they are laying on top of each other, it will mirror11:53
yocs0000hateball: yes, that was the issue. :)11:57
yocs0000hateball: I tried your suggestion yesterday it froze my laptop .... :)11:58
hateballyocs0000: refresh my memory12:00
hateballyocs0000: for reference, all kscreen configs are in ~/.local/share/kscreen, one file for each monitor... so if things are ever super broken you can hop to a tty and delete those files for a fresh start12:01
IrcsomeBot1reguard was removed by: reguard12:01
yocs0000hateball: no, I was referring to the apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to try out unity12:12
BluesKajHey folks12:15
hateballyocs0000: aha12:27
yocs0000hateball: I hated you a bit .... :D12:29
hateballyocs0000: thats nice12:54
yocs0000hateball: but then hey, no pain no gain .... or so they say! :d13:34
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IrcsomeBot1reguard was removed by: reguard13:44
mcscruffis there a way to stop my internet cutting out when my screen lock itself13:50
SporkWitchseparate issues, to a degree.  sounds like the screen isn't locking, but rather the machine is sleeping13:51
SporkWitchlocking the screen, by itself, doesn't affect network connection13:52
mcscruffit locked the screen to the login screen, maybe i caught it as it was going to sleep.  i will play with power management and get it never to sleep on mains13:54
SporkWitchthat's what i'd recommend13:58
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shane777i'm using two separate keyboards and both need different key mappings. I stumbled across an app that handles this, but can't recall it. Anyone got any ideas?16:29
SporkWitchwhy are you using different keyboards?  why not just use the built-in support for multiple layouts and toggling between them?16:37
SporkWitchit's right in the KDE settings16:37
shane777they're both connected at the same time - laptop + external17:31
SporkWitchby why different layouts?17:39
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shane777not layouts18:20
shane777key mappings18:20
shane777laptop keyboard has pgup and pgdn where home and end should be18:20
shane777external keyboard was made by humans and is in the proper location18:20
SporkWitchshane777: so you're wanting, via software, to treat the pgup signal from the internal keyboard as home instead, but NOT do this for the external?18:26
shane777I think xkb may be what I was thinking of. Looking into that now18:29
SporkWitchi don't know of anything that would behave in that way.  your best bet would be to use the native tools to toggle mappings18:29
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valoriexubuntu18w: this is a help chan -- ask your question21:20
valoriefor chat, join the #kubuntu-offtopic21:20
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