
altker128Hey all.  I'm running OTA-12 on my Nexus 4.  I notice when using the phone the microphone gain is way too high and the sound distorts.  Is there an "easy" way to adjust the microphone gain?00:46
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ccgood afternoon!06:01
cchow can i install Andrews simulator on a ubuntu phone?06:01
cchow to do06:02
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tsdgeosis Mirv on hols or something?13:48
davmor2tsdgeos: yeap back in January13:53
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WienekeWhen does ota-14 will been released?15:13
raph_ael"eat flaming death"15:25
davmor2raph_ael: why thanks I do most days how else do you eat your flame grilled burgers15:45
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raph_aeldavmor2: it's an old joke about the editor ed https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.en.html16:06
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mterrytedg: the 'unity8-session' snap is from developer 'ted' instead of 'canonical' -- we aught to change that, right?17:21
nuboroi would like to get ubuntu touch on a nexus 5X17:27
seb128ChrisTownsend, hey again, just a follow up moving back those libertine binaries to universe unblock the migration and it's in zesty now17:32
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yes, I saw that.  Thank you very much!17:32
mterrytedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8-desktop-session/snap-install-idempotent/+merge/31152017:34
tedgmterry: Wait, no, it's "ted" because that's my insurance, they can never fire me! </evil laugh>17:34
tedgmterry: We need to move the branch too. Like for instance only core-devs or the desktop-team should be able to edit the yaml as well.17:35
tedgmterry: So it needs some "governance formalization" at some point17:36
tedgmterry: You probably need to update the man page as well with the updated behavior.17:37
tedgmterry: In my experience, ChrisTownsend is a pain about that :-)17:38
mterrytedg: the man page doesn't have any conflicting information17:38
mterrytedg: only says "Install the Unity8 session snap with the proper arguments passed to the snap command"17:38
tedgHaha, I guess I was vague enough then ;-)17:38
tedgFuture-proof via uncertainty17:38
mterryfuture proofing17:38
ChrisTownsendNot a stickler about the manpage for sure.  Just wanted to shut lintian up.17:39
mterrytedg: I kinda wish that whole script was simply "snap install $@"...  and have snap handle the different cases.  But ah well17:39
ChrisTownsendAlthough bregma may have a problem with using bash in that script:)17:39
mterryoh yeah?  I think I did that for easier coloring with echo.  I know there's a posix way too, but I didn't think it mattered enough for me to look it up. But am happy to do so17:40
ChrisTownsendmterry: Personally, it doesn't matter to me, but he's made comments about that before, but we'll wait on his feedback so he can speak for himself.17:41
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mterryChrisTownsend: ok you bash-shamed me into fixing it17:52
ChrisTownsendmterry: lol, ok17:52
mterrytedg: is there a terminal snap already?17:57
mterryI couldn't guess its name17:57
mterryAnd I don't know how to find edge snaps besides just guessing17:57
mterryOh I lied17:57
mterryI just didn't pass --devmode last time17:57
tedgmterry: Yes, that's a pain :-/17:58
tedgmterry: echo gallery-app camera-app webbrowser-app address-book-app messaging-app dialer-app ubuntu-calendar-app ubuntu-clock-app ubuntu-filemanager-app ubuntu-terminal-app | xargs -n 1 snap install --edge --devmode17:58
mterrytedg: eh I was thinking just browser, terminal, and filemanager?17:59
mterryor do we want to do a full thing?17:59
tedgmterry: I don't have a strong opinion there.18:01
tedgbfiller: Do you have an idea on which apps should be included?18:01
bfillertedg, I think all of them except for maybe not dialer and messaging which are useless on desktop currently18:02
tedgmterry: ^18:02
bfillerwe're working on Notes app snap so when that's done will be a good candidate too18:03
bfillermterry, tedg : oh yeah musicplayer-app would be good as well, think that is in edge store18:03
bfillermterry, and ubuntu-calculator-app18:05
bfillerI've heard dekko snap is available but haven't tried that either18:06
mterrybfiller: musicplayer-app doesn't seem to be in store18:12
bfillerahayzen, ^^^ thought we uploaded this? can't remeber18:12
ahayzenbfiller, music-app was awaiting media-hub interface18:13
bfillerahayzen, ok18:13
bfillerahayzen, didn't we have it working in devmode?18:14
ahayzenand clarification of the mediascanner / media storage situation ... i got it working with mediascanner running inside my snap, but that probably needs to be higher up18:14
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ahayzenbfiller, hmmm i'd have to check, it might have been working in devmode but without media-hub18:14
ahayzeni seem to remember even in devmode it'd get confused where media-hub-server was to connect to18:15
bfillermterry, is media-hub running in unity8 snap?18:15
mterrybfiller: yes18:16
ahayzenok maybe i just need to try things again, as everything has moved on quite a bit since we last tried :-)18:16
bfillermterry, do we know if it "works", as in all the path issues sorted with it?18:16
mterrybfiller: no sound or video is played...  but it's running18:16
mterrybfiller: we don't believe it itself is problematic. Something with pulseaudio for sound.  Video is just because it doesn't have a non-android video backend18:17
bfillerahayzen, might be worth trying your snap version with mediascanner embedded in it in unity8 snap session to see where it falls short18:18
bfiller(once we can launch snaps again)18:18
ahayzenbfiller, yeah i'll see what i can do :-)18:19
mterrytedg: ok I just dropped terminal & contacts from built-in u8 snap.  Figure we can just use snaps for those.  I know we can't launch them quite yet, but that's coming18:21
jhodappahayzen, were you able to try with my new interface for media-hub?18:22
jhodappahayzen, I still am going through a review/fix cycle with the snapd team to get that landed18:22
ahayzenjhodapp, not yet, i was having trouble building it/the vm to run it in IIRC18:22
jhodappahayzen, yeah I had that too, that's why I ran it locally although I'd ping zyga about why it wasn't working in the VM as using it locally is dangerous if you value the stock snapd database :)18:23
jhodappas I painfully discovered18:23
bfillerjhodapp, have you tried media-hub service in unity8 snap yet, without snapd interface? would be great to get that working18:24
jhodappbfiller, I haven't, I've not tried out the unity8 snap at all myself yet18:25
jhodappbfiller, if someone can give me a rundown of how it's not working (maybe file a bug for media-hub related to it), I can get that scheduled for our backlog18:26
ahayzenjhodapp, once i'm able to launch snaps inside the unity8 snap, i'll see what happens to the existing music-app snap (if it is able to find media-hub etc) and let you know18:31
jhodappahayzen, perfect...thanks18:32
bfillerjhodapp, according to mterry sounds like the issues maybe pulse related not specific to media-hub but it needs to be tested18:47
jhodappbfiller, ok interesting...wouldn't be the first time we've had pulse issues ;)18:48
bfillerjhodapp, and what backend does media-hub use for video on desktop? need to make sure that is working18:48
jhodappbfiller, it doesn't do hardware accelerated video decoding on the desktop yet18:48
jhodappthat's something we'll be starting for research this next sprint for my team18:49
bfillerjhodapp, will mediaplayer-app work in it's current state as it just uses QtMultimedia classes? not sure how that is plumbed into media-hub18:49
bfilleron desktop18:49
jhodappbfiller, if you don't have qtubuntu-media installed, then mediaplayer-app will just use the QtMultimedia backend that directly uses gstreamer18:50
jhodappit won't even touch media-hub18:50
bfillerjhodapp, ok cool18:50
jhodappit'll play video software decoded as well18:50
bfillerrenato__, ^^^ are you seeing this working?18:50
renato__bfiller, this is what I am trying to test right now. I can confirm that is trying to use gst but I can not say that is able to play any video yet18:52
renato__bfiller, it will use gst and gst has some hw decode too. right jhodapp ?18:53
jhodapprenato__, it can, depending on what codecs you have installed and your system hardware, but that's a big if18:53
jhodapprenato__, the new research story that my team will be doing is trying to solve this to make it as reliable as on the phone18:54
jhodappit should just work for all reasonable/reference hardware18:54
renato__jhodapp, would be nice to play more than one video on desktop18:54
jhodapprenato__, indeed, and also not have it kill your battery18:55
renato__jhodapp, unity8 session install these pakcages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23518317/18:55
jhodapprenato__, that looks good18:56
renato__yes I think this is enough. I just need to find a way to open a video on unity8 snap18:56
bfillerrenato__, I'm trying to figure that out for gallery as well. what dirs does it have access to? only under it's own area?18:57
bfilleror xdg?18:57
renato__bfiller, it should have to Pictures (xdg)18:57
bfillerrenato__, so mediaplayer has access to Videos then right? can't you put a video there to test?18:58
renato__bfiller, mp does not scan for video as gallery does.18:58
bfillerrenato__, the dialog should let you pick it18:59
renato__bfiller, the dialog does not appear on a mir session.19:00
bfillerrenato__, how come?19:00
renato__bfiller, it checks if is running on a mir session and intead of file picker it shows the message dialog saying that you need to click on a video19:00
bfillerrenato__, maybe change it to always show the dialog if launched without url19:01
bfillershould be safe19:02
renato__bfiller, ok this I can do do easy19:02
bfillerat least lets test that and see how it works19:02
jhodapprenato__, good luck :)19:05
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bfillerjhodapp, is qtubuntu-media needed at all on desktop for audio? it's currently pulled into unity8 snap and think it's preventing video from playing via gstreamer21:07
jhodappbfiller, it's only needed when you want audio/video to go through media-hub...without it you can still play audio/video, it just won't involve media-hub21:08
bfillerjhodapp, what if we want audio to go through hub but not video?21:09
jhodappbfiller, currently not possible21:09
jhodappthat's because of the way QtMultimedia designed their classes21:10
bfillerjhodapp, whats the benefit of desktop using media-hub for audio?21:14
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jhodappbfiller, coordination of playback sessions and being able to intelligently pause like on the phone as well as (eventually) hardware acceleration of video decoding21:30
jhodappbfiller, also a confined separation between client and codec21:31
mterrytedg: so I want to add some legacy (non-Touch) apps to the snap, like libreoffice or firefox.  Is there a magic hack to get them to launch as xmir apps?22:00

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