
peeps[lappy]is there a way to run a custom command when xfce terminal opens?  before switching to xfce,i would seta custom command in gnome-terminal to "byobu -dR",  so i can only ever have a single terminal window open00:16
peeps[lappy]i don't see any option for that in xfce terminal though00:16
peeps[lappy]hrm, ok ijust realized there is a menu entry for "byobu terminal" already01:16
xubuntu73whey, what file system should I format a USB to prep it for an ISO image using unetbootin?01:18
xubuntu73wto install 16.1001:18
krytarikxubuntu73w: FAT32.01:20
xubuntu73wanother question: how much of xubuntu's default software is proprietary, if I choose to not install the "3rd party add-ons" during the install process, is the OS completely free?01:20
xubuntu73wSo which components are proprietary?01:22
xanguaIf you want a full free Libre OS, check the GNU site recommendations01:23
xubuntu73wOkay, I'll check that out. I do really like the ease of use with xubuntu though. My concern is that if I transition to a fully free OS, then I will run into a lot of compatibility issues01:24
xubuntu73wEspecially with my hardware01:24
krytarikxubuntu73w: "All of the application software installed by default is free software. In addition, we install some hardware drivers that are available only in binary format, but such packages are clearly marked in the restricted component." - https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/licensing01:24
xubuntu73wI don't think I transition to a full free OS until I get a machine with more compatible hardware01:25
peeps[lappy]also many multimedia codecs01:25
xubuntu73wYeah that's true01:25
xubuntu73wMP3 LAME is free though right?01:26
xubuntu73wI'd imagine most issues would be with video codecs01:26
xubuntu99wwhy am I getting an invalid partition table error when booting from USB02:14
xubuntu99wis it because I'm booting in legacy mode?02:14
xubuntu99wI used unetbootin to configure the USB with an ISO image02:15
xubuntu99wIt's formatted in FAT3202:17
krytarikxubuntu99w: Try using some other tool for this then, there are a few listed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:22
krytarik!md5sum | xubuntu99w: Also02:25
ubottuxubuntu99w: Also: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM02:25
xubuntu36dHey guys. Where in xubuntu screensaver for block profile by time?03:53
xubuntu36dкто живой?04:07
chillfanhey, where might I find the public signing key for xubuntu releases?04:12
Unit193chillfan: If you're already on an Ubuntu distro (or Debian with ubuntu-archive-keyring), then in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-keyring-2012-cdimage.gpg  which should be  '8439 38DF 228D 22F7 B374  2BC0 D94A A3F0 EFE2 1092'04:15
chillfanah so I can check with ubuntus04:16
chillfangood to know04:16
chillfanwill take a look thanks :)04:16
chillfanJust checked them, worked OK thanks :)04:34
krytarikxubuntu36d: "Settings Manager → Power Manager → Security" or "Light Locker Settings", depending on what version of Xubuntu you are on.04:44
chillfanI'm not yet, just grabbed 16.10 though04:47
chillfanburnt, verified etc04:48
xubuntu36d<krytarik> Xubuntu 16.0404:48
xubuntu36d<krytarik> Automatically lock the session: When the screensaver is activated ?or deactivated04:50
xubuntu96wWhat's a good size for the root partition on a 500 gig drive?04:50
chillfana root partition? about 5GB04:51
xubuntu96wThat's it?04:51
chillfanit depends on your scheme04:51
chillfanif you want everything on /root ..04:51
chillfanthen it should be much larger04:51
xubuntu96wAll installed software would be going on /04:51
chillfanI'd go for 50-100GB, the rest would go to home and swap04:52
xubuntu96wBased on a 500 gig drive?04:52
chillfanyeah should be plenty for your programs04:52
xubuntu96wOk, yeah I don't download that much, just libre office suite a few browsers, some small audio apps, and a music manager04:53
chillfanI have a split partition scheme, I'm using about 70GB for user data04:55
chillfanerm for system/program data*04:55
xubuntu58wLost connection thanks chillfan04:56
chillfanmy partition scheme uses 70GB, home I have as 100GB04:57
xubuntu58wI don't see the full disk encryption option during the install05:00
xubuntu58wAll I can see is the option to encrypt my home folder05:00
xubuntu58wI read that the full disk encryption option can only be selected during the install process05:01
xubuntu58wSo I don't want to miss it05:01
chillfanhm not sure about that one, maybe these guys can help, I'm newbish to xubuntu too05:02
chillfanyou want to use FDE?05:05
chillfanit's a good choice imo05:05
xubuntu58wYeah I think it's called LUKS or something in the install utility05:06
chillfanyeah LUKS it will be05:06
xubuntu58wBut I don't see it05:06
chillfanin the partition menu?05:07
xubuntu58wI might have missed it05:07
xubuntu58wBut haven't installed yet so I can cancel and open the install utility again05:07
xubuntu58wIf i remembet correctly the option was on the first page titled "preparing to install xubuntu"05:08
xubuntu58wBut I'm back in that screen now and don't see it05:08
xubuntu58wDoes anyone here know if FDE was removed as an install option in 16.10?05:09
xubuntu58wAh I see it now05:10
xubuntu58wWow that was dumb05:10
chillfanhaha yeah05:10
chillfanif it's an option, you might consider to enable the home encryption anyway05:11
chillfansince you only need to logout of your user account to protect your data05:11
chillfanbut good to know fde is there too05:11
xubuntu58wyeah I might do that too05:11
xubuntu58wDo you know what LVM is05:12
chillfancontainers, you encrypt the partition and you format the logical (decrypted) volume05:13
xubuntu58w(Logical volume management) says it allows taking snapshots and makes resizing partitions05:13
xubuntu58wEasier. But can't I do that with gparted?05:13
chillfanwell partitions within the container will be split up unlike regular partitions05:14
chillfanwhich will take the whole disk probably in this case05:14
chillfansplit partition structure is better, so if it wants that I'd say let it so long as /home is big enough05:14
xubuntu58wOk thanks05:15
chillfanand er, check that /   is at least 5GB, in emergencies the root partition needs to be bigger05:16
chillfanI found that out the hard way05:16
xubuntu58wYeah it is haha05:16
chillfanall good then05:17
xubuntu58wGotta go too, have a good one and thanks again for the help05:18
RD-SAO_FanHey does any one know if you can add the volume up/down sound to xubuntu. It's missing in xubuntu besides it being in ubuntu and lubuntu07:33
FireStrikerHi I'm trying to install xubuntu and it complain about not being able to find a backlight controller than started to flash at me like mad. How do i fix this07:40
glitchdFireStriker, what version and what computer?07:49
glitchdwhat model computer and is it a laptop?07:55
glitchdi assume it is because desktops dont use backlights, but i want to make sure07:55
glitchdbefore i investigate07:56
FireStrikerOk let me get the pastebin I made07:56
glitchdalso, how where you trying to install? ie-live cd, usb, ..07:57
FireStrikerLive cd07:57
glitchdhave you ever installed linux before?07:57
glitchdcan you give me the exact error message?07:58
FireStrikerYep Xubuntu on old Toshiba not useing uefi07:58
glitchderror message?07:58
FireStrikerOh btw the laptop is uefi and I'm dual booting with win 8. And uefi can not be turned off07:59
glitchdif you dont want to use pastebin, you can dm me and paste it in there07:59
FireStrikerLet me reboot the laptop to the live cd07:59
glitchdim not an expert on uefi, but ill do my best to help07:59
glitchdis it the same machine your talking to me on now?08:00
FireStrikerIt's not a problem with uefi atm and anyway I'm going to fix that later08:00
FireStrikerNo I'm on my phone08:00
glitchdok cool08:00
FireStrikerIt ends up being easer08:01
FireStrikerI need to be quick or it will piss off08:01
glitchdright on, whatever works for you08:01
glitchdwhat will the pc when try to boot a cd?08:01
FireStrikerBring up grub08:02
FireStrikerDam I lost it lol08:02
FireStrikerThat's a broken link08:02
RD-SAO_FanHey glitchd  do you know how to add the audio up/down sound to xubuntu. The kinda suns that's part of x and ubuntu08:05
glitchdi dont understand what youre asking..08:06
RD-SAO_FanThe pop that happens when you turn the volume up/down on ubuntu08:07
glitchdFireStriker, is it xubuntu your getting the error from?08:07
FireStrikerThe loading of the livecd yes08:07
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, i have no idea08:08
RD-SAO_FanThat's alright08:08
flocculantFireStriker: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/PPC#No_desktop_with_Radeon_video_chips_on_LiveCD08:08
flocculantassuming you have no desktop at all when booting live08:08
FireStrikerJust the splash screen going nuts at me while it fills the screen with words08:10
flocculantso it never reaches the desktop?08:10
flocculantstart the live session - at the human/kbd screen - any key, F6, esc, add that video command to the boot line08:11
flocculantI think that's the order anyway - still waking up08:11
flocculantnope - you shouldn't see grub in live session - if you're seeing grub then you're not talking about live08:11
flocculant2 ticks08:12
FireStrikerI'm useing uefi btw with not choice of not using it as it would boot into uefi before legicy08:13
flocculantChanging the CD Boot Option Configuration Line is what you need to do08:13
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, youre talking about the popup volume notification what you change the volume with hotkeys, right?08:18
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, is notify-osd installed?08:23
RD-SAO_FanLet me check, package manager or something right08:23
glitchdyou can check from terminal08:24
glitchdjust try to install the package and it will tell you if its installed or not08:24
glitchdsudo apt-get install notify-osd08:24
glitchdi think thats the command08:24
flocculantglitchd: no notify-osd here and it works as expected08:25
glitchdflocculant, are you on the same install as him?08:26
RD-SAO_FanI'm 16.0408:26
flocculantnotify-osd is not installed in that08:27
glitchdim on 16.04 and it is installed08:27
RD-SAO_FanJust installed08:27
Wayward_VagabondIs there some bug in thunar causing it to write meta-data to mp3s correctly?08:28
flocculantglitchd: then you installed it - or it was a dependency - it's not on the manifest ;)08:28
glitchdflocculant, so you dont have notify-osd installed but you still get the volume popup?08:28
glitchdare you sure its not installed on your system?08:29
RD-SAO_FanNope didn't work08:29
RD-SAO_FanDo I need to do a whole reboot?08:29
flocculantsettings - notifications - is there an option for applications, is xfce4-volume daemon on?08:29
Wayward_VagabondI can veiw it just the same as ones that came with correct meta-data, but my mp3 player completely disregards what thunar wrote, and keeps acting like the old data (or no data) is still on it08:30
flocculantI'm positive I have it installed - off to work now though08:30
flocculantbah - positive I DON'T have it installed08:30
FireStrikerOh have a good day so what do I do?08:31
glitchdright on flocculant08:31
glitchdFireStriker, im working on it lol08:32
Wayward_VagabondAny idea why thunar isn't writing meta data correctly, and what a good program to fix the data on the files is?08:33
glitchdFireStriker, if you scroll the mouse wheel while hovering the volume icon is there a popup then?08:36
FireStrikerUm I just tried something08:37
FireStrikerIt's uefi08:37
FireStrikerIt doesn't like uefi08:37
FireStrikerTried booting in legicy (livecd) no problem08:37
glitchdi highly doubt missing notificatoin popups are related to uefi status..08:37
glitchdyep thats possible08:38
RD-SAO_FanAre you talking about me glitchd?08:38
RD-SAO_FanI'm having the notification issue08:38
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, lol yea i think so, ive got to many convos going, getting them mixed up08:39
glitchdFireStriker, sry!08:39
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, if you scroll the mouse wheel while hovering the volume icon do you get a popup?08:39
FireStrikerThat's alright08:39
RD-SAO_FanWill try that08:39
RD-SAO_FanNothing let me find my mouse08:40
FireStrikerIt still has the same backlight error but it gets into the live cd unlike uefi08:42
RD-SAO_FanNothing with mouse08:43
glitchdRD-SAO_Fan, but did the volume change at least?08:43
RD-SAO_FanOh the slider or notification08:43
RD-SAO_FanOn the slider it moves but no sound08:44
glitchdtry this, play some music or a video and do the same thing again and see if the actual volume changes with the popup or if it is only changing the popup's level08:46
glitchdsry RD-SAO_Fan but i gotta run08:48
=== SAO-Fan-RD is now known as RainbowDash-SAO_
RainbowDash-SAO_Hi guys I'm back11:08
=== RainbowDash-SAO_ is now known as RD-SAO_FAN
RD-SAO_FANI have a computer which I'm doing an advance install of xubuntu on. It's going on to a 128gb hdd11:10
=== RD-SAO_FAN is now known as RainbowDash-SAOF
=== RainbowDash-SAOF is now known as RainbowDashy
xubuntu72whello everyone, i'm looking for some advise concerning the following issue.15:48
xubuntu72wmy notebook sony vaio has its screen flickering and does not boot, it already had the same problem with win7 but it resolved itself within a few minute. Now with xubuntu the ubuntu logo just flashes every second and the computer just hang on while booting. Do you guys can help me fix this? Thank you so much in advance.15:53
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
peeps[lappy]is it possible to make the resize handle in the corner of the window larger than 1x1 pixel, without changing the appearence (window border size)19:05
krytarikpeeps[lappy]: No.  Also see: http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/20:05
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu18wi am looking for directions on how to create a bootable usb drive21:10
xubuntu18wi already downloaded kubunutu21:10
xubuntu18wKubuntu rather21:11
knomewondering how you ended up on the xubuntu channel...21:11
xubuntu18wdoes it matter21:12
knomenot really, just wondering how that happened.21:13
xubuntu18wis there a Kubuntu channel for help21:13
xubuntu18wi just went to support21:13
knomeindeed, #kubuntu21:13
knomeagain, if you downloaded kubuntu, how did you end up to xubuntu support21:13
knomeanyway, what's the system you are creating the bootable USB in?21:13
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu61ii'm newbie on linux and i need help with my sound card23:32
knomeso what's the question?23:32
xubuntu61ii have a M7-K111DX notebook.... but i cant use integrated subwoofer...   of mi notebook23:33
xubuntu61ijust sound stereo speakers23:34
xubuntu61ithe speakers are beats audio23:34
knomehave you tried changing the profile in the volume control?23:35
xubuntu61iy dont know what i must choice...  i just try?23:37
knomejust see what sounds right... or just try23:38
knomethe options are different per sound card23:38
xubuntu61iok.. thanks i will try.23:38

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