
fkjasjfhow do I change the time on lubuntu?00:19
fkjasjfthe time is wrong and I just couldn't find the way to change it00:20
wxlfkjasjf: sudo date -s "date/time string"00:20
wxlfkjasjf: although you might check if your firewall is blocking NTP. that'll usually resolve everything.00:21
wxlfkjasjf: potentially, too, it's some conflict with your BIOS. might want to replace the battery.00:21
fkjasjfit's not about the bios... the government stopped the summer time thing00:22
fkjasjfyou know00:22
fkjasjfnow all the machines change your time without your consent00:22
wxlnope, i don't.00:22
fkjasjfyou wouldn't00:22
* teward sighs00:23
tewardwxl: the lubuntu iso is busted again.  at least, for my VMs.  >.>00:23
fkjasjfwell, now it's 2.23 and I wanna make it 3.2300:23
wxlteward: more details would be helpful :)00:23
fkjasjfhow should be the command then?00:23
wxlfkjasjf: sudo date -s "3:23pm"00:23
tewardwxl: well.  i'd give them.  if it hadn't hard-crashed my laptop.00:23
fkjasjfam though. but thank you00:23
teward(it broke VMware, which broke the kernel)00:24
tewardi'll have to see if I can reproduce00:24
wxlfkjasjf: then you could remove the pm. am is assumed otherwise00:24
teward(with logs preferably lol)00:24
wxlteward: is this the latest zesty?00:24
tewardwxl: no.00:24
tewardmaybe it's a VMware bug00:24
wxlteward: this is a released version?00:24
tewardmhm, 16.0400:25
wxlfkjasjf: also if you don't want your time automatically set, you could get rid of ntp00:25
tewardi wonder if it's VMware, the system kernel here got updated (VMware Workstation)00:25
fkjasjfwxl: how do I get rid of ntp?00:25
wxlfkjasjf: https://askubuntu.com/questions/29663/how-do-i-disable-ntpd#2966900:26
wxlfkjasjf: here's a little more info https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html00:27
fkjasjfthank you00:27
wxlteward: let me know what you discover when you discover it :)00:30
fkjasjfI installed skype00:46
fkjasjfconversation window is too high and I cannot see the title bar of it00:46
fkjasjfso I cannot change the location of the window...00:47
wxlhold down alt00:47
wxlclick and drag the window00:47
wxlanywhere on the window00:47
fkjasjfoh that's perfect00:47
wxlthe magic of linux :)00:47
fkjasjfis there a command to reset all the font settings? I guess I kinda messed up fonts00:52
wxlnot that i'm aware of00:52
wxlespecially given font settings come in many different forms00:53
carlyhey guys07:20
carlygot a question07:20
hateballAnd you kept it all to yourself, it would seem07:22
Unit193hateball: Nah, just your ESP is horrible.07:23
jack45can lubuntu run on 2.66 GHz processor with 1 GB of RAM?09:01
=== dldurk_ is now known as dldurk
ssarahAfter a few hours on, my mouse movement becomes laggy and sluggy.20:15
ssarahAny idea why?20:15
ssarahBoth memory and cpu usage are not high.20:15

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