
duflurobert_ancell (or anyone): This new package 'googletest' just appear in archive and it makes all our builds break. Please remove it :)  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/googletest/+bug/164406202:22
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1644062 in googletest (Ubuntu) "googletest 1.8.0-2 (on zesty) breaks existing builds [add_library cannot create target "gmock" ...]" [Critical,Confirmed]02:22
robert_ancellduflu, don't know what that is02:22
dufluYeah it's new, as of last night. Overrides other packages02:23
dufluCrap. It's inherited from Debian. Created by a non-launchpad user.02:24
dufluMorning hikiko06:36
hikikohi duflu :)06:36
hikikohow are you?06:36
dufluhikiko: Good, you?06:37
hikikogood too06:38
pittiGood morning07:30
robert_ancellpitti, hey, do you know anything I can do to get snapd-glib into xenial faster?07:31
pittirobert_ancell: as soon as someone actually tests it07:32
pittibug 1635270, right?07:32
ubot5`bug 1635270 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu Yakkety) "libsnapd-glib is not useful without snapd-login-service " [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163527007:32
robert_ancellpitti, no, I'll fing the bug..07:33
robert_ancellpitti, I think it was bug 162015907:35
ubot5`bug 1620159 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu) "[MIR] snapd-glib" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162015907:35
robert_ancellThe issue was I couldn't open a bug against the xenial snapd-glib package because it doesn't yet exist..07:35
pittirobert_ancell: oh right, sorry, that was y07:36
robert_ancellactually, it was bug 1616943 according to the changelog07:36
ubot5`bug 1616943 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't auth against U1 in g-s" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161694307:36
pittirobert_ancell: sure you can; snapd-glib does exist, you can add a xenial task07:36
robert_ancellBut yeah, both bugs are pretty closely related07:36
pitti(exists in Launchpad's "ubuntu" BRAIN)07:36
pittiergh @ shift key07:36
robert_ancellIt wouldn't let me at the time...07:37
robert_ancellpitti, tried now, xenial is not a checkbox on the "nominate series" page07:37
pittirobert_ancell: right, because that bug already has a xenial task07:41
pittirobert_ancell: I figure someone added xenial tasks and then deleted them from the snapd-glib package07:41
pittirobert_ancell: you can delete the x task from gnome-software as well, and then add them both back07:41
robert_ancellpitti, bingo, worked!07:42
robert_ancellpitti, so yeah, I just need snapd-glib to exist in xenial, so I can upload the g-s that will make use of it.07:43
pittirobert_ancell: thanks for the lightdm review; just typing a reply07:43
robert_ancellpitti, np, sorry for the delay getting back to you07:43
pittirobert_ancell: ack, then that bug seems appropriate for the SRU as it explains the background07:43
pittirobert_ancell: replied; I'm not entirely convinced that we should bother with TERM and wait for the session, but we can discuss that in the MP; I'll restore the patch for the time being07:44
pittirobert_ancell: and then, just upload a snapd-glib backport to xenial-proposed07:45
robert_ancellpitti, 1.2-0ubuntu1.1~xenial should exist in xenial-proposed, but I can't see it on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd-glib07:45
pittirobert_ancell: it's in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=07:46
robert_ancellpitti, right, so who can let it out of the queue?07:48
pittirobert_ancell: any SRU team member; I'm currently restoring the lightdm patch, then I can do an SRU round07:53
robert_ancellpitti, awesome, thanks.07:53
pittirobert_ancell: in the meantime, you can upload the corresponding gnome-software SRU?07:55
robert_ancellpitti, sure07:55
pittirobert_ancell: lightdm uploaded and committed to bzr this time (as d/patch/ again)08:12
robert_ancellpitti, ack08:12
pittisnapd-glib accepted08:17
robert_ancellpitti, uploaded, bye!08:47
pittirobert_ancell: good night!08:47
pittihey willcooke!09:00
willcookehey Laney pitti09:08
pittihey Laney, good morning09:08
davmor2Morning all09:10
willcookehey davmor209:10
seb128good morning desktopers09:11
seb128hey pitti willcooke Laney09:11
Laneyhey willcooke, ahoy pitti, aloha davmor2, g'day seb12809:11
davmor2morning willcooke Laney and seb12809:11
pittibonjour seb128 !09:11
seb128hey davmor209:11
LaneyI can see...09:11
Laneyblue sky09:11
Laneyand it's not raining!09:11
pittiLaney: turn off the video on that monitor09:12
pittiand look at the window instead :)09:12
didrockshey desktop gang! :-)09:12
willcookeLaney, pics or it didnt happen09:12
didrocksroh #troll09:12
willcookeI can confirm09:12
Laneythere we go, that is science09:12
davmor2seb128, Laney: have you guys noticed no network icon if you have no connection I'm going to have a play about to double check it either friday or when I go home09:12
Laneywhat release?09:13
davmor2Laney: zesty of course09:14
seb128that was reported on launchpad so it's not only you09:15
flexiondotorgGood morning Laney davmor2 willcooke pitti seb128 hikiko09:15
seb128do you have the lightdm update that pitti did yesterday?09:15
seb128hey flexiondotorg09:15
davmor2morning flexiondotorg09:15
davmor2seb128: just upgraded now I'll have a look see09:16
hikikogood morning all09:16
* hikiko highlights everyone's nickname 09:16
hikikohow are you?09:16
seb128hey hikiko09:17
willcookeTrevinho, ping for when you're about09:19
* willcooke moves to query 09:19
seb128willcooke, you said too much, need to give us the meat now09:19
willcookejust wanting to fact check a couple of things09:20
willcookefor U709:20
didrocksit sounds like politics!09:21
Laneystrivers and skivers09:22
* Laney could be a politician09:22
davmor2seb128: looks like it lightdm:amd64 (1.20.0-0ubuntu2, 1.20.0-0ubuntu3)09:24
seb128did you reboot since?09:24
davmor2seb128: not yet but then I also have a connection let me reboot and log into guest09:25
hikikodesktop irrelevant question: I'm trying to backup a whole partition with rsync because I want to delete it and install ubuntu afterwards but it takes ages, I am doing this since yesterday, do you know any faster tool?09:35
davmor2seb128: okay so now it shows but about a minute after everything else is displayed09:36
hikikoit's about 300GB09:36
seb128davmor2, that's the bug reported on launchpad09:38
popeyhikiko: clonezilla09:38
seb128which also claims that polkit doesn't work for a minute after login09:38
seb128likely another systemd user session regression09:38
seb128unsure if that's the same as pitti was working on though09:38
seb128or a different issue09:38
hikikothanks popey !09:39
pittihappyaron: Replace-Ad-Hoc-WPA-None-support-with-IBSS-RSN-PSK.patch, Revert-wifi-disable-Ad-Hoc-WPA-connections-lp-905748.patch, and wifi-Signal-on-the-wifi-device-when-its-supplicant-i.patch still exist in NM's debian/patches/ but not in series any more; can these actually be dropped?09:39
pittiseb128, davmor2: haven't followed the entire conversation, but you can disable the systemd user session in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/00upstart -- comment out/disable the "if" block that adds /usr/share/upstart/systemd-session to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS09:41
pittidoing that is useful -- many of these bugs come from the switch to dbus-user-session, but some are certainly also bugs in the systemd units09:42
willcookepitti, happyaron is off sick atm - probably back next week09:42
seb128pitti, davmor2 is reporting that nm-applet is taking a minute to load after login on zesty (and we had a report mentioning that polkit has the same issue)09:42
pittiwillcooke: ah, thanks09:42
pittiseb128: hm, I haven't see that one yet; most likely not related to the lightdm fix09:42
davmor2pitti: okay cool09:47
desrtdoes anyone know how to make valgrind treat individual "possibly lost" cases as reachable?10:21
desrtie: i know some locations where some fishy pointer math is going on... i don't want to suppress them entirely... i just want valgrind to know that, indeed, they are reachable via mangled pointers (if valgrind finds any such pointers)10:22
desrtand otherwise, they are, indeed, lost10:22
* seb128 doesn't know10:23
willcookeoh, Autumn Statement is on and I missed the start10:38
willcookeno it's not.  The BBC is confusing me10:41
seb128is that the budget discussion La_ney was mentioning earlier?10:41
desrtMemCheck:Leak \n match-leak-kinds:possible10:45
desrtthis gets pretty close to doing the right thing...10:45
willcookeseb128, yeah10:50
Laneywillcooke: 12:3010:52
Laneydo you feel like you're Just About Managing?10:52
* Laney hides behind hands10:52
willcookesounds about right10:52
* Laney enjoys an organic kale and quinoa smoothie10:53
* Laney the metropolitan liberal elite10:53
* willcooke shakes his Guardian 10:53
LaneyI actually have one of those ...10:54
ricotzhey desktopers11:05
ricotzlooks like python2.7 2.7.12-7 breaks bzr11:06
seb128hey ricotz, that might be a topic better placed on #ubuntu-devel for doko and/or barry11:10
ricotzseb128, hi, I see, right11:12
davmor2Laney: we are all jammin....jammin.....jammin....with the money we got11:15
* Laney dist-upgrades from x to z without going through y11:44
jcastrohey everyone, the Valve guys are updating their package to support PS4 controllers and are adding new udev rules, I've filed the changes here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/steam/+bug/164419611:45
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1644196 in steam (Ubuntu) "Update udev rules to the latest upstream set" [Undecided,New]11:45
jcastroif someone has time to update these it would be lovely.11:46
willcookeShould probably mark that against udev as well as Steam11:50
willcookeat least I think so,11:50
seb128that's not in systemd nowadays?11:52
tjaaltonwhat draws the background of unity greeter?13:27
tjaaltonnautilus it seems13:30
tjaaltondowngrading that makes lightdm slightly happier here13:30
tjaaltonwhile it still thinks the canvas is much bigger than my screen13:30
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
tjaalton[+2,91s] DEBUG: main-window.vala:187: Screen is 1600x900 pixels13:35
tjaalton[+2,91s] DEBUG: main-window.vala:195: Monitor 0 is 3200x1800 pixels at 0,013:35
tjaaltonbefore it was 1600x900 for both, after scaling13:35
tjaaltonin yakkety that is13:35
LaneyBefore what?13:37
LaneyNautilus isn't used there13:37
seb128tjaalton, hum, I don't think nautilus is being used in the greeter no, that wouldn't make much sense13:37
tjaaltonupgrading to zesty13:38
tjaaltonwell downgrading nautilus at least helped13:38
tjaaltondowngrading lightdm did not13:38
seb128how helped?13:38
seb128did you drowngrade gtk as well?13:39
seb128or gnome-desktop?13:39
tjaaltonI only had a square "box" of the greeter visible on top left corner13:39
seb128could be a coincidence13:39
tjaaltonnow I have the whole screen but the greeter is still "huge"13:40
tjaaltonbecause it thinks the screen is bigger13:40
seb128xorg/driver issue?13:40
seb128or gtk/gnome-desktop one?13:40
tjaaltonnothing changed there13:40
tjaaltonI'm open for suggestions13:41
tjaaltonwhat to downgrade13:41
seb128I would try downgrading gtk13:41
tjaaltonnow it's removing half of the system, damn13:42
seb128you might need to have a yakkety source and /yakkety things that depends on the new gtk13:43
tjaaltonI have yakkety added back to sources13:43
tjaaltonyep, I have lightdm back as before13:48
tjaaltonapt install libgtk-3-0=3.20.9-1ubuntu2 gir1.2-gtk-3.0=3.20.9-1ubuntu2 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0=1.8.0-1 gir1.2-totem-1.0=3.22.0-0ubuntu1 libtotem0=3.22.0-0ubuntu1 libgail-3-0=3.20.9-1ubuntu2 libgtkmm-3.0-1v5=3.20.1-113:48
tjaaltonit stil removed totem and something13:48
tjaaltonshould unity8 run as guest?13:51
tjaaltonprobably not, complains about some permissions13:55
tjaaltonfiled bug 164424014:09
ubot5`bug 1644240 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "lightdm greeter not shown properly on zesty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164424014:09
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
davmor2seb128, Laney, willcooke: are there any automated test for installing snap packages through software center?15:10
willcookedavmor2, just talked to j_ibel about that briefly.  Don't think so, but if you want to start a thread with Robert Ancell please cc me in15:11
davmor2willcooke: awesome thanks15:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128don't think so either15:15
seb128tjaalton, the gtk guess was right then ;-)15:16
ricotztjaalton, gtk 3.22.x?15:20
ricotz3.22.4-1ubuntu1 includes some hidpi scale-factor fixes15:21
tjaaltonricotz: I had 3.22.2-0ubuntu115:21
ricotztjaalton, I guess 3.22.4 will fix the issue you had15:22
tjaaltonany idea why unity-greeter doesn't list gnome available on the session list?15:23
tjaaltonupgrade probably broke/removed something15:23
ricotzgnome-session is installed?15:25
ricotztjaalton, with "gnome" you mean gnome-shell?15:27
tjaaltonah, it's not installed..15:28
tjaaltonoh right, gtk downgrade removed it hehe15:28
ricotzbetter pick 3.22.4 from proposed15:29
tjaaltonI'll just try again tomorrow15:29
Laneywould be good to know if it works for you15:30
LaneyFAIL: test_pep8_clean (test_pep8.TestPep8Clean)15:31
* Laney stabs pep8 in testsuites15:31
Trevinhodidrocks: there are various repeated parts in https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml, I was wondering...Couldn't those be replicated using the - after: instead?16:17
didrocksTrevinho: no, the parser doesn't have support otherwise for this16:24
didrocksTrevinho: the repetition will be removed once we say we don't support / anymore in parts name16:24
didrocksbut it needs proper announcement and such16:25
Trevinhodidrocks: sure...16:25
didrocksTrevinho: the whole repetition is due to this namespace change transition…16:25
Trevinhoyeah, I know... I was just wondering if there was a way to avoid it, but it seems not16:25
didrocksTrevinho: maybe you are right with after: but I won't test it (the server-side parser is quite hard to grasp)16:30
didrocksso I will just duplicate and want for it to die in a couple of months16:30
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah... Unfortunately it's not that easy to test remote parts... It would be nice to have a way to mock it16:30
* Trevinho looks reviewers for https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/libappindicator/incons-paths-on-snap/+merge/31142416:34
Laneyisle of man parliament T _ N _ A _ D16:53
davmor2Laney: 16.04.1 daily iso should it have snapd on by default?16:57
Laneydavmor2: There's a compmonent mismatch (xdelta) so its not installable17:01
davmor2Laney: ah cool thanks for a minute I thought https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od6hY_50Dh017:03
Laneythis better be the x-files theme17:03
Laneyclose enough17:03
ximionLaney: the only missing bit for asgen is the "update data from old suites" feature, right?17:05
Laneyhey ximion17:05
Laneymissing how?17:05
Laneyximion: oh you mean feature requests?17:06
Laneythat and PPAs17:06
ximionokay, PPAs weren's supported by dep11gen as well and are a lot more work17:07
Laneyupdating wasn't either17:07
Laneywas it?17:07
ximionupdating will need changes in AppStream itself too17:07
ximionI haven't finalized a plan for it, but I have an idea17:08
ximionI need to chat with the APT guys first to see if they have a better one17:08
Laneyyou mean because of the origin?17:08
ximionyes, although the origin field isn't much of a problem, the duplicate IDs however are an issue17:09
LaneyI thought dataPriority would sort that out17:09
Laneyor Priority or whatever it's called in the spec17:09
ximionI am drowning in work at time, so I am currently sifting through tasks and priorizing them17:09
Laneyif you write down your idea on the bug then I would be happy to help implementing17:10
Laneydrowning in real work is probably good ;-)17:10
ximionDataPriority is super inefficient, since we read & parse & download everything and then throw everything away. We also can not delete any component that way17:10
Laneyafter ximion's world tour of 201617:10
ximionzlatan being away and me having his managing work too doesn't exactly help ^^17:11
LaneyI see, you might want something in the header to completely disable another file17:11
ximionalso, lab is crazy busy, I am never home before 6 p.m.17:11
ximionLaney: that, *or* have the APT glue code ignore a file based on its filename, *or* have APT do that for me17:12
ximionthe latter would prevent us from downloading needless data, which would be pretty nice17:12
Laneyyou probably want an *and* there17:13
LaneyI think that the Endless dudes are doing something about shipping appstream post release too17:14
Laneysort of following what they were saying in #gnome-software aanyway17:14
ximionso we have logic like "if "origin-sru" file is present, do not process "origin" file"17:14
ximionLaney: but endless has a very different system of shipping software...17:14
Laneyostree-core thing17:14
Laneybut the problem seems similar17:15
ximionnormally, the data shipped at the time of build should be final17:15
ximionthe only time you want to update it is if there were asgen changes and you need them in the stable suite17:16
Laneymight want to override the description, icon, ship more translations17:16
ximionwhich should be a less and less important case, nevertheless we have this problem now17:16
Laneyprobaby the last one is the one they care about17:16
Laneyworth chatting imho17:17
ximionsince upstream is doing the l10n stuff in AppStream, this isn't really in its design - since you can't update the l10n data without also updating the app itself17:17
ximionit's pretty much a clash of the "upstream" vs the "distro" deploy model17:18
ximionhmm, I think at Debian l10n data is frozen together with everything else on release17:18
ximionso the whole archive - including l10n - becomes immutable17:19
ximionbut I never really looked at that very closely (but since l10n works the same way AppStream does in Debian, they will have the same problems)17:20
Laneyximion: I think for distros (at least for us) it's an asgen bugs (or -dep11 -> asgen) use case17:22
Laneyor if we're being ambitious maybe enabling other types17:22
LaneyI'm saying that this other case might be useful to think about as apart of the same problem17:23
Laneyhttps://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/tree/src/plugins/gs-plugin-external-appstream.c <- that thing I think17:23
Laneynot sure how it works17:23
Laneythisssss wifi17:35
* Laney should pay for tethering17:35
seb128it's ridiculous that providers block that/make it a paying option17:39
xnoxwhat's blocked?17:40
LaneyMy phone does something to tell them that I'm tethering17:40
xnoxthey count the hops on the packets.17:41
xnoxwithout your phone telling them.17:41
Laneyit works if I change phones17:41
xnoxyou can root your phone and run transparent proxy on it, i think to bypass.17:41
ximion1Laney: yeah, I asked richard about the polkit policy for installing AppStream data, because I found it to be really weird, and he said that it was something exclusively for endless17:41
LaneyI think it must add another interface or something17:41
xnoxLaney, don't you love the closed-source software defined radio stack in the phones modems?! =)17:41
Laneyximion1: seems weird17:42
Laney*but* you might care about the appstream side of it in this context17:42
Laneybecause I'm not sure what g-s is doing with these random AppStream files17:43
ximion1Laney: me neither... GS is sometimes using AS in weird ways, because hughsie was/is in some "make everyone happy as soon as possible" mode :P - so at least in the past, some weirdness and workarounds were added17:45
Laneyximion1: that's why I'm trying to hint you over there :P17:46
ximion1e.g. GS is way less sensitive about metadata collisions and just does a relatively complex merge to show as much data as possible17:46
ximion1(I am not super-happy about that, since it makes finding out where data came from harder)17:46
ximion1yes, the main "problem" is that people use AS in a lot of different ways, and especially for problems it was not designed to solve (e.g. a replacement for *all* package metadata)17:47
ximion1I need to write more mails, more blog posts (there is still one pending on the last release...)17:48
ximion1but time...17:48
Laneyright, back in a bit17:52
seb128k, calling it a day here17:53
seb128have a nice evening desktopers!17:53
seb128see you tomorrow17:53
willcookecya seb12817:53
seb128bye willcooke17:53
willcookenight all18:16
tjaaltonLaney, ricotz: looks like newer gtk fixed my bug18:23
ricotztjaalton, go go mesa 1318:24
tjaaltontook two hours to upload..18:24
tjaaltonnetwork was ba-a-a-a-d18:25
Laneytjaalton: good, so let's fix tests to get it to migrate ;-)20:41
Laney(will look tomorrow)20:41
Laneyximion1: btw, asgen is deployed20:57
ximion1Laney: wohoo! Amazing!21:05
ximion1the front-page sorting is weird, maybe I should use a sorted list as input there instead of the raw dict keys :P21:06
ximion1heh, xenial even has the old html pages, nice!21:07
ximion1Laney: at some point in the near future, I want to switch the .desktop file reading code to use the libas routines instead of its own implementation. I also want to make the archive-handling code refcounted instead of GC managed21:11
ximion1both changes are big and have a high regression potential - the first one might make your langpack stuff harder, but I'll need to look into that - it could also just require very minor adjustments21:12

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