
rthorntonquestion about installing HP Laserjet 1536dnf software01:36
rthorntonit seems to need many dependencies - should I go ahead like adding dbus support or not?01:36
schultzaTrying to get the nice menu from Linux Mint into Ubuntu Mate, is there still an ability for that or do I need to move to Linux Mint for this?09:37
masnell@rthornton: I run a similar model, shld be no problem with the dependencies09:43
=== georgios is now known as Guest67579
Guest67579Where is 'About this Computer' on MATE?10:20
Guest67579I have found it. It is in 'System Monitor' in tab 'System'.10:22
rthornton@masnell if one installs this software on Uuntu 16.04, then it will have similar scanning functions of the windows versions?  I have two Win. 7 VM's which work fine with the windows versions and I can scan from my Ubuntu system via the Win. 7 VM, but it would be nice to have same  functionality directly with the Linux Host.14:18
masnell@rthornton: Yes,  scanning is part of the install (uses SANE), and probably part of the dependencies you are seeing listed for installation14:36
rthorntonI installed the Sane software from the ubuntu software center but it fails to work.  I sees the printer, but I think it wants the printer to be physically connected?  I am using it as a network printer.14:46
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masnell@rthornton: you may need to run 'hp-plugin-ubuntu' in a terminal to get the proprietary components installed15:14
masnellIt will install the HP plugin.15:15
masnellI use my HP MFP over the network without issue. Sometimes I need to reinstall the plugin because of the scenario you describe (tho 16.04.1 seems to date to be more stable)15:18
rthorntongot it working now!17:37
rthorntonso I can scan from any device in my house17:38
DerRaidenhey folks18:50
ouroumov_hi DerRaiden18:53
DerRaidenhi ouroumov_18:58
=== DerRaiden is now known as DerRaiden|lunch
nightraidHi everyone is Ubuntu Mate 16.04 stable and have Nvidia Driver available GForce 1070 series?20:07
nightraidi'm running in virtualbox right now so I would like to ask anyone who used this version if there is no problem for nvidia drivers GForce 1070 series20:09
nightraidI appreciate any reply20:10
nebula_u there?21:55
nebula_sudo -i21:55

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