ubottu | ducasse called the ops in #ubuntu (SaggyClit) | 10:38 |
ubottu | lotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (NixkorN spreading FUD) | 17:23 |
Unit193 | ahoneybun: You don't need to use a factoid, can just tell him. | 21:37 |
ikonia | hello SporkWitch | 22:59 |
SporkWitch | o/ | 23:01 |
ikonia | can we help you with something ? | 23:04 |
SporkWitch | not really, i seem to be doing just fine at helping kubuntu users, despite the efforts of some bored, easily offended, hypocritical children | 23:04 |
valorie | ? | 23:04 |
valorie | your labels are not helpful, SporkWitch | 23:05 |
ikonia | SporkWitch: ? | 23:05 |
SporkWitch | or was i not moved here by one of them? if i'm here because of a redirect one of them set and my bouncer automatically reconnecting, i apologize for that. I did not manually join this channel. | 23:05 |
ikonia | so it looks like (I"ve just glanced in) your banned from kubuntu | 23:05 |
ikonia | and you're currently ban evading as sporkwitch2 | 23:06 |
ikonia | want to give me an idea of what's going on ? | 23:06 |
SporkWitch | the logs rather speak for themselves; one of the children had their fee-fees hurt by a single "fuck" not directed at anyone, while in the course of helping the only person in the channel with an actual issue. They then wasted a significant portion of time contributing nothing, poorly citing rules that weren't present, and having fun with vague redefinitions and selective interpretations. | 23:07 |
SporkWitch | in the meantime, i continued to help the person who was having trouble, and will continue to do so, despite the efforts of the aforementioned bored, easily offended, hypocritical children. | 23:07 |
SporkWitch | in point of fact, sintre is the only person in that channel in the past hour who has had any topical questions, and i'm the only one in the past hour that has had anything productive to contribute in the channel. | 23:08 |
ikonia | ok - so I've not read any logs | 23:08 |
ikonia | I'm just asking you to find out what's going on and hopefully resolve it | 23:08 |
SporkWitch | though again, i have to ask, was i moved in here, or did my bouncer try to auto-rejoin and one of the ops set a redirect? | 23:09 |
ikonia | as it's not going to end well if you continue to ban evade | 23:09 |
ikonia | I don't know - I've not checked your ban yet, hence why I was asking what was going on | 23:09 |
ikonia | always better to hear what happened and try to understand than just go off a log I've not read or a channel I've just glanced in on | 23:09 |
SporkWitch | you've no idea how much i wish that were true; the freenode ops don't care, and haven't in nearly a decade; there's a reason i'm +g, i got sick of a very dedicated ACTUAL troll spamming me with gore | 23:10 |
ikonia | I'm not a freenode op | 23:10 |
SporkWitch | had i not ban evaded, then you'd have gone from one person actually contributing to the channel in the past hour, to zero, and sintre wouldn't have resolved his issue | 23:10 |
SporkWitch | i don't recall saying or implying you were. | 23:10 |
ikonia | sorry - helping someone is not an excuse to evade | 23:10 |
SporkWitch | never said it was an excuse, merely stating facts. | 23:11 |
ikonia | but that said, I'm sure this is something that can be sorted out easily | 23:11 |
SporkWitch | yeah, tell the kids to grow up, rather than making mountains from molehills | 23:11 |
ikonia | ok - enough now | 23:11 |
ikonia | I'm trying to be polite and understand clearly | 23:11 |
ikonia | if you cant engage with me with out trying to call people names or be petty about something, I'm not going to continue to engage with you | 23:12 |
ikonia | I'd like to try to resolve this and have you using the channel with the teams blessing | 23:12 |
valorie | amen to that | 23:12 |
ikonia | I'm just trying to find the ban to link that into what you've just said | 23:13 |
* SporkWitch shrugs | 23:13 | |
SporkWitch | you do you | 23:13 |
ikonia | ? | 23:14 |
ikonia | what does that mean | 23:14 |
SporkWitch | it means do what you like; i didn't deliberately join this channel, i've asked if someone pulled me in here or if my bouncer autojoined me in, but haven't gotten an answer. I don't really care to defend myself, because other than evading frivolous bans by some easily offended hypocrites (learn the difference between fact and name calling), i've done nothing wrong, and the only disruptions to the | 23:16 |
SporkWitch | channel have been by people not me. | 23:16 |
SporkWitch | so i'm gonna go back to helping people, rather than wasting my time. You do you. | 23:17 |
valorie | SporkWitch: you are focusing on the op, and not on the swear words that got you here | 23:17 |
valorie | btw I was not that op | 23:17 |
ikonia | ok - lets leave it there then | 23:17 |
ikonia | please leave #kubuntu | 23:17 |
valorie | I'm very disappointed by this behavior | 23:18 |
ikonia | you're welcome to join #ubuntu-ops when you can engage with people in this channel #ubuntu-ops without the attitude and sarcasm | 23:18 |
ikonia | in the mean time please remove your other clients in #kubuntu | 23:18 |
valorie | you've been helpful; choosing to mix that with swearing is .... | 23:18 |
valorie | just disappointing | 23:18 |
ikonia | the swearing is nothing, everyone slips up | 23:18 |
ikonia | but I'm not bothered with trying to "waste someones time" as it's being put | 23:19 |
SporkWitch | valorie: i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you weren't present and didn't read the logs lol | 23:19 |
ikonia | so lets leave it there | 23:19 |
valorie | I was in the channel, I don't need to read the logs | 23:20 |
SporkWitch | valorie: it was literally some easily offended child freaking out over the phrase "i don't want to fuck up"; then going on to play childish games like "f*ck" in stead of "fuck" while talking about it, as if anyone on the face of the planet wouldn't know what was meant, and generally demonstrating their childishness and need to go to a tumblr safe space. I wasn't name-calling, everything stated | 23:20 |
valorie | I have my own backlog | 23:20 |
SporkWitch | has been accurately descriptive. | 23:20 |
valorie | no | 23:20 |
valorie | that is wrong; ahoneybun is not a child, nor is he easily offended | 23:21 |
SporkWitch | and had nothing to been said, we wouldn't still be going on about it | 23:21 |
valorie | sigh | 23:21 |
SporkWitch | instead a mountain was made from a molehill | 23:21 |
SporkWitch | and the evidence speaks to the contrary | 23:21 |
ikonia | which you made | 23:21 |
ikonia | yo ucould have just said "sure, no problem" | 23:21 |
ikonia | or "oops, sorry, no problem" | 23:21 |
ikonia | but you wanted to make smart comments as you are doing now | 23:22 |
valorie | indeed | 23:22 |
SporkWitch | the most telling being the laughable "censoring" of the form "f*ck" when talking about it | 23:22 |
ikonia | and as such, the discussion is over | 23:22 |
SporkWitch | yup, because it's absurd | 23:22 |
SporkWitch | can i say buggered? | 23:22 |
SporkWitch | whta about fanny? | 23:22 |
ikonia | SporkWitch: have a think about if/when you want to rejoin the #kubuntu channel | 23:22 |
wxl | SporkWitch: have you read the IRC guidelines? | 23:22 |
ikonia | and rejoin this channel when you want to talk about it | 23:22 |
ikonia | he read them and tried to pick holes in them | 23:22 |
wxl | SporkWitch: cuz you do assert to adhere by them when you join an Ubuntu channel | 23:22 |
ikonia | I'm not entertaining this | 23:22 |
ikonia | I've tried to be polite and helpful and just had nothing but sarcasm and smart responses | 23:23 |
valorie | thanks for your help, ikonia | 23:23 |
* wxl sighs | 23:23 | |
genii | Geez. I missed all the kafuffle. | 23:25 |
ikonia | it really didn't have to be anything other than a 2 minute thing | 23:25 |
ikonia | I'm dissapointed it wasn't | 23:25 |
genii | Yeah, they are one of those users which go on diatribes | 23:25 |
Jordan_U | Some people like making mountains out of mole hills... :) | 23:27 |
elky | he's back again | 23:29 |
ikonia | he's trying to cause a problem then, rather than "help" as he says | 23:30 |
elky | he was indeed trying to help, but as usual helping isn't an excuse for disrespecting rules or people's requests. | 23:32 |
ikonia | he's not now though | 23:33 |
elky | now yes. however before, he was trying to help. you're not going to get anywhere by telling him that his intention earlier was disruption instead of assistance. | 23:34 |
elky | that is like a guaranteed way of getting pushback | 23:35 |
elky | just a thing to keep in mind | 23:35 |
ikonia | I'm far from saying that, and hopefully explained that earlier | 23:35 |
Unit193 | ikonia, valorie: Yes thanks for handling it, figured it'd be good to get the same answer from several people. He's banforwarded here, so his client did auto-rejoin. (It's thanksgiving for me this evening.) | 23:36 |
ikonia | go and enjoy some food then | 23:37 |
ikonia | and hes tried again | 23:37 |
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