[07:48] good day folks [08:29] elacheche, nzoueidi o/ [08:33] ichihi, good day! [08:33] praisethemoon, Salam. Good morning. [08:33] ichihi, how are you today? [08:33] praisethemoon, الحمد لله. [08:34] good to hear that :) [08:34] ichihi, you're a sys admin, right? [08:34] praisethemoon, not anymore, I used to be 15 years ago :) [08:35] Wow :D [08:35] So what do you do now? [08:35] praisethemoon, I manager Red Hat support services for strategic customers in SEMEA. [08:37] Southern Europe Middle East and Africa? How is the business going with that region? [08:38] hello praisethemoon ichihi elacheche [08:39] praisethemoon, it's growing at an impressive rate :) [08:39] nzoueidi, Good morning Naeil [08:39] ichihi, wow that's good news :D [08:39] how are you folks :D [08:40] I'm good nzoueidi, wbu? [08:40] fine as usual :) [08:40] ichihi, who's are your rivals in that regions? [08:42] praisethemoon, it depends on the product line: on operating systems there's Microsoft obviously with a marginal competition from SuSE and Oracle. [08:43] Oracle with solaris? [08:43] praisethemoon, on Cloud technologies, there's VMWare, Citrix, Canonical and Mirantis. [08:43] praisethemoon, no, with Oracle Linux. Solaris is pretty much dead now, it does not grow any more. [08:44] 933048 [08:44] Didn't know they had that [08:44] Too many strong rivals .. [09:06] praisethemoon, Oracle Linux is a clone of RHEL, just like CentOS and ScientificLinux. [09:07] ichihi, so most of is is just pure market? [09:07] ? [09:08] I meant marketing [09:10] praisethemoon, not even that. Customers pay Oracle too much money for the database and such, so it's easier for them to bundle the OS. [09:10] praisethemoon, typically, they end up moving to Red Hat when they start running sensitive workloads. [09:17] I feel like oracle does not innovate anymore, just want to complete [09:17] feels like they just want to be on the market [09:39] praisethemoon, Oracle has built a very bad reputation [10:11] ichihi, does redhat offers Business Intelligence / Big data solutions? [10:12] praisethemoon, we do not have solutions, but we have the building blocks. [10:12] What do you mean by building blocks? :) [10:16] praisethemoon, containers, OpenStack as a cloud OS, CloudForms as a management framework, GlusterFS for scalable storage, etc. [10:17] oh I get it, thank you :) [12:21] o/ [12:36] nzoueidi, o/ [15:57] Hello kass :D [16:04] Hello Naiel :D [16:04] How are you ? [16:07] fine ty, wbu? :D [16:08] I'm good :D [16:08] When will we meet today ? [16:08] whenever you want [16:09] Good , I will contact neo and see when he is available :D [16:09] Alright [16:10] Otherwise don't forget to send me the contacts of Isetchux :D [17:32] hello please i have a problem with ODBC driver of oracle in QT who can help me i passed days ducking it but there is no result [18:16] hi praisethemoon [18:16] hi all :) [18:36] AcidNinjaFWHR, o/ [19:23] AcidNinjaFWHR, you're still here? [19:23] Chikore, Chikore_ o/ [19:25] yep [19:36] I have a confession to make ... [19:38] I am addicted to "Sublime Text 3" ... and I can't stop using it... [19:52] AcidNinjaFWHR, so how is it going my friend? [19:52] sali_, I can feel you my friend <3 [19:52] it looks georgous under ubuntu [19:54] hello guys [20:06] fine fine thanks my friend [20:06] yeah and the compition sucks : gedit is slugish, nano, vim and vi do not help when you're writing thousands lines of front end code , aaaaaaaand no other editor has more plugins than the sublimes ! [20:07] emacs is awesome [20:07] emacs has a calendar, todo list, newsgroup reader, mail reader, everything an OS needs :D [20:08] please i have a probleme with odbc driver who has an idea [20:08] does it have a code formatting shortcut? :p [20:09] dhia , java problems? [20:10] nn Qt and oracle database connection i didn't find the driver in Qt libraries [20:20] dhia, QtSql provides drivers for all database engines [20:20] QOCI allows you to connect to Oracle dbs. [20:21] i have already ducked it but the problem i have seen that i haven't these drivers in qt [20:21] i downloaded them but couldn't build it [20:27] what's the error message? [20:27] and what's the commands that you used?? [20:27] QSqlDatabase: QOCI driver not loaded [20:27] QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QPSQL QPSQL7 [20:28] ouverture echouée [20:28] the same with qodbc [20:28] command? [20:28] (did you sudo it? ) [20:30] cd $QTDIR/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc [20:30] qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/unixODBC/include" "LIBS+=-L/usr/local/unixODBC/lib -lodbc" [20:30] make [20:31] i replace INCLUDEPATH with QT directory path but LIBS i did not know which path i must type [20:35] what's your oracle version? [20:35] 11.2.0 [20:35] oracle express 11.2.0 [20:35] okay [20:36] try this [20:36] ok i'm ready [20:36] cd [your directory]/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci [20:37] qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include/oracle/11.2.0/client/" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/oracle/ -lclntsh" oci.pro [20:37] make [20:38] the "/usr/include/oracle/11.2.0/" part depends on what you installed, so check your /usr/include to be more sure [20:38] cd $QTDIR/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/odbc [20:38] qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/unixODBC/include" "LIBS+=-L/usr/local/unixODBC/lib -lodbc" [20:38] make [20:39] no such file or directory [20:39] is your $QTDIR set? [20:39] did you set it? [20:40] Hello folks! WooW there is people tonight! [20:40] yup i did [20:40] it is Qt/5.7 [20:40] echo it [20:42] cd /usr/local/unixODBC/ ! [20:42] (you won't find anything) [20:43] there is no unixODBC IN /usr/local [20:43] ofc because [20:43] i downloaded it but how to build it [20:43] you were supposed to change that [20:43] so try this [20:44] screen cap ls /usr/include [20:44] ls /usr/include/oracle/* [20:47] this is the path/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe [20:47] Yo sali_ dhia praisethemoon [20:48] thank you for helping i'll gonna do more efforts [20:48] yo [20:51] thank you firiends u'r kind [20:51] sali_: 1st time seeing you in here.. And you didn't introduce yourself to the folks.. Would you please? [20:51] :) [20:52] ok mr acheche i'm mohamed dhia from esprit libre [20:52] i'm 21 years old [20:52] u saw me in the SFD event [20:53] in your docker's workshop [20:54] Welcome dhia :) & sali_ ? :D [20:54] thank you :D [20:59] praisethemoon: my twitter analytics are on fire x) [21:04] i have installation to do now sorry i must disconnect i think to try manjaro [21:05] dhia: why manjaro? [21:05] Why not Arch? If you wanna learn, so go for Arch, you'll learn too much from installing it.. [21:06] Manjaro is just ARCH, but with easy install like Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS [21:07] i love Arch but i have problem connection in esprit with portail captif so can not connect without sign in esprit protail captif and it needs graphical interface and browser [21:08] Emm.. I understand, but I'm sure that you can use curl to do it ;) [21:08] Somehow.. [21:08] Go for Manjaro, after that find a hack to login to the captive portal using cli ;) [21:09] Do you know what software they use for that? pfSense? [21:09] IOS ? [21:09] hhhh there is so many hard words sorry i'm not even beginner in hacking [21:14] so it's a firewall router [21:14] elacheche, twitter analytics ??? [21:29] Hi, sorry , I was having dinner :p [21:30] I'm mohamed salah yahyaoui, 22 years old. An Esprit student (3A) and also a member in Esprit Libre ! :D [21:35] btw they are using pfsense in Esprit [21:36] hey mohamed salah welcome [21:37] thanks :D [21:52] AcidNinjaFWHR: yeah x) [21:52] sali_: pfSense is awesome :) [21:53] AcidNinjaFWHR: You can check your twitter stats :) [21:54] yeah, but it causes a lot of connection problems ! [21:55] the web-based portal doesn't load automatically! you have to know the exact url (down to the letter) to access it (if you get lucky and you actually get directed to it) [21:57] and to my knowledge there isn't a way to connect to the portal via terminal (without a navigator I mean) [21:57] sali_: It must be a mis configuration thing.. pfSense is cool, and perfect, but it need some time for the SysAdmin to master it.. [21:58] sali_: I'll check that and tell you what I find soon in here :) [21:58] thanks :D [21:58] for the mean time, I'm sticking to my shitty Telecom 3g dongle ! [22:01] sali_: I didn't use pfSense captive portal, I don't need it @work, tell me after you login, what do you need to do? [22:02] just enter your esprit mail (as login) and your Esprit ID as password [22:02] After that, it's just supposed to much your IP with your user name, afaik.. [22:03] Try to login to it using curl, you know already the url, login & password :) [22:03] Let me check if I can help with the syntax, didn't login before using curl [22:05] elacheche, o/ [22:05] you're famous [22:05] :D [22:09] you think it will work? [22:11] i think (and i'm not sure) that the page sends a POST not a GET request ... [22:11] no idea sali_ .. I'll ask the pfSense community tomorrow, right now I need some rest x) [22:11] lool praisethemoon x) [22:11] me too :p [22:11] good night y'all! [22:11] sali_: we're always in here, don't hesitate to join us, and IRC don't need too much internet ;) [22:12] (btw, elacheche, it's not an urgent matter, so no rush) :p [22:12] You're 3G will be OK ;) [22:12] my 3g is unlimited :p [22:12] Good for you :) [22:13] it's not a question of data usage, it's a question of coverage :p [22:13] anyway good night,and thanks :D [22:14] Use a hack to get better coverage ;) [22:14] is that even possible? [22:14] If you know how to do it can work, you can try, ;) who knows maybe it works :) [22:14] (i know the dish trick, but never tried it) [22:15] Mr Robot shared a good trick using bringles container [22:17] It may work, or not.. The dish thing can work too.. I knew about an INOX bowl trick too, when you just need to extend the dongle using a usb cable and put it inside the bowl.. But never tried it [22:17] yeah, but we're assuming that we already have a decent coverage that we want to enhance , which is not the case :p (i get 100kbytes/s at BEST! ) [22:17] Google "homemade 3g signal booster" [22:18] * praisethemoon is doing his machine learning home work [22:18] * praisethemoon must do the work of a month in 2 days or he wont get his certificate [22:18] praisethemoon: is a good student :D [22:18] no i'm not :( [22:18] x) [22:18] * praisethemoon is working terribly hard [22:19] I have paid for my certificate [22:19] it's going to expire saturday [22:19] must finish the course before! [22:19] think gonna take a free day from work to focus on it [22:19] I'm almost there >.< [22:19] well thanks :D [22:19] praisethemoon: I think that I should kick and ban you from here until the next monday then.. [22:20] good night, for realzies this time :p [22:20] Good night sali [22:20] elacheche, this channel has nothing to do :( [22:20] it actually motivates me to work ^^ [22:20] :D [22:20] Good to know :) [22:20] <3 [22:21] i did half of my homework so far [22:21] elacheche, i keep mixing Lua with Matlab [22:21] in matlab a for loop is `for i=1:m` [22:21] in lua its `for i=1,m` [22:22] and I write lua instead of Matlab and wonder why it does not work :( [22:22] hahaha x) I hate matlab x) didn't touch a matlab code since 2011