
floridagram1<Abrerr> nvm00:02
floridagram1<ahoneybun> @All00:04
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Bacon lol00:04
floridagram1<AdamOutler> What is that?00:05
floridagram1<ahoneybun> my bank app00:05
floridagram1<ahoneybun> I'm having a some issues00:05
floridagram1<AdamOutler> What device?00:05
floridagram1<ahoneybun> OnePlus One00:05
floridagram1<AdamOutler> You're just trying to brag about the $32 you have.00:05
floridagram1<ahoneybun> XD00:06
floridagram1<AdamOutler> But it is called bacon, right?00:06
floridagram1<ahoneybun> yea00:06
floridagram1<ahoneybun> but they think that is the OS00:06
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Let em know.  That's the device codename.  It's an official version.00:07
floridagram1<ahoneybun> yea I did00:07
floridagram1<ahoneybun> just found it funny00:07
floridagram1<ahoneybun> I've been running this OS with the bank app for a while with no issues00:10
floridagram1<Abrerr> Fear thy bacon!00:16
floridagram1<ahoneybun> xd00:16
floridagram1<govatent> The bacon is good for you12:32
floridagram1<govatent> Would someone be willing to help me with a WordPress issue? My knowledge of WordPress configuration is limited and I'm struggling to move an old WordPress off an on premise server to a new server I put in aws14:49
floridagram1<Abrerr> Cp dir over15:13
floridagram1<Abrerr> Backup sql db15:13
floridagram1<Abrerr> Move it over15:13
floridagram1<Abrerr> Edit config file to point to new db15:13
floridagram1<Abrerr> That was my process forever ago15:13
floridagram1<AdamOutler> That should work.18:31
floridagram1<AdamOutler> WordPress is all php for add-ons and customization, data is stored in the database.18:31
floridagram1<KMyers> @AdamOutler - look what I just caught19:31
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Wow Watch Dogs 2 start up screen is awesome20:05
floridagram1<AdamOutler> neat! dito!21:27
floridagram1<AdamOutler> woa!21:27
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Just picked up this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M981YYL/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=121:27
floridagram1<AdamOutler> internet is noticably faster21:28
floridagram1<AdamOutler> 20 out of 32 downstream bonded channels21:28
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Where did you get the Dito?22:07
floridagram1<AdamOutler> @KMyers ?22:07
DammitJimhappy thanksgiving guys22:07

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