
druffenWhat programs do you guys recommend for a first-time Linux user?00:54
knomedepends what you want to do...00:55
druffenI was looking for photo editors, and video/audio players.00:56
knomeif you don't specifically need collection management, parole (shipped with xubuntu) is a good video/audio player00:57
knomeGIMP is photoshop-like if you need a full-fledged image editor00:58
knomethere are definitely more in the repositories - just search the database via the "software" app00:58
druffenOkay thank you. I also want to try to make Xubuntu more pleasing to the eye. I have heard of something called "ricing." Do you know how I can do that?00:58
knomei don't know the term00:58
druffenOr just making the OS prettier.00:59
knomewell, there are a lot of options you can tweak for appearance in the settings manager00:59
druffenDoes it include theming? I am installing the OS right now, and I signed on to this channel for questions.01:00
druffenI just remembered a video editor would be good to have. Any suggestions?01:02
knomeyes, it includes theming in various ways.01:04
knomethere are several; from my short experience, they differ a lot, and you might want to check what suits your use case the best01:05
knomeagain, just search for those in the software app01:05
druffenThank you so much see you later.01:09
xubuntu58wmy wifi is not working after upgrading xubuntu!!02:20
xubuntu06whello i was wondering why  when i use an external hdd  i cannot see the dleted files of this device in the trash bin , (so the restore fonction does't works)  .....    it is working on  mint xfce10:08
ngomeseverytime i close gmusicbrowser , it gives an error . xubuntu 16.04 LTS12:15
xubuntu67wsomeone mate there?14:03
xubuntu67wanyone thereE?14:03
xubuntu67wif you don't answer why are you here?14:03
xubuntu86ihello all, what is this all about?17:37

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