[00:00] surprised that dkms doesn't do that for you [00:04] I don't know, but I now will have to set up llvm/clang manually now, before it was auto-setup. [00:10] Jordan_U solved, thanks! [00:10] Jordan_U: solved, thanks! [00:11] allthebrians, what was the fix? [00:20] PC got slower and slower, up to the point in wouldn't boot anymore.. So I tried installing Ubuntu. Live USB installer freezes at 2nd screen.. sudo badblocks -sv gets stuck at 0.00% (elapsed time runs normally) and 20gb backup took 2:30 hours.. could it be disk problems? dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/23524731/ smartctl http://paste.ubuntu.com/23524746/ [00:20] if I have a self-signed ssl cert, how do I get the PEM for it? [00:23] amikrop: have you tried running a memory test [00:25] here's a question if anyone wants some points https://askubuntu.com/questions/852907/autostart-gui-app-as-root-without-adding-logged-in-user-to-wheel [00:25] amikrop: I would be afraid of that drive " 197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 199 199 000 Old_age Always - 129 " and there are in the following line 8 sectors that it can not re-allocate for . [00:26] Bashing-om: wow... why does it say it 'passed' then [00:27] maybe it only fails when the drive actually dies? heheh. [00:28] Sean_McG: Well .. SMART is not all incompassive . does not take the place of the manufacturer's tests . After all, SMART is just interpreting the data stored on the drive . [00:29] tru.dat [00:29] angrycoast123: no, how do i do that? [00:29] angrycoast123: i dont have linux installed, i m from live usb [00:29] the live USB doesn't have memtest86 on it? [00:30] Bashing-om: what seems the problem with that line? (i don't know how to read smartctl logs) [00:30] Sean_McG: how do i run it? [00:30] it's usually bootable [00:31] i mean since you choose "USB" from the boot menu, what more control do you have? (to run memtest) [00:31] it doesn't prompt you anytime [00:31] maybe it doesn't have it then... shame === Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta [00:31] any help for MITM attack on network i connected to gather information about users ? [00:32] ummm no, we aren't here to help you attack other machines [00:32] so, how do I make sure if its the disk's problem? [00:32] any more testing commands? [00:33] not other machine [00:33] machines* [00:33] security chekc [00:35] amikrop: you can test the hard drive with a live cd [00:36] be careful though, some hd tests can be destructive [00:36] angrycoast123: i am on live usb right now... what can i do? [00:37] amikrop: What is reported .. line 61 .. that there are 2 sectors in this report time frame that have been reallocated . line 71 says there are 129 sectors that the smartware wants to re-allocate and line 72 says there are 8 sectors it can not deal with . I can accpept that all the sector re-allocations have been done that the smartware can do and it can not re-allocate anymore as there are no additional spares . [00:37] amikrop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/317241/can-i-use-ubuntu-to-diagnose-hard-drive-or-ram-problems-in-windows [00:38] Bashing-om: ok === dyson is now known as Guest23629 [00:39] angrycoast123: but you don't get this menu with 16.04 liveusb... i only get "Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" [00:40] amikrop: does it come with Disk Utility? [00:40] amikrop: What I have done to extend the usefulklness of disks in such a "supposed" condition ( there is no substutute for the manufacter's tests) .. is to zero out the drive .. and re-purpose the drive to backups that are also backedup . I would never trust this drive fully . [00:40] Bashing-om: its not a matter of trust or not, I have an unusable computer :P [00:41] windows doesn't boot anymore and ubuntu won't install [00:41] angrycoast123: if its labeled as "Disks" in the launcher, then yes [00:42] amikrop: yes [00:42] angrycoast123: ok, then? [00:43] amikrop: go into that and select the drive your on [00:43] (I tried to do Start Benchmark and it seems to take 7-8 mins) [00:43] angrycoast123: ok, selected it [00:43] click the cogwheel in the upper right [00:44] amikrop: click the cogwheel in the upper right and select Smart Data and Tests [00:45] amikrop: then select start self test [00:47] angrycoast123: shot, extended, or conveyance? [00:47] short* [00:48] amikrop: extended [00:50] Has anyone had any issues with having KDE installed on top of plain ubuntu Unity? It has been a while since I've had both installed at the same time and don't want to bork my system. [00:50] amikrop: if that's not the issue try testing the memory with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MemoryTest [00:50] angrycoast123: oops, test failed [00:50] angrycoast123: how do i see details? [00:51] it just says self-test failed [00:51] hello [00:52] what is the program used during ubuntu-server install to install meta packages ? [00:55] amikrop: try looking into gsmartcontrols [00:56] amikrop: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/gsmartcontrol/ [00:58] zhul: tasksel likely; See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/153265/what-does-the-basic-ubuntu-server-package-contain-in-software-selection-during see if that helps . [00:58] nevermind. Apt reports that there are 666 packages required to install kubuntu-desktop. I'll heed the warning for now. [00:59] angrycoast123: ok.. but since the self-test failed, and with all the previous hints, should i just get a new disk? [00:59] is there a way to add data to a services status? [01:00] remember, the starting problems is, windows doesn't boot anymore and ubuntu doesn't install [01:00] shesmu, I'm sure theres a configuration for it. [01:00] i don't have a pc right now [01:00] Hi all [01:01] amikrop: maybe run a memtest [01:01] uRock, one would think, i can find any docs on it. Its for custom services that i have added but i need more data in the status [01:01] angrycoast123: but grub isn't installed [01:01] so when do I press shift to get the prompt? [01:01] amikrop: it doesn't sound good for the hard drive though [01:03] well, something is the problem, that renders the computer useless [01:03] with these clues, i ll replace the hard drive [01:03] amikrop: sounds like a plan [01:03] :P [01:03] anyway, thanks for your time! [01:04] amikrop: have a good night! [01:04] shesmu, depending on the service, you'll probably have to dig deep into its config file or even its code. If Google doesn't turn up any clues for the service, then you may have to start digging through the service's files. [01:06] does anyone know how can I know if I created boot partition or not? in other words, how can I reconize that partition? :https://paste.debian.net/898250/ [01:06] !info nvidia-367 [01:06] nvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-367): NVIDIA binary driver - version 367.57. In component restricted, is optional. Version 367.57-0ubuntu3 (yakkety), package size 39265 kB, installed size 167350 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf) [01:07] !info nvidia-367 xenial [01:07] nvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-367): NVIDIA binary driver - version 367.57. In component restricted, is optional. Version 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 39332 kB, installed size 167349 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf) [01:07] wow, there are nVidia drivers for ARM [01:07] any clue guys? [01:07] Sean_McG, yea android. [01:08] Hi Experts! I am trying to configure PHP to use sendmail but in php.ini I got the following /usr/bin/env catchmail -f mail@localhost... [01:09] I am giving sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i" but it is getting the above path when checking on web using php.ini... I am on ubuntu64/trusty box [01:10] * Sean_McG headdesks, just lost an email it took me over 15 minutes to write [01:11] stupid Thunderbird :( [01:15] I guess it doesn't have anything like dead.letter [01:17] My eclipse in Ubuntu 12.04 keeps crashing when I start it. It was working fine before. But today, I couldn't open it up. In terminal showed some fatal errors. Can anybody help? I copied error to pastebin http://pastebin.com/H1ggi2GX [01:18] Anyone use Liferea for ubuntu? [01:18] rockstar__: did you update your JDK/JRE recently? === Loshki is now known as \\\\\\\\\\ [01:18] rockstar__: Eclipse seems extremely sensitive to that === \\\\\\\\\\ is now known as Loshki [01:19] I don't think I did, unless jdk/jre update was in Ubuntu update pop up [01:20] winsen: You have no seperate boot partition . what is your issue in asking ? [01:21] $java -version >>>> openjdk version "1.8.0_111" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-8u111-b14-3~14.04.1-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode) [01:22] 1.8.0_111 is very new [01:22] you should check the Eclipse website and see if Luna even supports a JDK higher than 1.7.0 [01:27] so according to eclipse.org it should support Oracle Java 8u5 Oracle Java 7u55 IBM Java 7 SR7 IBM Java 6 SR16 === doctorwho is now known as Guest94996 [01:28] hmmm OK... have you tried creating a new workspace? if you set it to default to your current one you might need to temporarily rename it [01:28] (hopefully your workspace isn't corrupted, but this should confirm) [01:29] hello all [01:29] i have just installed virtual machine, but i can not find it [01:29] where it is please? [01:30] ubuntu mate 32bits [01:30] did with synaptic anyway [01:31] Sean_McG: ok I will try to change workspace. Can I do it without opening the Eclipse? [01:32] rockstar__: should just be able to rename your existing workspace directory and attempt to relaunch Eclipse [01:32] alright. trying now [01:32] bashing-on: how do you know I don't have separate boot? [01:33] bashing-on: can you please tell me how do you know I don't have separate boot? [01:33] hello [01:33] Sean_McG: cool. Finally it is not crashing. :) Now I need to figure out how to get all those projects in the workspace [01:34] where are all the kinky bitches? [01:34] where are all the kinky sluts? [01:34] ok, my quesztion is perhaps not interesting, somebody like to help me out pls? [01:34] rockstar__: a bit worrisome that it was corrupted though [01:34] pardon, i'm not in here for bitches :) [01:34] where are all the kinky bitches? [01:35] !ops kinkysluts is a known troll. [01:35] Sean_McG: yah I'm surprised, how it could get corrupted. And how can I transfer all the projects? :( [01:35] i like to find the vm i just installed [01:36] bitch known to whom? [01:36] Hey folks. My hard drive crashed last week. I just paid for a recovery service of the hard drive. It is an encrypted drive. The recovered hard drive was returned to me in a 120 GB ".bin" file on an external drive. How do I mount this file, then unencrypt it so I can copy the files over to my new computer? Thanks in advance. [01:36] where are all the kinky bitches? [01:36] where are all the kinky sluts? [01:36] knittell, no body understands what your saying... did you just install VirtualBox or VMware...?? [01:36] rockstar__: it may be as simple as copying the directories inside the workspace one by one, but then there is the .settings folders and the other junk Eclipse uses internally [01:36] virtualbox i did [01:36] I like clits [01:36] wat [01:36] then look for virtualbox [01:37] rockstar__: consider yourself lucky to be on Luna... at work they force us to use Juno which is quite possibly the worst version of Eclipse ever. [01:37] for sure rdh, no jokes [01:37] kk, thats logical but its not under the dash or nowhere [01:37] then you dont have permissions for it. [01:37] dont know where i can possibly find it [01:38] that means i need to install extra to make it work? [01:39] bashing-on: are you still there? [01:39] [01:39] [01:39] any clue guys? [01:39] Sean_McG: I see, sorry man. I guess I should update my to Neon or newer ones. [01:39] Anyone know how to fix the problem of my laptop not resuming after I close the lid? [01:39] keonkim: suck it [01:39] at home I'm using Mars [01:39] the goat cock [01:39] GNAA supports goatsex [01:39] you should too! [01:39] i can not help yet, just a beginner with ubuntu mate here [01:39] always done woindows [01:39] knittell, double check that it is installed, and relog if it is. [01:40] I SUPPORT THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA [01:40] >.> ignored. [01:40] tx rdh, i go to check [01:40] thank the gods for the ignore function [01:40] is this channel moderated? [01:40] beefy: yes, by your mom [01:40] Anyone know how to fix the problem of my laptop not resuming after I close the lid? [01:40] but she is too busy playing with her vibrator [01:40] try back in a few hours [01:41] And I forgot how to notify the moderators [01:41] !ops [01:41] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [01:41] winsen: I am back from wandering about , yes ? [01:42] . [01:42] Siva_Machina, thats how [01:42] Hey folks. My hard drive crashed last week. I just paid for a recovery service of the hard drive. It is an encrypted drive. The recovered hard drive was returned to me in a 120 GB ".bin" file on an external drive. How do I mount this file, then unencrypt it so I can copy the files over to my new computer? Thanks in advance. [01:43] phunyguy, thanks [01:45] Thank you phunyguy. [01:45] Sean_McG: thank you so much. I transferred the main project I was working on. Thank you again. :) [01:45] very welcome [01:46] bitch: kind of a rude nick, no? [01:47] phunyguy, i am the female dog. [01:47] not the insult. [01:47] Sean_McG: oh no. it is crashing again. This main project I was working was imported from existing local git. So maybe it has the problem. :( [01:47] rockstar__: it is possible one or more of the files you moved over was corrupt [01:48] I found a bug in Ubuntu. I can't seem to use my mouse or keyboard for anything, except I can use my keyboard for controlling Google Chrome. [01:48] How do I remote this bug, because it's really big. [01:49] Sean_McG: Actually I was the only person who was doing commit/push. But still if it is the case, how do I fix it? [01:49] Can anyone help me out? [01:49] bashing-on: Are there any conflit if I create boot partition and Install on grub2? Otherwise, how can I clean /uninstall the grub2 that I have on '/' partition that already installed in order to mount/create new boot partition? [01:49] See above [01:49] Are there any conflit if I create boot partition and Install on grub2? Otherwise, how can I clean /uninstall the grub2 that I have on '/' partition that already installed in order to mount/create new boot partition? [01:49] rockstar__: did you have a lot of loose work in your workspace, or could you just re-clone it from Git and continue from there? [01:50] How can I mount then boot from a .bin file? [01:50] sclimans, ive never had a harddrive recovered, but my guess is that the *.bin is the raw disk image [01:50] Sean_McG: actually I did lot of commit/push last time. I believe there are still some code to be pushed. [01:50] rdh, I think you're correct. But how do I use this image? [01:51] k [01:51] Sean_McG: maybe I should try upgrading the eclipse to Neon. And see if it fixes the problem? [01:51] rockstar__: worth a try but no guarantees [01:51] sclimans, and then if so, you could use dd to put it on a harddrive... dd if=/path/to/*.bin of=/dev/sdc <- drive you want it on. [01:52] ok I'm try upgrade it now just to make sure [01:52] anybody know how to get drivers for y50 on kubuntu installed for 4k screen? [01:52] winsen: No can create additinal partitions for a separate boot as primary . In the MBR partitioning scheme there is a max of 4 primary partitions - one of those 4 is the extended partition that allows 128 logical partitions. Unless there is an over-riding need the use of a separate /boot partition is discouraged in linux . Now what is your real problem ? [01:53] rdh, I don't have a hard drive to put it on. It's a 120 gb file. Any way I can simply mount it as a virtual drive? [01:54] sorry nvidia drivers? [01:54] Hi. I want to use the LTS Hardware Enablement stack, but can't find any documentation on how to do so. I have Ubuntu 16.04, and had initially installed when 16.04 had just come out in April. [01:54] sclimans, https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&p=163047 [01:55] All I can find is that Ubuntu uses the Hardware Enablement Stack by default starting with 16.04.2, but that doesn't help me because I'm on 16.04.0 (I believe). [01:55] Tynach: I'm reasonably certain there is a document on the Ubuntu website for that... at least for trusty (14.04) because I just did it a few months ago [01:55] Sean_McG, yes, there is one for 14.04. But I'm not on 14.04. [01:55] maybe 16.04 doesn't have the HWE? [01:55] lshw -c video, is showing product: GM107M [GeForce GTX 960M], for display, but when I click a video it doesnt seem to be 4k [01:56] hexvb: Remove the posiible xorg.conf file, purge any present drivers . update/upgrade the system amd then run ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' And let the system do it's thing to install drivers . [01:56] Sean_McG, supposedly 16.04.2 does, but I just can't find anything on 16.04.0 :/ [01:56] oh okay [01:57] !hwe | Tynach [01:57] Tynach: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [01:57] Tynach: ohhh... I think it requires a certain revision -- stock 14.04 couldn't be switched if I recall correctly [01:57] Bashing-om, I have already been to that page. [01:57] thanks bashing [01:58] Sean_McG, then how do I upgrade from 16.04.0 to 16.04.2 and so on?> [01:58] by....updateing like normal [01:58] apt-get dist-upgrade I would think [01:58] !info linux-image-generic-lts xenial [01:59] Package linux-image-generic-lts does not exist in xenial [01:59] Sean_McG: Or apt upgrade [01:59] !info linux-image-generic-lts trusty [01:59] Package linux-image-generic-lts does not exist in trusty [01:59] Siva_Machina: I thought going between revisions required dist- ? [02:00] Bashing-om, browsing packages and looking for an LTS package was the first thing I tried. Best I can find are some transitional packages that just lead to the current 4.4 kernel version. [02:00] !info linux-generic-lts-xenial trusty [02:00] linux-generic-lts-xenial (source: linux-meta-lts-xenial): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; powerpc) [02:00] Sean_McG: Not nessceraly on Ubuntu. That and sudo apt upgrade to my knowledge is very cose to doing sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:02] bashing-on: welcome back, my problem is the followin; Grub is not working correctely and I can't change grub2 boot order. I have windoz and linux, I'd like to make windows first, I tried many times but it doesn't work. even though I already did that and worked perfectely but after I reinstalled windoz and grub2 fril live cd. Normallly I should have 2 or 3 line linux, windoz, linux, windowz and advanced ubuntu. instead of tha [02:02] t 5 or 6 lines and it boot direteley on 2 or 3 wrong. Hope that make sense I have and ashow two lines that are not [02:02] !info linux-generic-lts-yakety xenial [02:02] Package linux-generic-lts-yakety does not exist in xenial [02:02] * Sean_McG listens to some old Japanese pop music [02:02] *with live cd [02:02] Tynach: Agreed here .. looks like HWE is not enabled to this time in xenial . [02:03] Bashing-om, everywhere else it says it is, but just in 16.04.2 and up... But I can't figure out how to get to that from a 16.04.0 install :s [02:05] * Normallly I should have 2 or 3 line, windoz, linux, and advanced linux... [02:06] Sean_McG: alright, I think its working in the new Eclipse [02:06] Bashing-om, Sean_McG, Siva_Machina: dist-upgrade has also failed, saying there's nothing to (update|install|remove). [02:06] rockstar__: *fingers crossed* [02:06] still lot of pain to transfer projects :D [02:07] winsen: I see 2 Windows intalls and maybe 3 linux installs on that hard drive . Do you know what is installed to each of the 10 partitions ? And we point grub to the desired primary operating system . [02:07] Tynach: Look'n to see what I can find .. [02:09] Tynach: I do not see that the yakety kernel is availabale for the xenial install: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-generic&searchon=names&suite=xenial-updates§ion=all . [02:09] Tynach: I actually was suggesting sudo apt upgrade [02:09] Siva_Machina, first thing I tried before coming on here. [02:10] !info libvdpau-va-gl [02:10] Package libvdpau-va-gl does not exist in yakkety [02:10] hrmmmmm [02:10] Bashing-om, hm. I will say that it seems I'm on 16.04.1, at least according to lsb_release. [02:11] Tynach: 'uname -r' says what ? version I expect to be the latest . [02:11] Bashing-om, 4.4.0-47-generic [02:11] bashing-on: I know what is installed on each partition on each of them except sda3. [02:11] I don't have my nVidia installed right now, so why the hell is VLC trying to use VDPAU [02:11] !info libvdpau-va-gl1 [02:11] libvdpau-va-gl1 (source: libvdpau-va-gl): VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI backend. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-2 (yakkety), package size 70 kB, installed size 258 kB [02:11] bashing-on: I know what is installed on each partition except sda3. [02:11] Siva_Machina: cheers [02:11] !info linix-image-generic xenial [02:11] Package linix-image-generic does not exist in xenial [02:12] !info linux-image-generic xenial [02:12] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB [02:12] Sean_McG: you're welcome [02:12] Bashing-om, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes claims 16.04.1 to be the most recent... So I'm quite confused now. Perhaps 16.04.2 isn't out yet; but a lot of the way things are worded seems to imply it is. [02:13] aaaaaaand now VA-API decides to work. [02:13] * Sean_McG sighs, headdesks === uhhf1 is now known as uhhf [02:14] Tynach: Correct I think that .2 point release is not out .. lemme find the schedule. === MonkehParade is now known as Guest86801 [02:14] Bashing-om, just did. [02:14] Bashing-om, January 19th. [02:14] That's when it will be released. [02:14] bashing-on: are you still there? [02:14] y'know... I almost don't need my nVidia. The internal video on Skylake is really not too shabby once VA-API works. [02:16] I'mma go make some tea [02:17] bashing-on: how can I fix it? [02:17] i [02:17] winsen: I bounce back and forth ,, you have ny attention presently . [02:19] bashing-on: no problem. thanks. did youread my answer above? [02:21] bashing-on: bashing-on: welcome back, my problem is the followin; Grub is not working correctely and I can't change grub2 boot order. I have windoz and linux, I'd like to make windows first, I tried many times but it doesn't work. even though I already did that and worked perfectely; but after I reinstalled windoz and grub2 from live cd it doesn't work correctelly as I said. Normallly I should have 3 lines with grub2 'windoz [02:21] , linux and advanced linux. instead of that it shows 5 or 6 lines and it boot direteley on the 1st wrong line(2 following lines are wrong too). Hope that make sense. [02:22] winsen: I read that you do not know what is on sda3 that is a linix partition . Now the question remains. which linux install is that primary system ?.. the one you want to controll ALL systems to boot . We purge grub, re-install grub to that operating system and from that grub chainload all the others . Once grub boots then you change the booting order . [02:23] bashing-on: I wonder if it was not boot partition that I already created? [02:24] bashing-on: that a good idea. how can I do that? [02:24] winsen: You have no boot partition as such . There is boot code installed to sector 0 of the hard drive and the remaining boot stages are installed to the root partition of the operating systems . [02:25] I have a question around "su". I can run a command using "sudo" just fine. but if I want to change the user in the shell to "root" by entering "su", the same password I use to run the sudo command does not work. any idea why? [02:25] sector327: because you type your password in sudo, su expects root's password [02:25] Hello all, any bluetooth experts around? [02:26] xD [02:26] sector327: so just 'sudo su -' instead [02:26] bashing-on: rememeber what I told you. I already changed grub2 boot order and made windoz first. Grub2 was working perfectely. maybe that explains why sda3 still exist in primary partition? [02:26] winsen: " Bashing-om " with an om .. if ya miss my nick I will miss your replies .. tab completion ! works , [02:26] Sean_McG, thank you. so once I'm in as root, I should then be able to change the root password that I obviously forgot. :) sound right? [02:27] bashing-om: rememeber what I told you. I already changed grub2 boot order and made windoz first. Grub2 was working perfectely. maybe that explains why sda3 still exist in primary partition? [02:27] bashing-om: I am sorry [02:28] winsen: paste ' cat /etc/default/grub ' and we see what the booting situation is set up to be at present .. maybe an easy way to correct . [02:28] Sean_McG, it worked. THANK YOU!!!! [02:28] sector327: yes, but it may be better to keep root locked and only use sudo. nowadays there are precious few reasons to actually log in as root [02:28] you da man! [02:28] (or maybe woman) [02:28] * Sean_McG checks [02:28] not a woman [02:28] bashing-om: remeber I am using live cd [02:28] *remember [02:29] winsen: Well .. do you have access to another machine to irc from .. and we boot up one of the linux systems . [02:29] sector327: root@ohana:~# passwd -S [02:29] root L 01/16/2014 0 99999 7 -1 [02:31] Sean_McG, gotcha. thanks again [02:31] winsen: If it is but a config issue, we can directly tell grub what to boot . IF we know what to boot . [02:31] bashing-om: unfortuenetelly it's my only machine [02:31] bashing-om: result: https://paste.debian.net/898267/ [02:32] bashing-om: can you check on it? [02:32] I think 01/16/2014 is when I actually installed this OS [02:32] Well ,, will take a bit if time .. no big deal .. welcome to the learning curve . We find out IF sda3 is that primary operating system, ok ? [02:34] winsen: ^^ sorry did not nick to you . [02:39] bashing-om: ok. how can we find out what is/ was sda3 ? and most impotant how do do as you said above: "... We purge grub, re-install grub to that operating system and from that grub chainload all the others . Once grub boots then you change the booting order ." [02:42] bashing-om: are you still ther? [02:44] winsen: K; what we want to find is that "primary" linux system .. that might be on sda3 . with me so far ? we mount sda3 from the livDVD and see if you think that is the one you want as "primary" . [02:46] hello, what seems to be the cause of this error -> fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable [02:46] is it a ram thing? [02:47] bashing-om: Iare there any way to know if sda3 was boot partition or not? [02:47] *are [02:49] winsen: Sure ,, we look at some of the files .. and see if that is the operating system .. and IF that is the one you want as that primary boot control authoruty , There can be only one such authority per hard drive . [02:50] bashing-om: do you have any explanation about the 3 first additionnal wrong lines tat it shows first on grub2? [02:51] *that [02:51] bashing-om: are there any command line that can show us what kind of files are in sda3? [02:53] winsen: Those lines are generated from scripts that frub reads and copiles into the master . I will bet that what you have is recursion from grub reading several scripts from the differing systems . [02:55] bashing-om: right. As we know, normally we should 3lines but not see all those several script from the differeing system [02:56] winsen: Sure we mount sda3 .. and LooK . In the liveDVD run ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/looksee ; ls -al /mnt/look/boot/grub/grub.cfg. Just as a place to start "looking" . [02:58] bashing-om: https://paste.debian.net/898273/ [02:58] bashing-om: it shows nothing apparentely ? [02:59] winsen: Surprised .. I had expected that partition to be bootable .. what have we from ' ls -al /mnt/looksee/ ' ? [03:00] bashing-om: I have one information from gpatred: on sda3=system files ext4, size 14Gio, used 7Gios, unused 6.35Gio [03:01] ls [03:01] in ubuntu when the gui prompt says there is software updates and you can select download ...can you also simply do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and accomplish same thing? [03:02] bashing-om: I don't get you, where did you see that? [03:02] winsen: We already know that info , What we are seeking is that prinary booting partition . [03:02] bashing-om: https://paste.debian.net/898274/ [03:03] MarcoP: Affirnative . The GUIs are but front ends to apt . [03:03] bashing-om: how do you know that is bootable partition? [03:04] bashing-om: do you mean that sda3 was the old '/' partition? [03:06] bashing-om: lines 10 and 27? [03:06] bashing-om: are you still there? [03:09] winsen: Yeah ,just checking. That install is 14.10 utopic . Not the primary I do not think .. still we need to either remove that install OR get it upgraded as it is no longer supported . [03:12] thanks Bashing-om [03:13] winsen: Let's continue looking . get out of sda3 ' sudo umount /mnt/looksee ' and now we look at sda9 . Do ' sudo mount /dev/sda9 /mnt/looksee ; ls -al /mnt/looksee ' . [03:14] MarcoP: Happy2help . CLI is so much nicer and easier, huh ? [03:15] I like CLI better for that :) [03:15] easier [03:15] MarcoP: Inquiring minds want to know .. and the CLI tells all . [03:15] :) [03:16] Hello! [03:16] :) [03:16] I need some help, I'm on Kubuntu but I thought maybe someone here could give me a hand. I'm trying to sign into 'Google' in online accounts but when I click 'Google' nothing happens [03:18] I'm trying to follow https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=355415#c19 comment 19 but I'm getting lost at the CD part :) [03:18] KDE bug 355415 in accounts-kcm "Cannot connect to Google Hangouts" [Grave,Resolved: worksforme] === linux_ is now known as WyZeGuY [03:18] winsen_: I have a short attention span .. no response soon and I do wander off else where . [03:19] somebody jingle their keys fer that guy [03:19] ..lol [03:19] @_@ ooo shiny [03:19] lol [03:19] bashing-om: https://paste.debian.net/898279/ [03:20] bashing-om: we already know that sda9 is swap partition === littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica [03:21] winsen_: Ouch correct for swap ?? O was looking at line numers and get mis-directed there .. ok sda8 ! [03:21] bashing-om: you didn't tell me about sda3? === dyson is now known as Guest96372 [03:22] winsen_: We leave sda3 for now as it is a 14.10 install . Maybe we remove that install ? as it is no longer supported . [03:22] bashing-om: after sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/looksee? [03:23] bashing-om: "...as it is no longer supported" what do you mean? [03:24] winsen_: Yeah .. you have the hang of it :) then we look ' ls -al /mnt/looksee ' see if we even want to spend any more time on this partition . [03:24] Any Android junkies online? [03:24] !eol | winsen_ [03:24] winsen_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [03:24] !14.10 | winsen_ [03:24] winsen_: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic [03:25] bashing-om:https://paste.debian.net/898281/ [03:26] bashing-om:https: should I add: 'sudo umount /mnt/looksee'? [03:30] winsen_: Yeah ,, done here with sda8, as is another 14,10 install that is EOL .. ' sudo umount /mnt/looksee ; sudp mount /dev/sda10 ; ls -al /mnt/looksee / see what we have here . [03:30] sudp/sudo* typo ! [03:32] bashing-om:I don't get you. can you please be clear? [03:34] winsen_: " vmlinuz-3.16.0-4 " is a release 14.10 kernel that is installed to sda8 . It is EOL . now we want to release sda8 and now see what is on sda10 . [03:35] bashing-om:It seems to be wrong typo [03:35] bashing-om:https://paste.debian.net/898282/ [03:36] hello lurkers one and all [03:38] winsen_: Ouch ! show me ' sudo blkid ' . [03:40] godzillaZ: I am not a lurker!.... well maybe I am [03:43] bashing-om:https:https://paste.debian.net/898283/ [03:44] bashing-om:https: I am still don't get you. "vmlinuz-3.16.0-4 " is a release 14.10 kernel that is installed to sda8 . It is EOL . now we want to release sda8" I can see the same thin on each of them [03:45] bashing-om: sudo blkid supposed to show unmounted partition? [03:46] bashing-om: you don'texplain anything. [03:47] bashing-om: from an hour [03:47] bashing-om: I am still have the same problem [03:47] winsen_: Yeah .. blkid shows all the system is sware of . Here it do see sda10 . // let's see what is mounted presently . show ' mount' - maybe /mnt/looksee is still in use ? [03:49] bashing-om: yes but it means no partition are mounted with the lat command line? [03:49] *last [03:49] it showed many partitions [03:49] well .. I stop and explain . we can not fix what we can not find right ? So we are looking to find something we can fix . sda3 and sda8 we can not fix . They are EOL and there is no software repository to work from to fix grub . Now we hope we can work from sda10 . [03:50] bashing-om: are you kidding? [03:51] bashing-om: sda8 is the curent '/' how is this possible? [03:53] winsen_: I kid you not . " v3.16-rc1-utopic/ " .. and that release has long been out of support . [03:54] winsen_: Possible that /mnt/looksee is still attached . do ' sudo umount /mnt/looksee ' to detatch it . [04:00] bashing-om: "v3.16-rc1-utopic/ "? I don't get you. [04:01] winsen_: That kernel version(s) are for utopoc release . that is 14.10 . [04:01] !utopic | winsen_ [04:01] winsen_: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic [04:02] bashing-om: I don't know where you're going with this. === ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas [04:02] bashing-om: No sense for me. since I upgraded my system yesterday [04:03] bashing-om: /vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-686-pae doesn't change [04:03] winsen_: If it turns out that the install on sda10 is also EOL .. then the better course of action is to backup your personal data and do a clean fresh install of the current release . We have no access to the software repository in a EOL release to install the files we would need to fix grub . [04:04] winsen_: Then we hope that the system you upgraded is on sda10 ! [04:05] bashing-om: no sense at all, how could system be installed in the whole partitions? [04:07] winsen_: See your https://paste.debian.net/898283/ . Each partition contains a seperate operating system except sda9 that is a common swap . [04:08] winsen_: Opps.. sda6 is a shared data partition . [04:10] winsen_: Remember, when we started this off I asked if you knew the primary booting system ? well we still looking to find it . [04:12] s [04:12] bashing-om: the primary partition is sda8. no need to search. my question is just what is sda3 whether old boot partitio or not... the rest I know it. [04:13] bashing-om: I mean on linux sda8 is / === HoloIRCUser3 is now known as ledeni [04:15] winsen_: I would "Assume" that the install on sda8 is a clone of the sda3 install. And further .. as you have updated the system recently, it sure was not the installs on sda3 or sda8 as they are EOL and have no access to a repository to update from .. Now that only leaves us sda10 as a possibility . As that is the last linux partition on that drive . [04:15] bashing-om: primary partition should be sda3 because from sda4 and so on are extended partition all is showed here : https://paste.debian.net/898294/ [04:17] bashing-om: yes maybe sda3 is clone of sda8 it very possible [04:17] where has flash gone in ubuntu 16.04? [04:17] winsen_: What part do I fail in making you understand ? " /dev/sda10 335042560 428630015 93587456 44.6G 83 Linux " . sda10 is the last linux partition . the others we have looked at and they are not current . [04:17] Sonderblade - it's in the Canonical repository, the adobe-flashplugin package. [04:17] Sonderblade - partner [04:18] bashing-om: for my part i used to create boot partition in every distro i installed that why I asked you how can we know that [04:19] SonikkuAmerica: oh right [04:20] bashing-om: sda10 is home partition. [04:20] bashing-om: I told you I know what I've done [04:21] bashing-om: you're just keep asking me to type and pastbin without any explanation which's really very ennoying. [04:21] winsen_: Then yoy have 2 installs that have not been updated in more than a year . what can I say else ? [04:22] bashing-om: what is sda3 is it '/' partition or boot partition? no answer [04:24] winsen_: Well .. can be either .. mount it and "look" .. if /mnt/looksee/boot/grub/grub.cfg file exists, then it is both . [04:24] bashing-om: "2 installs that have not been updated for more than a year..."where did you see that? [04:25] bashing-om: I already mounted sda3? [04:25] winsen_: Booting kernels " boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4- " that kernel belongs to release 14.10 . [04:27] bashing-om: I guess you're talking boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4- of ubuntu 14.10 version right? [04:28] bashing-om: I guess you're talking about "boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-" of ubuntu 14.10 version right? [04:29] winsen_: Teah .. now as that is the booting kernel .. then these systems are way out of date . and have not been able to even be updated in a very long time as the repository DOES not exist . [04:29] bashing-om: you didn't answer to my question. [04:29] winsen_: Tou want to know about grub and booting, here is the best tutorial I am aware of : https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader . === for{} is now known as ratpoison [04:30] winsen_: How did I not ? .. Do we have a failure to communicate ? [04:31] bashing-om: I guess you're talking about "boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-" of ubuntu 14.10 version right? [04:31] winsen_: Right ,, now what is your not-comprehending about that kernel ? [04:32] bashing-om: yes or no. [04:32] ok [04:32] bashing-om: I see [04:32] winsen_: yes or no what ? I have lost your train of thought . [04:33] bashing-om: can you explain how is that possible? === uhhf1 is now known as uhhf [04:34] hello [04:34] how can i istall telegream [04:34] bashing-om: It's ok. you already answered here. winsen_: Right ,, now what is your not-comprehending about that kernel ?" [04:34] winsen_: Please expand on "what can you explain how is that possible" ? I fail to follow your thought process . [04:35] bashing-om: you're sayong some partitions are updated and others not. except sda8 all of of the rest are not right? [04:35] *saying... [04:38] bashing-om: anyway thanks. now I am sleepy. I have to go bed. I'll see later. g.night [04:39] winsen_: sda8 also is booting up the 14.10 kernel . Now IF you have an updated system as you say you did .. then it must be on sda10, as that is the only partition we have not looked at . Mount it again and look once more to assure ourselves that what is true, is true . === spock is now known as Guest35071 [04:40] ... [04:43] good morning how can install icon park [04:43] pls [04:58] how i can connect to #ubuntu esp [04:58] y dont know de name of chanel [04:59] !alis | anonymous_ [04:59] anonymous_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [05:01] thank u [05:01] !alis [05:01] alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [05:13] Good afternoon guys. Just a little help here. My ubuntu 16.04 dekstop is only showing black screen. How to fix this? Can't find solution in internet. Thanks === wombat_ is now known as cloudfart [05:16] ankitkulkarni: Broken proprietary grphic's driver ? What results booting with the "nomodeset" boot parameter to load the fall back driver ? [05:16] !nomodeset | anonvan94 : [05:16] anonvan94 :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter === josh is now known as Guest69661 [05:25] Thanks guys [05:25] I'll will try it [05:41] hello can anyone help me [05:42] how can i make my password visible when i login? [05:43] hi \o === meltd0wn is now known as Guest57626 === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [05:46] can i do instillation with Internet === Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis [05:51] hi [05:51] how do i install java [05:55] <_d-> FireStriker, >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java [06:10] Hello. I have a computer with a GTX 970, an intel core I5 skylake, 8 gigabytes of ram, a few other distros on the hard drive, and a usb drive to install ubuntu. When i boot up into the install menu and press enter to install, it goes to a grey terminal window momentarily, then going black and not displaying anything. [06:11] um it isnt working [06:11] is there an easer way like a command or a file i can run [06:11] can i just download it from the java site [06:16] hi [06:18] meraa [06:21] <_d-> FireStriker, There is something calling it Google, let me introduce to him by visit this link: http://google.com and will give you result like this https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp [06:21] um im new m8 [06:22] !google | _d- [06:22] _d-: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [06:22] i dont know when to get stuf from goolge and when to get stuf from the repos [06:22] <_d-> tgm4883, next time keep the text to answer not for reply ;) [06:24] hi everyone [06:24] hi === Zero is now known as Guest48549 [06:25] I was wondering if I can get some mouse support on ubuntu 16.04 [06:25] I have a msi laptop and my mouse is a Razer Chroma [06:26] sometimes just the mouse keys quit working [06:26] if anyone can point where I can get the info would be awesome [06:27] Guest48549, I have a Razer Naga. The mouse keys act like the number pad on mine. Does yours do the same? If so is your issue that you are hitting numlock and turning off the number pad? [06:27] no [06:28] mine just works fine for a few min than both keys stop working [06:28] I can still use the keyboard... disconnecting and reconnect wont work [06:28] I even install Razer device configurator [06:28] hey Guest48549 why did you chnage your name this is now hard to read lol [06:28] it must to have a Razer thing... Im using another mouse and until now works just fine [06:30] hey I didnt, it just kicked me out from a registered user === Guest48549 is now known as Razer_Chroma_Iss === Razer_Chroma_Iss is now known as Razer_Chroma_Err [06:31] ok thats alright [06:31] I put something relater to my error :) [06:32] Fire, do you have any idea what could be? [06:33] nope im new to linux [06:33] same here [06:34] have you looked in additidan drivers/ [06:34] yup [06:35] not sure I can post links but on ubuntu forum said to run unity --replace [06:35] but doesnt seem to work [06:35] yea you can post links [06:35] just noting bad [06:36] Apparently there's something called razercfg to config razer mice, but it's not in the repos [06:38] Razer_Chroma_Err, what is the output from this commmand? lsusb | grep '1532:' [06:38] Razer_Chroma_Err, this will output the device id of your mouse. 1532 is the vendor id for Razer [06:39] let me check, Ill need to plug it back on [06:40] * Sean_McG sleeps [06:41] oh btw when posting code or outputs of commands use pastebin Razer_Chroma_Err [06:41] !pastebin [06:41] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [06:43] disregatd that lol [06:43] ...... [06:44] oh nvm [06:44] um ... [06:44] im back [06:44] im not having a good week if you all can tell [06:44] Bus 003 Device 004: ID 1532:0043 Razer USA, Ltd [06:48] Razer_Chroma_Err, I have to go. I searched google with that device id and found a couple results worth looking in to. Sorry I could not help more. [06:49] its all good, thanks anyways, have a great night 61 [06:49] Razer_Chroma_Err, also instead of searching for razer chroma, search for razer deathadder chroma [06:50] anything on the razer website? [06:51] no, I tried [06:51] thought so [06:51] on the ubuntu forums explain to use Razercfg [06:51] its the first thing a lot of people would try [06:51] hi bashing [06:52] which I get the color changes and profiles but seems to issue with gnome [06:52] :( [06:52] oh he left [06:52] lol [06:52] this is the second time lol [06:52] i say hi when he leaves [06:52] :( [06:53] i need to stop speed reading the joined/quit stuff [06:53] what are u running fire? [06:53] yo [06:53] hey all how do i check if i have all the drivers [06:54] xubuntu on this laptop (16.04) on the other which im working on besieds it being crap and dieing is xubuntu as well [06:54] but im going to put a DE on top [06:54] dont know what [06:55] ha [06:55] thinking cinimen but idk atm [06:55] I installed KDE and now on the login and shuttdown I get a kubuntu logo lol [06:55] I know I can remove the splash, but it was funny [06:56] what did you install and what de are you runing? [06:56] just the vanilla 16.04 [06:56] then I install KDE [06:56] but all the packages [06:56] actually the plasma version [06:57] but now after remove KDE [06:57] still showing kubuntu on the shuttdowns lol [06:57] lol [06:59] anyone knows some good rules to add on the firewall configuration? === uruk is now known as uruk7 === BioKee is now known as Guest92156 [07:05] what mouse is it again? [07:07] helo how to change a directory /var in other harddisk and no change the direction /var? [07:08] Razer Deathadder Chroma [07:08] um idk [07:08] when i first read that it was a paradox but idk how you do that uruk [07:09] nice what do you think of it [07:09] im looking at geting that mouse [07:10] it works great on windows :( [07:10] but has to have some way to not crash on ubuntu, I havent found yet but Ill [07:10] hows the side buttnes usefull in gaming and easy to hit [07:10] the cool part is you can change the color on ubuntu [07:11] oh cool [07:11] yup [07:11] some how Im old school microsoft mouse, so for me this is the only one works out for me [07:11] I tried many trust me [07:11] feels good too [07:12] there cheaper mouses with the more buttons but i like to look and it feels so good [07:12] hmmm naga [07:12] i hav nt used it just felt one at ebexpo [07:12] hi how can i check ubuntu server logs ? [07:12] let me say that, you play wow right [07:12] I used to have the NAGA before [07:12] nope [07:12] its great for lol or dota [07:13] but for me the naga was hard to hit the keys [07:13] so many [07:16] . [07:16] sonu_nk: Logs are commonly found in /var/log [07:17] Fire are u using any firewall rule? [07:17] nope [07:17] i was told i dont need to mess with that [07:17] i am getting service unavailable for my domain..which log i need to check hateball [07:17] Im looking for good rules [07:17] oh yea the naga [07:18] Razer_Chroma_Err: What do you need to configure iptables for? Do you have any running services that listen to the outside world? [07:18] well Im new to firewall [07:18] just more for protection [07:18] heeps of buttons. dont need that many. i was talking mainy about the logitech ones with 4 top buttons and no side buttons, i like the side buttons [07:18] not service running [07:18] sonu_nk: Do you mean you want to read apache logs? /var/log/apache2/ and whatever filename you configured the site to log to [07:19] Razer_Chroma_Err: If there's nothing listening, then there's nothing that needs to be filtered [07:19] I hava some vm for testing [07:19] but just that [07:19] gotcha [07:20] also the ip forwarding is necessary to be use? [07:20] hateball [07:20] Razer_Chroma_Err: What do you mean? [07:21] I only have vm running but I wanna be able to send and receive files on those vms [07:21] maybe a ftp server [07:21] Im reading a lot but its all new for me [07:21] FTP is terrible, use SFTP at least [07:22] gotcha, secure ftp [07:23] besides I want to be safe to browsing internet and stay away from those nasty malwares [07:24] !virus | Razer_Chroma_Err [07:24] Razer_Chroma_Err: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [07:24] Razer_Chroma_Err: There is malware for Linux, but the chance of you being hit by anything is slim [07:25] and malwares? [07:25] Razer_Chroma_Err: And typically there are no exploits in the wild that doesnt require you entering your sudo password. And if you do that without knowing why, well you deserve what you get [07:26] Razer_Chroma_Err: Just be sure to keep the system up-to-date and you'll be fine [07:26] :) [07:27] thank you hateball, this community is GREAT! [07:28] ik razer [07:28] Razer_Chroma_Err: That said, a simple script could wipe your entire ~/ (home) so use common sense [07:28] I usually stay away on rm commands [07:28] yep one typo can also do that hate [07:29] rm-rf = panic [07:29] i know someone who almost lost over $1000 of software on a linux server [07:29] wow [07:29] he did a typo entire drive wiped [07:29] they made backups so it was saved [07:29] does linux have a easy way to backup all the content? [07:30] !backup | Razer_Chroma_Err [07:30] Razer_Chroma_Err: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [07:30] then later just do a boot disk then get it all back easy and smooth? [07:30] that would of been a hell of a thing to tell your boss [07:30] Razer_Chroma_Err: Making a full system clone with something like clonezilla is nice, if you dont need file level restore [07:31] otherwise you can just !rsync your stuff somewhere [07:32] Ill ready more, again Im very new to it... [07:33] now Im getting my MSI lit keyboard working [07:33] I want to be able to change the colors [07:33] also [07:33] when I start with linux [07:34] my system was already with win10 [07:34] under the UEFI... [07:34] it was a pain to get it changed to UEFI + legacy [07:35] having a raid of 4 ssds on this laptop I had to get a extra ssd just for linux [07:35] the issue was the grub was not showing... so for me F11 only [07:35] spend 2 days looking for results on the bootloader [07:36] Razer_Chroma_Err: what model keyboard is it? usually you can change/disable leds using xset at least [07:36] if it is one of them fancy one that can do all the rainbow stuff you may need something else [07:36] msi gt72 [07:36] exacly hateball [07:36] oh it's a laptop? [07:37] yup [07:37] GT72 2QE [07:39] Razer_Chroma_Err: googling brings up https://github.com/stevelacy/msi-keyboard but I have no idea if it works [07:39] sweet [07:39] Im going to try out [07:39] I have small machine, 32bit, installed with LT1S 16.04, that is tight on disk. How do I make updating does not leave previous linux packages behind wasting disk space and filling the disk after few updates? [07:40] Razer_Chroma_Err: Seems you need to install node.js and such, but that's all in the repos [07:40] :) [07:41] nikolam: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean [07:42] hateball, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13 not upgraded , it did nothing to reclaim disk space, belonging to older. non-active linux [07:43] nikolam: autoremove will remove unused kernels, are you saying you still have a bunch in /boot ? [07:44] it's not about /boot, it is using disk space elsewhere, and yes hateball it behaviour of keeping older linux after update and filling disk is as old as ubuntu [07:44] npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-47-generic [07:44] hateball [07:45] Error: Cannot find module 'msi-keyboard' [07:45] how to operate windows usb drive in ubuntu seamlessly and vice versa? [07:46] Razer_Chroma_Err: Well that is a third party application and not supported here, I just pointed you to it. [07:46] oh, its okay [07:46] thanks tho [07:46] nikolam: have you checked with 'du' what dir is actually using all that space? [07:47] linux-headers, linux-headers*generic, linux-image*-generic, linux-image-extra*generic is kept from previous linux and filling the disk [07:47] nikolam: oh you have release-upgraded? [07:49] hateball, is's 16.04 LTS install from minimal image, netinstall [07:50] nikolam: That's weird then, if you do updates using regular apt-get dist-upgrade, then apt-get autoremove should remove unused kernels [07:51] wel it doesn't and it's like that since.. 2007 I think [07:51] how do i check if i have all of the drivers [07:52] it gives ability to boot previous kernel and save the day if update made something up. Happened during the years sometimes. [07:52] But I need to limit it to, say 1 or how many I want previous ilinux and it's packages, not to keep all previous [07:52] nikolam: there's scripts do remove unused kernels in a more thourough way tho [07:53] yes, it could be great to have that as tunable in ubuntu, so that I can set how many of them to keep to save disk space (including zero) [07:54] after removing *4.4.0-45* packages, I reclaimed almost 2GB and I can live again [07:55] but that would happen on nex update, yes scripts to remove, maybe. [07:55] nikolam: if you have the byobu package installed, it'll pull in a purge-old-kernels script with it that you can use [07:56] how to operate windows usb drive in ubuntu seamlessly and vice versa? [07:56] thanks, hateball will try it. [07:58] lenswipee: Can you elaborate? [07:58] lenswipee: Ubuntu can read/write NTFS partitions just fine by default [07:58] most usb thumbdrives are formatted with fat32 anyway, too, which it can also read [07:59] if it's a regular external drive that uses usb connectors, it's probably gonna be formatted with ntfs.. what you want is one of those because theya re readble by both systems [08:01] hateball, well it cant read my usb drive [08:01] hateball, well it cant read my phone plugged in to it i mean [08:01] Hello, is it possible to reduce the number of /dev/tty63 and /dev/ttyS27 ? [08:02] hateball, i cannnot access my photos on my phone when plugged into ubuntu pc [08:02] okay that is different [08:02] some phones don't show up as a usb drive as I recall .. maybe [08:02] what kind of phone is it [08:02] lenswipee: That’s most propably not a usb drive. [08:03] right vlt .. lenswipee some phones don't show up as a usb drive like they should. However most phones these days do have an option when they plug in that must be checked [08:03] like you can set them to "charge only" or media.. at least android. what kind of phone is it [08:04] sometimes there is software that you have to install.. or that used to be a thing [08:08] any native tool that reminds you to take a break ? [08:09] any app from the software center you know of? [08:10] is it possible to reduce the number of /dev/tty63 and /dev/ttyS27 ? ls /dev/tty* | wc -w give 100 and ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6" [08:11] lenswipee: a phone is different, usually it uses MTP if it is android, and if it's iOS I dont think it presents itself at all [08:12] hateball, so whats the solution? [08:12] lenswipee: well you can start by telling us what phone it is [08:13] The mindreaders are all asleep currently [08:13] its andriod, samsung galaxy s2. dont laugh :) [08:13] lenswipee: That's fine. IIRC you can set them to use Mass Storage Mode rather than MTP in the connection options [08:14] lenswipee: which would then present the device as a regular thumbdrive [08:14] #linuxcontainers [08:14] let me try [08:18] lenswipee, you may have to unplug and replug to get the dialog to show up. I think there is another place to look, but that's what I usually do [08:19] Should be able to slide down the notification drawer on the phone and pick the connection settings there [08:20] please guys i have a little problem i have set my host files as follows https://dpaste.de/pRGB but i can login as user@server.onestore.su what else do i need to do? === dyson is now known as Guest19403 [08:20] yeah === bwr_ is now known as bwr [08:22] kingplusplus, do you mean you *can't* log in? I'm trying to look now [08:22] kingplusplus: well for one, the hostname is only for your loopback interface, and not for whatever interface you may present on your LAN [08:23] kingplusplus: say if it has, you need to use that in your hosts file [08:23] yep [08:23] rifter: i mean ssh user@server.onestore.su ssh: connect to host server.onestore.su port 22: No route to host [08:23] kingplusplus: do you have an sshd installed and running on the server at all? [08:23] yeah kingplusplus you need that hosts file set like hateball said, on both machines [08:23] in phone has two options: mtp or ptp [08:24] well no route is because he doesn't have dns and didn't put the ip in the hosts file [08:24] if it was just sshd he'd get connection refused [08:24] well if it was missing sshd or the firewall [08:24] rifter: true [08:24] rifter: i used cloudflare by adding A records [08:25] lenswipee: hmmm, you should be able to read over MTP at least, but I don't run Unity myself so I am not sure how it tries to mount the device [08:25] kingplusplus, are both machines set in the dns settings for the appropriate interface to use that dns server? [08:25] have you fixed the mouse yet Razer_Chroma_Err [08:25] rifter: how do you mean both? [08:26] rifter: is one machine no? the one with the IP [08:27] hey firestriker [08:27] not yer [08:27] ok [08:27] its not crashing yet [08:27] but I have an issue with saving the config file [08:28] if I logoff/reboot, does not save it [08:28] not a big deal because is just the color [08:28] but Im still looking on the crash [08:28] also for the keyboard, I got a lot of errors lol [08:29] those are all note-pre-gyp err! [08:30] how is this possible that I'm adding repository, running apt-get update then trying to install google-drive-ocamlfuse and ubuntu returns Unable to locate package? [08:30] right after I run the npm install [08:30] $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa [08:30] $ sudo apt-get update [08:30] $ sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse [08:31] hateball i do not have sshd [08:31] gonliSs: that ppa might not have packages for your ubuntu version, did you check that? [08:31] Kingsplus no you need the same dns on both machines, or a dns that will talk to the dns that has the record [08:31] ducasse: I successfully installed it on another VPS with the same system [08:31] hateball: i think i have sshd installed because i can ssh using user@IP [08:31] kingsplusplus Kingsplus no you need the same dns on both machines, or a dns that will talk to the dns that has the record [08:32] I'm running: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [08:32] kingplusplus, er see above :P [08:32] rifter: do you mean my local system? needs dns? [08:32] gonliSs, does it list at all ? " apt-cache search google-drive " [08:32] kingplusplus, both the machine you are connecting from and the one you are connecting to [08:33] I am using a pc with intel and nvidia gpu. [08:33] kingplusplus, yes both the local and the remote must be connected to dns for that to work [08:33] kingplusplus, or you can have the hostfiles on both machines set to the right thing [08:33] Mathisen: storageservicemanager - KDE PIM storage servicce [08:33] Is there a way to switch btw the two automatically depending upon the need at the moment? [08:34] abhishek_, yes is the short answer [08:34] rifter: that is hard work so it means i can’t login to the server when am not in my local pc, may abroad etc [08:34] Using the nvidia settings application, it makes me log out to make the switch. [08:34] abhishek_, I think the nvidia-settings tool does that [08:34] rifter, how? [08:34] kingplusplus, no as long as it is on a dns server that other dns servers talk to, a registered domain, then you can conect from anywhere [08:34] Any ideas guys?? [08:35] abhishek_, there should be a setting in there that says use one processor for desktop and another for 3d appllications. It's been awhile since I used it [08:45] https://www.meetup.com/Tallinn-Linux-User-Group/events/235592843/ [08:45] https://pad.riseup.net/p/i8NdLC35RZTG [08:45] meetup in Tallinn [08:45] rifter, my question is detailed here http://askubuntu.com/questions/853037/switching-between-intel-and-nvidia-gpu-grahpic-cards [08:45] by english [08:53] have a good night everyone [08:55] Hi can someone pls tell me which ports are used by apt-get? my sys admin (a windows guy) has been tightening the security settings; now all outbound ports are closed by default and I need to let him know the exat minimum requirements. does the firewall need to open just ports 53 (udp) + 443 (tcp)? thanks [08:56] abhishek_: bumblebee used to be a way, but I think it is deprecated now. I think the supported way is to use nvidia-prime === Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect [08:56] abhishek_: but that does not do what you want, as you need to restart X to switch between cards [08:57] hateball, yeah. Any other way you know? [08:57] anyone know a good program to save the state of my windows on each of my workspaces? [08:57] as in, which windows goes where [08:58] abhishek_: Nope, I shun hybrid gpus [08:59] devbie, I believe apt-get uses port 80 by default [09:00] so port 53 and 80 [09:01] for DNS and HTTP respectively [09:01] Myris: thx [09:08] snapcraft === ubuntu is now known as Guest88903 [09:17] ruTorrent does not see network drive. any solutions? [09:27] I just applied some patches and when it was done my mouse had it's x and y axis changed, anybody else seeing this? [09:34] hi sll [09:35] is rkhunter safe to use? [09:35] jac76: "some patches" is not very helpful [09:35] jac76: if you mean regular Ubuntu updates, you can review what was changed in /var/log/apt/history* [09:35] not sure how to be more specific about the patches [09:35] it said patches were available and I let them install [09:46] term.log seems to have more readable text in it. [09:47] even so, there is a lot of stuff installed during that patch [09:49] also patched, no problems [09:53] Hello everyone [09:54] Is there a software to edit OneNote's files (.one) ? [09:54] well, there is some python stuff, some imagemagic stuff, some dhcp stuff, a ubuntu-release-upgrader-core thing (1:16:04.18), [09:55] I don't see anything in the upgrade that would specifically target my wireless logitech mouse [09:58] what advantages does add-apt-repository have apt-key + cat? It seems to pull depend on half of the internet just so it add repositories a bit easier [09:58] I see only one warning message: update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults [09:58] I mean, I have it in build scripts and I'm not sure I want python on my server === spammy is now known as Guest48531 [10:14] imrg, could you upload them to a hotmail/outlook account and then edit them online? [10:15] Maybe I could try that Jazzy_J [10:16] Last solution I can use a Windows VM, but if I could work on my machine that'ld be better [10:17] I understand. I use many devices, so I keep my working copies on various cloud services. Makes transferring from one system to another much easier. [10:17] hey guys how do yuo make a live usb on xubuntu [10:18] when power is low, what the system will do? [10:19] usually [10:20] hi, I am new to Linux. Needed some help on some issue. [10:23] I installed Ubuntu on my friend's laptop which had Windows 8 already installed in it. I chose dual boot. But, now I am not able to access ntfs partitions in when I log into Linux. [10:23] LinuxNovice, we are here to serve what questions do you have? [10:23] It doesn't access the ntfs partitions which were created in windows installation. [10:24] hibernation issues most likely [10:24] yep [10:24] and Windows doesn't recognize the ext4 partition I created for Linux. [10:24] LinuxNovice, hmm what version do you have? maybe install the ntfs tools? but .. they should be there. Did you encrypt the windows partition? [10:24] No, I think. [10:24] hey guys how do yuo make a live usb on xubuntu [10:25] LinuxNovice, windows can't read ext4 .. there were some programs for awhile that let you read ext2 partitions.. I don't know what state they are in now [10:25] Mathisen: can you please elaborate. [10:25] rifter, then, ext4 partition can be accessed by only Linux? [10:26] LinuxNovice, install ntfs-3g " apt install ntfs-3g " then " mount -t ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/sdx /media/windows " for example sdx = your ntfs partition [10:26] LinuxNovice, there is tools to read ext4 for win but im not so sure about write suport [10:27] Mathisen: Will that solve the problem. I mean can I access ntfs partitions in Linux? [10:27] yes [10:28] LinuxNovice, usually yes. Windows doesn't know what to do with it. However there were windows tools to read those partitions at one time that stopped being maintained for awhile. I am gonna check what is going on there [10:28] thanks Mathisen [10:28] FireStriker, this page covers making the usb stick https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick [10:29] FireStriker, this seems to detail another method of doing the same thing https://www.pendrivelinux.com/creating-an-xubuntu-live-usb-from-cd/ [10:29] ok. Will try that. [10:30] Thanks a lot guys, for your help. === D is now known as Guest9393 [10:32] i dont have the disk creater tool === for{} is now known as VorbeDeDuh [10:36] hello [10:36] anyone home [10:36] just me here then [10:36] :( [10:37] getting coffee. [10:37] coffe time [10:37] just had one [10:37] pot's brewing now. [10:37] whats new [10:38] Thanksgiving on this side of the globe. [10:38] summer time here [10:38] Get to overeat, nap and then eat again. [10:38] sounds good [10:38] im enjoying the sun [10:39] dont get to see it much [10:39] i work underground [10:40] in IT. I developed a Vitamin D deficiency, so I bought a motorcycle.... my arms are tanned now. :) [10:41] IT [10:42] Information Technology. I'm in a dark room for most of the day staring a monitors. [10:42] yeah we have vitamin d deficiency here in Tasmania [10:42] plus being 2.5 kilometers underground does not help [10:43] pretty deep. [10:43] yeah old mine [10:43] been going for about 100 years [10:44] hey guys how do yuo make a live usb on xubuntu. i cant find/i dont have the disk creator tool [10:47] FireStriker, you can use a tool call unetbootin to get you started. === VorbeDeDuh is now known as VorbeDeDuhNuBani [10:54] can someone think of a way to get my ethernet USB adapter to work on the mini installer? === spammy is now known as Guest20989 === D__ is now known as Guest46651 [11:03] hi folks, howto avoid pvescan to initialize lvm volume groups on startup (cluster setup)? auto_activation_volume_list was filled with the remaining VGs we want to setup. Manually it does what it should but on startup, all VGs are active (ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS) [11:06] Hi there channel, I'm reciving a mail from a hoster company saying that I've been sending a mail as spam. [11:07] The thing is, I've check my mail.log under /var/log and in that date and that time there is no mail send... [11:07] Do I have to look in other place? [11:07] Thank you for the help === Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [11:16] Juanete: it is possible that your machine has been compromised, but it is more likely the spam headers were faked so they appear to come from you === spammy is now known as Guest20526 === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [11:23] trying to install a newer kernel I get this error http://pastebin.com/Vi7AdCmf [11:34] ducasse: thnks a lot for the answer. Someone is telling me that even lookin at my mail.log, it is possible to have the PHP code to send mail if some hacking has been done in the machine [11:35] how is the best way to check all the code in the server having Ubuntu and plesk installed? [11:35] Juanete: a lot of stuff can be hacked to send mail, but the odds are it's just faked headers. [11:37] ducasse: that's what I'm telling my hoster but they don't give me more info. How to look if that header is true? I mean if you have the date, time and header, how would you look into your server to see if that happened? is therea ny place, log to chcek even if hacked, that a email has been sent from the server? [11:38] Juanete: it can be *extremely* hard to tell if you have been hacked, but i strongly suggest you get someone who knows how to read email headers take a look at it first. [11:39] Juanete: not an expert on this, but what mail server app are you using? [11:41] EriC^^: I'm using postfix [11:41] Hello, everyone [11:41] can someone think of a way to get my ethernet USB adapter to work on the mini installer? [11:41] I have a question about Linux in general [11:41] how does the QA assurance go in Linux? [11:41] Juanete: it says it should log to /var/log/mail.log [11:42] Do people test software rigorously and actively hunt for bugfixes? [11:42] *for bug [11:42] **bugs [11:42] Juanete, this exact thing happend to me also, for me it was the joomla contact page that someone had managed to use the php mail fuction with [11:43] my host shut the site down until it was fixed :( [11:44] EriC^^: Mathisen the thing is that in my mail.log I didn't find the message that they are telling me there is a spam. So I have another question [11:44] Hi, I like to do local mirror of ubuntu for provisioning system instalation, But I dont want to mirror everything, but just files are requred by ubuntu installer, how can i do that? [11:44] section 'main' is enough? [11:44] Do a ubuntu server needs a mail server for sending mails with php mail? [11:46] not if someone just made the php fuction to use a diffrent smtp server [11:57] Mathisen: But if they use a different SMTP the server wouldn't be blacklisted, correct? [11:58] im no expert Juanete cant say [11:59] thnks! [11:59] Juanete: they could still make it appear as your machine is the origin [11:59] Juanete, from personal experience when this hapend to me they used my site and google smtp server and my site was shutdown [12:00] Ummm thnks both for the help, I'm going to take a look of the trace... but I don't know really how to trace it. I've found this useful now...https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-log-emails-sent-with-phps-mail-function-to-detect-form-spam [12:00] Let's see what I find. [12:22] hi [12:35] does anybody know if xenial (16.04LTS) will be adding openssh 7.3 to its packages? openssh released it in august [12:41] fgdgj [12:47] hello from irssi on bash in windows 10 [12:47] :) [12:48] hehe [12:50] 'on bash' *sigh* === Guest20526 is now known as spammy [12:52] Hotmobile from israel lie me about their products !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me to win against this satanic israelites!!!!!! [12:53] Mossad must be jailed. [12:53] !!!!!!!!!!!! [12:53] Mossad= criminal organisation. [12:54] Mossad fucking bastard from hotmobile - israel. [12:54] Fuck u life mossad criminals. [12:54] Fuck u wifes. [12:54] !ops [12:54] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [12:54] Fuck u daughters mossad. [12:55] Fuck u lifeeeeee mossad sucumbs. [12:55] Go away from earth. [12:56] Hi guys [12:56] Who is working with LXD? [12:56] You must be jailed or expulsed from planet earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [12:56] gedinskas I do [12:56] Well, not dev. As a user [12:57] Hi === D__ is now known as Guest71428 [13:00] Updates keeps sayin that installing updates would require installing restricted packages. How do I fix this? === for{} is now known as VataLebada [13:14] hi hi hi [13:14] how are you? [13:15] can i get full desktop over SSH with X session? [13:16] sruli: you can tunnel VNC over SSH [13:16] hey, can i choose single rank memory for my acer laptop (7740g)? [13:17] ?? [13:17] single rank memory ? [13:17] what? [13:18] hateball: thats what i use but wanted to experiment ... on the same subject is it possible to forward running x session? for example if i want to remotely use my chrome window, but the one which is running not new one [13:18] single slot? [13:18] sruli: No [13:18] thanks [13:18] nope grafa, not slot, ranks. [13:19] sorry i'm hardware dummy [13:19] me too grafa [13:19] x) [13:19] ^^ [13:19] "Generally Single Rank Memory is faster than Dual Rank Memory, in laymen’s terms when a computer accesses Single Rank Memory it only has to go around the track once, where are Dual Rank it would have to go around the track twice." [13:19] peixoto: This isn't an Ubuntu issue, so you should really ask somewhere else such as ##hardware [13:19] alright mcphail [13:20] maybe it is "slots" finally grafa lol x) [13:20] sruli: you can use a combination of Xephyr (nested X server) and ssh -X. run Xephyr on your local machine, providing display :1. then do "export DISPLAY=:1" in a local shell and run ssh -X ... afterwards. in that sesion on the remote machine start the window manager you want. [13:20] Hello. Who is working with LXD?? [13:21] Updates keeps sayin that installing updates would require installing restricted packages. How do I fix this? [13:21] wtn4726: will look into that now, thanks [13:21] does the new acer swift 3 laptop work for ubuntu 16.04? === jared is now known as _jared [13:23] no, it is not slot grafa because you can have 2 slot each single rank or dual :) [13:23] Hello. Who works with LXD? [13:23] well, okay :) [13:23] thanks [13:25] sruli: more detailed, on client: Xephyr :1 -screen 1024x768x16 -ac -nolisten tcp & DISPLAY=:1 ssh -X user@remotehost then, in ssh session on remotehost: exec gnome-session (or exec icwem, or exec ...) [13:27] can someone think of a way to get my ethernet USB adapter to work on the mini installer? I can see its being detected with dmesg when its plugged in.. but I guess it doesnt have the driver? [13:33] How do I get a list of installed PPAs? [13:34] Kingsy: you could verify on the shell in the mini installer the number of ethernet devices doing "ip link show" [13:36] wtn4726: the laptop does not have an ethernet port.. only usb adapter.. so ip link show only shows the lo device. [13:36] it also has wireless... but there is no support for that either. [13:40] Hiyas all [13:40] Kingsy, paste the ouput of lspci and lsusb please [13:41] Hi does anyone here use NUT for ups monitoring? Any help appreciated with this issue: http://serverfault.com/questions/816855/nut-ups-master-and-slave-across-different-networks [13:46] Kingsy: okay, then the driver (or the firmware for the device) is missing [13:46] Kingsy: can you give me a usb id for the device [13:54] hello [13:55] im trying to upgrade 16.04 to 16.10, is there a way to do this via do-dist-upgrade? right now it says no new versions found [13:55] sudo do-release-upgrade [13:55] says no new versions found [13:56] 'No new release found' [13:56] just re-ran to make sure [13:56] dashdanw, your system might be set to look for LTS only. unelss you REALLY need 16.10 consider staying with 16.04 [13:57] hello [13:57] xxx [13:57] zhouyao, ask your ubuntu questions [13:57] wtn4726: how do I find the usb_id? doesnt seem to be obvious in dmesg [13:58] Kingsy, lsusb [13:58] lsusb [13:58] command not found [13:58] this is using the terminal on ubuntu mini installer. [13:58] I guess I could plug it into another machine [13:58] ctrl+alt+T === ubuntu is now known as Guest25956 === Guest25956 is now known as UbuTes [14:00] wtn4726: Bus 002 Device 012: ID 0b95:1790 ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179 Gigabit Ethernet [14:00] is there any body? [14:00] yyyyy, ask your ubuntu questions [14:01] i will try my best ~ [14:02] ... [14:02] ... [14:02] ... [14:08] yyyyy had interesting questions. [14:09] and that was his best [14:10] haha [14:15] hi [14:16] woah.. crap [14:16] Kingsy: should just work fine with the ax88179_178a kernel module [14:16] Kingsy: try modprobe ax88179_178a to see if the module is included [14:16] ok [14:17] wtn4726: module not found [14:18] Kingsy: can you give me a link to the mini installer image? [14:19] !mini | wtn4726 [14:19] wtn4726: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [14:19] wtn4726: sorry.. I see you have it [14:20] I was just looking at the .ko files in the drivers dir. I guess that is where would be put the ko. Not sure how to get it there mind [14:20] or if anything else would even be needed. [14:20] Kingsy: which release? [14:21] wtn4726: 16.04 [14:21] I went for LTS [14:22] Kingsy: i386 or x86_64? [14:22] x68_64 [14:22] x86_64*** [14:24] Kingsy: i am downloading and trying to remaster the image [14:26] wow!! [14:26] wtn4726: if you could explain how you are doing this and know all this stuff I would be very greatful [14:26] such a useful thing.. which is why I am not just giving up on this and using a differeny ISO like ubuntu desktop [14:26] Kingsy: well, at least i try to find out the exact kernel version and where to get additional modules [14:27] yeah. I wasnt sure of a few things.. but I can pick your brain when you get a bit further.. if you are keen to give me a hand :) [14:28] for example.. installing drivers.. I have only previously done this with apt-get or a package manager.. so I wasnt sure of A) Where to get the ko file. B) How to install it after I had it.. can yiou just plonk it in /lib/modules/kernel-name/drivers/net for example ? [14:28] :P [14:30] oh and more importantly.. how to find out which driver I needed for the device.. herh [14:31] how can i make rofi use space for moving downwards? [14:31] !details | VataLebada [14:31] VataLebada: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [14:31] i used '! rofi.kb-row-down: space' but it doesnt work [14:32] Kingsy: normally you don't install addtional drivers, driver modules just come with the standard kernel image. addtional drivers must be compiled for the running kernel version, which is not an easy task for a beginner. plus this external drivers mostly have bad code quality because hardware manufacturer don't give a f*ck about code quality. [14:32] other settings like those regarding colors are respected [14:33] wtn4726: ah I see [14:33] but because this is a kernel driver it should work if we just slot it in ? [14:33] because it has already been compiled against it? [14:33] does anyone here use rofi? [14:33] Kingsy: better stick to the drivers that come with the kernel. [14:33] This is mostly new for me so sorry if I am off on the wrong track.. :P [14:34] wtn4726: got ya [14:34] and ax88179_178a is a driver that comes with the kernel? Its just not been packaged ionto the iso? [14:34] Kingsy: because once they made it into the official kernel, they got some code review. there is an exception, the so-called staging area. [14:35] Kingsy: yes, ax88179_178a is included. but the mini image does not have it. [14:36] ah ok [14:36] so that should make this jbo easier. [14:36] job* [14:36] VataLebada, ask the #rofi channel [14:36] i've got a weird problem in 16.04 where my mouse stops being able to click into windows or drag windows around. [14:36] Hello and happy Thanksgiving. [14:36] i've updated to the latest drivers and done unity --replace. but that's about all i know how to do. does anyone have any ideas how to fix it? it sucks because i end up having to use windows instead [14:36] cfhowlett, thanks [14:37] I was wondering if anyone could help me debug my bumblebee issues in Xubuntu 16.04. [14:37] !ask | carbine [14:37] carbine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [14:37] wow ubuntu touch is pretty nice... [14:37] !touch | rdh [14:37] rdh: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch [14:38] cfhowlett, tanks [14:38] Gothca. Thanks. When running Xubuntu 16.04 with Bumblebee on a machine with an 820m, if I run a game like Garry's Mod my laptop is still using the Intel graphics and I am unable to figure out why. [14:38] Kingsy: it's quite difficult runnign the mini install here. i am in a restricted network environment. [14:40] Kingsy: anything doing http requests to a machine different than our mirror gives me looooong timeouts... [14:40] I don't have a "Canonical Partners" entry in Software Sources. How do I enter it manually? [14:40] Well we can catch up at another time that is more convienient? [14:41] I do appreciate your help so whatever is best for oyu. [14:41] Kingsy: in a few hours i will be home, then i will have more time and no restricted network === sroracle[m] is now known as Guest41104 [14:41] cool! [14:42] http://repo.steampowered.com/steam precise/steam that doesn't look right [14:42] I am on xenial [14:42] oh so they only have precise [14:43] steam is in the ubuntu repos, kuSuSE . use that [14:43] !steam [14:43] Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. [14:43] oh [14:43] I didn't know [14:49] Do Brother Printers in general work will with Ubuntu 14.04 ? [14:51] RNeville: they have drivers for linux, i used it in the past but i found HP (the ones i used) work better on linux than on windows http://support.brother.com/g/s/id/linux/en/index.html?c=us_ot&lang=en&comple=on&redirect=on [14:51] quit [14:52] the hp laserjet one I've used takes forever to print on Linux [14:52] thx sruli - I have promise myself not to buy HP, anything. Got badly taken on an HP 9000 laptap in the past [14:53] i mostly use hp x476 * x576 with hp cups driver, never had a connection issue, all win machines on the network have to constantly reinstall [14:54] but the brother i used was ok on linux, no real issues [14:54] thank you, sruli - I know I asked the question - just really dislike HP, as a company [14:55] I guess this question is in wrong channel, but when a printer says wireless , it's not the same thing as wifi- direct [14:55] I want to be able to use my android phone to wirelessly print === blackhole is now known as Guest77387 [14:56] i also have my dislikes.. .especially that they "unoffically" support linux on their laptops but they do not allow to put in own eufi certificates only MS [14:56] will be adding openssh 7.3 to its packages? openssh released it in august [14:57] jj_: generally, security fixes are backported to existsing versions [14:57] security fixes yes, not new versions [14:58] !latest | jj_ [14:58] jj_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [14:58] happy turkey day [14:58] !ppa [14:58] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [15:04] Hey, I seem to be having issue with sound playback in certain applications like games and/or other programmes. After PC is up for longer then the sounds start to be played in malformed way. It sounds like white noise. The only solution so far I found was to restart pulseaudio process. I guess it's something to do with buffers and such but I have no idea how to fix it. Especially that the issue isn't [15:04] persistent but like I said appears after few hours of using PC. [15:06] anyone know how i can get an invite or join ##linux? [15:07] thank you mcphail [15:08] looks like the version of openssh that ubuntu is using has incorporated the fixes in 7.3 [15:11] and FinalX, thanks. [15:13] !latest [15:13] Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [15:13] !sru [15:13] Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [15:13] !ppa [15:13] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge === scottt is now known as Guest2180 [15:18] Hi channel [15:18] Hi [15:18] hi [15:19] talking about mail servers, sendmail and postfix are the same? i mean, they don't need to be install together right? Is one or the other? [15:20] ubuntu-drivers-common:i386: [15:20] Depends: python3-apt but it is not going to be installed [15:20] Depends: python3-xkit but it is not installable [15:20] Conflicts: ubuntu-drivers-common but 1:0.4.22 is to be installed [15:20] Juanete: yes chooose one [15:21] cerion: how do I know that if I remove sendmail there are wordpress installations inside the server that are not going to fail? [15:22] Juanete: not sure. You need o test this but postfix ships with a sendmail comand I think [15:23] ok, perfect [15:23] thnks! [15:29] hello, is there some repository that i could get new xserver 1.19? [15:29] dust: Pastebin for the channel ' uname -a ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' We can then see the errors in context . [15:30] !info xserver-xorg-core [15:30] xserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.18.4-1ubuntu6.1 (yakkety), package size 1382 kB, installed size 4117 kB [15:31] antilogic: ^^ Provide additional details ? What release are you using ? [15:32] im using ubuntu 16.10 [15:33] Bashing-om, Hit:2 http://repo.steampowered.com/steam precise InRelease [15:34] hello! [15:35] antilogic: We in reference to Package xserver-xorg ? where the current version is 1:7.7+13ubuntu4: ? [15:35] dust: reading . [15:36] dust: Nope, what release are you on ? as steam is now in the later repos . [15:36] 16.10 [15:36] !info steam | dust [15:36] dust: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (yakkety), package size 1289 kB, installed size 3992 kB [15:37] @Bashing-om dpkg -s xserver-xorg shows: Version: 1:7.7+13ubuntu4 === littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica [15:39] antilogic: Does ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' bring in the latter version ? [15:41] dust: Tou will want to disable that precise steam repo prior to installing from our source. [15:41] You/Ttou * [15:41] just did that, upgraded some packages, but xserver-xorg wasnt one of them. [15:42] !info xserver-xorg [15:42] xserver-xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+13ubuntu4 (yakkety), package size 55 kB, installed size 240 kB [15:42] I ugraded my ubuntu 14.05 derver to 16.04.1 and I am having a problem with openssl. Automysql backup reports "mysqldump: Got error: 2026: SSL connection error: SSL is required but the server doesn't support it when trying to connect" Any suggestions? [15:44] antilogic: Yeah .. ^ that is the latest version in the repo . [15:46] @Bashing-om so there is no X 1.19 in the repo yet? is it going to be updated in near future, or is it going to happen in new release? [15:48] antilogic: As I understand versioning numbers .. version 1:7.7 is several versions over 1.19 .. where the 1 is "19" is what is deterministic . === taken is now known as Guest32082 [15:50] Bashing-om: if i write: X -version. i get X.Org X Server 1.18.4. Recently the 1.19 version came out witch supposed to fix some issues with PRIME sync. so i was excited to get that [15:52] is there a way to ensure apt-get upgrade can upgrade e.g. docker 1.12.1 to docker 1.12.3, but won't upgrade 1.12.x to any 1.13.x? [15:52] i know pinning can lock it to a specific version, but i'm unsure of pinning just major (sub-major?) version [15:57] hi [15:57] i installed ubuntu 16.04 instead of 14.04 [15:58] but it is downloading that i do not know what is it [15:58] how can i find out what it is ? [15:58] ubuntu 16.04 is shitter than windows [15:59] mcc, 1. no profanity 2. no windows bashing [15:59] the current release is 16.04.1 more than likely, you system is updating to the current version. [16:00] automatically ? [16:00] if you set it up that way, yes [16:00] or if you triggered the update [16:00] now i didnt set it [16:01] pl [16:01] ok === Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner [16:05] hello [16:05] any hacker here === albert is now known as Guest54033 [16:05] albert, no. find a different channel, we do not support hacking here [16:06] Bashing-om, i had that too installed... uninstalled but steam dosnt start:Running Steam on ubuntu 16.10 64-bit [16:06] STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically [16:06] grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc [16:06] grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc [16:06] grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc [16:06] awk: /home/user/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libreadline.so.7) === Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off [16:14] \nick Natkeeran === nat is now known as Natkeeran [16:26] I want to get scrolling sound volume above 100% [16:26] on ubuntu 16.04 64bit gnome 3.14 classical [16:27] scrolling sound volume? [16:28] I have a dual boot system. I'm trying to do a fresh install on the Kubuntu partition, but when I go to manual mode for disk configuration, I don't see how to choose Kubuntu's partition. [16:28] https://askubuntu.com/questions/219739/adjust-max-possible-volume-in-pulseaudio?noredirect=1&lq=1 I cannot get the instructions to work. the first script [16:28] Do I need to use the partition editor first? [16:29] If you scroll on the volume icon on the gnome menu bar you cannot get above 100% [16:36] Hey I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 but it doesn't seem to have wifi working. Can someone help me through this? lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23527931/ [16:38] Do I need to shred the partition before I reinstall Kubuntu? [16:40] Anyone knows how I can fix the wifi issue? [16:45] horseatingweeds, no, just format it to ext4 [16:46] hallo [16:52] <_d-> Question: How I can find this type of format "EFI System Partition " in Create partition section?! === for{} is now known as PeaceAndFreedom [16:56] _d-: Well, 1st up .. is this disk formatted as GPT ? [16:56] <_d-> Bashing-om, it's sdcard, I'm trying applying this guide about installation: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2309963 [16:57] <_d-> I formatted the sdcard with efax on windows before [16:58] How big would a Vagrant VM of Ubuntu Server be? [17:00] hello [17:00] what's up [17:01] _d-: Pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo parted -l ' let's see what we are working with . [17:03] hey, i need some help, yesterday i installed skype for linux and it installed some audiopulse thing... and today my linux doesnt show any "speaker"icon next to the clock and no audio device is shown in the OS-Settings, also the multimedia keys on keyboard (volume up/down/mute) have no effects. [17:03] Hey I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 but it doesn't seem to have wifi working. Can anyone help me with this? [17:06] <_d-> Bashing-om, I'm in middle of installation? http://i.imgur.com/WHTVCly.jpg [17:08] shwifty have you installed linux-firmware-nonfree? [17:09] I have not. [17:09] ^har [17:10] shwifty, try installing it [17:10] harrr: Doing now [17:11] _d-: You are setting up the boot partition for GPT, right .. then select the file type as fat16 and set the boot flag . [17:12] <_d-> Bashing-om, with fat16 file system the mount point just limited with /dos and /windows?! === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [17:15] Hello, want to buy an expensive video card to help video rendering in Lightworks - any suggestions? [17:16] _d-: Verry limited experience here but ,, IF this is GPT .. then the boot partition has to be fat: " Type: FAT (generally FAT32) [17:16] Description: the EFI partition (also called ESP) contains some boot files. It is necessary if the firmware (BIOS) is set up to boot the HDD in EFI mode (which is default on more and more modern, > year 2011 computers). It must be located at the start of a GPT disk, and have a "boot" flag. === techspan_ is now known as techspan1 [17:17] _d-: Note that " It must be located at the start of a GPT disk " . [17:18] <_d-> Bashing-om, I do not have hdd, for that I have issue with installing ubuntu in this point necessary to format one part by efi to can boot on it!! [17:21] _d-: you can set up partitions before installing, other than that it may not be necessary to actually mark the partition as esp, depending on your firmware. [17:21] hello [17:21] _d-: I will gladly bow to others' greater experience . But weather a solid state device or a HDD .. I would think the procedure to be the same . [17:21] it is. [17:22] anyone know the best way to connect to my lg with ubuntu 16.04? === zaki is now known as Guest79648 [17:23] <_d-> ducasse, you mean I run ubuntu and do all the partition then back to installation, let me try [17:23] ok i got it working again 0o [17:24] _d-: that is the general idea. just create the efi partition as fat32, type ce00 i think. [17:24] _d-: type ef00, sorry [17:25] <_d-> ducasse, I will try and back for you are what happening -- in processing [17:25] No nothing about video cards, but want to buy $50 or so video card to help video rendering in Lightworks, running Ubuntu 14.04, any suggestions? [17:25] curious if anyone can help me? I want to connect my phone to ubuntu 16.04 i don't see my phone with "lsusb" [17:25] <_d-> Bashing-om, thanks for you trying [17:27] _d-: Keep us advised .. such that I can better advise the next time . [17:28] hello? [17:29] coy: android? [17:29] yes [17:30] coy: I've got an Lg G3, I just install airdroid on my phone/tablet and use that via the web browser [17:30] coy: connect usb, then drag down the notifications to see which mode it is set to, it may be in charge mode. [17:30] I have a LGMS345 [17:30] Does anyone know what brand of video card supported best under Ubuntu 14.04? [17:31] uh ducasse I am not sure what you mean? [17:31] coy: by what? [17:31] i tried lsusb but I see nothing but my mouse [17:32] RNeville, nvidia seems to have the best support nowadays for most linux OSs [17:32] coy: that may be because it is connectid in charge mode, then it will do nothing but charge. [17:32] *connected [17:32] yes and that is all it does [17:32] coy: ok, then try what i said. [17:33] thx BluesKaj [17:33] how do I ? [17:33] coy: connect usb, then drag down the notifications to see which mode it is set to, it may be in charge mode. [17:34] RNeville, that's been my experience judging from the problems users ask about in the support chats [17:34] k, BluesKaj [17:34] I am fairly new to ubuntu I have no option to drag down after plugging it in? [17:35] RNeville: If ya getting a later generation nVidia card, ya want to have 16.04 + installed . Better driver support in the later kernels . [17:35] coy: just drag from top of screen on your phone, you will open the notification center [17:35] thx, Bashing-om [17:37] How can I tell if the AMDGPU-PRO drivers are in use? I feel like i'm getting worse performance than my old GTX760 in games [17:37] tgm4883: x log? [17:37] I did that and it just confirms it is at 100% [17:38] coy: there is no option to change usb settings? [17:39] tgm4883: ' lsmod | grep amdgpu ' any help there ? [17:39] Hi all, I got a question? I mounted windows shares permanently with CIFS, everything run smooth but mount fail during boot process I suppose due to Home folder encryption. What can I do? [17:40] ducasse: Bashing-om all I see is lines about AMDGPU, nothing about amdgpu-pro [17:40] all I see is the developer options to turn on usb debugging [17:40] granted I feel like even with the OS drivers, I should be getting better performance than my GTX760 [17:40] coy: no, this is a box of options that only appear when usb is connected, and it should be under notifications. [17:41] Hello, I need help, do somebody know how download file in firefox to FTP or samba disk? [17:42] <_d-> I get error again but different with previously one: Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/49C4Ucc.jpg [17:44] tgm4883: no clue, sorry - i just use intel. [17:44] ok my phone only indicates a "Battery full" no additional options when I plug it in... I attempted it a few times now. Does Ubuntu have anyway of detected the phone? [17:44] *detecting [17:44] coy: not if the phone is in the wrong mode, it needs to be in mtp or mass storage mode. [17:45] i tried using mtpfs but it won't work [17:46] ducasse: thanks for checking. My benchmarks I ran seem to indicate that it's active, but my game performance in dying light and other games is abysmal [17:46] I will look at my phone more for either option you just suggested [17:47] tgm4883: i hate to say so, but that matches what many others have told me about those drivers... [17:47] tgm4883: so i think it's a common problem. [17:48] :/ [17:48] tgm4883: have you tried the amd forums? [17:48] ducasse: I've been wondering if it was worth anything to do a reinstall since I moved from nvidia to amd [17:49] I haven't yet, I'll try there next [17:49] tgm4883: i've got no better suggestions, i'm afraid. sorry :( [17:50] Hello, I need help, do somebody know how download file in firefox to samba disc, no to local hard drive? [17:52] Michal__: yes, the samba share needs to be mounted. [17:52] ducasse: I have mouted it (I think [17:52] ) [17:53] ? [17:53] Megabyte: then you should be able to save where you mounted it [17:54] ducasse, huh? [17:54] Megabyte: sorry, that was for Michal__ - bad tab expand [17:54] Michal__: then you should be able to save where you mounted it === PeaceAndFreedom is now known as VataLebada [17:56] !pm | Michal__ [17:56] Michal__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [17:57] Hi [17:58] tgm4883: ' dpkg -l amdgpu-pro ; from : http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx , [17:58] i need the help of a good bash coder to help me for a few days finish and test complex set of scripts, decent payment in return, pm me if interested, thanks [17:59] Bashing-om: yea I've done that, it's definitely installed [18:00] tgm4883: Be aware only a limited new generation ATI cards support the amdgpu-pro driver . [18:00] Bashing-om: I even think that it's in use, I ran benchmarks before and after and have a significant boost. However in games I'm getting some pretty bad performance [18:00] Bashing-om: Yea my card is supported [18:02] tgm4883: have you looked if there is a man page that lists options for it? [18:03] ducasse: for the driver? [18:03] tgm4883: i doubt it should be necessary, but *shrug* [18:03] tgm4883: yes [18:03] I've not, let me check [18:03] tgm4883: there is for intel etc [18:03] there is for amdgpu, not for amdgpu-pro [18:06] tgm4883: i'd think the options would be the same, could be worth a look. [18:06] tgm4883: it's a long shot, i admit. === z4ki is now known as zaki [18:09] ducasse: I'll look into it, thanks [18:10] hello friends! I'm trying to figure something out here. I'm SSHing into a linux machine from my mac. I would like to run a command and leave it running. I saw tmux being suggested in askubuntu but I'm unable to detach from it. [18:10] Pressing ctrl b then d doesn't do anything. Is it because it's a mac terminal? [18:10] tgm4883: do you have any decent sources/info/hdelpf on 'selecting an amdgpu 3 head or more pci-e card' that works nicely with open amdgpu driver ? -- seems to be hard to marry up whats on sale with any variet sources of info....... [18:11] I have an older nvidia quadro nvs450 wihch was nice but now being a pain ;p -- and still never quite works right with nouveau with 3 or more heads ;p [18:12] Anyone seen/written guides for a Macbook Pro Mid2015 (AMD+intel graphics) ? [18:14] I don't, I only have 2 hooked up to mine [18:14] enyc: ^ [18:15] enyc: are you going to use this for games or just desktop stuff? if just desktop, intel works fine with three heads, don't know if they have support for more now. [18:15] is there another way to send a ctrl command through ssh ? I don't know if it's cos i'm on a mac that I can't send the ctrl + b [18:16] ducasse: hrrm there is an onboard intel but not with enough outputs... hence want a pci-e single-heigh card please (not games)=) [18:16] oh wait. hmm [18:17] Kingsy: still there? [18:17] enyc: right. i know nvidia has some models specifically for multihead with many outputs, but those are generally quite expensive, i believe. [18:17] i need the help of a good bash coder to help me for a few days finish and test complex set of scripts, decent payment in return, pm me if interested, thanks [18:18] hello... [18:18] dario_, normal mac keyboards have a ctrl key, it's just not often used === Tahr-user is now known as LinuxCrazy [18:18] hello. can anybody tell me what is the best way of running windows apps on Linux? [18:19] Random832: always mondered if cmd is really the same as alt, or not =) [18:19] LinuxCrazy: depends on application. [18:19] LinuxCrazy: 'wine' can work well for some [18:19] does it work on all? [18:19] LinuxCrazy: otherwise, virtualbox with complete windows install can work for others [18:19] enyc, if you are running a cross-platform app or x11, generally option is alt, and command is "super" [18:19] LinuxCrazy: no, just the same as 'do all windows programs work on all versions of windows' ;p [18:20] ok. how much space does the virtual box consume? [18:20] ducasse: So different question, how to mount samba disc to folder? My samba disk is ext3 file system, can I use something like this? mount -t smbfs //servername/myshare /mnt/servername/myshare -o username=myself [18:20] LinuxCrazy: as much diskspace as you give it.. you would need windows install image and license of course [18:20] if suppose I install win8 in virtual box. [18:20] Someone suggested installing linux-firmware-nonfree a while back to fix my wifi issue. I've installed it. [18:20] LinuxCrazy: you can set the virutal disk space as you like [18:20] ok. [18:21] LinuxCrazy: but... worth _trying_ 'wine' with your particular application, it MAY work more than well enough [18:21] It means complete windows install in virtual box? [18:21] LinuxCrazy: wine doesn't, wine can just run (many) windows programs directly [18:21] Michal__: probably, i don't use samba. [18:21] !winehq [18:21] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [18:21] LinuxCrazy: virtualbox, allows you to host a complete windows install virtual machine, yes [18:21] !samba | Michal__ [18:21] Michal__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html [18:22] LinuxCrazy: as above, READ on those links, USE/SEARCH the appdb mentioned above [18:22] enyc, instead, would it not be better to dual boot with windows? [18:22] LinuxCrazy: that tends to be a total pain rebooting, access to data, etc [18:22] LinuxCrazy: its much nicer to use both at once if it works for your applcitaion combination [18:22] LinuxCrazy: so you don't need to keep rebooting and restarting everything and all that nonsense [18:23] LinuxCrazy: did you search in the appdb above?? [18:23] or finding app alternatives [18:24] ok. I'll go through that link. [18:26] thanks a lot guys, for your help. [18:27] My samba disc in in my ASUS router [18:30] Michal__: the links ubottu gave you tells you how to use samba, if something doesn't work just ask here. [18:30] ok, I will try [18:30] thank [18:38] Hi i considering Ubuntu for my servers. I need to run one database (Cassandra) and one Java application on each node. Considering just using bare metal OS. But I am curious if I would be better served by a virtualization software. Any ideas? [18:39] Using centos 6.4 today. [18:45] It works now, Many thank for help with samba.. [18:50] well thats no fun cant get either debian stretch or ubuntu zesty to name resolv on my trusty ubuntu server [18:52] anyone ready for offtopic discussion? [18:53] !offtopic | as_ [18:53] as_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:55] hey guys, I have the source from: apt-get source coreutils [18:55] I want to rebuild cp with debug information so I can pull it into gdb [18:56] seems like there should be an easy way .. [18:56] I am having some problems with my apache vhost, I am getting a 403 error and it says in the log that the client is denied by server configuration [18:56] just a .configure arugment? [18:59] http://pastebin.com/1P0XDZeh There is my conf file for the vhost [19:05] I have solved the problem myself by change apache2.conf [19:05] hi [19:09] funkyjive: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1937420/how-to-generate-debug-symbols-with-makefile-for-c-linux [19:14] hello [19:15] Hello. Trying to install full disk encrypted Ubuntu on zfs root. However, when I try to grub-install from the chroot of my new installation, grub errors out complaining that I don't have GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=1 set, but I do. === VataLebada is now known as WeDisappear [19:20] hi all [19:20] hi [19:21] where is the guy who wanted to help yesterday? [19:26] where is the guy i helped earlier today? :) [19:26] Kingsy: u still there? [19:27] hey i want to install kali linux 64 bit version on kvm in ubuntu 16.04 but i do not know what the type of kali linux [19:28] hey guys! [19:35] mcc: It is based on Debian, if that is what you mean... [19:36] http://demonsaw.com/ COME TO US GOOD HELP HERE [19:38] hey guys, I really need help, I messed up w/ compiz yesterday, and now I can not log into my unity desktop. How do I reset unity and compiz to default [19:39] I am able to boot into openbox, however when I launch ccsm, I don't see the settings for the unity desktop [19:39] I can't run DISPLAY=:0 dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ because it cannot connect to my display [19:39] and when I do it w/o DISPLAY=:0, is says I need a display [19:40] any help would be greatly apprieciated [19:43] by the way, I am unable to log into the guest account either [19:44] files on my backup disk inexplicably have a 1000 ns : system: Modify: 2013-03-06 19:48:09.054494000 -0700 backup: Modify: 2013-03-06 19:48:09.054493000 -0700 [19:44] 4000 vs 3000 [19:44] these files were saved with a cp -avu some time ago ... [19:44] I don't know. [19:45] this shouldn't happen and something changed in the system code to make it happen. [19:49] im reinstalling compiz, unity, and ubuntu-desktop [19:51] Sup folks [20:01] guys, anyway to remove grouping program? i want to view separate terminals, not grouped in one icon [20:01] unity desktop [20:02] i mean running program in sidebar === WeDisappear is now known as chandala [20:03] Hola alguien habla español? [20:03] !es [20:03] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [20:07] hello [20:07] anyone here using eclipse?? === chandala is now known as InceptionTime [20:07] !anyone === InceptionTime is now known as InceptionTime_ [20:08] I cannot add it to Unity launcher [20:08] .desktop file not working [20:08] :S [20:08] hi [20:08] hm? [20:10] monoqube: I am using eclipse CDT [20:10] Guy1524, did you add it to the Launcher ? [20:10] are you using the version from the web or the packaged version [20:11] and yes, I added it to the launcher [20:11] packaged version, I've just downloaded Eclipse Neon [20:11] Guy1524, tutorials on the Net is to create an eclipse.desktop file and put it to the ~/.local/share/applications directory and restart [20:12] I did it, and no luck [20:12] also I tried with /usr/share/applications directory [20:12] again the same, not working [20:12] you can either put it in .local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications [20:13] can you put the .desktop file on paste.ubuntu.com [20:14] Guy1524, this is my eclipse.desktop file on ~/.local/share/applications https://paste.ubuntu.com/23529060/ [20:14] well, there are a few things that are wrong [20:15] Guy1524, also I get error "There was an error launching the application." when I double clicked to the .desktop file [20:15] Guy1524, hmmm? [20:15] yes, your .desktop file has many things wrong with it [20:15] :S [20:15] it was on the tutorials :D [20:15] Guy1524, ok, listening you ~ [20:15] one problem is that you are using MYUSERNAME [20:15] which you need to replace with your actualy username [20:16] oh no, I just made it to mask my username ;p [20:16] you're exec'ing a directory it looks like [20:16] do desktop-file-validate [20:16] ya, he is, just noticed that [20:16] wa? [20:17] run desktop-file-validate eclipse.desktop [20:17] on the terminal_ [20:17] ? [20:17] sorry, I'm very new to Linux [20:19] Guy1524, it just returns: eclipse.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated [20:19] ya, on the terminal [20:19] ya, that is one thing you do not need [20:19] I am making you a working .desktop file [20:19] hold on [20:19] Ook [20:20] here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529088/ [20:21] somehow my harddrive goes in to read only mode all the time. and fucks up everything.. then unity sort of breaks down.. it seems to me that the harddisk somehow dissappears. can this happpen because of a software issue or is it more likely that it is the disk or the cable? [20:21] waterbed: please dont swear [20:21] the logs will show you what it thinks is happening, [20:21] now, do you have an eclipse.sh file [20:21] if your hard disk goes into read only mode, very few things will work [20:21] inside the same directory as icon.xmp? [20:21] *xpm [20:22] hi there, does anyone have a good tutorial on how to connect over ssh to tightvncserver? I've tried all of the examples I've found online, and I don't know about the security of vino. I've tried x11vnc and tightvncserver, am connecting from a windows machine using putty and tunnelling for the ssh, I can get a screen to come up but it's all grey and it asks me for my password, but I can't see the actual [20:22] screen [20:22] Guy1524, I'm trying it [20:22] Thanks :) [20:22] did it work? [20:22] hey people how you doin! [20:23] if not, try modifying your eclipse.sh file [20:23] i cant remember if eclipse.sh comes by default [20:24] try removing the .sh suffix if you dont have eclipse.sh [20:27] hey guys, now that more of you are here, i am going to ask my question again [20:28] I cannot login to unity, openbox works however [20:29] Guy1524, have you tried the Guest Account ? [20:29] yes, it does not work either [20:29] Guy1524, cat ~/.xsession-errors [20:29] here is .xsession-errors [20:29] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529115/ [20:30] somebody had the same problem on askubuntu, however nobody was able to solve it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/763735/ubuntu-16-04-blank-screen-at-bootup [20:31] on my working ubuntu laptop, the first two lines are the same, but the last three are new [20:31] I have tried reinstalling the unity, compiz, and ubuntu-desktop packages [20:31] with no success [20:31] Guy1524, see if you have a unity-gtk-module.log [20:31] Guy1524, I think it's working now, I need to re-start [20:32] Guy1524, THANK YOU!! [20:32] .) [20:32] ok, in my home directory right? [20:33] no, i so not have that file ioria [20:33] actually I do have one in .cache [20:33] ill check it now [20:33] Guy1524, paste it but i'm afraid is a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/1537610 [20:33] Launchpad bug 1537610 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Upstart cannot connect so no desktop is shown" [Critical,Confirmed] [20:34] my desktop has been working for a long time [20:34] only recently has this happened [20:35] Guy1524, you can use another de, for the moment [20:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529133 [20:35] that is my unity-gtk-module.log [20:36] out of curiousity, is the problem w/ unity or lightdm [20:36] Guy1524, yes, the issue is initctl: did you rename something ? [20:36] hi guys [20:36] rename what? [20:37] hi unreasonable [20:37] im going to try reinstalling upstart [20:38] whoaaaa [20:38] why are you re-installing upstart [20:38] that did not work [20:39] I get that this is a closed discussion channel. Can you guys point me to a more interaction friendly casual channel? [20:39] Guy1524, ls /proc/self/fd/ [20:39] Hmm [20:39] !alis | tusharm [20:39] tusharm: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http === bwr_ is now known as bwr [20:40] ioria: that returns 0 1 2 3 [20:41] This is the output of gparted: http://i.imgur.com/ASrBePUl.png -- my current running system is on sda6, the space on sda5 is not used. Is there any way to resize/move/copy so I can use this space also? [20:41] now it returns 0 1 2 255 === jstein_ is now known as jstein [20:41] for some reason [20:41] would a complete reinstall of unity and all its configurations help? [20:42] Guy1524, not sure, sorry [20:42] fub: not easily, but you could mount /dev/sda5 as /home or /usr or which ever is the most used directory [20:43] fub: might want take a look at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual [20:43] Guy1524, did you do a do-release-upgrade ? from what to what ? [20:43] Guy1524: why don't you delete compiz config and see what happens when logging into unity? [20:43] akik, so when I put sda5 on /home, then installed software/updates are still on the main partition, right? [20:43] no, I did do sudo apt upgrade though [20:43] but this sounds like a plan [20:43] Guy1524, fresh install 16.04 ? [20:43] xangua: I did the user compiz config [20:43] fub: remember that you need to copy the stuff from your existing dir onto /dev/sda5 [20:44] yes, upgraded to 16.04.1 [20:44] is it still possible to update a 13.04 to 14.04? [20:44] a while ago [20:44] Guy1524, fresh install ? [20:44] fub: the installed packages will not be on /home [20:44] it was fresh 6 months ago [20:44] akik, yeah, so the plan: mount sda5, remove everything, copy everything from current /home to /sda5, then remout as /home ? [20:44] when 16.04 came out [20:44] haven't reinstalled since [20:44] akik, I know, but maybe this is already sufficient [20:44] and just now does this start happening [20:44] dont know how else I can do this [20:45] fub: yes, add /dev/sda5 as /home in /etc/fstab [20:45] all I did yesterday was install some compiz plugins [20:45] which I have already tried removing [20:45] or is there a simple way to move everything from sda6 to sda5? [20:45] s/simple/safe/ [20:45] Guy1524, if the Guest Account it's not working ... it's not that [20:45] ya [20:45] thats what I was thinking [20:45] fub: you are not going to move everything, only what's in /home [20:46] akik, yeah, I know. Just theoretically when I dont go the /home way [20:46] and move everything [20:46] is this possible? [20:46] where is all comiz.unity configuration stored? [20:46] cant I do dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/dev/sda5 ? [20:47] would deleting /usr/share/compiz and /usr/share/unity* help [20:48] fub: if you haven't tested how to play with partitions and uuids, i wouldn't risk it [20:48] I have a working unity running laptop, should I copy the laptop's version of those folders over? [20:48] ill try backing them up and seeing if that works [20:48] Guy1524: that's not compiz config if that's what you mean, config is probably somewhere in .config directory [20:48] xangua: its not user based [20:49] for some reason I cant run ifconfig [20:49] akik, mh, I have not played with partitions and uuids [20:49] but I may run later into a problem when my current / is running out of space [20:49] Guy1524 - we don't use net-tools anymore, you should use ip instead [20:49] I'm just moving my problem to some days later now [20:49] Try [ ip link ] [20:49] so maybe the best solution is to tackle it now and move everything [20:49] it says this command could not be located because /sbin is not included in the PATH environment variable [20:50] i am inclined to believe that running unity as root might work [20:50] is that possible [20:51] Guy1524, maybe we messed you .profile or path === InceptionTime_ is now known as DeadEnd [20:51] *your [20:52] Guy1524, at system level, not user [20:52] how can I restore that [20:52] akik, what do you think of this: a) mount sda5 b) copy every file from sda6 to sda5 c) run grub to boot from sda5 ? [20:52] Guy1524, what did you do lately ? [20:52] I have working ubuntu unity laptop I am using right now, so I can copy any files over [20:53] I can send you history [20:53] fub: you need to check the uuid of /dev/sda5 and change it in /etc/fstab [20:53] fub: but you know, this is a risky operation [20:54] Guy1524, echo $PATH [20:54] akik, why do I need to change the uuid? [20:54] fub: your /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda5 have a different uuid [20:55] btw guys, sorry if I take a while to respond, my internet is terribly slow [20:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529215/ [20:55] here [20:55] fub, a better bet would be to just comment out the old line in fstab...just in case [20:55] akik, right. And when I copied everything from sda6 to sda5 and then run grub again, grub may detect the OS on sda5 and add it to the boot loader so I can boot from it, can't it? [20:56] th0r, I still dont get why I need to change this file [20:57] fub: your system tries to mount / according to the uuid information in /etc/fstab [20:57] fub, if that is true...you should reconsider the whole idea [20:57] fub: when you run sudo update-grub, the grub configuration will be also updated to reflect this [20:58] now ifconfig works for some reason [20:58] Guy1524, echo $SHELL [20:59] Happy Thanksgiving everyone [20:59] I get /bin/bash [20:59] Guy1524, no idea, sorry [21:00] hello [21:01] Guy1524, just give a look at ~/.Xauthority ownership and if you have file owned by root in your home [21:01] akik, th0r: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/iAryBBJtRARBfsvmxA99/ -- shouldnt this work? [21:02] ioria: this happens for every user though [21:02] Guy1524, i k [21:02] and yes one file is owned by root [21:03] should I change the owner [21:03] Guy1524, which is ? [21:03] .gvfs [21:03] fub: on laptop screen, it looks good :) can't be 100% certain it will work [21:03] its a folder and there is nothing in it [21:03] akik, this should also be with nearly no risk [21:04] not sure why it even exists [21:04] <_d-> If there is any moderator of Ubuntu community around please be attention to update the article about install Ubuntu on SDCard , it's not support all type of Sd Cards in markets. You can figure out about this also in AskUbuntu and Superuser same issue and the real reason it's about the type of SdCard, ( Please update the article to help other users about this issue) [21:04] because I'm not changing anything on the original system [21:04] fub: i've seen people use "cp -a" to copy big file systems [21:04] <_d-> Issue it's can't all SDCard format to ext4 < [21:04] akik, what does that do? [21:05] I changed it, didn't help [21:05] fub: in cases where a root file system is being copied [21:05] ill bbl guys [21:05] akik, http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/copy-your-linux-install-different-partition-or-drive this looks good [21:06] Is there a reason I have to do this from a live cd? [21:06] hi all, I've just upgraded my ubtuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04.1 however I cannot perform apt update, I get the following: [21:06] Err:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease [21:06] Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?) [21:08] fub: you know, there are virtual file systems like /proc and /sys which contain things that are not real files [21:08] fub: you don't want to copy those [21:08] akik, all right, so no easy way to exclude them, right? [21:09] srs question, how can i use ubuntu to help me masturbate better/more efficiently [21:09] fub: also /dev and /run [21:09] does anyone have any tricks they use to batch download files or something? [21:09] back [21:09] how can ubuntu help me watch my hentai [21:10] anyone? [21:10] anyone? [21:10] pls respond:3 [21:10] !ops | jaaaaaaaaaaay [21:10] jaaaaaaaaaaay: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [21:10] wats this [21:11] fub: oh ok the reason why you would do the copy operation from a live session is that those special directories will not be mounted [21:13] ok === blacklycan is now known as Blacklycan === skylite_ is now known as skylite [21:38] Hello, Is there a way to find out which programs, extensions etc. I can remove savly and what they are for? [21:38] just to let people know I followed this link for a full answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/416151/tight-vnc-server-ubutu-12-10-and-unity-desktop [21:38] also, if anyone knows how to secure vino, I would be interested in reading about that. [21:50] How can I get a preview of RAW files in the "explorer"? [21:55] heyyyy [22:01] Trying to install full disk encrypted Ubuntu on zfs root. However, when I try to grub-install from the chroot of my new installation, grub errors out complaining that I don't have GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=1 set, but I do. [22:06] Hello guys, some time ago i read that ubuntu shouldn't work propably (data lost) with a hybrid hdd. Is it still that way or is it fixed? === daniel is now known as Guest48689 [22:08] never been true [22:12] I was trying to disable cap lock but used XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:swapcaps" to swap ctrl key with cap lock but cant set back, even reboot won't set back. seehttp://www.noah.org/wiki/CapsLock_Remap_Howto#Linux_script [22:15] hey [22:24] I was trying to disable cap lock but used XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:swapcaps" to swap ctrl key with cap lock but cant set back, even reboot won't set back. seehttp://www.noah.org/wiki/CapsLock_Remap_Howto#Linux_script [22:26] Hello Channel [22:28] Hello, I have Ubuntu 14.04 and postfix and fail2ban installed. I have multiple wordpress, prestashop domains in the server, no mail server working (or at least that I know) Port 25 closed, and only sending mails through php from wordpress. But I keep receiving this info again and again. Any idea how I can cut this? I'm worry because I've been black listed and I'm trying to clean all the mess. Thank you for hte ehlp in advance [22:28] https://i.imgur.com/Sz1ydKW.png [22:34] 12 [22:36] Hello, I have Ubuntu 14.04 and postfix and fail2ban installed. I have multiple wordpress, prestashop domains in the server, no mail server working (or at least that I know) Port 25 closed, and only sending mails through php from wordpress. But I keep receiving this info again and again. Any idea how I can cut this? I'm worry because I've been black listed and I'm trying to clean all the mess. Thank you for hte ehlp in advance [22:36] https://i.imgur.com/Sz1ydKW.png [22:43] I have a server that I need to install Ubuntu Server onto. This server has no DVD drive or USB connections. how can I get Ubuntu Server 16.04 installed on it? [22:44] I am able to swap out the internal drivers (of which there are 2, one SSD and one HDD). It currently runs CentOS === george__ is now known as puchogenzo [22:52] exit [22:53] hi :-) [22:55] Thegamekeeper: Hi? [22:55] = [22:55] hey guys, I asked this question earlier but nobody was able to solve it. When logging into unity, the desktop hangs (this affects all accounts). Here is my ~/.xsession-errors file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529677/ [22:55] hmy my theme is funny looking, :S [22:56] how r u ? new to linux, doing computers for years but finally took the leap :-) [22:56] I have tried many things, however none of them have solved this issue [22:56] ls [22:56] Thegamekeeper: :) congrats! :) U were running windows before? Guess i'm OK, but a bit tiered. [22:57] Guy1524: :/ I'll see if i can see the log [22:57] Guy1524, what release are you on? [22:57] 16.04 LTS [22:57] joachimhs: For Debian, I had good experience with network-based installation. [22:57] Guy1524, 64 bit or 32? [22:57] 64 bit [22:58] manfredn: Is it not possible to "sudo dd" over the .img file? [22:58] to a HDD [22:58] yeah running windows, ran windows since win 95 :-) just getting sick of it now. i do pc repair etc and used linux as live distro but finally using it on my main machine and taking courses on terminal :-) i prefer it so far [22:58] I have tried making everything in ~ owned by me not root, I have tried dpkg-reconfigure install --reinstall, and replacing /usr/share/compiz and unity and upstart folders from a working pc [22:58] none of them have solved the problem [22:59] Guy1524: that looks like you removed some essential packages. Is the ubuntu-desktop package still installed? [22:59] those are the big things I have tried, I have also tried some other things which did not help [22:59] yes [23:00] joachimhs: right, if you can erase both of them (one for install image, one for new system). [23:00] Guy1524, is this install an upgrade or was it a fresh install? [23:00] this was a fresh install of 16.04 [23:00] and then I upgraded to 16.04.1 [23:00] Guy1524: what do you get if you run this: upstart-udev-bridge --help [23:00] and it has worked since I did that a few months ago [23:00] joachimhs: Then I guess it would work. [23:00] have you tried reinstalling unity itself? === daniel is now known as Guest17787 [23:00] yes [23:01] why is the answer "reinstall binary packages" ?? [23:01] joachimhs: (one could make a dry-run in a virtual machine) [23:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529708/ is what I get [23:01] ikonia: it might be the answer, but they're jumping to conclusions :) [23:01] Because Ubuntu is windows [23:01] Anyone know who to reset the keyboard? etc/default/keyboard was changed to swap caps lock & ctrl keys and now I cannot reset back [23:01] Guy1524: and how are you running this if the desktop is not starting? [23:02] Seveas: it's been suggested for the past hour [23:02] I am on my laptop [23:02] and I have openbox working [23:02] when does that messgae come up? [23:02] Thegamekeeper: oh ok :) I've been running Win, MacOS and Linux on and off over the years [23:02] Thegamekeeper: can't say i [23:02] also, this is not a user related issue, because it affects all users [23:02] Thegamekeeper: can't say i'm very good at linux tho. haha! [23:02] gyre007, does this happen in openbox or only in unity? [23:03] Guy1524: did you add any third party repository? [23:03] maybe, let me check [23:03] Guy1524: it smells like unity is starting with the wrong $PATH setting, as it complains about not being able to find essential programs. Did you mess with files in /etc, such as /etc/environment or /etc/X11/ > [23:03] ? [23:04] yokisuci.... i think its a learning game.... just need to put the time in...iv run all 3 but linux seems to be my go to, so i thought why not do it on my main machine [23:04] no, not that I recall [23:04] what's the content of /etc/environment at the moment? [23:04] these are all the ppas I have added: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23529715/ [23:04] WINEARCH=win32 [23:04] Guest17787: Maybe try ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' . [23:05] thats it === davide is now known as totalker [23:05] Guy1524: ok, so wine screwed up your /etc/environment [23:05] add this line: [23:05] PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" [23:05] (as root) [23:05] ok, thanks [23:05] Will Ubuntu Unity 8 be able to run Wayland programs? [23:06] rebooting now [23:07] Hello, I have Ubuntu 14.04 and postfix and fail2ban installed. I have multiple wordpress, prestashop domains in the server, no mail server working (or at least that I know) Port 25 closed, and only sending mails through php from wordpress. But I keep receiving this info again and again. Any idea how I can cut this? I'm worry because I've been black listed and I'm trying to clean all the mess. Thank you for hte ehlp in advance [23:07] https://i.imgur.com/Sz1ydKW.png [23:07] Thegamekeeper: :) havn't been running Windows except in school for the last years. :) Yeah, you'll always learn new stuff, and finding ways to do things better. ;) [23:07] wow! [23:07] that worked [23:08] \o/ [23:08] thanks so much! [23:08] You're welcome :) [23:08] yokisuci: what flavour are you running? [23:10] Thegamekeeper: i'm actually running Debian right now. Guess you're running ubuntu? :) [23:10] Thegamekeeper: debian + bspwm + dzen2. [23:11] yokisuci: yeah Ubuntu mate but i have played with Debian & kali aswell [23:12] Hey, I'm all the time connected to my server through ssh throug putty and would like to copy and paste from and to the window, is tehre any better way to connect to the server other than putty and how to copy and paste into the window? [23:12] thnks [23:12] Thegamekeeper: Mate is nice, i was running that before :) [23:12] I have successfully set up a wifi hotspot with network manager but I don't see how to set lease time, max # of connections, dhcp ip range, etc. where is that? [23:13] Bashing-om: Thanks I think that worked. [23:13] Thegamekeeper: home come you changed from debian to ubuntu? normaly it seems to the other way around? [23:13] yokisuci: yeah its a nice clean GUI, just trying to meet ppl on here for more help & info [23:14] Thegamekeeper: (Y) have you tried XFCE? [23:14] Guest17787: Great - ( I did have my reservations as to how effective it might have been .. ) [23:15] whyameye: you may be able to set those in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d -- I'm not sure if that is used only for the resolver instance of dnsmasq or also for its dhcp cousin though. [23:15] yokisuci: not yet...any good? worth installing? [23:15] Bashing-om: Do you know how to permanently disable the cap lock key? I tried in start programs setxkbmap -option caps:none , but sometimes it seems to come back on, not sure if its a virus or a hack. [23:16] Guest17787: Did you try in the BIOS? [23:16] Seveas: there's no files in that directory. I'm thinking there must be a configuration somewhere else? How does it know what ip addresses to start assigning? [23:16] Guest17787: what's the output of gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options [23:16] Juanete: you mean F2 on bootup? I don't remember ever seeing it as an option there. [23:17] yeap [23:17] it should be, depending on the computer you have [23:17] whyameye: it autodetects something usable. The diretory is empty by default, but you can add files to it, see man dnsmasq [23:17] Thegamekeeper: yeah it's more lightweight then mate. If you don't have a thing for Gnome 2, i would recommend installing Xfce. :) [23:18] Guest17787: Did you try setxkbmap -option caps:none [23:18] Thegamekeeper: but i've changed to tiling WM so don't use mate or xfce anymore. :/ [23:18] Guest17787: Look here: http://www.howtogeek.com/194705/how-to-disable-or-reassign-the-caps-lock-key-on-any-operating-system/ [23:18] Juanete: yes he did. But gnome may override that, hence my question :) [23:19] ok [23:19] I'd go for the BIOS [23:19] won't be there [23:19] yokisuci: cheers mate.... iv got I5, 500 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM , so running good, but i can always go faster..... i might buy 16 GB RAM as my x-mass pressie lol [23:19] Guest17787: unity as the DE ? do you have a keyboard app indicator icon in the top panel. ? [23:21] Thegamekeeper: haha i got i5 on the laptop, but only Core 2 Duo on the desktop. :( haha then you don't need a lightweight DE anway ;) [23:21] Bashing-om: yes [23:22] Thegamekeeper: anyway, think i'll try too sleep. Have to get up tomorrow. >.< [23:22] Thegamekeeper: night [23:23] yokisuci: nope :-) im in the process of instead of fixing everyone elses pc's to finally building my water cooled system... got i7 etc sitting just bits and bobs to buy.... im off work tomorrow .. nice chatting...catch u later [23:24] Guest17787: I no longer run unity, so my memory may be real hazy ,, but can you not change the behavior of individual keys from that app ? [23:25] Guest17787: what's the output of gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options [23:26] Bashing-om: they're hiding it quite well these days, but with gsettings you can still set it [23:26] Bashing-om: what do you run instead of unity? unity, and especially it's upstart dependency are beginning to irritate me enough to consider switching. [23:27] Bashing-om: there is a keyboard symbol but did not see anyway to change keys [23:27] Seveas: Dastardly dudes .. Reminds me again why I like to run from terminal :) === macskay_ is now known as macskay [23:28] Guest17787: if you answer the question I've now asked you twice, I can give you the solution... [23:30] sorry don't want to be banned but last time in case someones can help: [23:30] Hey, I'm all the time connected to my server through ssh throug putty and would like to copy and paste from and to the window, is tehre any better way to connect to the server other than putty and how to copy and paste into the window? [23:30] https://i.imgur.com/Sz1ydKW.png [23:32] Guest2180: Seveas Agreed that 'xkb' is the tool to use here . [23:32] everyone: hi all, finally running linux full time, just trying to learn and make friends :-) [23:33] !manual | Thegamekeeper Have you seen ? [23:33] Thegamekeeper Have you seen ?: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [23:34] Thegamekeeper: https://twitter.com/compscifact/status/377458079438483456 :) === daniel is now known as Guest23046 [23:41] Bashing-om: When I reboot it is back to the same problem. The caps lock and ctrl keys are reversed. I changed the etc/default/keyboard file to run a swap key command. However I reset the keyboard file back again but it seems to be using the old setting or not remapping back. [23:42] anyone else having this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1644412 [23:42] Launchpad bug 1644412 in unity (Ubuntu) "lost mouse control of system while resizing nautilus and Chrome" [Undecided,New] [23:43] Bashing-om: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration works but when reboot I have to reconfig. [23:45] Guest23046: for the third time, what's the output of gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options [23:47] Seveas: ['ctrl:swapcaps'] [23:47] there we go. That's the bit that swaps caps lock and ctrl [23:48] Seveas: I know. How to swap back? [23:48] so if you don't want that, and just a dead caps lock key: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['caps:none']" === Kaff34 is now known as Kaff33 [23:49] that's a one-off command, no need for startup commands etc. [23:49] Seveas: [ have in startup setxkbmap -option caps:none [23:49] yes, you can remove that now [23:50] everyone: sorry guys got cut off there...... infinify :0) just learning Linux and making friends :0) [23:53] Seveas: Ok looks like it worked. Thanks. [23:54] Hi a [23:54] how can I purge partition without deleting the grub? [23:54] all [23:54] everyone sleeping? [23:55] !cookie | Seveas [23:55] Seveas: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!