
flexiondotorgnessita, I'm talking with the HexChat upstream lead dev.00:38
flexiondotorgThey are working on a snap.00:38
flexiondotorgThey should be filing a name dispute form anytime now, can you keep an eye out for it please?00:38
flexiondotorgIt will be filed by https://launchpad.net/~tingping00:39
Chris___Question, I am stuck booting ubuntu core 16 the screen says  core 16 on ip number02:19
Chris___Then it asks for local host login but nothing works02:19
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sil2100Hey guys! Where can I get info about snappy store packages from the edge channel?08:13
mvosil2100: snapd 2.18 from last night has the groundwork for this, there is a new snap info command08:16
mvosil2100: what info do you need?08:16
mvosil2100: is this for a dev project? I can give you rest api if that helps08:16
sil2100mvo: sometimes it's nice to be able to search for those, and then check for instance what versions are available (or what's the latest one) - and/or for what archs the snap is available08:22
sil2100For instance, I would now need to know those things about the mir-libs snap08:24
mvosil2100: snap find won't search in edge, but I think the use case of "snap info --edge mir-libs" sounds sensible. chipaca is working on snap info currently08:25
sil2100mvo: can I somehow make that API call directly?08:25
sil2100In the meantime?08:25
mvosil2100: `http --pretty=format --print b https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/details/mir-libs X-Ubuntu-Series:16 channel==edge` should work08:27
mvosil2100: or http --pretty=format --print b https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/details/mir-libs X-Ubuntu-Architecture:i386 X-Ubuntu-Series:16 channel==edge if you want different arches08:28
sil2100mvo: thanks08:30
mupPR snapd#2356 opened: cmd/snap: have some completers <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2356>09:11
davidcallezyga: hi, I've noticed I have both ubuntu-core and core installed (snapd on 16.10), is that supposed to happen?09:28
zygadavidcalle: no, I don't think that's supposed to happen09:30
zygamvo: ^^09:30
mvodavidcalle: what version of snapd do you have installed?09:30
mvodavidcalle: apt list snapd09:31
davidcallemvo ^09:31
mvodavidcalle: hmm, anything in "snap changes" that looks like it might brought in core?09:40
davidcallemvo: I installed it manually, but is it not supposed to replace ubuntu-core?09:43
mvodavidcalle: not yet, thats still something we need to make happen09:44
mupPR snapd#2357 opened: cmd/snap: document 'snap list --all' <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2357>09:47
timpmvo: hello09:51
timpmvo: there is a new ubuntu-app-platform candidate. How do we promote that to stable?09:51
mvotimp: iirc timo has fully access to myapps.ubuntu.com and he has delegate access furth and also select channels. or am I misunderstanding?09:56
timpmvo: I am trying to do it without Timo now, he is on parental leave. I am trying to do it by clicking "Manage this package in the store" on https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/+snap/ubuntu-app-platform/+build/11369 but then I get Access Forbidden.10:01
timpmaybe I am trying to manage it in the wrong place, or I don't have the permissions10:01
mvotimp: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/6271/ is the right place10:02
mvotimp: but it looks like you don't have permission10:02
mvotimp: lets talk about it10:03
mupPR snapd#2358 opened: tests: decrease the number of expected featured apps <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2358>10:49
mupPR snapcraft#929 opened: WIP: Snap snapcraft (based on pylxd branch) <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/929>10:51
nessitaflexiondotorg, ack! is still not there, but will keep an eye on it11:12
flexiondotorgnessita, Thanks.11:15
tptrhi, I am trying to disable the automatic snap refresh happening daily but have not found a docu on his so far. Any hint?11:34
rvrfgimenez: With candidate channel, dragonboard boots fine11:39
gerry_hi when I run snappy-debug I get this suggestion "* adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON" I also get one for write, any suggestions on how I can deal with this?11:49
flexiondotorgmvo I was experimenting with snap a memory usage reporting utility last night.12:03
flexiondotorgIn order to confine it the system-observe interface needs some new rules.12:04
flexiondotorgI'd like to prepare a pull-request but want to make sure I'm approaching this the correctly.12:04
zygaflexiondotorg: do it, file a bug with the snapd-interface tag and we'll reviwe it12:04
zygareview it*12:04
mupPR snapd#2357 closed: cmd/snap: document 'snap list --all' <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2357>12:09
mupPR snapd#2355 closed: cmd/snap: add tests for section completion; fix bugs <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2355>12:10
fgimenezrvr, yes, the suite is passing here with this patch https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2358/files12:13
mupPR snapd#2358: tests: decrease the number of expected featured apps <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2358>12:13
fgimenezrvr, what about pi3, did you try it with candidate?12:13
tvossmvo: ping12:15
gerry_hi when I run snappy-debug I get this suggestions: http://pastebin.com/ds8g1jSk how do I cure them?12:17
rvrfgimenez: I only have one external monitor :) Still waiting for dragonboard test results.12:19
zygagerry_: try connecting the home plug to your apps12:20
zygagerry_: this will give you (partial) access to home12:20
zygagerry_: except for dot files, so it won't help in this particular case I'm afraid12:20
mupBug #1644810 opened: snapd system-observe interface is missing rules to allow memory usage analysis <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1644810>12:23
gerry_zyga : yes I have the home plug already but thank you for looking12:24
fgimenezrvr, ok thx! :)12:25
timpmvo: is there a policy which snaps should be published under the canonical account?12:33
timpI'm thinking where to publish an ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples snap. I cannot register that with my own account ('tim'), I guess snaps starting with "ubuntu" are special.12:34
zygatimp: ownership can be changed later12:35
timpzyga: right, but I tried to register 'ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples' and it is currently pending review. I was asked to use either a special Ubuntu SDK Team account (which we don't have), or the canonical account12:36
zygatimp: in that case someone from the store needs to sort this out for you12:38
timpI talked with them, and I was asked to figure out if it should go on the canonical account. If not, we should create an SDK team account12:40
mupPR snapd#2359 opened: spread: add boilerplate for Linode delta uploads <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2359>12:43
gerry_hi I get these two suggestion when I run snappy-debug not sure how to write the lines that I think my wrapper script needs?12:48
gerry_sorry these two suggestions: http://pastebin.com/gjnFMS9812:49
gerry_my program runs fine with these suggestions but I thought it might be an answer to my real problem which is it crashes when I run it with sudo in dangerous install12:53
rvrfgimenez: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23532177/13:04
gerry_hi when I run snappy debug I get these suggestions http://pastebin.com/gjnFMS98 it works fine but when I install it as dangerous and try to run it with sudo it crashes ?13:27
sergiusenszyga ^13:29
zygasergiusens: I looked yesterday, no idea13:39
sergiusenszyga feels like a conlict with $HOME13:41
zygasergiusens: well, $HOME is redefined so whatever is going on, the app looks at the real home explicitly13:51
qenghogerry_: I see "java" in that name. Java constructs its idea of user home from things other than the HOME environment variable. Does your wrapper set the java.home variable (or whatever it's named)?14:56
gerry_gengho: here is a copy of my wrapper : http://pastebin.com/k69QiwnD15:04
mupPR snapd#2360 opened: Fix prefix search query; Fix empty query search; Find doc <Created by AlexandreAbreu> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2360>15:07
qenghogerry_: You probably need to be setting the user.home Java property at startup.15:08
gerry_gengho: ok sorry I am very newb how would I do that?15:10
qenghogerry_: $  man java    Then search for "property", see -Dproperty=value, add the parameter to your wrapper where you run java.15:11
gerry_gengho: ok I will try thank you for your help15:14
alex-abreumvo, ping15:18
Chipacaalex-abreu: o/15:19
Chipacaalex-abreu: did you actually test the change you're proposing in #2360 IRL?15:21
alex-abreuChipaca, yes ... why?15:22
Chipacaalex-abreu: because it won't work as described?15:22
alex-abreuChipaca, did I miss something? I checked with the store guys yesterday and made sure that I got the semantics right15:22
alex-abreuChipaca, what do you mean?15:22
alex-abreuChipaca, it doesn't work?15:22
Chipacaalex-abreu: but you're not changing the client of the store, you're changing the client of snapd15:22
alex-abreuChipaca, yes I know15:23
Chipacawhich is why i ask, did you test the change15:23
Chipacabecause snapd treates name=foo as a request for an exact match15:23
alex-abreuChipaca, so the answer is yes, ...15:23
Chipacathat is, name=foo on snapd hits the store details endpoint, not the search endpoint15:24
Chipacaname=foo* gets the * removed and hits the search endpoint with name=foo15:24
alex-abreuChipaca, ah I see what you mean, ... sorry yes, I missed the findOne bit, I'll update the PR15:28
alex-abreuChipaca, one thing that I want to do is cleanup the snapd client API, ... the semantics is not clear, it overloads a bit the store search options15:29
alex-abreuChipaca, from the store's perspective, all searches are "prefix searches", ... but you can control if the search is limited on the snap names  or on all the fields, this is not reflected on the snapd client api side, which overloads the Prefix term15:30
alex-abreuChipaca, if you see what I mean15:30
Chipacaalex-abreu: I think I do15:32
Chipacaalecu: but let's discuss changes before you implement them please15:32
Chipacaalex-abreu: ^15:32
Chipacaalecu: you too :-p15:32
alex-abreuChipaca, sure15:32
alex-abreuChipaca, let's use the branch as a basis for discussion :)15:33
alex-abreuChipaca, do you want to have a quick ho chat for that?15:33
Chipacaalex-abreu: there's also a lot of duplication in client that could and should be dropped now that the role and separation of things is clearer15:34
Chipacaalex-abreu: I'd rather discuss here tbh15:34
alex-abreuChipaca, agree, this is what triggered my PR15:34
alex-abreuChipaca, np15:34
mvoalex-abreu: pong (or did Chipaca already take of everything?)15:35
alex-abreumvo, no I wanted to talk to you about a separate thing :)15:35
mvoalex-abreu: aha, ok15:35
alex-abreumvo, what did you have in mind to improve the sections discoverability from the snap cmd's perspective? something like "snap find sections"15:36
* Chipaca feels a little guilty now15:36
mvoalex-abreu: I was thinking about it but did not came up with a nice cli interface yet15:37
mvoalex-abreu: snap find --sections without an argument could list them all maybe15:37
Chipacaalex-abreu: OS had a google doc about the sections UX; have you seen it?15:37
mvoalex-abreu: or `snap find --section` could return "no section specified, please select one of "a,b,c""15:37
alex-abreuChipaca, so basically I want to kind of keep the store's semantics clear, in that ALL the searches are prefix searches, and that you can control the extent of the fields searches (name or all), ...15:37
Chipacanessita might even have a url somewhere15:37
mvoChipaca: aha, great, so the cli was already speced? brilliant15:38
alex-abreuChipaca, did you have something specific in mind when you talked about the cleanups necessary?15:38
Chipacamvo: I don't remember if this aspect of it was15:38
Chipacamvo: because I am not a good repository of urls :-)15:38
alex-abreuChipaca, ah  the Friday guilty feeling :)15:39
nessitaChipaca, how can I help?15:39
Chipacaalex-abreu: my cleanups seem to be orthogonal to yours15:39
Chipacanessita: do you remember the sections ux doc?15:39
Chipacaalex-abreu: but I wonder what exactly you mean about all searches being prefix searches15:39
nessitaChipaca, yes, one sec15:40
alex-abreuChipaca, mvo https://docs.google.com/document/d/19HJFQo1Zpz_LgYFzcdBfbRJk3OX3DsjhHyGgkfKNkzY/edit#heading=h.vhukcea9ynk115:40
alex-abreumvo, Chipaca but there is nothing about sections discoverability the only thing that I could find and implemented is the tab completion15:40
Chipacanessita: ^15:40
Chipacanessita: thanks15:40
alex-abreuthis is why I did it this way15:40
Chipacaagh, 2fa15:40
alex-abreuthere is a piece missing15:40
Chipacahmm, there might be another doc?15:41
nessitaChipaca, pasting on a private channel15:41
Chipacaor this one has evolved a lot since i saw it15:41
alex-abreuChipaca, what i mean is that there is no way to have an exact search as of now in the store, ... either through the name= or q= fields, ... there is no exact search15:42
nessitaalex-abreu, that is intentional given the defined semantics for snap find15:42
alex-abreuChipaca, nessita maybe there is another doc indeed15:42
Chipacanessita: alex-abreu: seems it's about the same; just tabs15:42
alex-abreunessita, sure I am not saying that it isn't ... just decribing the situation :)15:43
Chipacaso one approach would be to list sections at the bottom of the empty snap find output15:43
Chipacaalex-abreu: but if I search q=foo, it'll search for foo all over the place, not just as a prefix15:43
alex-abreuChipaca, the issue is that it overloads a bit the cmd, ... instead of hitting the right endpoint from the store15:44
Chipacaalex-abreu: there you lost me15:45
mupPR snapd#2347 opened: overlord: flag required-snaps from model as required and prevent removing them <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2347>15:45
alex-abreuChipaca, yes, maybe we dont have the same understanding of the word prefix :) ... what I mean is when I search foo it will return snaps 'foobar', 'foofoo', 'foo' etc. and that you can restrict the search to only names or all fields through name= or q=15:45
Chipacaalex-abreu: that's not true15:45
ChipacaI mean15:45
Chipacaalex-abreu: if you search q=hello it'll look for hello anywhere in certain fields15:46
alex-abreuChipaca, well this is what the store guys told me yesterday, and what I could see from the command line15:46
Chipacait might give prefixes more weight, but it can occur anywhere15:46
alex-abreuChipaca, yes this is what I was saying15:46
nessitaChipaca, alex-abreu so is prefix anywhere in a given set of fiels15:46
nessitathis means that a search for "foo"15:46
nessitawill return hits for snaps with descriptions:15:46
Chipacaalex-abreu: no, you're saying "prefix", which means it starts with that15:46
nessitathis amazing fooontastic snap15:47
nessitais prefix on words15:47
Chipacaoh! i didn't know that15:47
Chipacathat sucks, but ok15:47
alex-abreuChipaca, well this is what seems to happen, curl 'https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/search?name=a' -H 'X-Ubuntu-Series: 16' | jq .15:48
Chipacaalex-abreu: nessita: can we at least agree that the general search only searching for prefixes is an implementation detail of CPI, and it shouldn't really leak?15:48
alex-abreuChipaca, yes15:48
alex-abreuso all is a prefix search15:48
alex-abreuyou can only restrict the fields being searched15:49
mupPR snapd#2351 closed: tests: add set -e to the prepare ssh script <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2351>15:49
alex-abreuChipaca, CPI?15:49
Chipaca(nessita: thank you; don't feel you need to carry on being part of the discussion unless you want to)15:49
Chipacaalex-abreu: search.apps.ubuntu.com15:50
alex-abreuChipaca, ah, well ... it something that the user might care, and have a broader search so the distinction matters imo15:50
Chipacaalex-abreu: have a broader search?15:51
alex-abreuit might not be reflected atm in the 'snap' cmd15:51
alex-abreuChipaca, yes, like search on names or search on description, ... the snap names might be very confusing sometimes, I dont know15:51
alex-abreumvo, Chipaca (sorry for the crossed discussions) about the sections discoverability, ... I was thignking about a specific snap find --sections (as mvo said) that would specifically hit the appropriate store end point15:52
Chipaca--sections instead of --section to list them all?15:54
Chipacathat goes against using tab completion to discover them, fwiw15:55
Chipacanot sure how bad that is though15:55
Chipacasnap find --sec<tab><space><tab> isn't that much worse than snap find --sec<tab><tab>15:56
Chipacaon the other hand maybe it's worth having "snap sections"15:56
ChipacaI don't know15:57
Chipacagoing back to find, if what you're proposing is that snapd know about, and the client api expose, all the search options that CPI provides, I'd say no15:57
giminniinstalled snappy ubuntu core for raspi3 still cannot login using a SSO account with dsa key15:57
Chipacanot without a clear use case15:57
Chipacathe more api we offer, the less we can adapt15:58
Chipacagiminni: is network working?15:58
giminniit is reproducable15:58
Chipacagiminni: maybe we've disabled dsa keys? (i don't remember if that was a thing?)15:59
alex-abreuChipaca, (sections) yes I am not sure how bad things are atm, ... and if people would complain, we might leave it for later15:59
Chipacaalex-abreu: right now in 2.18 things aren't good, but 2.19 should improve on it :-)15:59
Chipacawe were a little hasty in taking the completion thing as it stood15:59
giminni@chipaca: this is the only way to login, as explained in the first boot section16:00
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:00
alex-abreuChipaca, (find) the gist of what I am saying is that the snapd client api is a bit misleading, the prefix is ... knowing that all the searches are prefix based, ...16:00
Chipacagiminni: do you tried a key that isn't dsa?16:00
Chipacaalex-abreu: so renaming that option would be fine16:01
Chipacaalecu: or reworking the find options struct to make more sense also16:01
alex-abreuChipaca, (find) I sam saying that from a consumer's perspective from snapweb, ... atm I can either use the Prefix and then I end up with a findone, of have a very broad (q=) based prefix search16:01
Chipacagaah! stupid xchat completing whatever it wants to! sorry alecu16:01
alex-abreuahah :)16:01
alex-abreuChipaca, alecu gets more attention16:02
=== alecu is now known as not-alex-abreu
Chipacaalex-abreu: search is not very good, and it needs to get better, yes16:02
nessitaChipaca, ak, currently in the bi-weekly call so a little spotty16:02
giminni@chipaca: no I'll try an rsa key, atm I hack extrausers/etc/shadow and put a password for the user :-(16:02
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:02
not-alex-abreuChipaca: does that help?16:03
* Chipaca hugs not-alex-abreu 16:03
alex-abreunot-alex-abreu, ahah !16:03
* not-alex-abreu hugs Chipaca back16:03
Chipacaof course now it wants me to talk to alesage16:03
alex-abreuahah ...16:03
alex-abreuChipaca, prefix searches again !! :)16:03
* alesage is not as handsome as alex-abreu 16:04
Chipacaalex-abreu: what I mean is: if the search results are bad for snapweb it's because the search results are bad16:04
Chipacaalex-abreu: that needs fixing on the server16:04
Chipacaalex-abreu: it most certainly does *not* want fixing on the client16:04
Chipacaand doubly-especially not on just one of the clients16:04
alex-abreuChipaca, what I want is have a clear exposure to the 3 bits: prefix snap name search, prefix snap information (broad) search, exact search (through findOne atm)16:05
Chipacaalex-abreu: the only reason foo* ends up doing a search with name=foo is to support tab completion16:05
alex-abreuI have access to 2 atm, and Prefix is misleading as a name16:05
alex-abreualesage, :))16:05
=== not-alex-abreu is now known as __alecu__
=== Chipaca is now known as __chip__
* __chip__ is also "special"16:06
__chip__giminni: please report back on how it went16:06
alex-abreuChipaca, from snapweb the searches are bad because we cannot search by snap name (which is what I think the snapweb search is about)16:07
__chip__you totally can search by snap name16:07
alex-abreu__chip__, yes but I mean by snap name *only*16:07
__chip__alex-abreu: I don't understand. In what sense can't you?16:07
__chip__that is explicitly supported16:08
giminni@chipaca: BTW ubuntu one explanation is for dsa AND rsa key anyway...16:08
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:08
alex-abreusince in find (from snapd client) Prefix=false means q= search (which searches all over the place not only in the snap names) and Prefix=true searches for the exact snap name (special semantics of snapd)16:09
__chip__alex-abreu: yeah, I think it should work, but I don't know (and the people i'd ask are on holiday today)16:09
alex-abreu__chip__, ^16:09
__chip__alex-abreu: Prefix=true does *not* search for exact name16:09
__chip__alex-abreu: except with your branch, which breaks the feature16:09
alex-abreu__chip__, argh yes ... sorry wrong way to put it, ...16:10
__chip__alex-abreu: I'm a patient person. I'll wait.16:11
__chip__giminni: yeah, I think it should work, but I don't know (and the people i'd ask are on holiday today)16:12
__chip__alex-abreu: (if you read that as addressed to you and were confused, my apologies)16:13
__chip__I've gotten out of practice of tracking multiple threads on irc. Bad chipaca.16:13
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
alex-abreuChipaca, the patient thing ?16:14
Chipacaalex-abreu: no, the "i think it should work" which was about dsa keys16:14
alex-abreuChipaca, ah :)16:14
Chipacaalex-abreu: the "patient" was because you made an incorrect statement, which I corrected, and then you said it was the "wrong way to put it", meaning that you hadn't been wrong in your statement but expressed your still-correct idea in a suboptimal way. So I'm waiting for you to restate it.16:15
Chipacabut I have already spent an hour on this. Just sayin'16:16
alex-abreuChipaca, not sure what you mean by that, am I wasting your time?16:17
Chipacaalex-abreu: spent, not wasted. I hope it's not wasted!16:17
alex-abreuChipaca, I can send an email it would ease up the load ...16:18
alex-abreuChipaca, I dont think so  but lets stop there since I think that the conversation is starting to be on the wasted side, I'll send an email16:18
Chipacaalex-abreu: rather: now that i have some idea of what you're thinking, maybe iterate on that branch?16:18
Chipacaotherwise, sure, email works16:19
alex-abreuyes a better way to keep a happy tone16:21
giminni@chipaca: with rsa it work! please correct https://login.ubuntu.com/ssh-keys text "Import new SSH key  Insert the contents of your public key (usually ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub or ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)."16:22
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:22
Chipacajjohansen: do you know if logging in to core with dsa keys disabled for some reason?16:24
* Chipaca remembered we have a non-US security person in the channel16:24
kyrofadidrocks, national holiday yesterday, so both jdstrand and myself were off. Did you manage to sort the configure hook issue?16:25
didrockskyrofa: yeah! Well, there is a bug report on the denial creating by snapctl :)16:27
didrockskyrofa: but at least, it's not blocking setting/getting the values16:27
didrocksthanks for checking back though :)16:27
didrocksif interesting, the bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/164457316:28
mupBug #1644573: snapctl causes hooks to attempt to open ip/ipv6 tcp connection <Snappy:New for zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1644573>16:28
kyrofadidrocks, ah, interesting. But no adverse effects of the denial?16:32
giminni@chipaca:better change doc temporarily at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/raspberry-pi-2/ with "2. Import an SSH Key into your Ubuntu SSO account on this page"16:32
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:32
didrockskyrofa: no, the values are gettable (I didn't use set in the hook, but I don't think that would be different)16:32
Chipacagiminni: first I want to find out if this is supposed to happen, or if it's a bug we're all having, or if you're an especially unlucky snowflake16:33
giminni@chipaca: yes of course.16:33
nothalgiminni: No such command!16:33
Chipacagiminni: but it does look like we won't know until next week. Hopefully using a rsa key works for you until then.16:35
giminnichipaca: FYI: I installed the latest rpi3 file from 3rd november and tried dsa-key login repeatedly. For now rsa works, thx for pointing to the right direction.16:35
alex-abreuChipaca, email sent :)16:58
mupPR snapd#2361 opened: snap: fix try command when daemon linie is added <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2361>16:59
fandangohi all.17:41
fandangoI have server with 2 ip adresses. Apache (snap, nextcloud) bind server on both IP. How i can set only one IP for snap ?17:43
fandangoplz help me )17:43
zygafandango: hey, I don't think you can do that just yet but we're working on something that will let you do this with network namespaces17:58
zygafandango: let me look if there's a bug tracking that17:58
zygafandango: please keep track of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/162467517:59
mupBug #1624675: Please add network-namespace interface <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624675>17:59
zygafandango: with this feature you will be able to create arbitrary network settings for each snap18:00
fandangook, thanks18:02
fandangoCan i unpack snap stored in /var/lib/snapd/snaps  - modify file, and pack  :) ?18:04
zygafandango: yes18:06
zygafandango: though they will no longer validate and match your assertions18:06
zygafandango: you will have to install a modified snap with --dangerous18:06

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