
flocculantochosi: ok - so definitely same on daily20:19
flocculantbug 164491720:42
ubottubug 1644917 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "Label missing from indicator-plugin clear option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164491720:42
flocculantI'll try and find something missing on an ubuntu iso 20:44
ochosiflocculant: alright, this is already the case in yak for me20:53
ochosican reproduce this locally20:53
flocculantochosi: ok - cool20:54
ochosii'll check it out, the bug is pretty much for sure in libxfce4ui20:55
flocculantochosi: I did add libxfce4ui to the bug report20:55
flocculantand now removed ind-plugin20:56
ochosiwait a sec though20:58
ochosii'll try with a patched indicator plugin first20:59
ochosihumm no, must be in libxfce4ui21:02
ochosii'll do some digging21:02
flocculantochosi: I'd removed the plugin already btw21:05
ochosiok, i think i've fixed it21:12
ochosiit was in the plugin after all :p21:12
flocculantcoolio 21:17
flocculantnot something I'd normally have noticed - never actually used that option before 21:18
ochosistill have to check why this happens really, i.e. what changed in libxfce4ui (but i think it's mostly that the dialogs were ported to gtk3)21:24
flocculantack 21:27
flocculantat least it was found and fixed :)21:27
ochosiyeah, but that's not something i wanna write in a commit msg ;)21:28
ochosiflocculant: ok, prepared the patch and reported the bug upstream https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1305121:40
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13051 in General "Clear known indicators dialog is missing "clear" label" [Normal,New]21:40
flocculantochosi: lol21:51
flocculantthanks for finding fix - I'll see it eventually :)21:53
flocculantand now it's night all :)21:53

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