
vibolHello, Why do Juju doc recommend to install Juju vai ppa. Can i install both juju and maas without ppa ?17:27
pmatulisvibol, b/c the better juju is in the PPA17:29
pmatuliswhich will soon be in the regular archives17:29
vibolIs ppa perform good after a major upgrade example from lts to next lts ?17:30
pmatulisvibol, what ubuntu version are you currently running?17:31
vibolI'm running 14.0417:32
pmatulisand when do you intend on upgrading to 16.04?17:33
vibolI'm on a  testing purpose..17:34
vibolAnd... i'm notice that. Upgrading a whole infrastrure is not a good idea17:34
pmatulisvibol, then i would recommend using 16.0417:34
viboli trying to understand one by one about upgrading a major version with a work software juju, maas, landscape also openstack17:35
viboli'm just to come here for some recommendation17:35
pmatulisrecommendation is to use 16.04 from the start and avoid upgrading17:37
vibolso what happen when the current version has reach EOL ?17:43
viboldestroy the whole environment ?17:43
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=== wasnt-me is now known as vila
pmatulisupgrade it, but why not start with the latest LTS to avoid an upgrade as long as possible?18:57
bdxstokachu: ping19:56
twitchQuestion watching an older video on juju, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h5hgfnZcBQ  in the current state when a deploy is run against a local lxc provider is it deployed as a container or an instance?21:03
zeestrattwitch: If by current state, you mean today, then the default local provider in Juju 2.0 is lxd (which is like lxc 2.0 just with some nicer wrapping) so deploying with that would get you lxd containers21:22
twitchAnd on amazon prime?21:23
twitchaws sorry21:23
zeestratOn AWS you would spin up instances. Note, if you want, you can actually you can deploy lxd containers on those AWS instances as well.21:29
zeestratSee https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/clouds for some more info on the different clouds supported by Juju.21:30
twitchawesome ty21:31
zeestratNo worries. I recommend checking out https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started which starts you out with the local lxd provider/cloud.21:34
zeestratThe cool things is when you get the feel for how to deploy locally with juju, you can basically just switch to the AWS cloud in juju, bootstrap a new controller there, and deploy the exact same thing in the cloud.21:34
twitchwill the container tech always be focused on lxd containers or is work being done on other container software like docker?21:38
zeestratI'm not affiliated with juju so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the main focus for local providers/clouds is on lxd containers at the moment. However one of the flagship juju charms is for deploying Kubernetes (https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes/) and I know there are people who are using docker containers in juju charms.21:44
zeestratI suggest checking back in here next week and/or ask the mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju) if you have some more questions regarding docker and juju.21:46
zeestratI'm off so good luck!21:47

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