
mupBug #1591142 changed: snapd leaks files in /tmp <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1591142>04:20
mupBug #1604356 changed: symlink creation over and over on install, creates file too long situation <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604356>04:20
=== JanC is now known as Guest95619
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lifelesswhats the right place to report bugs on images? specifically the generic amd64 image doesn't boot under hyper0v08:31
mupPR snapd#2358 closed: tests: decrease the number of expected featured apps <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2358>14:34
eekfonkyI have just taken the plunge to install snappy on my Pi3. How do I make Docker start at boot and where can I edit the fstab to mount my external HD?15:44
=== devil is now known as Guest23953
=== Guest23953 is now known as devil_
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Chipacalifeless: i think that's lp:snappy still15:49
Chipacaeekfonky: docker should start on boot automatically15:49
Chipacaeekfonky: i'm not sure about mounting. Probably easiest is to drop a .mount unit in /etc/systemd/system15:50
Chipacaeekfonky: if this were a device you were building, i think it's the kind of thing that goes in the gadget.yaml15:51
eekfonkyCool, So Docker is sorted (although I have to use sudo and cannot do a usermod -aG) As for mounting I think it goes in the /writable section, but I don't want to tamper with it in case I break it15:56
eekfonkyDo I need to add another fstab in /writable? or make a soft link? Is there a procedure for this? I am not sure how to write a .mount for the /etc/systemd/system. I know how to add a service like NZBget but mounting a drive...any advice?15:59
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=== vila is now known as wasnt-me
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=== devil is now known as Guest16179
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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