
daftykinshrmm new model of my laptop, which a friend is buying soon for Linux use, has shifted to using the nasty 'killer wireless' adapters04:21
daftykinsi wonder if Linux still has issues with supporting those04:21
JanCDell sells XPS laptops with Ubuntu?05:43
OerHeksit comes with free software, JanC, OS Windows 10 Home 64-bit05:44
JanCI suggest he waits for a linux version05:44
daftykinsno, you can install on them05:45
daftykinspretty sure they sell the developer editions with Loonix05:47
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
JanCwell, I suggest waiting for a developer edition because they will test & if necessary swap hardware for those06:04
daftykinsJanC: you don't know about Dell then? they work on it with Linux folk and then put things back into the kernel06:25
daftykinssounds like there are no problems though according to reports online, things just work out of the box06:25
daftykinsusualy Linux issues like rapid battery killing in sleep, wifi iffy after resume from hibernate etc... but if you're mad enough to get a bleeding edge laptop and ruin it with Linux, that's the least of your troubles06:26
ducassehi all07:18
daftykinsgood morning07:24
ducassehi daftykins - how is life treating you?07:25
daftykinsnot so bad here thanks, keeping my funny times as usual though07:26
daftykinshow's about for you? any new exciting toys? :D07:26
ducassei'm thinking of buying this, got an offer for a brand new one at a very reasonable price: https://usa.denon.com/us/product/hometheater/receivers/avrx100007:28
ducassei'd only use it for music now, but then i have the option of doing more with it later.07:30
daftykinsthough in my experience all Denon kit as the most horrible clunky interfaces :>07:32
daftykinsa clients AVR-3313 takes 30 minutes to update itself over the internet X|07:32
ducassei just need an amp with digital inputs, this is just the best deal i could find. i found a nad at almost the same prace, but it didn't even have hdmi.07:34
daftykinsah har07:36
daftykinsyeah doesn't hurt having an AVR07:36
daftykinsi think i'm using all the HDMIs on my little baby Onkyo :D07:37
daftykinsi'll have to replace it if i upgrade to a 4K TV07:37
ducassethere are small amps intended for playing music from a pc, but the price difference was like £40.07:37
ducassenearly spent all my money on black friday deals yesterday, but managed to keep control :).07:39
daftykinsjust looked at the spec PDF... which didn't tell me the specs XD07:39
daftykinstell me about it, i nearly bought an nvidia 1050Ti 4GB just because it was £115 delivered07:39
daftykinsi'd have thrown it in my old quad core desktop, but there's just no reason to bother :D07:40
ducassebesides, it's dumb to buy stuff *just* because it's cheap and fool yourself with the idea you're saving money :)07:41
daftykinsthat it is, but i've totally noticed it's a personal failing of mine07:41
ducasseme too :/07:41
daftykinswhat's really evil is how amazon put up the 'list price' claiming they had it for sale way higher before the sale day, when in reality it was exactly the same07:42
ducassehehe, that's pretty nasty.07:43
ducassethey've just started doing black friday here, and this is the first day i actually saw any good deals. last year it was just 15% on toasters etc.07:45
ducassei'll be ready next year, though! :)07:45
daftykinshaha, starting simple!07:46
daftykinsmmm there it is, £116.54 delivered for: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/zotac-geforce-gtx-1050ti-mini-4096mb-gddr5-pci-express-graphics-card-gx-109-zt.html07:46
ducassepeople hardly knew about it last year, but now it was advertised pretty aggressively.07:46
daftykinsmmm it's amazing how quickly this US thing has headed eastward07:47
ducasseyup. when i was a kid we didn't have halloween either. that's not been a big success here, though.07:48
ducassebtw; have you seen dr strange?07:49
daftykinsnope! i don't really do films07:50
daftykinsi think we knew of halloween but i still stand by sitting that one out07:50
ducasseme neither. i used to love dr strange in comics as a kid, though, so i'm considering seeing it tomorrow.07:50
daftykinsi'd like to see The Arrival :>07:50
ducasseinteresting, was a new one to me.07:52
ducassei don't keep up at all...07:52
daftykinsour one cinema is... pretty bad07:53
ducassemore tea! \o/07:56
ducassewe got a new cinema a few years back, at the time it was supposed to be one of the best in the country.07:56
ducassehmmm... the dar tower is coming next year, i'm not sure i want to see that one. i love the books so much, i don't want the movie to spoil them for me.08:05
daftykinsooh an AMD RX 470 4GB performs about 30% faster for £16 more XD08:06
ducasseamd, though...08:08
daftykinsyip, i'd say that's only really a problem in Loonix land, but... yeah they suck everywhere :D08:11
daftykinsprobably a lot more power to do the same thing08:11
ducassei don't understand people who want to use linux for gaming...08:14
daftykinsnah, it's like tying one arm behind your back on purpose08:15
daftykinsthere we go, 75W on the nvidia vs. 120W on the AMD08:16
ducasseterrible :(08:16
ducassehave you seen the humble bundle unix books thingy?08:16
lotuspsychjegood morning guys08:31
ducassehiya lotuspsychje08:31
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how are you mate08:31
ducassegood, thanks. and you?08:32
lotuspsychjegreat, day off here08:32
ducasseany plans for the day?08:32
lotuspsychjeyeah later we have a coffee and pc repair appointment at friends08:33
lotuspsychjethere android tablets gets updates stuck, so ill have a look08:33
lotuspsychjedo updates on their ubuntu box aswell08:33
ducassesounds fun :)08:33
lotuspsychjeyeah always nice at their place08:34
lotuspsychjeducasse: did you made up your mind about the receiver yet?08:34
ducassei'm thinking about it over the weekend, there are a couple of other things i'd also like to have money for.08:35
lotuspsychjewich are?08:35
lotuspsychjeexcuse my curiosity :p08:36
ducasseone more screen for my desktop, for example :)08:37
ducassewe'll see, i'll do some thinking.08:38
lotuspsychjestores should have a formula, when interested in more devices you get 30% off08:39
lotuspsychjewe are always too gentle08:39
ducasseoooh, yes!08:39
lotuspsychjescreen, receiver and new raspberyPI for 500$ lol08:40
lotuspsychjeducasse: the uncle of my gf, goes to the trash park often, and gets home with like tons of pc material08:41
lotuspsychjefor free08:41
lotuspsychjeyou wouldnt believe what ppl throw away, working08:41
lotuspsychjehe gave me like 4 cigarboxes full ddr rams from 128till 2gigs08:42
lotuspsychjeall working08:42
ducassei know, it's ridiculous. my dad actually threw a laptop because it had gotten a virus :-/08:42
ducassei yelled at him :)08:42
lotuspsychjei think ill make a free service in my business, to take their old stuff back for free :p08:43
ducasseyou can build machines and give to those who can't afford them.08:44
lotuspsychjegood idea08:44
lotuspsychjegot a little issue with my clevo dealer08:45
lotuspsychjehe doesnt wanna release his pictures from his website for free08:45
lotuspsychjeand asks like 45 euro/month to release his feed material08:45
ducasseidiotic. you'll be selling his gear.08:46
lotuspsychjebut for starters, i think thats too expensive for just a feed08:46
lotuspsychjeeven if i buy 1 per 108:46
lotuspsychjehe says i can get discount then...08:46
lotuspsychjeproblem is, its the best barebone company i found this close to my home08:47
lotuspsychjeso im unsure what to do here, perhaps ask main clevo support to use their pictures08:49
ducassewhat are you going to do about it?08:49
lotuspsychjewell i need his company, as i needing barebone laptops like that08:49
ducassethis is far beyond my skillset, sorry. i've always had purely technical jobs for a reason :)08:50
lotuspsychjewith no Os, no ram no hd08:50
lotuspsychjeill think it over for a while..08:51
ducassetalk to clevo themselves, see what they say.08:52
lotuspsychjeyeah, think im gonna do that08:52
lotuspsychjeand order 1 per 1 at my reseller08:52
ducassenot easy to set up a business :)08:53
lotuspsychjeyeah, slowly ill get what i want08:54
lotuspsychjegot a strong will ;p08:55
ducasseseems you will need that :)08:57
lotuspsychjebbl guys, citywalk09:26
ducasseok, have fun09:28
BluesKajHiyas all11:44
ducassehi BluesKaj - how's it going?12:15
BluesKajHi ducasse, good thanks , and you ?12:15
ducassegood thanks. soon heading out to the shop, making sure i have all i need.12:16
BluesKajshop ?12:18
ducassegroceries etc.12:18
BluesKajoh ok12:19
ducassethere's a store a couple hundred meters from me, so it's not a long trek :)12:19
ducassereally nice weather today, so it will be good to get some air. spending too much time inside in winter.12:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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