
=== hasselmm1 is now known as hasselmm
=== JanC is now known as Guest95619
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mimecarI want install a click package on Ubuntu device11:12
mimecarclick is generated with SDK, is build and validated and fails on device installation11:12
m0n5t3rmeh, the new app switcher is pretty annoying11:12
mimecarthe message I get is Bad port 'Ubuntu'11:12
mimecarm0n5t3r, I'm working with  publish option but the error remains11:13
m0n5t3rmimecar: no idea, never used the sdk, not emough disk space on the laptop :)11:15
m0n5t3rthe error message suggests the port name is wrong11:16
m0n5t3rport as in serial port or whatever11:16
mimecarthe same code worked ok some time ago11:16
m0n5t3rI only ever used adb and ubuntu-device-flash to interact with the phone11:16
m0n5t3rit the phone unlocked? does it show in adb devices?11:17
mimecaris unlocked11:17
mimecarand I can connect with SSH using ubuntu sdk options11:17
m0n5t3ryeah, but ssh is over wifi, you might have a trouble with the usb link thingy11:19
m0n5t3rI might be talking out of my ass and the sdk might have an option to push packages over the network, though11:21
m0n5t3ras I said, never got to use it11:21
mimecarSDK is using usb connection11:22
mimecarbecause it works with phone on plane mode :)11:22
mimecarit looks device only accept connections with a ssh certificate11:25
mimecarfirst problem fixed15:51
mimecarI've removed qtcreator config15:51
mimecarI think the problem was related with port fordwading, now I can installa apps with Publish option15:52
Acou_Bassquick query for you folks... lets say i wanted to start from scratch and flash ubuntu touch on my nexus 4, coming from an android install17:35
Acou_Bassdoes the version of android installed at that time affect the ubuntu touch install in any way17:36
Acou_Basslike... if i used some custom fancy android build that had some souped-up kernel that doubled my battery life or whatever... would it benefit ubuntu too? or does ubuntu completely overwrite that kernel/other such stuff?17:36
=== vila is now known as wasnt-me
=== wasnt-me is now known as vila
stereo__hi, i am trying to run the emulator in 16.10 and only getting a black screen inside the emulator window. (yes, have direct rendering, tried ready images and now also built it myself). any ideas?19:41
dobeyAcou_Bass: the kernel/stuff is replaced, but depending on the version of android on the device, flashing may be prohibited due to some differences in the recovery and such. i think if you want totally restart and have android on it now, the best thing to do would be to reflash totally stock android 4.4, boot up to the welcome screen, reboot to bootloader, and then do the ubuntu-device-flash22:43
Acou_Bassi already have ubuntu on my phone :) just wondered about the kernel thing :D22:44
rdhanyone have ubuntu on the newer pixel phones?22:45
yangBQ Ubuntu tablets were all gone before Black Friday :/22:51
dobeyrdh: google haven't released the drivers for those phones, so there isn't even cyanogenmod on them yet22:51
rdhdobey, :(, ill get one anyways. lol22:52
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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