
=== anonymous is now known as Guest62600
kostkon!info gnome xenial00:11
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome3): Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.14+3ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB00:11
stan_man_canWhere do I put an "export WHATVER=$HOME/whatever" to make it every time I login?00:20
keonkimmy wifi doesn't work please help me00:22
keonkimsomeone please save me00:22
bazhangneed more details keonkim00:22
keonkimbazhang: I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on a MacBook Air00:23
Bashing-omstan_man_can: Depends on the use case and system . For my use case in my system I would export in my .xinitrc file . You may or may not have/use this config file .00:24
keonkimbazhang: how do I get more information (like logs) about the problem?00:24
bazhangwhat is the wifi chipset keonkim00:24
stan_man_canBashing-om, on a server00:25
stan_man_can"go build" need GOPATH to be set00:25
stan_man_canexport GOPATH=$HOME/go00:25
stan_man_can /s/need/needs00:26
keonkimbazhang: Airport Extreme00:27
keonkimbazhang: with Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 firmware00:28
bazhangkeonkim, the wifi chipset differs from the apple branded name for that00:28
bazhang!broadcom | keonkim00:28
ubottukeonkim: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:28
keonkimBroadcom bcm4360 802.11ac00:31
bazhangread the link above for broadcom keonkim00:31
enycwannabej: no this isn't a shell prompt =)00:34
wannabejwrong window :)00:34
evilytwistedthis isnt irssi00:35
fn2I decided to give unity another try and I noticed there is an issue where if I play a game full screen or max it flashes but if I don't max the screen out it doesn't. Is that an issue with unity or the graphics driver?00:38
asq624http://i.imgur.com/XqtCr0J.png How do I reset everything?00:52
asq624It's a fresh install, so there's nothing to back up00:53
CarlenWhiteShould mdadm be halting the boot even if one of the drives is not present?00:53
CarlenWhiteAs in, mount, but as a degraded array?00:54
CarlenWhiteI'm using RAID5 at the moment.00:54
CarlenWhiteSo I should be given one drive of failure and resume in a degraded state00:54
asq6241Pidgin crashed. Anyway, I meant that I don't mind doing a complete reset, just don't know how. Any help would be appreciated00:56
Bashing-om!sysrq | asq624101:01
ubottuasq6241: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:01
asq6241Bashing-om, I don't understand what that's for?01:06
deathstarhello all. I don't know if you guys can forsure answer this but, should the IRC pong messages be sent with the hostname (I.E. SENT: PONG :irc.mibbit.com) or the actual exact server address (SENT: PONG :irc.us.mibbit.net)? I dunno if it matters or if it should just match the connection.01:07
Bashing-omasq6241: Seems you indicate the system is froze up ??? If the keyboard is still active that sequence will gracefully reboot the system .01:08
CarlenWhiteI interpreted it as pidgin threw a application error.01:09
CarlenWhiteNot a complete kernal panic.01:09
asq6241I should've given more detail, sorry. Everything seems to work (now), it's just that no icons load01:09
Kali_Yugasince there will probably no new skype version for Linux, which is sad... are there any good replacements out there for linux? i'm using skype to talk to family that live in a different country. so i kind of rely on skype or some simple replacements that also old poeple could easily use ^^01:10
asq6241Earlier, it didn't recognize .png when I tried to save the screenshot, but that apparently fixed itself01:10
kostkonKali_Yuga: there is. Search for Skype on omgubuntu.co.uk01:11
kostkonKali_Yuga: it's still in beta but a new version nevertheless01:12
Kali_Yugakostkon: I am asking cuz they don't come out with a new version. I'm just worried that I get up one day and my skype won't work anymore.. :/01:12
kostkonKali_Yuga: but they did that's what I'm saying01:13
Kali_Yugakostkon:  did what?01:13
kostkonKali_Yuga: ms released a new version for Linux01:14
Kali_Yuga? okay i have to see that01:14
deathstarkostkon: MS = microsoft?01:15
kostkonKali_Yuga: yes01:15
Kali_Yugakostkon: that was a question from deathstar ^^01:15
kostkondeathstar: that was for you sorry01:15
Kali_Yugakostkon: are you talking about this? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/07/skype-linux-alpha01:16
Kali_Yugayou can't do anything with it yet01:17
Kali_YugaNo video calls No desktop screen sharing No support for running two clients at once No 32-bit Linux support01:17
Kali_Yugabut i'm glad that people are working on it01:18
tarvidThe canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action.01:19
tarvidthis Ubuntu 16.10 system freezes often01:19
Kali_Yugacuz linux skype is so freaking old. group conversation doesn't even work anymore01:19
Kali_Yugagroup chat* sorry01:20
kostkonKali_Yuga: yes although latest post is this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/10/video-call-improvements-land-skype-linux-alpha-1-11 mentions video support01:21
Kali_Yugaokay thanks very much kostkon. so I won't have to worry about it anymore01:24
asq6241http://i.imgur.com/XqtCr0J.png Any advice?01:24
kostkonKali_Yuga: np01:25
Kali_Yugathought MS is going to just leave us alone without any new skype versions... thought one day i'll need to find a replacement. thx01:26
kostkonKali_Yuga: they haven't given up on us just yet :)01:27
Kali_Yugawill keep my eye on the new version. as soon as video calling and more is working i'm gonna get the new version. so glad they are fixing it finally..01:30
Siva_MachinaWell that was for 1.11 not 1.1301:33
wythI could use some help with my server if anyone is around. I posted this question but no one has commented in 4-5 days. http://askubuntu.com/questions/851406/upgrade-to-ubuntu-server-16-04-1-lts-appeared-fine-python-and-other-issues-aris01:33
Siva_Machinaso it may have support for video calls outside other Sky for Linux Alpha users01:33
vfwKali_Yuga: Most use smart-phones for video conferencing now-days and there are a number of options.01:34
vfwKali_Yuga: messenger, line, etc. etc.01:35
wythMy python configuration appears to be messed up, I can no longer apt-get upgrade due to unment exceptions. And due to the python issues I'm also not able to start transmission01:36
wyth*unmet dependencies01:36
Kali_Yugathx like i said i get it as soon as i thing it's ready for use. like beta or something. alpha is a bit early for me. until then i'll use my old version01:37
wythAnyone have any suggestions on what I could try?01:40
winsenhi all01:40
wythHi winsen01:40
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get -f update01:42
wyth"E: Command line option 'f' [from -f] is not understood in combination with the other options."01:43
Siva_Machinasudo apt -f update maybe?01:43
wythSame thing01:44
wythI've also tried "sudo apt-get -f install" but it fails01:44
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get -f update |& nc termbin.com 9999  #Send URL to us.01:45
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get -f install |& nc termbin.com 9999  #Send URL to us.01:45
Kali_Yugawyth: sorry wyth i'm not familiar with servers :/. you upgraded to 16.04 from 14.04, maybe you have invalid entries still from 14.04 that are not in the 16.04 repos?01:45
Kali_Yugabut don't ask me01:46
wythKali, I think that is quite possibly the case, but not sure how to go about correcting it01:46
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:47
Kali_Yugai was reading somewhere -make sure your sources.list only contain valid entries for 16.0401:48
wythIt fails at sudo apt-get upgrade, because of the unmet dependencies01:48
Bashing-omwyth: Pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' . Then we have more direction to look in .01:48
vfwwyth: What command returned the error we see at http://termbin.com/7e71 ?01:48
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get autoremove01:48
winsenI tried to recover partitions unfortunetely it doesn't work for me , worst even the grub2 that restored 2 days ago doesn't work and I wonder how can I reeinstall it. now I have the following errors: https://paste.debian.net/898938/, so I can't do all these steps as I did : https://paste.debian.net/898939/01:48
wyththe termbin was from sudo apt-get -f update01:49
wythOne second Bashing, I will get that01:49
vfwwyth: That was a mistake, change update to install01:49
winsenwyth: hi,  any clue?01:49
vfwwyth: My mistake.01:49
vfwwinsen: Recover partitions from _____________?01:50
winsenBashing-om: do you know any good and free recover partition ?01:51
Bashing-omwinsen: As is, looks like linux no longer exist on that hard drive . A better view at this time is a screenshot from GParted of sda .01:52
vfwwyth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-minimal01:52
vfwwyth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-minimal |& nc termbin.com 999901:53
winsenBashing-om: right01:53
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/oi0301:53
winsenvfw: I didn't follow you01:53
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get install python-minimal01:54
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/y5cs01:55
winsenBashing-om: on gparted nothing changed. but I don't remember that I even deleted 1 ntfs partitionwhich's (document partition)01:57
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get --reinstall python-minimal01:57
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get --reinstall python-minimal |& nc termbin.com 999901:58
Bashing-omwinsen: Show me that GParted screenshot . I do expect that where the linux partitions were is now " unallocated space" .01:58
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/lqa601:58
=== karen is now known as Guest23387
winsenBashing-om: do you know any website past screenshot because I can't do it on debian pastbin02:00
Guest23387Hi, guys, I just got ubuntu MATE. I'm kinda a newbie with linux. Should I do any cleaning of any sort, like getting rid of temporary files or anything like they do on Windows?02:00
Bashing-omwyth: vfw :: Were me here I would see what results with a purge of python-dev .02:00
vfwwyth: What command generated the above information?02:01
Bashing-om!paste | winsen02:01
ubottuwinsen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:01
wyththe last one you sent me, sudo apt-get --reinstall python-minimal02:01
wythBashing: sudo apt-get purge python-dev?02:02
vfwwyth: sudo apt -purge python-minimal02:03
wythvfw: "E: Command line option 'p' [from -purge] is not understood in combination with the other options."02:04
Bashing-omwyth: Yeah .. but apt-get is depreciated .. I suggest ' sudo apt purge python-dev ' . We can expect the package manager to scream and holler, but to also make further suggestions for a remedy .02:04
wythok, I'll give that a go Bashing02:04
vfwwyth: sorry it's --purge02:05
vfwwyth: dpkg --purge pyhon-minimal02:05
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/0pvKA6KE02:05
vfwwyth: dpkg --purge pyhon-minimal |nc termbin.com 999902:05
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/7nj602:07
Bashing-om!info python-all-dev xenial02:08
ubottupython-all-dev (source: python-defaults): package depending on all supported Python development packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.11-1 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB02:08
vfwdpkg --purge --force-depends python-minimal |& nc termbin.com 999902:09
winsenBashing-om: I couldn't paste it with http://imgur.com/02:09
Kali_Yugawinsen: I always just use xup.in then take the hardlink.02:10
wythvfw: had to run it with sudo, but http://termbin.com/ctmj02:10
Bashing-om!info python-minimal xenial02:10
ubottupython-minimal (source: python-defaults): minimal subset of the Python language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.11-1 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 145 kB02:10
vfwwyth: sudo update |nc termbin.com 999902:11
Kali_Yugau don't need account either02:11
wythvfw: sudo update "command not found" sudo apt-get update: http://termbin.com/ld2f02:12
vfwwyth: sudo apt update |nc termbin.com 999902:12
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/zl3y02:13
winsenBashing-om: http://www.xup.in/dl,44673077/Screenshot_gparted/02:14
vfwsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade02:14
winsenKali_Yuga: thanks. it seems working02:14
vfwwyth:   ^^^^^^^^^^02:14
Kali_Yugawinsen: lol he took my link ^^02:14
vfwwyth: sudo apt -f install python-minimal02:15
wythvfw: I get this at sudo apt-get upgrade "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."02:15
vfwwyth: Run it.02:16
vfwwyth: sudo dpkg --configure -a |nc termbin.com 999902:16
Kali_Yugawinsen no you have to post hardlink02:16
winsenBashing-om: can you see it?02:16
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/40b902:17
bwlanghave have two similar machines, and would like to share my home directory between them is there anything better than nfs (better = simpler, better performance)02:17
vfwwyth: lsb_release -a |& nc termbin.com 999902:18
Kali_Yugawinsen that: http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=1428609402:18
Kali_YugaHardlink is the pic02:18
uxfihi Kali_Yuga02:19
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/5z9602:19
Bashing-omwinsen: Sorry, not - I do not download things I do not know the source of .. I do not trust . Find some other means to transfer the screenshot of GParted if you desire my continued assistance .02:19
Kali_Yugahe uploaded wrong. http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=14286094 this is a screen a.e. no download02:20
winsenBashing-om: i don't know how to show this, I forgot one I used to use02:20
pauserHello I need some help. I wanted to have root privileges and I did this. " sudo chmod g+rwx / -R 2> /dev/null ". Now everything seems to be work. Wireless and many things do not work. Any help how should I revert?02:20
vfwwyth: apt-cache policy python* |& nc termbin.com 999902:23
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/ad2a02:24
Bashing-omwinsen: Do not feel alone , I do not know also how to tell you what I do not know .02:24
winsenBashing-om: no problem man. I am not angry about linux itself but about document I deleted, I'll try to recover it with other software..02:26
winsenBashing-om: I really don't know how is that possible 3 partitions disapared? even though 3 of them have different FS!? fat32, Ntfs and Ext402:28
winsenBashing-om: do you think I can install the grub without following all steps I showed above.02:29
Bashing-omwinsen: I know of no more thourough tool for recovery than testdisk . But there does exist other tools . If you have ran testdiak and wrote to that drive your chnaces of recovery are slim . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery .02:29
Bashing-omwinsen: With no known linux install there is no point in installing a linux boot loader . period .02:30
winsenBashing-om: That's what I think too02:31
winsenBashing-om: I didn't try testdisk before, I remeber the last time i used one was scafanger something like that, I 'll try with this or ...02:32
Bashing-omwinsen: The best thing - in my opinion - here is to image that drive and work from the image . IF you value your data .02:34
wythIt's quite a long paste, are you still with me vfw?02:35
winsenBashing-om: I should try though. I don't have another hdd. it requires 140GB,02:35
winsenBashing-om: I'll try later. have good night all02:37
wythHeh, it was a good effort Bashing02:37
Bashing-omwinsen: testdisk can and will recover the partition table . and can set things aright . but one slip and your data will be history . Proceed with extreme care and caution . Be very sure of what you are doing .. do your homework !02:38
wythHe's already gone. :P02:39
vfwwyth: sudo apt purge python-dev python-all-dbg python-all-dev python-dbg  python-all |nc termbin.com 999902:39
wythvfw: Thanks, one sec02:39
Bashing-omwyth: I have not kept up . what is the status - My last thought was that there was a python PPA cinflicting with what is installed from the repo .02:39
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/ycmq02:40
wythBashing: I think that's more or less where we're at. :P02:41
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get -f install |nc termbin.com 999902:41
pausercan somebody help me? I executing this " sudo chmod g+rwx / -R 2> /dev/null " and now almost nothing works normally.02:42
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/a9ii02:43
Bashing-omvfw: wyth Have a look ' apt-cache policy python-minimal python-dev ' .02:43
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get autoremove |nc termbin.com 999902:44
Guest_84483allah is doing02:44
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/D9NwskdF02:44
Guest_84483sun is not doing allah is doing02:44
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/9vzs02:44
Guest_84483moon is not doing allah is doing02:45
vfwwyth: So you upgraded from ________ to 16.04?02:46
wythvfw: 14.04 I believe02:46
vfwwyth: Did you, or do you now, have any ppa's?02:46
wythvfw: I'm not sure. Is there a command to check?02:47
wythvfw & bashing: I appreciate all the help by the way02:47
Bashing-omwyth: I just looking iver yalls shoulder . OK .. " //us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main i386 Packages " is this a 32 bit install ?02:48
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
vfwwyth: cat /etc/apt/sources.list |nc termbin.com 999902:48
wythBashing: Yes, it's 32bit02:48
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/cwic02:48
vfwBashing-om: By all means, *help*  :)02:48
Bashing-omwyth: At this time python-dev and python-minimal look to be stable .02:49
vfwBashing-om: I see:  xenial-backports (What do you think?02:50
Bashing-omwyth: 3rd party directory for sources ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' in a pastebin, please .02:51
vfwBashing-om: It's been my experience that backports is a no no....02:51
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/f02dxZDx02:52
Bashing-omvfw: xenial backports "should"  not be a problem as these pacjages are thise approved for use in xenial - and sometimes are fixes .02:52
Bashing-omvfw: But like you I do not have that repo enabled . If it ain't broke do not fix it .02:52
wythThese are the dependencies errors I'm still getting when trying "sudo apt upgrade" http://termbin.com/vykp02:54
vfwBashing-om: Agreed02:54
vfwwyth: Bashing-om   http://termbin.com/ycmq02:55
Bashing-omwyth: I see no conflicts there either . so good to go .. as an aside, do not enable "02:55
Bashing-om wyth mc3man/trusty-media/ubuntu " as Doug appears not to have caught up yet to xenial . Wait for it  wait .02:56
vfwBashing-om: sudo apt install python-minimal02:56
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
=== daniel is now known as Guest62518
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/EuRL7sUY02:57
vfwwyth: sudo apt purge gstreamer1.0-clutter |nc termbin.com 999902:58
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/b4wy02:58
vfwwyth: dpkg --purge gstreamer1.0-clutter libcwidget3 libmutter0c libnux-4.0-0 python zeitgeist-core03:01
Bashing-omvfw:  ?? is this your output or wyth's " http://termbin.com/ycmq ' If it is wyth's then I do not understand how "python : Depends: python-minimal (= 2.7.5-5ubuntu3)" when the system reports " python-minimal: >> Installed: 2.7.11-1 " ... hummmm .03:02
vfwBashing-om: Yea, I dono...  A whole lot of this does not make sense.03:03
vfwBashing-om: Maybe he should reboot or...?03:03
athanHi everyone, when I `sudo apt-get install -f` to fix a broken package, it fails with an error. I think the download failed (I'm restricted to 150 kb/s) and it's corrupted or something. Is there a way to remove it from my system and start over?03:03
wythvfw: http://pastebin.com/5f9YtNXJ03:04
vfwOh no.  Not another one... ;(03:04
wythlol. sorry03:04
* wyth ducks03:04
athanit's for libpython3.5-dev :\03:04
wythI can give her a reboot if you think it might help03:04
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
xcyclistThis may be a windows question, but they may not want to answer it.  I've got a new PC and I need to install an ubuntu iso on a usb drive to boot and install Ubuntu.03:05
xcyclistSo, I copy and paste copied in windows, and when I try to boot from this USB pin, the bios just drops it's jaw and does nothing, blocked.03:06
xcyclistPlease advise.03:06
yeats!usb | xcyclist this may help03:06
ubottuxcyclist this may help: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:06
vfwwyth: Let's try sudo apt update one more time and show us the result03:07
xcyclistThank you.03:07
wythvfw: Sure thing. I went ahead with the reboot anyways, so it'll be just one sec03:07
vfwwyth: Do you have a second partition for /home/ ?03:07
Bashing-omwyth: vfw Perhaps a good thing is to clean out the archives , and start again form square one . see what then the package manager advises .03:08
xcyclistOkay, this is not helping.  I have bios set to boot from usb drive.03:08
athanxcyclist: Have you used brasero? a .iso file should be burnable to a disk if you use the right program. It's supposed to represent all the partitions and all that for the entire liveCD operating system03:08
xcyclistI need to know how to copy the iso to the usb pin so it will boot.  I just copied it.03:08
yeatsxcyclist: longer answer is that you have to "burn" the ISO onto the thumb drive - copying it there doesn't do it03:08
yeatsxcyclist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows03:08
athanusually you just need to capture it for the boot sequence, but yes, if you want it to always try, set it to the disk drive03:08
wythvfw: Shouldn't be a second partition for home, I do have an lvm with all my media and such though03:09
vfwwyth: So how did apt update go?03:09
vfwwyth: and then apt -f install03:10
wythvfw: sudo apt update: http://termbin.com/mrwc03:10
wythvfw: apt -f install: http://pastebin.com/etpxeLaL03:11
vfwwyth: Was that all of it?03:11
wythvfw: this didn't get added to the termbin "keys on reference is experimental at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 264.03:11
wythkeys on reference is experimental at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 359."03:11
athanCan anyone see what I'm doing wrong here? http://lpaste.net/34603703:12
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get autoremove |nc termbin.com 999903:12
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/4bdo03:12
xanguaJust installed Ubuntu 16.04, then security updates, restarted and now my fonts look too thin :-\03:13
wythvfw: This is sudo apt upgrade: http://termbin.com/syti03:13
vfwwyth: sudo dpkg --configure -a03:16
wythvfw: http://pastebin.com/SGVUmYC303:17
Bashing-omwyth: " Depends: python (= 2.7.11-1) but 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 is installed " .. show us ' apt-cache policy python '. See what we can finger out .03:17
athan:( is this mic on?03:17
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/ypyJEn7D03:18
vfwwyth: sudo apt upgrade python03:19
Bashing-omwyth: Uh Huh, there she be that be the culprit .. now as it is python ... we tread lightly . Take a gentle poke at it ' sudo apt install --reinstall python ' .03:20
wythbashing: http://pastebin.com/VMNscACN03:21
vfwwyth: What you probably need to do is just stack up all of the ones you see at http://termbin.com/syti  and use dpkg --purge --force-depends  to remove them.03:21
wythvfw: Ok, give me a sec and I'll give it a show03:22
vfwwyth: dpkg --purge --force-depends  libnux-4.0-0 python python-all python-all-dbg python-all-dev python-dbg synaptic zeitgeist-core03:23
vfwwyth: But first, uname -r03:23
vfwwyth: what does that say?03:23
wythvfw: gives me "3.13.0-96-generic"03:24
wythShould I go ahead with the purge you posted right before the uname command?03:24
vfwwyth: Ok, well, that kernel is not what you should have with Ubuntu 16.0403:25
wythok, so update the kernel first?03:26
ubuntu032hello, i just came or help here anyone willing to help_03:29
wythvfw: Update kernel first? Or purge?03:30
vfwwyth: So the upgrade from what-ever to 16.04 got interrupted and not sure if it is recoverable.  Yea, if you can, update the kernel, but don't think you even can...03:30
=== zel is now known as Guest5555
ubuntu032i bought a new laptop today and, going to install lubuntu on it. already disablded secure boot but for some weird reason i cannot see the emmc disk when im booting lubuntu live from usb, should i try hirens boot cd to format the emmc disk so i could install  on it or what should i do03:31
ubuntu032my external hdd and my usb are only ones being listed by gparted03:31
ubuntu032it is such a shitty laptop and i only bought it for usage of some linux distro pretty much03:32
ubuntu032there was some clear part on bios which talked about clearing encryption keys or something, the laptop is acer aspire e1  43203:34
vfwwyth: Your kernel should be 4.4x03:35
wythvfw: Oh, I just did a dpkg on a 4.8 kernel03:35
Bashing-omwyth: vfw Yeah . get the kernel straight . what shows ' dpkg -l | grel linux- ' . so we know what we are shooting for to get the xenial kernel to install .03:36
gonliSsHi. I Installed LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. Then on Namecheap.com I created personal dns server ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com pointing to my server's IP. I created a config file on /etc/nginx/sites-available and shortcut to it on /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. But when I'm trying to access my domain there is an error: mydomain.com’s server DNS address could not be found. What I missed?03:39
wythvfw bashing: this is what I've got from uname -r now "4.8.0-040800-generic"03:40
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic03:41
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB03:41
carlyannahey guys, can someone help me figure out which distribution would be a good fit for me? i've been running ubuntu and lubuntu on my computer for the past few months now, and i've got to reinstall the system  to make it a 64bit because my last install was the 32bit (long story)...ANYWAY - i have no idea what the different distributions are, like debian fedora, arch linux, etc. Any one prefer one over the other?03:41
carlyannaI am truly enjoying learning about these systems and sort of be coming a geek about it. I like to use terminal and learn different commands, etc.. - so is there a specific distribution that may assist me with that?03:42
Bashing-omwyth: How did you get up on yakety's kernel ? And it is not the more recent .03:42
wythBashing: I copied from a website like an idiot, :P03:42
Kali_Yugawyth: any progress?03:42
wythbashing: This is the output of the command you gave: http://pastebin.com/YrEeghzH03:43
wythKali: Uhm, sort of? lol03:43
Kali_Yugawasn't here, just curious :P03:44
Bashing-omwyth: Now you may have bitten of more than we can chew as yakety's kernel is not yet supported in xenial install .03:44
wythBashing: I could uninstall it?03:44
carlyannamaybe if i shorten my question - anyone have input on the best distribution out there ? Fedora, debian, dreamlnux, etc. and why?03:46
Kali_Yugacarlyanna: you are on an ubuntu channel so I would say ubuntu :D03:47
wythbashing: I didn't realize it was not an official kernel, the website just said "Linux kernel 4.8 was released on October 2, 2016"03:47
carlyannaKali_Yuga: aren't these all associated with ubuntu?03:47
carlyannaKali_Yuga: i don't even know what the distributions mean, what are the differences?03:48
carlyannaanything specific i should know about03:48
wythbashing: Should I attempt to uninstall it before doing anything else?03:49
carlyannaKali_Yuga: what about the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu, or the various types of linux distributions03:49
Kali_Yugathey function differently use different programs arch uses pacman instead of apt-get a.e ubuntu is good for beginners. i would even say also good for experts too. but yeah i think you get the best support for ubuntu03:49
carlyannaok good for beginners is what i am looking for :)03:50
RtMFubuntu can be great for beginners, agreed!  depends on your hardware, of course, but absolutely, if you want to not worry about things, I still recommend *buntu03:50
carlyannaKali_Yuga: now what about xubuntu - anything special there? I am definitely trying to stick with what i have learned so far, apt get etc. so you made a good point there03:50
carlyannaRtMF: thank you ! :D03:51
uxfihello carlyanna welcome to Ubuntu03:51
uxfiwhat are you using Ubuntu for?03:51
uxfialso hello Kali_Yuga :)03:51
Kali_Yugaxubuntu is ubuntu using same repos but the GUI is different they use Xfce instead of unity03:52
carlyannawell my laptop (very old sony) crapped the bed COMPLETELY, so my dad told me to try and boot ubuntu or some other software, and so I taught myself how to create the bootable usb and it's brought my computer back to life :)03:52
Bashing-omwyth: Honestly at this point I do not know . But I do know we want xenial's kernel installed and I do have a idea of how that can be done . As to what results in removing that 4.8 kernel, I just do not know .03:52
uxficarlyanna;  how old of an laptop?03:52
carlyannanow i'm sort of addicted to learning all about it. Also though, I like using chrome and all of the apps - and need to be able to use the flash player for TV :) which i can't update on the ubuntu 32bit03:52
carlyannaits a sony vaio, probably about 5 years or so03:53
Kali_Yugaif it's really old Laptop i would use Lubuntu. it's nothing special not many features but very lighweight03:53
Zombie_RyushuI would like assistance recompiling an existing DEB to include a Patch from its RPM based counterpart in libgpod/gtkpod+03:53
uxfiKali_Yuga;  or Xubuntu03:53
OerHekscarlyanna, chrome browser on 32 bit?03:53
Zombie_RyushuThis is a known problem with communicating with legacy iDevices using Amarok.03:53
Kali_Yugayeah xubuntu is also very good. has also more features yes03:53
Zombie_RyushuOr Clementine.03:54
OerHeksflash for 32 bit is dead03:54
uxficarlyanna; any other plans for the laptop?03:54
uxfiFacebook and such?03:54
* RtMF advertises - "we have only A cup boobs IRL, but if you wish to see that increase, paypal rtmf@beautifulsunrise.org -- we'll either show the internet, or if you donate enough, you specifically. Also we are 100% accepting suggestions re: surgeon *&& mnethod!03:54
carlyannaOerHeks: yes yes it is :(03:54
carlyannauxfi: yes! exactly03:54
OerHeks!spam | RtMF03:54
ubottuRtMF: Please don't spam03:54
carlyannait is now my main computer03:54
uxficarlyanna; oh good03:54
uxficarlyanna; did you get my message? jsut tsting out my Uuntu03:55
Zombie_RyushuAnd you can get both Netscape Flash and Pepper Flash  as an independent Download on x86+32 and 6403:55
OerHekscarlyanna, chrome 32 bit is long gone, nice story though, no flash updates03:55
xanguaAfter 16.04 install, security updates and restart, regular fonts are very thin :-( someone having this issue?03:57
carlyannaOerHeks: yeah thats why i'm rebooting with a 64bit version, wndering which distribution to us03:58
carlyannafrom this convo i'm thinking xubuntu would be nice to try out03:58
wythbashing: Ok, I'm back at 3.13.0-96-generic. It won't let me do "sudo apt remove 'linux-headers-4.8*' 'linux-image-4.8*'" because of the unmet dependencies though03:59
uxficarlyanna; sure give ita whirl03:59
uxfigive it a whirl03:59
bwlangethernet cards work with 3.13, rebooting with 4.4 network appears to come up, packets appear in stats, but I cannot ping the gareway (just a reboot, no config change)03:59
bwlangbnx2 driver03:59
bwlanggoogle produces no interesting hits - suggested search terms?03:59
Kali_Yugaxagua: not with 16.04. but I had very little fonts too. there was some setting. you have to change dpi setting03:59
carlyannaokay guys well, here goes nothing! going to get unetbootin started and startup fresh with xubuntu04:00
carlyannathanks for the help!!04:00
Kali_Yugagood luck04:00
Bashing-om!tab | wyth Ekse I can and will meiis your replyes " Bashing-om " to get my attention .04:00
ubottuwyth Ekse I can and will meiis your replyes " Bashing-om " to get my attention .: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:00
xanguaKali_Yuga: I think fonts are back to normal04:00
carlyannaKali_Yuga: i would install the 16.04 live x64 version right??04:01
xanguaReset font settings with unit tweak, don't know what happened04:01
wythBashing-om: Sorry, back on the original kernel. Can't apt remove the 4.8 one though because of the unmet dependencies04:01
Bashing-omwyth: No experience in downgrading a kernel . 'Fraid to go there, as my 1st priority is not to break a system .04:01
wythBashing-om: fair enough. I'm at least booted on the original one now though04:02
Kali_Yugaidk do you have 64 bit go for that one i guess yes. idk your system. you decide until you find a distro that suits you04:03
Bashing-omwyth: How did you attempt to remove th 4.8 kernel ?04:03
wythBashing-om: I rebooted, under advanced options chose my previous kernel, and when I was in tried to do "sudo apt remove 'linux-headers-4.8*' 'linux-image-4.8*'" but it wouldn't go through because of the unmet dependencies issues I've been having04:04
khoaanyone know which server-channel to get ebooks?, i tried IRCHighway and Undernet04:04
carlyannaKali_Yuga: i forgot, i think i have to mount the usb drive - not sure how to do that....anyone know?04:04
Kali_Yugacarlyanna: are you still on windows? on ubuntu i used startup disk creator very simple tool04:05
Kali_Yugato make usb?04:05
carlyannaKali_Yuga: i have startup disk creator here on ubuntu04:05
carlyannahow should i go about it?04:05
Kali_Yugayou wanna make a bootable usb drive with xubuntu am i right?04:06
Bashing-omwyth: If you accept the risk we can try and remove the 4.8 kernel . But be sure that I am not comfortable ! .. But for sure we MUST get you up on xenial's kernel to effect any repair to python .04:06
carlyannayeah, but i use unetbootin cause it downloads everything for me..it just wont recognize the usb disk because im on ubuntu and the usb isn't mounted i dont think04:06
wythBashing-om: I acknowledge and accept, heh04:07
Kali_Yugadownload iso --> md5sum check iso --> use startup disk creator put iso on it --> boot from usb04:07
carlyannawow that sounds pretty easy.04:08
carlyannaif i download that md5sum check iso that will give me 64bit xubuntu?04:08
Bashing-omwyth: Give me a bit to consider .. as we also want the conflicting quantal sources gone gone too .04:09
Kali_Yugano i think you're not getting what i mean04:09
wythBashing-om: For sure04:09
wythBashing-om: Again, I super appreciate you trying to help04:09
carlyannaKali_Yuga: hah i probably am not, but i just figured it out in unetbootin so we are good to go!04:10
carlyannasee you guys on the xubuntu side :)04:10
Kali_Yugamd5sum is to check if your .iso file is not corrupted04:10
Kali_Yugaread somewhere https://www.lifewire.com/validate-md5-checksum-file-403739104:11
Kali_Yugabefore burning or booting from it04:12
Bashing-omwyth: Let's take a poke and see what happens ' sudo apt remove linux-image-generic-lts-quantal ' . See if we can continue .04:14
wythBashing-om: Same unmet dependencies error. I also reached my pastebin limit04:16
Kali_Yugajust saves headache in case later on04:16
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/g38t04:17
Bashing-omwyth: Ouch .. need to see that output . let's switch to pastebinit . ' sudo apt install pastebin ' then: ' sudo apt remove linux-image-generic-lts-quantal | pastebinit ' .04:19
wythBashing-om: "E: Unable to locate package pastebin"04:21
wythBashing-om: oh, I see it04:21
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/9oc4 Can't install pastebinit04:22
Bashing-omwyth: Looks like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place .04:22
vfwwyth: Bashing-om So just use termbin.com04:23
wythBashing-om: When I run "sudo apt remove linux-image-generic-lts-quantal |nc termbin.com 9999" I get http://termbin.com/b4eb04:23
tarvidGetting freezes after 2 minutes to two hours on Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu but usually longer as I move right04:23
tarvidthe canary is apparently starving04:24
uxfitarvid; hello04:24
tarvidhi uxfi04:24
vfwBashing-om: wyth I've done distribution upgrades many times with no problems, but almost every time I've seen someone on here that had a failure doing one... well, just haven't seen much in the way of recovery.04:24
wythvfw: :-X04:25
vfwwyth: Did you experience a power failure?  Or what?04:25
vfwwyth: What happend to interrupt the process?04:25
wythvfw: Nah, not sure what happened. I didn't realize anything was wrong for a couple weeks when after I rebooted I suddenly didn't have software like transmission working anymore.04:26
Kali_Yugastupid question. wouldn't a backup of all files and reinstalling be faster than trying to figure out this problem? no offend to anyone04:26
Kali_Yugajust time wise04:27
wythKali_Yuga: It seems like that might be what I end up having to do. Not looking forward to having to go through all of that though. Especially nervous about getting my LVM working right if I went that route.04:28
venzenKali_Yuga: that might be the best solution, given you had sudden failure of various software packages... did you perhaps make changes to Python before that catastrophic reboot?04:28
wythvenzen: Not that I recall. And I don't believe it was a catastrophic reboot, just a regular one. It was only after that reboot did I realize some things were not working.04:29
venzenKali_Yuga: sorry not your issue, but wyth's04:29
vfwwyth: Well, you can not interrupt a distribution upgrade in any way.  It must continue until it's finished.  The best thing you can do is backup your personal files and do a fresh install. Just do a backup of /home/wyth/ and do a fresh install with same user name and replace all the files.04:29
Bashing-omwyth: What results ' sudo apt install linux-generic ' ? Try and find a way to move either forward, backward or even sideways .04:30
wythvfw: I'm pretty sure I did not interrupt it at all, it just seems like there were errors during the process I guess04:30
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/ujy804:30
vfwwyth: LVM should not be a problem.04:31
wythI feel like the route left is to try purging all of the python as vfw had put it, and then seeing if reinstalling it fixes the apt issues04:31
vfwwyth: If there were errors, you should have resolved the problems *before* a reboot.04:31
wythvfw: You're definitely right04:32
linux205hey, can anyone help me to install ubuntu on my new laptop? It has emmc flash card, so do i need to format the whole emmc flash drive with something? Because when i boot into ubuntu (with secure boot off) it is not showing the emmc drive at all04:32
Kali_Yugayeah. there are probably ways of fixing this. but figuring out all this takes also time. comparing this to a fresh install what would be quicker. i know it's painful but what do you wanna do?04:32
wythKali_Yuga: I'd prefer to try and avoid the fresh install if possible, but I realize it's probably been pretty annoying dealing with me the last couple hours, heh04:34
linux205hello horsevj, do you anything about eMMC flash drives since i need to install ubuntu on my new laptop but cannot find a workaround anywhere04:36
horsevjwhy do you need eMMC flash drive?04:36
linux205i do not need that, my laptop has it and i am having difficulties installing ubuntu on it04:36
Kali_Yugawyth: not at all, keep trying to fix it. if you get it fixed great. thats just the shotgun solution.04:36
Bashing-omwyth: Getting more knotty alla the time . see what happens ' sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic ' .04:37
linux205because the ubuntu live cd is not showing the  eMMC flash drive at all horsevj. so i was thinking do i need to format it with hiren's boot cd or something first?04:37
vfwwyth: Nothing beats a fresh install.  If done properly it is quicker and easier.  If you have a separate /home/ partition, you can just install and leave it as is, if not, must back-up /home/wyth and replace it when your done.04:37
horsevjsorry linux205 i dont quite know04:38
linux205well im going to try it, yolo04:39
Bashing-omwyth: Purge python. some kind of risky . But what we can do is start at the bottom of the dependcy tree and work our way back up to python . show ' apt-cache depends python ' there are only maybe 3 or 4 packages of concern .04:40
Kali_YugaI had problems that i wasn't able to fix. fresh install always did it for me in situations like this04:41
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/4t6804:41
Kali_Yugabut i don't have server and i don't know how long it takes on a server to redo everything04:42
Bashing-om!info python xenial04:42
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.11-1 (xenial), package size 133 kB, installed size 635 kB04:42
wythvfw: Main concern is that most stuff doesn't appear to be installed to home directory. This server has been frankensteined over many years and it was my first linux machine, so I did a bunch of stuff like a dumbass04:42
wythvfw: I know that's all the more reason to start clean, but still seems daunting.04:43
vfwwyth: No. All personal files will be in the /home/ directory, unless you have other data partitions or directories that you have stored files.  In that case, just make backups of those directories as well.04:43
vfwwyth: Applications are not installed in the /home/ directiries and that is not the issue anyway.  All you want to backup are personal files and other files that you want to save.  All of the installed programs are easily replacable.04:45
wythvfw: I know for instance some stuff is installed in /opt. Which I could also back up, but I'm not sure what other random crap is in random places too. This server is an old aluminum macbook pro, and I remember just getting the liveusb to show up and work was a major chore the first time I installed it04:45
horsevjcould you just back up home opt etc04:46
horsevjseems that would be good04:46
Bashing-omwyth: Houston, we have a problem . python version 2.7 belongs to trusty . We have to install 2.7.11-1 (xenial) But but to do that we have to have xenial's kernel installed . As around and around we go .04:46
wythBashing-om: Oh man.04:47
wythBashing-om: Well, we could install the xenial kernel, I could make sure I boot to that kernel, and hopefully go from there?04:47
vfwwyth: I don't want to discorage you.  It may be possible to recover.  You will more-than-like have to manually uninstall many apps to get the job done.  Like I said before, just use dpkg purge04:48
wythvfw: Right, and I appreciate it all, like you said. You guys have been huge04:48
Bashing-om!info python2.7 xenial04:48
ubottupython2.7 (source: python2.7): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.7). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.1 (xenial), package size 219 kB, installed size 350 kB04:48
wythWhich kernel exactly should I be on for Xenial? I'm currently on 3.13.0-96-generic04:49
Kali_Yugathats 14.04 kernel04:49
Kali_Yugathats the one i currently use04:50
Bashing-omwyth: Wrong ! .. we maybe in good stead for python / try ' sudo apt install --reinstall python2.7 ' . See what the package manager now advises .04:50
vfwwyth: I don't want to discorage you.  It may be possible to recover.  You will more-than-like have to manually uninstall many apps to get the job done.   dpkg --purge --force-all  <package-names-here>04:51
Bashing-omwyth: That is an older trusty kernel . I am on trusty :"sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-101-generic" . we want you up on xenial .04:52
vfwwyth: I think Ubuntu 16.04 starts at 4.4.x04:52
wythBashing-om: I think I thoroughly f'd this all up, I tried to purge the python to reinstall from a while back.04:52
Bashing-omwyth: Well ..,yeah ! // not good to mess with mother python . Given the time we "might" fight out of this .04:53
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/zir104:54
wythI suck04:54
wythAnd am sorry you guys04:54
Kali_Yugadamn that looks worse than before doesn't it?04:55
wyth"sudo apt-get -f install |nc termbin.com 9999" http://termbin.com/geky04:55
Bashing-omwyth: Got any idea how many times I have broke my system learning what I know ? .. Now I know enough not to break it !04:56
wythBashing-om: this is with the -y, so you can see the full output http://termbin.com/xa4704:56
wythBashing-om: I hear ya. I should've known better than to just upgrade without a much better reason. I was having a problem with something else at the time and thought it might help04:57
Bashing-omwyth: If it is any consolation to ya .. this " ii  linux-image-generic-lts-quantal  " is the original problem . that we still have to find a means to address .04:59
wythBashing-om: This is the site that I used to install the wrong kernel before, which was pretty easy. If I knew the right version I could do it again? https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-linux-kernel-4-8-ubuntu-16-04-16-1005:01
wythBashing-om: Should I try this verson? http://linuxdaddy.com/blog/install-kernel-4-4-on-ubuntu/05:05
Bashing-omwyth: Oh .. getting the kernel is not the problem .. it is getting the kernel with the package manager and keeping the package manager happy . // Not to say we will not ' wget ' the kernel and headers if we have too . going to go smoke and think on this . Smoke break !05:05
wythBashing-om: Roger that.05:05
SkeiMorning. Anyone running CUDA ? I seem to have two different driver versions installed and I'm not managing to fix that.05:08
vfwwyth: The fresh install option is not hard.  Just backup your files.05:12
wythvfw: If we're unsuccessful I'm sure that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. Have to secure a flash drive, and then hope the stupid mac hardware doesn't choke on it05:14
Bashing-omwyth: How about ' sudo apt install linux-image-generic= ' Not real sure I have the version syntax correct here .05:15
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial05:15
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB05:15
wythBashing-om: failed05:16
Kali_Yugavfw: i'd give up too05:16
vfwwyth:  du -sh /home/05:17
Bashing-omMyrtti: failed as in screaming about python ?05:17
wythBashing-om: Yeah05:17
wythvfw: 750M, heh05:18
wythvfw: I keep everything on the LVM05:18
vfwwyth: What do you mean, you keep everything on the LVM?  What do you have and where is it?  (What directories?)05:19
wythBashing-om: http://termbin.com/oknn05:19
wythvfw: it's /media/ all my backups, media, etc05:20
vfwwyth:  du -sh /media/05:20
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
wythvfw: it's still running :-X05:22
gonliSscan I get a help with configuring proper vHosts? server DNS address could not be found for my domain all the time05:23
vfwwyth: We should all have methods for backing up our files.  We should never trust computers not to ever fail.  Having backups is a normal part life as a computer user.05:23
liregirlScott Roberts has produced a 10-minute long epic entitled "Aliens?" It's available here: https://youtu.be/m0vFHhKOcII05:23
wythvfw: I know, I'm just a dickbag. :(05:24
vfwwyth: You now have a reason to develop a method.05:24
wythvfw: You're definitely right05:24
vfwwyth: And backing up your data is not hard.05:24
Bashing-omwyth: How about ' sudo apt install linux-generic= ' . If that too fails . I am now all for trying to wget the kernels and headers .05:25
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial05:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB05:25
wythBashing-om: Same failure05:25
liregirlScott Roberts has produced a 4-minute-long epic entitled "Who's killsing us?" It's available here: https://youtu.be/DhoKe3Y1hSc05:26
OerHeks!spam | liregirl get lost05:26
ubottuliregirl get lost: Please don't spam05:26
liregirlThat is... "Who's killing us?"05:26
liregirlOerHeks, I love exposing the lying perpetrators.05:27
liregirlOerHeks, But I realize this ain't the channel.05:27
wythvfw: 6.6T    /media/05:34
vfwwyth: What is mounted in /media/ ?05:34
vfwwyth: sudo fdisk -l |nc termbin.com 999905:35
wythvfw: The three externals that make up my lvm05:35
vfwShow me05:35
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/a2e805:35
vfwwyth: Ok, so you have 3 external drives.  Back up /home/ on a thumb drive.  Unplug the three external drives, re-install and plug them back in.05:36
wythvfw: Yeah, sounds like the plan05:36
vfwwyth: Just install without formatting any of your external drives.05:37
wythWell, I guess I'll be spending tomorrow wrangling whatever scripts and config files and whatever else I have strewn about and reinstalling. I don't think I have it in me to do it tonight05:41
wythI really appreciate all of the help from you guys though, seriously05:42
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fenixhi does any one aware of HTTP2 protocol? in this how long the connection will be remained open ? when it'll be closed ?06:33
raddyHello Everybody07:20
raddyXenial comes with mosquitto with websocket support ?07:21
mylistoIs there a command line I can use to flip a video horizontally?  Not rotation, but flipping.07:42
ricksanchez is there a problem with the upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10 ?07:48
ricksanchezI mean like a bug that causes a non-bootable os ?07:49
brotherBoxhi. is it possible to install ubuntu with /boot on the EFI system partition? the setup wont let me choose /boot on ESP08:03
domino14how do i upgrade from ubuntu 13.04? it's eol so it won't even connect to the mirrors08:16
domino14so i can't update08:16
domino14im tryna update it on digital ocean08:17
brotherBoxdomino14: sudo do-release-upgrade08:18
ricksanchezhey brotherBox are there any known issues with upgrading from 16.04 to 16.10 that cause the os to not boot08:18
domino14do-release-upgrade doesn't work08:18
domino14it tries to download all teh packages and it can't08:18
domino14because the mirrors are all old / down / whatever08:19
BarnabasDKdomino14, have you selected a mirror site apart from the central ubuntu one?08:19
BarnabasDKsay one in your country08:19
BarnabasDKif so, try selecting the central one08:19
domino14how do i select a mirror?08:19
brotherBoxricksanchez: im not an ubuntu dev or anything but if there are issues you should get an error message08:20
ricksanchezit hangs at the ubunt loading screen08:20
ricksanchezwith the dots at the bottom08:20
brotherBoxyou might want to press one of the F keys (F1-F7 i think) which should bring up a log of whats happening08:20
BarnabasDKdomino14, for me when i start the application software and updates there is a "download from" drop down08:21
ricksanchezI tried it appears to be locked up08:21
BarnabasDKwhere I selected my country08:21
BarnabasDKtry resetting that to "main server"08:21
domino14which application software.. i'm on the command line08:22
domino14it's a vm on digitalocean08:22
brotherBoxhave you tried sites like https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/08:23
BarnabasDKdomino14, then you have to manually edit the source files in /etc/apt08:24
BarnabasDKthen do a sudo apt update and an upgrade08:24
domino14what do i put in the files08:25
BarnabasDKif thats an issue maybe you should not be doing serverside upgrades08:25
brotherBoxthe output from what that site generates08:25
brotherBoxbased on your input08:25
BarnabasDKto be quite honest08:26
domino14so just keep this on 13.04 forever?08:26
brotherBoxits not an LTS so thats not a good idea imo08:27
arthur_____Ojoin #ilico08:28
brotherBoxis it possible to install ubuntu with /boot on the EFI system partition? the setup wont let me choose /boot on ESP08:29
mahfiazhey, I am trying to install Ubuntu Mate on an Samsung SSD, but right after configuring the first partition installer gets stuck and dmesg shows Enabling discard_zeroes_data message over and over08:45
mahfiazany ideas?08:46
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: wich ssd type?08:47
mahfiazlotuspsychje: ^08:47
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: evo? pro?08:47
mahfiazlotuspsychje: evo08:47
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: 840? 850?08:48
mahfiazlotuspsychje: sorry, it08:49
mahfiazlotuspsychje: sorry, it08:49
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: wich number of evo please?08:50
mahfiazlotuspsychje: sorry, it's not evo, it's neiter: http://cdn.shopclues.net/images/detailed/11130/11_1421595111.jpg08:50
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: ah its msata08:51
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: did you check if your bios is changed from IDE to AHCI?08:52
mahfiazlotuspsychje: will do08:52
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: also check samsungs website, if firmwares are available for your device08:52
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: wich ubuntu version did you try to install?08:53
mahfiazlotuspsychje: it is AHCI08:54
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: ok, thats good turned off secureboot and fastboot also? or you dualboot?08:55
RyukenAnyone know how to duplicate with grub customizer?08:55
RyukenLike duplicate an option08:56
BarnabasDKRyuken, having a second option in the boot list?08:56
mahfiazlotuspsychje: Linux Mint 18 is Ubuntu 16.04, I dualboot, will try turning off secure- and fastboot08:56
RyukenBarnabasDK: Like creating a duplicate of the same boot option08:57
RyukenSay Ubuntu wotih Linux4.4.0 generic and make an exact copy of that08:57
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: im sure, but we cant support mint here, download a vanilla ubuntu and try?08:57
BarnabasDKRyuken, the boot def is in /etc/defaults/grub, you can edit that and add all the entries you want08:57
BarnabasDKRyuken, do a update-grub as root in order to effectuate08:58
RyukenBarnabasDK: Okay, thanks08:58
lotuspsychjemahfiaz: if samsung website has a new firmware for your ssd, please apply it carefull and you will need a fresh reinstall on it after08:59
joegiampaolican you send files directly to another user here on freenode?09:01
mahfiazlotuspsychje: my bios has neither options, but will try out the other two suggestions09:02
lotuspsychjejoegiampaoli: dcc send09:04
joegiampaolilotuspsychje: That's the command?09:04
joegiampaolilotuspsychje: OK, I'm reading about it...thanks...09:05
elodinnjoegiampaoli: it's not, your IRC client probably has it built in though09:05
lotuspsychjejoegiampaoli: your irc client should be able to dcc send to other users09:06
joegiampaolielodinn: Oh, OK, so it is possible? That's all I want to know...09:06
elodinnjoegiampaoli: yes09:06
joegiampaolielodinn: OK, thanks :)09:06
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discoveredI am using Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS(Kubuntu) and Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter for WIFI. But the signal is poor09:26
discoveredIs it possible to fix it?09:27
hheeguys, i have some program, which run from extract archive like eclipse, and in unity panel they have ? icons. can i change icon thre09:29
cfhowlett!ru | PurpleSunset09:32
ubottuPurpleSunset: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:32
Snowiewow, really quiet in here.09:41
unicornjediis setting a resolution of something like 768x1360 legal in xorg.conf09:41
unicornjediSnowie: not anymore hehe09:41
cfhowlettunicornjedi, so long as your gpu supports it, yes09:41
Snowieunicornjedi: broke the silence lol09:42
unicornjedicfhowlett: soo I was on #raspberrypi for 6 hours with someone and he was helping me to get my pi to output to a vertical display... I haven't touched xorg.conf yet09:44
unicornjediandddd it still doesn't work.09:44
cfhowlettno experience at all with raspberrry, sorry09:44
unicornjedicfhowlett: hopefully editing the xorg.conf file will solve the problem :( thanks for answering my question09:44
cfhowlettbest of luck unicornjedi09:45
unicornjedi:'( you can drink my tears, I have too much09:45
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unicornjedidrink up buddy09:45
* BarnabasDK hurl09:46
Snowieunicornjedi: i think it might be rotate, not resolution, in xorg09:47
unicornjediSnowie: so what would the code look like?09:48
Snowieunicornjedi: rotate left?09:50
unicornjediwhoooa thats a lot to rea09:51
Snowieunicornjedi: looks like you just add rotate left or rotate right in the same playce you were going to add the resolution.09:52
unicornjediSnowie: I hhope it works. its 5am here, I didn't know rotating a screen on rpi was such a challenge09:53
Snowieunicornjedi: what OS?09:54
unicornjedisnowie, openelec. on rpi or laptop... it just sucks at vertical resolutions09:55
denizhow can install gnome on ubuntu mate?10:13
denizhow to*10:13
cfhowlett!gnome | deniz10:14
ubottudeniz: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome10:14
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halpmehi, is this a sata 2 or sata 3? http://www.storagereview.com/samsung_spinpoint_m9t_hard_drive_review10:42
kubast2how can I for loop files in a directory10:43
kubast2when they have a space in the name10:43
kubast2so it doesn't do10:43
cfhowlettkubast2, stop using enter>10:44
brotherBoxin general, using -print0 options will help here10:44
brotherBoxis it possible to install ubuntu with /boot on the EFI system partition? the setup wont let me choose /boot on ESP10:45
kubast2brotherBox: -print0 ? at ls or in the for ?10:45
kubast2for files in $(ls); do ffmpeg -i "$files" -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 0 "CD1/$files.mp3"; done10:45
kubast2$(ls -print0) or for files in $(ls) -print0; ?10:46
kubast2nah still does10:48
ducasseKingsy: the module might not be registered for that device id, in which case it won't be loaded automaticallyååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååe*11:00
cfhowlettstop spilling your mountain dew on the keyboard so your keys don't stick11:01
ducassecfhowlett: that was the cat :)11:01
cfhowlett... uh huh.  the "cat".  riiiiiiiiight.       P)11:02
NotiI've updated to 16.04 from 15.10 and I've been screwed. I have no networking, no graphic and who knows what else.11:02
dooris worth to upgrade ubuntu from 16.04 to 16.10?11:08
cfhowlettdoor, 16.04 is LTS.  16.10 is not.  absent a serious need for the latest greatest shiny stuff, I'd say LTS only is the way to go.  Far fewer headaches that way.11:09
doorokay, thanks11:09
fubHi. I am currently moving my linux installation to a different partition from this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition)11:10
fubI'm now at the step 6.2 (Run grub setup for new partition )11:10
fubin my /mnt/sda5/usr/lib/grub/ I have one folder (i386-pc) and a file (grb-mkconfig_lib)11:10
fubWhy one should I choose? I dont get what [instance] means11:11
fubOkay, I read I should specifiy the plattform here. I did (i386-pc), and now I get:11:17
fubgrub-install: error: failed to get canoncial path of '/cow'11:17
fubShould I try a "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/sda5 /dev/sda5 ?11:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:34
fubBeLeKy: was that related to my question?11:34
fubI dont see where I ask to ask11:34
BeLeKyfub bot?11:35
fubno, I'm not11:35
BeLeKyoh sorry11:35
bazhangBeLeKy, did you have an ubuntu support question11:35
BeLeKyfub staff?11:35
BeLeKywhat a quest11:36
bazhang#freenode for staff help BeLeKy11:36
=== mote is now known as Guest12288
BeLeKybazhang i need staff11:39
bazhangBeLeKy, then stop asking here in #ubuntu11:40
BeLeKyim not understand11:40
Kingsydoes anyone know what application I can use for selecting and conecting to wifi via tty11:41
bazhangBeLeKy, this is ubuntu support only, for help with freenode and staff ask in #freenode NOT here11:41
BeLeKyim conected from wifi11:41
bazhangkingsy network manager has a cli11:42
Kingsyon arch linux there was a wifi-menu which was handy... obviously dhclient won't work because I need to authenticate with a network11:42
Kingsybazhang: what is the binary called?11:42
brotherBoxis it possible to install ubuntu with /boot on the EFI system partition? the setup wont let me choose /boot on ESP11:42
BluesKajHiyas all11:44
Kingsybazhang: hrm, networkctl says that systemd-networkd is not running. I guess I have not set my network up properly? is networkd required?11:44
KingsyHey BluesKaj :)11:45
bazhangnot sure about that Kingsy11:45
fubokay, solved my problem11:45
Kingsyno problem :D11:45
fubso what is a good size for a system partition? I want to split up in system and in /home11:45
fubaround 20G ?11:45
BluesKajHi Kingsy11:46
Kingsyfub: I was thinking about that the other day. I went for 40GB on this installation, but that might be overkill11:46
KingsyBluesKaj: what client do you use for authenticating a wifi connection?11:47
BluesKajyeah 15Gb is plenty for the / partition11:48
Kingsydamn, so I have massively over compensated11:48
Kingsytbh I have this problem with my swap partition so I might reinstall....11:48
BluesKajKingsy, network-manager11:48
KingsyBluesKaj: thanks, question, if I am using dhclient to connect via ethernet will installing network-manager render that method obsolete?11:50
BluesKajit's not a client Kingsy, it's the default application for wifi and ethernet on ubuntu11:50
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Kingsyoh, umm sorry for misunderstanding. So, I don't need dhclient anymore?11:51
BluesKajKingsy, in a word no, dhclient works with network-manager, unless of course you don't use NM and use the /etc/network/interfaces file for configuring your connection11:52
Kingsywhat I mean is.. right now I guess by default I have the interfaces configured in /etc/netowrk/interfaces.. so its configured with inconfig up and down etc... do I need to change my interfaces file so network-manager handles the interfaces?11:53
Kingsyoh ok, so how do i choose? Is there a line I can isnert into network/interfaces ?11:53
BluesKaj!info dhclient11:54
ubottuPackage dhclient does not exist in yakkety11:54
BluesKajKingsy, http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/dhclient8.html11:56
Kingsyhrm I don't have a DE yet or browser so I cant read that.11:56
KingsyI'll grab my phone11:56
Kingsyjust reading about netowkr-manager now.11:56
KingsyI looks to me like its heavily geared to a GUI, and there isnt much information on getting wifi working or it working at all through a cli11:58
Kingsyalright, after a reboot its connected to the internet so I guess its using network manager now.. I would love to know how to check tho :S12:02
BluesKajsudo apt-cache policy netwwork-manager, Kingsy12:06
KingsyBluesKaj: that just shows that I have the package installed. or thats what it looks like12:11
BluesKajoops only one w in network12:11
BluesKajit's installed by default12:11
BluesKajit's installed on yur system unless you remove it with apt or the package manager12:13
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twoledsis there a console tool for obtaining RGB color of screen pixel?12:19
Apachezscreen reader in ubuntu is scary shit... was cleaning and had done some accidental keycombo... had a little bit of a jump when the computer started to speak to me when moving the mouse cursor =)12:25
anpanHi, I hope someone can help me here, because I'm at my wits end. Using 16.04 for a few months now and was happy until yesterday: following an upgrade yesterday, I can only boot ubuntu if I set "nomodeset" as a kernel option. Otherwise the screen will stay black without fail. With "nomodeset" set, I can only see one screen (out of three) and the system menus and text are too tiny to read12:34
anpanusing the radeon driver that comes with ubuntu12:35
anpanLogs only seem to be available from times when I boot with nomodeset kernel option. In that case, it says that there is no UMS support for the card12:36
Ben64try an older kernel12:36
anpanalready tried, no difference12:36
Ben64then it probably wasn't the upgrade12:37
anpangrub only offers me two kernel versions though12:37
Ben64that's not normal12:37
anpanthe upgrade didn't upgrade the kernel as far as I can tell12:38
Ben64well thats where the driver comes from12:38
anpanlet me check again, one moment12:38
anpan(i have to do this in console mode because the terminal in the graphics mode is unreadable because small)12:39
anpanhttp://pastebin.com/uZbrvVeE thats the upgrade that happened yesterday (or rather, this morning)12:42
anpanright after that, I simply shut down the computer and found I cant boot anymore today12:42
FrjdIs laptop-mode-tools needed on modern Ubuntu?12:43
cfhowlettFrjd, doubt that it would hurt.  also see TLP12:45
Frjdcfhowlett: TLP?12:46
anpanso, any suggestions what I can do to find out what the problem is? I don't even know where to look anymore12:46
AAA_xyiidi naxyi, sam pisodr12:47
OnkelTemHi all12:59
OnkelTemDo you know how to install/find network manager applet? I'm on KDE but w/o Plasma13:00
OnkelTemI need to run network connection somehow13:00
cfhowlett!tlp | frj13:00
OnkelTemI could manage to add a connection with `nm-connection-editor`13:00
motexxHi please help.13:01
motexxI installed the Intel Graphics updater from Intel, it broke my network entirely, theres no devices in networkmanager.13:01
motexxThe driver wouldn't run because of missing lib of kinds, so i unistalled it, but my network are still broken. I'm typing this from a live session.13:01
motexxlspci lists the network devices ok, but the system doesn't see them. I tried starting up on older kernels but the doesn't help so i guess it above kernel level.13:01
motexxAre there something i can reinstall, or otherwise do to get it running again?13:01
mellebHi all, does anyone know how to install dspam on ubuntu 16.04? Every tutorial I find mentions it should be a simple apt command, but the package is not found. Has it been removed/renamed or something?13:04
tozenmelleb: try to change server to Central the apt update13:06
brainwashmelleb: it was removed in debian, and therefore in ubuntu too13:08
ioria!info dspam trusty13:08
ubottudspam (source: dspam): Scalable, fast and statistical anti-spam filter. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.2+dfsg-13 (trusty), package size 213 kB, installed size 788 kB13:08
ioria!info dspam13:08
ubottuPackage dspam does not exist in yakkety13:08
brainwashmelleb: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=75481013:08
ubottuDebian bug 754810 in ftp.debian.org "RM: dspam -- ROM; No longer maintained upstream" [Normal,Open]13:08
ioriamelleb, only for trusty13:08
mellebAh, ok13:09
mellebthanks all13:09
mellebI guess it's best to move to spamassassin then :)13:10
=== wisdom is now known as wisdomsong
VivekWhen I am trying an apt-get upgrade I am getting the following error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23537512/13:33
VivekDue to this error, I am not able to install any new packages or upgrade the system.13:34
anpanVivek: your /boot is probably full. Try removing old kernels installed there (i believe apt-get autoremove should do this)13:35
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Vivekanpan: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23537524/13:36
anpanand if you use -f?13:37
anpanMight fail because /boot, again, is full though13:38
anpanIf I remember correctly, there was a guide to manually remove old kernels somewhere, let me take a look13:38
kbobhello, in ubuntu 16.10 I would like to run a script like root at startup. Do I must create a service? to run a script?13:40
Vivekanpan: Thanks13:40
anpanVivek: http://askubuntu.com/questions/263363/how-can-i-remove-old-kernels-install-new-ones-when-boot-is-full13:41
Vivekanpan: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23537545/13:41
=== PeaceAndFreedom is now known as LikeAnAnimal
anpanVivek: the first answer in my link should fix your problem. Make sure you don't remove your current kernel though13:44
FinalXVivek: df -h13:44
FinalXsee which is at 100%13:44
FinalXbecause in that paste I clearly see "gzip: stdout: No space left on device13:45
cfhowlettVivek, best practice: keep the 2 most recent13:45
FinalXor once in a while just do apt-get autoremove --purge13:45
FinalXand apt-get autoclean13:45
anpanWhat FinalX said definitely works. But once you run into dependency problems because /boot is full, you cant use that method anymore (at least when I ran into the problem, it didn't)13:47
VivekChkDigit: That is what I am doing now.13:48
brelodhey guys! do you know if its posible to use fbi to watch images in text browser (elinks) running inside of screen session? (err msg = ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Inappropriate ioctl for device (not a linux console?)) It works perfectly if i run the browser without screen session13:49
kbobbrelod: install fmi13:50
kbobmaybe is fim13:50
Vivekanpan,FinalX,cfhowlett: It is still going on :)13:50
Vivekupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-34-generic13:51
cfhowlettVivek, really should not take that long!13:51
VivekWaiting patiently :)13:51
anpanusually takes 10 seconds or so for me13:51
cfhowlettnote that you can also do a manual process:  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2058377&s=eaf2e645238b823b3f49566b6cd4a75c&p=12240745#post1224074513:52
anpanI think that was the post that helped me when I had the problem.13:53
brelodkbob: thx i'll try it13:53
Vivekanpan,FinalX,cfhowlett: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23537597/13:54
ilmaisinhow to prevent ubuntu from deleting logs on reboot13:55
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Vivekanpan,FinalX,cfhowlett: Looks like the issue is resolved.14:04
anpanVivek: you're welcome14:04
cfhowlettVivek, happy2help!  don't forget to perform regular maintenance14:05
anpanSo, anyone have any ideas why I can only boot with "nomodeset" kernel option? Something is wrong with the radeon driver, but i can't find out why (it worked yesterday). Older kernel doesnt work14:05
Vivekcfhowlett: Sure.14:06
VivekWondering if I should myself hang around here and help.14:06
cfhowlettVivek, it's a surprisingly effective way to learn Ubuntu IMHO14:06
Vivekcfhowlett: yea, been using Ubuntu from the very first release :)14:07
anpanI guess I'll lie down and hope someone answers on stackexchange in the next few hours. I'm sick anyway.14:09
pinkisntwellI changed my /etc/network/interfaces to "iface enp0s10 inet static" but the old IP address that I had via dhcp still shows up when I do "ip a"14:09
pinkisntwelland when I do "ifconfig" only that old address shows up14:09
pinkisntwellwhat's happening?14:09
ducassepinkisntwell: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces14:10
pinkisntwellducasse: http://pastebin.com/LvVn4yae14:11
ducassepinkisntwell: if you do 'sudo ifdown enp0s10 && sudo ifup enp0s10', do you get the new address then?14:13
pinkisntwellducasse: I tried "sudo service networking restart", is that not good enough?14:13
ducassepinkisntwell: i'm not sure exactly what that does, so try.14:13
BluesKajpinkisntwell, remove14:14
BluesKajauto lo and iface lo inet loopback14:14
ducasseno, loopback should be there14:14
BluesKajdon't need it14:14
pinkisntwellI just tried ifdown and ifup and nothing changed on ifconfig14:15
SexyFailHey guys, I'm quite new to Ubuntu. (#ubuntu-beginners is invite only) I have a VPS that I am trying to install a teamspeak3 client on without a GUI, but I'm running into some problems.14:15
BluesKajducasse, I don't have loopback in my interfaces file , and it works perfectly14:16
ducasseBluesKaj: sure, you can get by without, i just don't see a reason to remove it14:17
BluesKajducasse, no network-manager14:17
lostinspacehi how do i chroot and create a new system inside a system for example running ubuntuserver inside ubuntu desktop14:17
ducasselostinspace: debootstrap, or use lxc/lxd14:18
pinkisntwellducasse: I just tried ifdown and ifup and nothing changed on ifconfig14:18
lostinspacedon't have lxc/lxd14:19
lostinspaceHow to install ubuntu on X86 android14:21
lostinspaceHow to install ubuntu on X86 android14:23
ducasselostinspace: ask #android14:23
ducassepinkisntwell: kill dhclient if it is still running14:23
fiteranybody here?14:25
cfhowlettask your ubuntu questions fiter14:25
jackhi i have question can  I ask here ?14:26
cfhowlett!ask | jack14:26
ubottujack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:26
brotherBoxis it possible to install ubuntu with /boot on the EFI system partition? the setup wont let me choose /boot on ESP14:26
jacksearchsploit allow me search exploit which I have installed. but If i want to update my DB same as exploit Db (website). what should I do ?>14:26
ducassebrotherBox: no, the installer isn't set up for that. you _might_ be able to hack it after install, though.14:27
brotherBoxducasse: how not? i hear that putting /boot on ESP is common and even advised sometimes14:28
ducassebrotherBox: i just told you, the installer is not set up for it.14:29
brotherBoxducasse: is that for any particular reason?14:29
ducassebrotherBox: ask the installer team.14:29
brotherBoxbecause "nope doesnt work" is something i'd expect from windows14:29
brotherBoxhow could such a hack look like?14:30
brotherBoxwould i need anything besides the kernel and initramfs on ESP?14:30
ducassebrotherBox: it's completely unsupported, but try if you feel like it.14:30
brotherBoxwell thats great14:30
SexyFailI am trying to install teamspeak3 client on a VPS with no KVM (TS3 client requres a GUI). I have tried vncserver, screen, and xinit. I am running into errors with every attempt.14:32
brotherBoxducasse: where could i talk to the installer team?14:32
ducassebrotherBox: you'd need to install grub to a different path than the default, other than that i can't think of anything major.14:32
brotherBoxare they on IRC?14:32
ducassebrotherBox: check their launcpad page.14:32
brotherBoxlol launchpad14:32
nat\nick Natkeeran14:37
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cfhowlett!nick | nat14:38
ubottunat: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.14:38
fubSo when I hol a key pressed, it needs about a second until the keypress is sent continually, how can I shorten this delay?14:38
ducassefub: see the xset man page, under the 'r' option14:40
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fubducasse: is it possible to show the current value of rate?14:43
ducassefub: 'xset q'14:43
SexyFailI am trying to install teamspeak3 client on a VPS with no KVM (TS3 client requres a GUI). I have tried vncserver, screen, and xinit. I am running into errors with every attempt.14:44
fubducasse: awesome. where do I put this to be persistent on reboot? In my /etc/rc.local?14:44
iamrohit7what is the most lightweight ubuntu variant other than lxde?14:44
fubjatt: thats a display manager as far as I remember14:44
ducassefub: no, x isn't up yet at that point. try ~/.xsessionrc14:45
cfhowlettiamrohit7, lxde is a Desktop environment, not a variant.  lubuntu and xubuntu are lightweight14:45
jattlxde is a display manager14:45
iamrohit7cfhowlett: i meant lubuntu14:45
fubjatt: yeah, but I think he is looking for a variant14:45
stonedI went to my GF house14:46
stonedI downloaded Ubuntu latest14:46
* stoned is on open free wifi, horrible speeds.14:46
vfwiamrohit7: lubuntu is probably as light as it gets.14:47
stonedI am going from Debian stable to Ubuntu latest. I wonder if I can just import my /home over and install the new os and that's it?14:47
stonedI also want to xfer over my settings from /etc14:47
cfhowlettstoned, no.14:47
vfwstoned: Do you have /home/ on a separate partition?14:47
stonedalways sep.14:47
stonedI'm just trying to see if any new versions of software will conflict w/ debian stables config14:48
stonedright now, my /home is populated w/ config files from all th edebian stable software (fairly old)14:48
stonedusually new software has updated configs and maybe diff config locations probably14:48
stonedI have a free partition, I can intall ubuntu there, and mount /home from debian as /home in ubuntu14:49
iamrohit7vfw: can i install it over my current ubuntu install? without redoing everything from scratch14:49
cfhowlettstoned, choose one.  debian or ubuntu.  mixing repos is likely to cause pain14:49
vfwstoned: If you have /home/ on a separate partition, you can just tell the installer to leave that partition, (do not format it), and use same user name.14:49
stonedI'm wiping debian away14:49
stonedhere's my debian desktop14:50
ducassestoned: frankly, i'd move the config over one program at a time to check for issues14:50
stonedI only need minimal apps. Only reason I'm using ubuntu is if I might need new software tht's not in debian stable.14:50
vfwiamrohit7: All of your personal data can remain or be replaced, but all of the applications will be replaced by new ones.14:50
stonedducasse: ohhh14:50
stonedducasse: that's a very sane advice. thank you14:50
vfwiamrohit7: What is your original issue?14:51
vfwiamrohit7: *(What are you working on?)*14:51
stonedUbuntu + Xmonad + Xorg + all my cli apps/tools. Only thing I need from GUI is Konqueror, open office, smplayer/smtube and chrome. Nothign else gui14:51
vfwstoned: Even if packages are not in debian stable, you can still get them.14:52
stonedlibrary versions are old too14:52
stonedcan't compile from source a lot of new things.14:52
raddyHello Everybody14:52
stonedABI incompat14:52
vfwstoned: ... not trying to talk you out of installing ubuntu just making the statement ....14:53
raddyHow can i get libwebsockets3 in ubuntu 16 ???14:53
raddyVery frustrating14:53
stonedvfw: *nod*14:53
iamrohit7vfw: my system boots in a little less than 5 min. i have a programming job in which i need to compile some stuff which takes up the whole RAM. right now ubuntu takes up 1.5gigs with firefox running and i can make it down to half of it, it would certainly help.14:53
cfhowlettiamrohit7, lubuntu or drop to the cli14:54
cfhowlettand, of course, kill ffox14:54
vfwiamrohit7: What Desktop Environment are you using now?14:54
iamrohit7vfw: unity14:54
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vfwiamrohit7: Oh yes, you can do better.14:54
SexyFail I am trying to install a program on a VPS with no KVM (it requres a GUI). I have tried vncserver, screen, and xinit. I am running into errors with every attempt.14:54
iamrohit7cfhowlett: firefox isn't the problem. the heavy memory usage since 16.04 is14:55
vfwiamrohit7: You can just install xubuntu-desktop14:55
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vfwiamrohit7: or just xfce414:55
cfhowlettand ffox is a hungry best14:55
vfwiamrohit7: or lxde14:56
iamrohit7vfw: tried it. that would just mess up the whole ui consistency. instead i could just reinstall xubuntu over ubuntu14:56
vfwiamrohit7: You don't have to re-install the OS14:56
raddyWhere can we get libwebsocket14:56
fubSexyFail: define "running into errors with every attempt"14:56
cfhowlettiamrohit7, sudo apt install lxde xfce4           then logout, choose your session and login14:56
vfwiamrohit7: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:56
iamrohit7vfw: 16.1014:56
vfw!info lubuntu-desktop | iamrohit714:57
ubottuiamrohit7: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.72 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)14:57
iamrohit7cfhowlett: i know but it doesn't look nice.14:57
fubiamrohit7: you can also isntall htop and run it to see which process is taking all the RAM14:57
cfhowlettiamrohit7, since you already mentioned a limited and slow system, best option is to drop to the terminal for max ram14:58
SexyFailfub: Qt: couldn't retrieve an initial keyboard state. XIO: fatal IO error 2 (no such file or directory on X server ":1.0"14:58
SexyFailfub: this would be running through vncserver14:59
ars23Hi guys!14:59
iamrohit7cfhowlett: you mean a tty?15:00
iamrohit7how much RAM does xubuntu fill up?15:06
iamrohit7without anything running15:07
jattbetween 400k and 500k15:07
iamrohit7jatt: k?15:08
jattxfdesktop takes 600MB virtual memory on my machine15:09
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iamrohit7jatt: ah. thanks.15:12
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ducasseiamrohit7: you could also just install a basic wm, log into that and do the work, then log back into unity.15:13
iamrohit7ducasse: i3 comes to mind.15:14
ducasseiamrohit7: that's what i use.15:14
SexyFail I am trying to install a program on a VPS with no KVM (it requres a GUI). I have tried vncserver, screen, and xinit. I am running into errors with every attempt. (Such as Qt: couldn't retrieve an initial keyboard state. XIO: fatal IO error 2 (no such file or directory) on X server ":1.0") <- through vncserver15:19
ducasseSexyFail: are you connecting from an ubuntu mmachine?15:20
SexyFailducasse: through both a VNC viewer on Windows and Screenshare on OSX15:21
ducasseSexyFail: os x has an x server, just connect via ssh and display locally15:22
SexyFailducasse: I'm still quite new to linux. once connect to the ssh what is the command to display locally? is this still through vncserver?15:23
ducasseSexyFail: just connect with ssh -X and run whatever program, no need for vnc. make sure the osx x server is active first, though, and it should just work.15:25
SexyFailducasse: okay I will try this out, thank you!15:25
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Guest29913guys, could anyone recommend a music player for old console file sounds?deabeef works great but there are formats it doesn't support, like gsf15:30
cfhowlettvlc is the swiss army knife of players15:32
constlHello, is it possible to trace which configuration file/app is setting specifics environmental variables?15:33
jattin a shell script? run with -x15:34
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Guest29913not for console music files, however15:36
ducasseGuest29913: you might be able to convetr them with sox15:37
Guest29913I'd rather maintain them as they are rather than converting them15:37
SexyFailducasse: on osx getting error QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display, when running the app script15:37
SexyFailducasse: connected via ssh -X us@ip15:38
ducasseSexyFail: that sounds like the x server is not running15:38
Guest29913it also doesn't support gsf, either15:39
BluesKajgame boy music files , not many music players in linux will play them, Guest29913, think you should take ducasse's advice and convert with sox if possible15:41
SexyFailducasse: in the sshd_config I have X11Forwarding yes. is there another config file/command I am missing?15:41
Guest29913as I already said, sox doesn't even support it15:41
ducasseSexyFail: os x needs to have the x server running15:42
ducasseGuest29913: for something so utterly obscure, you might have better luck asking in an emu-related channel15:43
vfwGuest29913: mpg12315:43
BluesKajGuest29913, well then your probly asking the impossible15:43
vfw!info mpg123 | Guest2991315:44
ubottuGuest29913: mpg123 (source: mpg123): MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.4-1 (yakkety), package size 120 kB, installed size 419 kB15:44
vfwGuest29913: What kind of audio format are you trying to play?15:45
BluesKajvfw, he wants to play gsf files/gameboy music files15:47
Guest29913gsf. and it is not impossible as I've found a program that plays it, but it is console only15:47
BluesKajGuest29913, what program is that ?15:47
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amikropWhen I drag n drop an mp3 from a window to audacious' playlist, focus is lost from audacious and the playlist disapears, making it difficult to do the task. This doesn't happen eg on Windows and Winamp... Any workarounds?15:55
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Darkpainyhello lonely people16:02
Hounddog_Good evening16:08
Sean_McGSat Nov 26 11:09:03 EST 201616:09
Hounddog_I am trzing to restore this laptop and am somehow failing to repair the mbr i just used boot-repair http://paste2.org/4xj4YIxY all i get when restarting though i grub rescue16:09
Sean_McGis your BIOS/UEFI settings protecting the MBR?16:11
Hounddog_Sean_McG: nope16:11
Hounddog_all i am trying is to remove ubuntu and restore windows....16:13
Hounddog_at least for this laptop...16:14
LOLROFL86Hounddog: Can you switch between Ubuntu Gnome and Ubuntu Unity?16:14
Hounddog_um, currently i am just running ubuntu life16:15
Hounddog_live cd i meaa16:15
Hounddog_live cd i mean16:15
LOLROFL86What is Ubuntu Life?16:15
Hounddog_if you just want to troll, please stop it16:15
LOLROFL86I am not trolling, I am only 10 years old16:16
Sean_McGHounddog_: if all you want is to boot Windows then presumably you just need to boot with your Windows CD and go into it's rescue mode and I would be very surprised if there wasn't a tool to fix the MBR there16:17
Hounddog_Sean_McG: i have no windows cd, as i purchased the laptop there was non but a recovery partition16:18
Sean_McGI don't know how to help then.16:18
SexyFailducasse: I was finally able to launch the GUI through XQuartz. Now it just doesn't register my keyboard strokes on the GUI, but this is the farthest I've ever come with this. Thank you so much16:19
ducasseSexyFail: ok, good luck. don't know about the keystrokes, maybe an osx channel can help.16:20
Hounddog_Sean_McG: i think i am going to reinstall grub and set timeout to 0...16:20
LOLROFL86I just want to download Ubuntu Unity 16.04 LTS onto my Raspberry Pi 316:20
LOLROFL86Any ideas?16:20
LOLROFL86   16:21
LOLROFL86   16:21
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xanguaLOLROFL86: why not something like Lubuntu or xubuntu?16:24
juan_saludo  necesito ayuda tengo ubuntu 16.04 teclado en ingles pero mi hija esta escribiendo algo en espanol necesita la letra elle16:31
cfhowlett!es | juan_16:31
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:31
EriC^^!es | juan_16:31
roomerrei did set default grub to 0 but still get grub for a split second?16:32
juan_ok thank have problems with some letters that we use in spanish can fine16:32
EriC^^roomerre: GRUB_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ?16:32
roomerreGRUB_TIMEOUT=0 the first or secon line16:34
EriC^^roomerre: try setting GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=016:35
D4n1u5im gay16:35
EriC^^roomerre: or =116:35
cfhowlettD4n1u5, we don't care.  go play somewhere else16:35
cfhowlett!ops | D4n1u516:35
ubottuD4n1u5: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu16:35
EriC^^roomerre: nevermind the =0 try =116:35
D4n1u5im not speacking english because im italian16:36
roomerrewhich manual should i read to know meaning of GRUB_etc options ?16:36
roomerrethere are several and their meaning subtle16:36
roomerrewhy =1 ?16:36
roomerre1second ?16:36
roomerrei dont want it etirely16:36
D4n1u5ok basta parlo in italiano16:37
fhikmawanhow to connect wifi ?16:37
roomerreEriC^^: ?16:37
D4n1u5usate il traduttore16:37
EriC^^roomerre: no idea, GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 should remove it i think16:37
cfhowlettroomerre, shttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB16:37
D4n1u5who is boss?16:37
Sean_McGnot you, son16:38
D4n1u5hahaha :( sean16:38
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flappynerdcan I upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10 "in place" ?16:47
EriC^^flappynerd: yes16:47
EriC^^sudo do-release-upgrade16:47
EriC^^backup first16:48
flappynerdok thanks16:48
Yaaic_Demoi can break Myusbonl16:48
EriC^^flappynerd: no problem16:48
Yaaic_Demomyusbonly software16:48
Yaaic_DemoUbuntu 17.04 relese date16:49
Sean_McGerm, the 04 in that means April16:49
Yaaic_Demothanx man16:49
flappynerdEriC^^, hmm, "no new release found"16:51
flappynerdlsb_release -a reports 16.0416:51
Sean_McGoh, since 16.04 is an LTS release maybe there is something special you need to do?16:51
EriC^^flappynerd: try sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:52
ducasseflappynerd: open 'software and updates', set to 'show any new release'16:52
Sean_McGI don't know myself -- I'm still on 14.04 (trusty) here16:52
flappynerdwell, what about backports, is it relatively easy to get a package from 16.10 in to 16.04?16:52
flappynerdI don't see it in backports16:52
flappynerdlibboost 1.6x16:52
EriC^^flappynerd: set Prompt= to Prompt=normal and then save and exit16:52
Sean_McGwow, less than a month before Christmas16:53
NetekSean_McG dont remind me -_-16:53
flappynerdSean_McG, you mean cannibal zombie celebration?16:54
ProfessorKaos64my ~/.dput.cfg is here: http://slexy.org/view/s2W5dOPM5c and my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~mdeguzis/+archive/ubuntu/libregeek-ubuntu, but dput ppa:mdeguzis/libregeek-ubuntu antimicro*soure.changes yields No host ppa:mdeguzis/libregeek-ubuntu found in config16:57
flappynerd"will take about 2 days 1hr with a 56k modem"16:58
flappynerdbrings back the memz16:58
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brainwashProfessorKaos64: try without "ppa:"17:09
ProfessorKaos64I figured it out by rename the profile in [ ] under the cfg file17:09
Yaaic_Democan i install windows app in Ubuntu ??17:11
ducasse!wine | Yaaic_Demo17:11
ubottuYaaic_Demo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:11
Yaaic_Demoit works yaa17:12
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MalgorathIs there a way to take the time and icons off a second monitor with the grey bar at the top? its kinda redundant and takes up space on my smaller monitor17:16
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ikonia/w/win 717:23
ikoniaoops, sorry17:23
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JuaneteHello Channel17:32
JuaneteDoes anyone knows if I have to open other port than 21 in ubuntu and to check if it's working?17:34
JuaneteI've made a netstat and it looks like it is only in IPV617:34
zanshinOn 16.10 with gnome-shell installed, I'm trying to activate the "Applications Menu" extension through extensions.gnome.org in Firefox. When I turn the extension on I'm prompted to install it - which I do - and then the on|off toggle reverts to off. Not sure where to look for any error messages so I'm stuck trying to figure this out. Other extensions, like Places, work just fine. Any ideas?17:40
devslashI've got a macbook unibody that was running 16.04 perfectly. I ran the upgrade to upgrade it to 16.10 and now it won't boot. I added nosplash at the grub prompt and it hangs at Started user manager for UID 12517:43
flappynerddevslash, what do you mean by "ran the upgrade"17:45
flappynerddevslash, i.e. which upgrade method did you use?17:45
devslashi dunno it said do you want to upgrade to 16.10 and i clicked on upgrade17:46
devslashdo you know what causes this to happen?17:48
ProfessorKaos64my ppa upload goes until the very last part, but gets Could not write .upload?17:48
flappynerddevslash, hmm, seems you must have changed something17:49
flappynerddevslash, normally ubuntu will not ask you that17:49
newbie_mHi all, abit primitive question. Which is easier, installing ubuntu on Celeron chromebook3 or a windows 10 atom laptop ?17:49
devslashduring the upgrade it did ask me to choose between gdm and lightgdm17:49
flappynerdwell, I have 16.04 and I manually had to change settings to get it to even allow me to upgrade to 16.1017:50
devslashi chose gdm17:50
devslashi did too i chose notify me for any new version17:50
flappynerddevslash, anyway, basically upgrading like that is not well supported17:50
devslashthen it displayed the upgrade prompt17:50
flappynerddevslash, ubuntu upgrades should typically only ever be done from an .iso file on a DVD or USB-thumb-drive for example17:50
manjarohola que tal17:50
flappynerdotherwise it's basically "at your own risk"17:51
flappynerdzanshin, probably #gnome is better17:51
devslashthats BS i dont buy that. I've upgrade from previous versions of ubuntu and it worked perfectly17:53
manjaroalguien hablando español17:53
manjarohola que tal17:53
Netekdevslash doesnt mean its BS.  I have had an instance in the past doing an upgrade of Ubuntu and had issues, JUST because it worked perfectly for you doesnt mean it works perfectly for everybody else....  Just sayinh17:54
ProfessorKaos64dput writes package.ftp-master.upload, but still says Could not write incoming/...regeek-ubuntu.upload17:55
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manjarono entiendo a esta gente17:56
manjaroyo creo que me he equivocado de canal17:56
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devslash2hey guys i fixed the problem18:02
devslash2flappynerd, Netek18:03
devslash2I booted into recovery mode and did sudo dpk-reconfigure lightdm and selected lightdm as the WM18:03
TrioxinI can't figure this out. I have this line in my /etc/sudoers: %group1 ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/app  and my account is added to group1 but when I launch the app with gksudo /usr/bin/app it still promps for a password.18:07
flappynerdnewbie_m, sounds like you want to do a google search for "ubuntu netbook"18:08
howarthwhat is the logic of libiomp5 being emptu in 16.10?18:10
newbie_mflappynerd: yes, I found that for the Atom but not sure if that should be good enough factor for me to buy the Atom Win 10 laptop over the Celeron Chromebook ?18:10
howarthcertainly ubuntu should be distributing libomp.so18:11
flappynerdnewbie_m, buy a used lenovo18:11
flappynerdthinkpads have been historically great with most *nix18:11
ikoniaonly the t series or x series are safe18:12
ikonialots of other thinkpads are very incompatible with linux18:12
flappynerdand you can get a faster one, for cheaper than plenty of netbooks18:12
flappynerdi.e. you'll oftetn pay $300-$400 for a netbook, and you can get a reasonably good used thinkpad for less than $30018:12
newbie_mflappynerd: well, the celeron chromebook is for $140 , the atom win10 is $10018:13
flappynerdnewbie_m, you realize that the computer you buy for that price will be less powerful than my iPhone, right?18:14
newbie_mflappynerd: yeah that's a secondary machine, not my main laptop but I want linux on it.18:14
flappynerdI would still search for a used thinkpad or similar in the same price range18:16
ikonianewbie_m: then buy a device that actually supports linux18:17
flappynerdhell, you could probably get an old 386 for free and put DSL on it18:17
ikoniarather than reference devices that really won't work18:17
flappynerdand it would still be faster than a netbook18:17
flappynerdand, upshot, the drivers for all the hardware will be well supported by now, even by BSD and friends :)18:17
newbie_mikonia: both should support Linux. It's just  installing ubuntu on Chromebook seems more complicated than on a win10 machine18:19
nickoaranızda türkçe bilen varmı18:19
ikonianewbie_m: they don't though18:19
ikonianewbie_m: why are you thinking both should support linux....based on what18:19
newbie_mikonia: I could eventually install linux on both if needed , right ?18:20
ikonianewbie_m: no18:20
neopsychehi. has anyone else tried gnome 3 on ubuntu"?18:21
ikonianeopsyche: yes18:21
neopsycheikonia the rendering engine is absolutely amazing18:21
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newbie_mikonia: ok, can you please clarify why not ? I though I could remove win10 or ChromeOS and install ubuntu18:22
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neopsychejust .. some icon problems i am having and the pointer is too sensitive .. on 16.04 and trying to figure out how to keep the great rendering .18:22
ikonianewbie_m: look up the people running linux/ubuntu on both of these and you'll find it's a hack18:22
giruhelp ! i installed opencv lib on home folder and build it . but how to include this in our program. /usr/include/opencv is not any folder shown in various tutorial .18:23
giruthis is not in my pc.18:23
newbie_mikonia: Isn't that If I'm planning to keep the original OS ? I'm planning to remove the original OS.18:23
ikonianewbie_m: no18:23
neopsycheikonia: can you help me tweak the gnome318:24
ikoniagiru: look at the linker18:24
ikonianeopsyche: no idea, not sure what you want to change18:24
ikonianeopsyche: best just ask the channel18:24
giruikonia: I am using code blocks ide.18:24
neopsychehelo all.. can anyone help me tweak gnome 3?18:24
ikoniagiru: so ?18:25
giruwhat to include in compiler search directory option.18:25
giruwhich folder?18:25
ikonianeopsyche: you need to say more than "tweak gnome" explain what you want18:25
ikoniagiru: talk to codeblocks support18:25
giruwhat is present under /usr/include/ ??18:26
ikoniagiru: headers18:26
girui have to put my all header here???18:26
ikoniagiru: no18:26
ikoniagiru: talk to codeblocks support if you want help using codeblocks18:26
TAL_Hello there, could someone help me? I have a Lenovo T420 running on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.03. The problem is, my speakers arent working. They dont work in both OSs. In the settings, I went to check on the speakers and aparently(to the computer), they are working flawlesly. I think this is a hardware issue. Any ideas what the problem could be?18:26
giruso i have to give relative path to it..18:26
ikoniagiru: talk to codeblocks support if you want help using codeblocks18:26
giruikonia: thank you.18:27
ikoniaTAL_: talk to lenovo18:27
ikoniaTAL_: if it's broken in both OS's its going to be hardware18:27
newbie_mikonia: I'm confused. What you mean by  laptops  that support Linux? why is it a hack to remove the original OS and install fresh ubuntu ?18:27
ikonianewbie_m: try removing the OS on a chrome book18:28
TAL_ikonia: ok, I'll head to the lenovo forums. Thanks18:28
nunchuckanyone have a good cli browser?  or is it still lynx?18:28
ikoniahard to beat lynx18:29
newbie_mikonia: yes its complicated. Removing windows is easier I guess18:29
ikonianewbie_m: nope, both of these devices are designed to be a closed platform.18:30
zerguthello, what i can use to burn CD?18:31
newbie_mikonia: so, any recommendations for a specific platform ?18:31
nunchuckikonia: yea after all these years lynx still has the title18:31
ikonianewbie_m: depends on your usecase/budget etc18:31
gclHow can i use my Creative CT6840 in Ubu16.04? lsusb shows it as "OmniVision OV511+ Webcam" but in Cheese it is not available, it shows only the built-in webcam (Toshiba Satellite C55)18:31
neopsychemouse pointer is too sensitive and some window managers etc.. missing scrollbar / icons18:32
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newbie_mikonia: something cheap , simple just to vnc remotely18:33
ikoniawhy would you vnc into it ?18:33
ikoniasort of defeats the object of a laptop18:33
gclIt is an old webcam, Creative Labs Webcam3 (CT6840) http://www.astrosurf.com/atuniverse/image003.gif18:34
ikoniagcl: have you looked if it has linux support18:35
newbie_mikonia: vnc from it to my main machine18:35
tgm4883newbie_m: he's asking why you would pay a premium for a laptop if you were just going to access it remotely anyway18:35
ikonianewbie_m: then why not buy a cheap desktop that a.) has cheaper better hardware as it's full size b.) is cheaper as it won't include costs like screen18:35
newbie_mtgm4883: ikonia I have a desktop. I'm buying the chromebook to login to my desktop remotely so I dont need a fancy one, just something that I could put basic linux on.18:37
ikonianewbie_m: why do you need linux then18:38
tgm4883newbie_m: ah, that was confusing. You're looking to VNC from the laptop18:38
ikoniajust use a chromebook running chrome os18:38
wythCan I repair my server installation with a liveusb, but still keep things like webmin and stuff installed? Or will I have to go through and reinstall/reconfigure all my softwares18:38
gclPD: I need to use 2 cameras concurrently.18:38
ikoniawyth: webmin is not supported and makes your machine unsupportable18:38
wythikonia: Ok then, good to know.18:39
newbie_mikonia: just in case I happen to need to do anything locally, you know18:40
gcl<ikonia> i used a long time ago in Ubu12.04 and Ubu14.04 (and other versions between then.18:40
wythikonia: What about my lvm and stuff though? If I have it unplugged while doing the repair, will I have to reconfigure it to get it back afterwards?18:40
lambertuwhats up?18:41
vfwwyth: What hard drives do you have and how do you have your HDs partitioned?18:42
wythvfw: Oh hey man, I'm back and preparing for that reinstall. :P18:43
wythvfw: It's three externals in the lvm, they should each be the single partition?18:43
vfwwyth: Do you have your system running now/18:43
wythvfw: yes, I'm still backing things up18:43
vfwwyth: Show us what you have.  You have all your Hard Drives mounted right now.  Right? Show us what you have and what you have on these drives.18:44
vfwwyth: sudo fdisk -l |& ne termbin.com 999918:45
vfwwyth: df |& nc termbin.com 999918:45
vfwwyth: sudo fdisk -l |& nc termbin.com 999918:45
wythvfw: //termbin.com/84un18:45
vfwwyth: cat /etc/fstab |nc termbin.com 999918:46
gclDriver(webcam CT6840) seems to be ok. but it doesn't 'attach' to /dev/video1. i haven't idea where to start to do it available. Any clue?18:46
wythvfw: http://termbin.com/uzhb18:46
gclI have tested in an old Laptop with Ubu14.04 and works(plug and play), but to video processing it needs the Toshiba power.18:50
vfwwyth: du -sh /home/18:51
vfwShow us...18:51
vfwwyth: I do not see the need to re-partition anything.  The installer will only format the partitions you tell it to and you can tell the installer to install to the partitions you want.18:52
wythvfw: 753M    /home/18:52
wythvfw: Right, so it won't format those drives, but will I need to reconfigure lvm for them to show up?18:53
wythcd opt18:53
wythoops, sorry18:54
vfwwyth: sudo blkid |& nc termbin.com18:54
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wythvfw: http://termbin.com/rn3n18:55
vfwwyth: You can try and fix what you have if you want but I just want to see how feasable a re-install would be.18:55
wythvfw: Yeah, I mean I'm planning on doing the reinstall, just wanted to know how difficult the lvm coming back would be, basically18:56
marshallhi everyone. I need help accessing an encrypted file on another partition on my computer. I added a ubuntu 16.04 LTS partition to my desktop which was running mint 17.319:00
marshallAnother chatter helped me before, but I had to leave all of a sudden, and my wife rebooted the computer, which undid all of the work I had done to access those files.19:01
vfwwyth: It would be difficult either way.  The way you have it set up, it's hard.19:05
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wythvfw: Oi. :(19:06
vfwI told you last night that you would have to manually uninstall a lot of packages in order to get rid of the conflicts..  You would have to manually install a bunch more and keep on and on until you can satisfy apt/dpkg and then  start rebuilding the system as 16.04. Right now, even though it is identified as 16.04 it is still stuck mostly as 14.0419:07
wythvfw: Right, that's why I planned on just doing the reinstall19:07
vfwwyth: I would boot Ubuntu LiveCD, (or some sort of LiveCD, and look at what options you might have and how you can split it up.19:10
wythvfw: I made an Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 32bit liveusb19:11
vfwwyth: You are in a difficult situation.  Best thing is to get some backup drive or drives and backup everything you cant live without.19:11
vfwwyth: Why 32bit?19:12
vfwwyth: Is your system 32bit now?19:12
wythvfw: It's an old macbook and is only 32bit19:12
wythvfw: It's supposed to have been 32bit the whole time19:12
RinzlerI'm doing headbanging to configure a secondary wlan1 interface on physical phy0, someone can help me?19:12
vfwwyth: Oh, this is a mackbook?19:12
wythvfw: Yeah, an old aluminum one19:13
vfwOk.  Well, as much as I'd like to contiune this conversation, I have to go for now.  I'll be back in about 2 hours if you're sill here.19:13
wythvfw: Ok, thanks again Sir. I appreciate the help/insight19:14
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jillbyersQuestioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2) https://youtu.be/RddqP0ABzwM19:28
makoyaguys how do i optimise my wireless card, i notice on windows the pc connects better to linux but when i reboot to ubuntu there is less signal19:33
makoyai mean connects better to wifi**19:33
Tachyon_hello. I know the don't ask to ask thing, but I'm still not sure if I can ask something related to Minecraft. so, excuse me but I'll still ask.. to ask.19:40
navidrafter installing all Qt5 packages , I still don't have Qt Application template in my qtcreator ? and when I want to install qt-sdk it wants to install qt version 4 ( which is quite old ) , how can I install qt5 sdk in ubuntu19:40
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angelxenial1604lHello everyone I have a problem with ubuntu 16.04 with Intel graphics drivers gives me this error, how do I fix?19:43
navidrforget it , removing all configuration file worked !19:43
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HikikomoriDoes anybody tried yandex browser?19:45
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headless__yandex is created by kgb19:52
HikikomoriI'm fine with that, just asking appinion about browser. KGB or FBI - same shit :)20:00
NiOI know this is not the channel for SQL but is anybody familiar with SQL?20:03
OerHeksHikikomori, it is not in our repositories, only availabe with a PPA https://launchpad.net/~yandex-load/+archive/ubuntu/main never tried it myself20:03
OerHeksNiO, try #ubuntu-server or #sql ?20:04
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NiOTHank OerHeks20:04
max12345hi, can I stop my machine from doing background update checks?20:05
max12345right now there is a root process running updatedb.mlocate20:05
max12345and some other time it was checking for updates by itself, I don't want that.20:05
OerHeksmax12345,  updates > automatically check for updates > daily - never20:06
max12345:) sweet thanks. I thought it would be more arcane than that...20:08
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golden_ticketIs there any way to get picture in picture in Ubuntu? http://www.itdadao.com/articles/c19a350892p0.html20:16
soso_ i have a computer, it s a celeron, there is a ubuntu on it... what can i use it for ? make a server ? but what kind of server ?20:23
ioriasoso_, can you give us your exact cpu ?20:24
ioriasoso_,  in windows Control Panel -> System, on linux  cat /proc/cpuinfo20:27
x0gHeya guys, after 6-7 years I'm trying out Ubuntu again (16.04 atm). So far it looks really polished but Unity is taking more memory than Plasma on cold start. Should I upgrade my kernel to 4.8+ or the issue persists there as well?20:29
winsenhi all20:29
ioriax0g, how much ram ?20:30
x0g4 GB but 64bit20:31
ioriax0g, ok, cpu ?20:31
x0gioria, Intel Core2 Duo E840020:32
ioriax0g, can you paste free -m ?20:32
x0gfree -m20:33
x0g              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available20:33
x0gMem:           3951        1476         414          97        2059        201720:33
x0gSwap:          1952         381        157020:33
ioriax0g, not here, please20:33
ioriax0g, on paste.ubuntu.com20:33
x0gI know but it's only 3 lines, not really a spammy output. Will do next time20:34
ioriax0g, yes, not normal your swap in use ....20:34
x0gyea, I reduced swappiness20:34
x0gNeed to reboot20:34
xanguax0g: how much is plasma using? Recently read an article about hour much less ram plasma uses but it is still slower to start and turn off than gnome, xfce, etc20:34
ioriax0g, to what ? under 60 ?20:35
x0gioria, yeah 10-20 ,can't recall20:35
ioriax0g, i don't think it's the solution20:35
x0gxangua, I tried OpenSuSe tumbleweed and it used 435 MB -600 MB on cold boot on my system20:35
ioriax0g,  something not right20:36
x0gioria, yeah , figured as much20:36
ioriax0g,  ps -A20:36
xanguax0g: if you really need RAM you could either use a lighter desktop or buy more RAM20:37
ioriabut he should be bood with 4G ...20:37
xanguax0g: is there something wrong with Ubuntu, unity or KDE anyways?20:37
x0gxangua, I gave up on this desktop after buying 8 different RAM sticks and they wouldn't work20:38
xanguaWhat doesn't work!?20:38
x0gxangua, not at all working as intended but I will use VDI to work from home so I will kinda need free RAM20:39
ioriax0g,  can you paste sudo dmidecode --type 1720:39
x0gioria, sec20:39
x0gioria, http://pastebin.com/cGaXN4Cb20:40
x0gOdd thing is that the system runs great on Debian Jessie with 3.16 kernel20:42
x0gbut there I'm using Openbox20:42
x0gso ofc it runs great :D20:42
xanguaYou can also use openbox in Ubuntu ;-)20:43
ioriax0g,  if you rebbot, with no apps opende, what you get from free -m ?20:44
ioriax0g,  if you reboot, with no apps opened, what you get from free -m ?20:44
x0glemme test it out, give me a min20:44
dorkmafiaI'm trying to install ubuntu using a usb stick on to an HPZ820 it has a UEFI ... is there anything special I need to do?20:44
xanguadorkmafia: I just did my first UEFI install, good luck ;-)20:45
ioriadorkmafia, run the usb in efi mode20:45
dorkmafiaxangua: yah I think I already destroyed the windows partition :)20:45
dorkmafiaioria: how do I run the usb in efi mode?20:45
ioriadorkmafia, from bios20:45
ioriadorkmafia, the ubuntu isos are hybrid20:46
xanguadorkmafia: that's what I did too, but because I wanted20:46
x0gioria, 600 MB on cold boot , no swap usage atm20:48
ioriax0g,  hurrah20:48
x0gyeah, that's fine by me for Unity20:48
ioriax0g,  yup20:49
dorkmafiais there anything special I need to do when creating the usb stick?20:49
x0gdorkmafia, are you on Windows or Linux?20:49
mist_heya fellas, i seem to have broken xorg or my dm when installing my amd graphics card driver20:49
ioriadorkmafia, check the iso and the media20:49
mist_anyone have time to help me? i was stuck in the terminal for an hour before i was able to edit the grub config to enter recovery mode20:50
wythSo, trying to install ubuntu server 16.04.1 LTS. Each time after it goes through the installation and gets to the reboot part, it reboots and stops at a purple screen. It never shows a grub or bios before it gets to that section.. Any suggestions as far as steps to take? Should I edit a file before the reboot?20:50
ioria!details | mist_20:50
ubottumist_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:50
mist_(i'm actually running linux mint but there is alot more people in here)20:50
x0gmist_, always have a backup before messing with confs :D20:50
mist_yeah ._.20:51
x0gcan you run startx?20:51
mist_i cannot20:51
x0gwhat's the error output ?20:51
mist_sec let me pastebin the xorg log20:51
dorkmafiaioria: ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso was going to use this for the uefi boot stick20:51
ioriadorkmafia, ok, dd on a stick20:51
x0gI have to skip as I have to work but people here are really helpful mist_ , good luck! Bye ioria ! :D20:52
ioriax0g,  bye, mate20:52
dorkmafiai used unetbootin before20:52
dorkmafiai'm on osx right now20:52
ioriadorkmafia, better dd20:52
ioriadorkmafia, on win, rufus20:52
ioriadorkmafia, no idea, then20:53
mist_anyone else got any ideas?20:54
dorkmafiaioria: unetbootin?20:54
ioriadorkmafia, never used osx, sorry20:54
dorkmafiait's just like BSD there is a dd tool20:54
ioriadorkmafia, try thst20:55
Random832unetbootin works differently from dd20:55
Random832it puts all the files from the iso on the usb, and sets it up to boot with syslinux20:55
dorkmafiaRandom832: will that work with a uefi boot?20:57
Random832no idea20:58
Random832just pointing out that it's two different mechanisms20:59
Random832so if one doesn't work maybe try the other21:00
PadawanHey guys, Is it possible to change the unity for another desktop evironment say xfce?21:00
dorkmafiathe ubuntu site reccomends to use unetbootin21:00
Random832then you probably should use it21:00
dorkmafiathe stick is in EFI mode21:00
xanguaPadawan: yes21:00
dorkmafiais that a good thing or bad thing?21:01
Random832i don't know what that is21:01
LeissiI'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS21:09
ubottuluigi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:09
wythI can't get to bios or grub after a fresh install of ubuntu server. It goes straight to a purple screen where it hangs..21:09
LeissiI booted up my old laptop and it suggested to make a distribution upgrade so I did. Now I don't have network connectivity and get random system error popups21:10
wythAny suggestions?21:12
Leissithis is a paste about the errors I get https://paste.ee/p/AJF3D21:12
mist123alright 2 hours since i tried to install the amd drivers that ruined my xorg server21:14
mist123Anyone got any experience with this or should i just go back to winblows?21:14
Leissisudo apt-get upgrade ends up with this https://paste.ee/p/P6D8a21:14
SeveasLeissi: is the disk full or corrupt? df -h will show you available space, dmesg may give clues about corruption21:21
OnkelTemHi all21:21
Seveaswyth: the purple screen is likely ubuntu already, but the bios comes before that, so you should be able to get in.21:22
LeissiSeveas: disk is not full21:22
OnkelTemFolks, need your help. Do any of you have a working VPN connection? Would you copy-paste it (from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/) somewhere? I can't create a new connection21:22
LeissiSeveas: also, dmesg gives a whole lot of text - What of it is important?21:23
SeveasOnkelTem: that'll be mostly useless as those settings depend on the vpn used...21:23
OnkelTemoh, I meant pptp!21:23
OnkelTemOr rather... I don't know why it is not added. When I run nm-connection-editor, I see there my newly created connection. But it doesn't appear in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/...21:23
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SeveasOnkelTem: ticked the 'connection can be used by all users' checkbox?21:23
Leissiaw crud. I/O errors don't really seem too good21:24
SeveasLeissi: anyting with sda or sdb (or sdc... etc.) in it21:24
SeveasI/O error sounds bad indeed21:24
OnkelTemSeveas: sure. There's another issue with this, I should started with it: it doesn't save password. And then when I run it using `nmcli` it says: Error: Connection activation failed: no valid VPN secrets.21:24
SeveasOnkelTem: any reason you're not using nm-applet for all this? It tends to do its job quite well21:25
vfwwyth: Sitll there21:25
Seveas(OnkelTem and yes, that's a lame cop out as I don't quite know how to debug that further and would like not to need to find out :))21:25
OnkelTemSeveas: yeah, it doesn't work :) When I run it, it seems to only do WiFi jobs. I'm on AwesomeWM and have no normal tray21:25
vfwBefore I left I was going to suggest you so some non-destructive partitioning so that / can be on a separate partition.  Just create about an 80 or 100G partition for /21:26
SeveasOnkelTem: you'll need to install network-manager-gnome-pptp for nm-applet to be able to do pptp connections iirc21:26
OnkelTemSeveas: offtopic and a wild guess: are you Russian or somewhere from Asia? :)21:26
vfwwyth: That was for you.21:26
SeveasOnkelTem: Not even close. .nl here :)21:26
OnkelTemSeveas: Ah, then maybe you had long conversations for the mentioned people? :)21:27
Leissidmesg paste https://paste.ee/p/9VURA21:27
vfwwyth: And you can probably do it on the fly. At the beginning or even the end, just create an 80 or 100G partition for /21:28
OnkelTemSeveas: because once I was "acused" for using multiple brackets in smileys and was told that's very particular for Russians. And that's who I'm  :)))21:28
SeveasLeissi: yes, that disk is toast.21:28
OnkelTems/for/with/ (to the previous)21:28
SeveasOnkelTem: the second bracket is actually the closing bracket to the ( at the beginning of the line :P21:28
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vfwwyth: I for one, never wanted everything on one big partition, and your situation is a good reason why....21:29
OnkelTemSeveas: damn! An exception confirming a rule! :)21:29
OnkelTemand it was not even an exception LOL21:29
SeveasLeissi: I could give you some commands with which you can try to whip apt-get into shape, but your time is much better spent backing the files on that disk that you don't want to lose and then buying a new harddisk.21:29
OnkelTemok, back to NetworkManager issues. Does anybody know how why networkmanager could not save passowrds?21:29
vfwOnkelTem: Mine does.21:30
OnkelTemvfw: w/o the 'standard' desktop manager?21:31
SeveasOnkelTem: if it's not created as system connection (which it doesn't seem to be), the password is stored in your user settings and you'll need a running secret agent (such as nm-applet) to tell n-m the secret when connecting.21:31
SeveasOnkelTem: so I would delete the conenction and recreate it, making doubly sure to create it as system connection21:31
OnkelTemSeveas: I did ticked that checkbox. And even launched it (nm-connection-editor) with sudo21:31
OnkelTemah, let me check21:32
Seveaslaunching nm-connection-editor with sudo may not be the best idea21:32
vfwOnkelTem: Well, that's the only way I've used it, (with nm-applet).21:32
OnkelTemI tried both. But recreating the connection now21:33
OnkelTemvfw: I see21:33
vfwOnkelTem: I don't know what it would be like without it.21:33
SeveasOnkelTem: you may also want to try nmtui instead on nm-connection-editor21:33
wythvfw: Hey man, I've still just been trying to install it fresh. So I've been back and forth. Sorry to miss your messages21:34
wythvfw: I'm remaking the usb, because even though it was an iso for 16.04 it was showing up as 14.04. And it installed a desktop interface, even though it's supposed to be a server image21:34
vfwOnkelTem: Here are the files I have installed for networkmanager:  http://termbin.com/zgld21:34
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HancockHave anyone tried Gnome 3.22 ?21:36
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wythNow the new usb isn't even loading any grub or options to install. *sigh*21:37
AmazeCPKI set up an ubuntu vm with virtual box, and am now wondering, can I do my programming in the windows host, and run my program in the vm? (node.js)21:40
MalgorathAmazeCPK, Yes. You can even share a folder between them so your not copying files back and forth21:41
AmazeCPKoh wonderful!21:41
AmazeCPKwill look into sharing folders. thank you21:41
codfectionwhat GUI is suitable for qemu? (I am used to vmware)21:41
Seveascodfection: virt-manager is used a lot by the kvm crowd21:42
Bashing-omwyth: As you are re-partitioning . and a server install . this is my partioning - verry very tight ! http://termbin.com/cfjj .21:42
LeissiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  linux-image-generic : Depends: linux-image-extra-4.4.0-49-generic but it is not installed21:42
Leissiwat do21:43
SeveasLeissi: I could give you some commands with which you can try to whip apt-get into shape, but your time is much better spent backing up the files on that disk that you don't want to lose and then buying a new harddisk.21:43
codfectionthanks Seveas21:43
wythBashing-om: I will try to set it up like that if I ever get to the point where it'll load the usb again21:43
vfwwyth: Did you see what I said earlier?21:43
SeveasLeissi: disks that exhibit the symptoms you pastebin'ed usually deteriorate quickly.21:44
LeissiSeveas: well, shit21:44
wythvfw: About resizing the partition? I already wiped the thing when trying to reinstall it a bit earlier21:44
SeveasLeissi: 'shit' is a pretty accurate summary of your current situation :)21:44
LeissiSeveas: it's not actually that big of a deal - this laptop only holds about 2 gb of photos21:45
codfectionIs it worth learning / switching to qemu when I can use vmware workstation?21:46
wythunetbootin doesn't seem to be making the usb drive bootable..?21:46
MarcoPseveas are you saying those unmet dependecies usually mean a hard drive is about to fail?21:46
kk4ewtwhy use vmware/vbox if you dont have to21:46
Seveascodfection: I wouldn't bother learning 'naked' qemu, but kvm is worth learning about.21:46
wythWhen I first made it it showed up with the grub to try without installing, install, etc. Now it's just going straight to a purple screen21:47
SeveasMarcoP: no, but he pastebin'ed some things earlier that show that it will :)(21:47
MarcoPoh i c21:47
kk4ewtwyth no but fdisk can21:47
vfwwyth: I was on the phone.... So did you do the install?21:47
wythvfw: Been trying. The new usb isn't showing any options for install, it just goes straight to a blank purple screen. I used unetbootin21:48
vfwwyth: I just use dd21:49
takkoHi, can anyone help me with recovering an .odt file?21:49
wythvfw: I can dd using bash on ubuntu on windows?21:50
zh1i read this https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.html21:50
vfwwyth: What I was saying about making another partition for / is a good idea I think.  It can even be another HD.  What I like to do is have partitions for / and for /home/ and swap  (at least three).  That way, if I want to do a fresh install, it's no problem21:50
Seveaszh1: anything read on gnu.org needs to be taken with a pretty big grain of salt.21:50
vfwwyth: But as far as your USB install media, just go at it again.21:51
wythvfw: If I can get it to that point, I will try going that route21:51
Bashing-omtakko: These any help : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery ?21:51
vfwwyth: And just use dd.  sudo dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX  bs=4M21:51
vfwwyth: Yea, I use 3 partitions, / and swap and /home/21:52
wythvfw: I'm on win10, can I use the bash on ubuntu on windows to do that?21:53
chamunksI'm trying to restart a Salt-Minion I installed with the bootstrap.  I can't seem to get service salt-minion restart21:53
chamunksTo work.21:53
vfwwyth: swap about 4G or 8G,  / about 80 or 100G and the rest for /home/21:53
wythvfw: roger that21:53
zh1wyth, yes21:53
codfectionSeveas, is KVM worth ditching current vmware workstation for?21:53
chamunkssystemctl is apparently not a thing here so what is it this week...21:53
takkoBashing-om I think it is an xml problem.  I still have the file, the hard drive is fine21:54
vfwwyth: media can be somewhere like /home/wyth/media21:54
wythvfw: Not sure how to check which sdX the usb is from bash on windows21:54
Bashing-omvfw: wyth I like to make sure the cache gets written out : ' dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/sdy bs=8M && sync ' .21:54
takkoBashing-om: I get this when I try to open it with libreoffice Read-Error.21:54
takkoFormat error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at 20,67(row,col).21:54
vfwwyth: you can do LVM and strap as many drives together as you want but just have /home/ for the biggest partition, everything there other than packages and program files and /var and cache and all that.21:55
Bashing-omtakko: Humm, my thought is to look at the file from a text editor ??21:55
younderoddly cat can be used to move data between devices fater.. try it21:55
takkoBashing-om: opening it with another program (focuswriter, which I used to create the file) gives me the message "Premature end of document"21:55
vfwBashing-om: You mean dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M && sync21:56
kk4ewttakko what happens if you try to open in libreoffice21:56
Bashing-omtakko: Soinds like a Windows versus linux EOL declaration . If so .. 'sed' can change the line return character .21:57
takkokk4ewt that error above21:57
wythvfw: Roger21:57
Bashing-omvfw: Yeah . that is the more descriptive :)21:57
takkoBashing-om, kk4ewt I opened it with Kate but It says it contained invalid (non utf-8) characters21:58
vfwwyth: So if this ever comes up again, it will be easy to do fresh install.  Nothing beats a fresh install. (I just did one a couple weeks ago.21:58
wythvfw: A fresh install is what I'm trying to do. Can't believe I'm hung up this early in the process though. I've never felt like such a newb22:00
takkoBashing-om I am on linuxmint w/ KDE 17, not using winows at all22:00
wythvfw: I'm on a liveusb of ubuntu right now, downloading the iso again, so I can try dd'ing the usb to see if that will get it to work to install22:01
vfwwyth: I'll tell you what I just did a few days ago;  there was a box with one 2TB drive and it had 4G swap, 55G /, and the rest /home/ but the 55G / partition was full.  So I just cut into the end of the drive, (shrunk /home/ partition) and created a 80G partition for /var.  So I just edited the fstab file and made a line for the new partition, (sda7) as mount point for /var  All is well again....22:04
vfw...and copied /var/* to the new partition...22:05
vfw... first renamed it /old-var/ and then copied it. Once I could see it would boot ok, I just rm -rf /old-var/22:06
wythvfw: Well the hard drive inside this thing is pretty small I think. I'm going to make the new partitions when it's possible. 4 or 8gb for swap, about 100g for / , and the rest for home. Should var be another partition as well then?22:06
vfwwyth: It is big enough for / and swap22:07
vfwwyth: It's all you need,22:07
wythvfw: So just those three partitions then?22:07
OnkelTemI was disconnected.22:09
OnkelTemSeveas: thanks, I'll take a look. Meanwhile it worked finally!22:09
OnkelTemFound an advice here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/444866/how-to-save-vpn-passwords-with-networkmanger-for-nmcli22:09
OnkelTemSeveas: first, as you said, I've recreated the connection and this time it was saved under  /etc/... because I ticked that checkbox before the Save button22:09
OnkelTemThe rest was quite simple - I needed a way to specify the password right in the connection file. And what didn't work - is 'password-flags=1' thingy22:09
OnkelTemI deleted it, and inserted my password under a new key [vpn-secrets]. Thanks all, guys!22:09
Bashing-omwyth: Now I do like /var as a seperate partion - coming from a server use environment - I do a lot of strange stuff sometimes that drives the system insane and IF I had logging on the system partition would many times crash the system . hense I have the proclivity for my "use-case" to run a separate /var .22:10
SeveasOnkelTem: great22:10
wythBashing-om: gotcha, how much do you allocate to it?22:11
wythUGH. The damn thing just over heated and shutdown. This hardware is such a POS I'm ready to throw it.22:11
poswyth, what, did you buy an AMD cpu/mobo?22:11
wythpos: It's an old aluminum macbook pro22:12
posah, and the plot thickens. not22:12
Bashing-omwyth: On this test bed - that has become my favorite - I only have 5 gigs allocated to /var . Just a tad small as I really have to pay attention to rotating the logs out .22:13
SeveasBashing-om: or putting /var/log on yet another different partition :)22:18
Bashing-omSeveas: Yeah .. that too would work .. however all in system administration . no big deal to pay some attention to the small details; huh ?22:20
uxfihi milkshoes22:21
uxfier milwar22:21
SeveasBashing-om: well, I'd rather not allow runaway logs to cause /var/lib/mysql (or /var/www, or ...) to run out of space22:21
Bashing-omwyth: See .. there are as many ways to partition as there are those partitioning .. partitioning is such a personal thing !22:21
milwarim new user22:21
Bashing-omSeveas: Ya got that right ! // protect the system at all cost .22:22
Bashing-om!manual | milwar22:22
ubottumilwar: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:22
Bashing-ommilwar: Welcome .. and also a Welcome to linux . As you have questions and issues feel free to ask .22:26
milwarI'm looking for the most suitable distrubucion for me22:31
Bashing-ommilwar: That " most suitable distrubucion for me " takes testing to see on your part .. there are more than 20 Desktop Environmnents availabale, only you can say what you like the best . Linux is all about choice - yours !22:34
priusim new22:35
Bashing-om!manual | prius My standard response:22:35
ubottuprius My standard response:: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:35
vfwwyth: Did you get your image on to the thumb drive?22:37
wythvfw: Everything I'm trying is coming up fruitless22:38
vfwprius: Hi, I'm old22:38
vfwwyth: Use dd22:38
wythvfw: Couldn't get it to work from bash on ubuntu on windows, tried from a liveusb of ubuntu, back to trying unetbootin22:39
priuswhats this22:39
priusim new here22:39
wythvfw: I did DD, when I rebooted it didn't give any grub or options, just hung at a purple screen22:39
vfwwyth: try dd.  Make sure you get the right device though.  sudo fdisk -l  Look and see.22:39
wythvfw: I did, it was sdb22:40
vfwwyth: purple screen?22:40
wythvfw: It went straight to a purple screen without giving me any options. I tried pressing/holding shift but nothing came up22:40
priuswhat are u talking22:40
vfwwyth: Did you verify the image?  (checksum)...  like md5sum22:40
vfwwyth: You mean you can't get the computer to boot to a USB device?22:41
wythvfw: I didn't, but the command ran successfully. :-\ Would the filesystem make the difference?22:41
vfwwyth: No22:41
wythvfw: It did on the first go earlier today, but it installed ubuntu desktop somehow, despite being a server iso22:41
Guest9780Hi guys, I am about to buy new desktop computer with 100% support of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Can you please recommend me some vendors / makers with reliable hardware and excellent Ubuntu support? The machine will be used as programming workstation and light office server (docker, file server, Apache,..) Thanks! P.22:41
vfwwyth: Wait, you did the install?22:42
rdhGuest9780, https://minifree.org/product/libreboot-t400/22:42
vfwwyth: So you got the install done but it boots to a purple screen?22:43
vfwwyth: Is that what you're saying?22:43
Guest9780rdh: Yes, I found them and looks great, but I am looking more into desktop with more power / better price. system76.com looks great so far.22:44
wythvfw: Hours ago, but it was totally f'd22:44
wythvfw: Now I can't get anything to boot USB or no22:44
rdhsystem76 is good too.22:44
vfwGuest9780: Most any computer is going to be fine. Just go with good reliable hardware.22:44
Bashing-omwyth: Can you boot the liveUSB to terminal and ' sudo apt-get remove ubiquity-slideshow-* ' ? see then that it is the grahics that are hanging up .22:44
vfwwyth: Souds like a hardware issie?22:45
vfwwyth: Yea, see if you can boot the install media again.22:45
wythvfw: I'm going to try22:45
Guest9780vfw: Well, yes and no.. :) I rather go with someone which is guaranteeing the compatibility.22:45
wythIs there something I can press besides shift that will allow me to edit the boot options? I can't get grub or anything to show up22:47
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vfwGuest9780: Like I said before, whether it's hard drives or processors or RAM or GPUs or Network Interfaces, they all pretty much will work ok.  Not much that I know of that doesn't work.  You can pick and choose as you like.22:47
westHey everyone22:48
vfwGuest9780: If you want something pre-installed, there's Dell, System76 and several others....22:49
wyththe capacity of this usb which is 4gb is now stuck at 651mb22:49
westIs there a way to figure out why Google Chrome keeps freezing?  I have the 14.04 version of Ubuntu22:50
vfwGuest9780: But if you are wanting to do your own Linux install, just buy what you want.  You can get a bare bones and an HD and RAM or just build your own from scratch.  Shop around, the sky is the limit.22:50
=== JDUBS is now known as JDUBS1
wyth*sigh* What in the hell is going on here. Can't believe how silly these issues are becoming22:50
Guest9780vfw: OK, great to hear that. I can install by myself, just do not want to assemble the tower by myself :) but I may change my mind... is there a significant difference between buying a desktop from vendors like Dell, System76 and making configuration by yourself?22:51
ViciousLooRollIs it safe to have gpg on my server?22:52
vfwGuest9780: Where in the world do you live?22:52
Guest9780vfw: Central Europe: Czech Republic22:52
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vfwGuest9780: Ok, well, I cant help you shop for computer equipment in physical stores, I live in Texas.22:53
Guest9780vfw: :) sure22:54
vfwGuest9780: https://www.google.com/search?q=bare+bones+PC+ebay&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-822:54
vfwIf were me, I'd find a case I like that comes with a decent power supply, and just build from scratch.  Pretty much all you need is a screw driver.22:56
vfwGuest9780: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^22:56
wythguest9780: a headlamp helps too ;)22:57
vfwGuest9780: Just build it with the features / hardware you want/need.22:57
vfwwyth: Yea... good lighting helps22:57
Guest9780vfw: I did it before many years ago. Since then I bought just notebooks so that is a first tower for a long time..22:57
Guest9780vfw: Perhaps I need just some Barebone computer parts list which plays well with each other..22:58
vfwGuest9780: I just bought an extra hard drive from the salvage yard22:58
Guest9780vfw: By time I did it last time like 15 years ago.. it was important to choose compatible parts to each other22:59
vfwGuest9780: I bought this laptop a few months ago from the same salvage yard.22:59
vfw(I'm a bargain hunter.)22:59
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vfwGuest9780: I got a 1TB hard drive for $35 that has only 13 hours on it.23:00
Guest9780vfw: Truly budget hunter23:00
dorkmafiaI'm trying to reinstall unbuntu on to a hard drive I have the usb in and I can boot to grub but when I try to boot off my usb stick the cpu just restarts23:01
ViciousLooRollIs running gpg on an Ubuntu server a bad idea?23:01
vfwdorkmafia: Are you sure the USB is prepaired properly?23:02
SeveasViciousLooRoll: no.23:02
dorkmafiait's a UEFI23:03
vfwdorkmafia: Did you verify the ISO with checksum?23:03
dorkmafiaI thought it was I used unetbootin23:03
vfwdorkmafia: I just use dd23:03
SchrodingersScatViciousLooRoll: i suppose that depends, not necessarily?  what's the alternative, running it on a local machine that only really has the added benefit of the router between you and something else?  might depend on your threat model.23:03
Bashing-omdorkmafia: A fresh copy to the USB of the .iso file ? did yoy verify the download with 'md5sum' ?23:03
dorkmafiacan you give me the dd command?23:03
priuswho can help me23:03
vfwdorkmafia: As long as the ISO is hybrid, you can use dd (and all of the Ubuntu ISOs are already hybrid).23:04
ViciousLooRollSchrodingersScat: im just wondering whether there is a much greater security risk23:04
priusi have doubts23:04
dorkmafiawhen i format the usb stick though23:04
dorkmafiado i need to format it a special way?23:04
wythvfw: I managed to get into the graphical version that was installed23:05
SchrodingersScatViciousLooRoll: does it run wordpress?23:05
vfwdorkmafia: sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M  #where sdX is the actual intended USB device.23:05
wythvfw: I saw the server login prompt very briefly, and then the graphical thing popped up and took over23:05
ViciousLooRollSchrodingersScat no23:05
vfwdorkmafia: sudo fdisk -l  #Look and see. Make sure.23:05
ViciousLooRollNot anymore, why?23:05
dorkmafiavfw cool thanks23:05
SchrodingersScatViciousLooRoll: probably no riskier then23:05
vfwwyth: Ctrl-F623:05
dorkmafiawhat about preparing the usb stick? any special format? guid partiion?23:06
vfwdorkmafia: But be sure and verify your iso23:06
Blizzzi am upgrading a server from 14.04 to 16.04. currently its Preparing to unpack mysql-server. For 10 minutes now. Is it normal to take that long?23:06
ViciousLooRollSchrodingersScat is WordPress known for its security floors23:06
SchrodingersScatdorkmafia: dd will overwrite everything, it cares not of details like that23:06
vfwdorkmafia: md5sum ubuntu.iso  And google the resulting hash23:06
wythvfw: ctrl+f6 didn't do anything :-\23:06
SchrodingersScatViciousLooRoll: I've heard of at least one ;(23:07
vfwwyth: Oh wait, it's a Mac?23:07
wythvfw: yeah23:07
ViciousLooRollSchrodingersScat. Ok. Thanks23:07
vfwwyth: I know nothing about Mac's23:07
uxfisome songs for the room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=953vagWiMJM23:08
vfwwyth: Don't know one end from the other.  How do you go to tty6 on a Mac?23:08
wythvfw: I'll ask the google23:08
vfwwyth: Yea, there are special things going on with Mac's and I don't know any  of it.23:09
wythvfw: fn ctrl alt f1, I'm on tty123:10
dorkmafiavfw: k23:10
Bashing-omBlizzz: mysql config files get broke in the upgrade process . see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes .23:11
dorkmafiavfw 17643c29e3c4609818f26becf76d29a3 *ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso23:11
wythvfw: Bashing-om: Should I try "sudo apt-get remove ubiquity-slideshow-*" now that I'm on tty1?23:11
vfwwyth: Ok there you go.23:11
BlizzzBashing-om: as i understand it should anyway upgrade, only fail to start.23:12
Bashing-omwyth: Won't hurt to try , all that does is takes out the "slide show " .23:12
vfwdorkmafia: Is that the result of your md5sum command?23:13
dorkmafiayup yp23:13
dorkmafiaand i looked it up23:14
vfwdorkmafia: That's it.  I just googled it.  So your ISO is good.23:14
vfwwyth: Whatis ubiquity-slideshow-?23:15
dorkmafiadd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso  of=/dev/disk3 bs=4M23:15
dorkmafiai'm on osx23:15
vfwdorkmafia: Are you on a Mac too?23:16
vfwdorkmafia: Yea, ok23:16
dorkmafiayah on a mac right now23:16
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dorkmafiais that the right command then?23:17
vfwdorkmafia: dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso  of=/dev/disk3 bs=4M && sync  #Just to make sure it syncs afterward.23:17
vfwdorkmafia: Yes, that's right23:18
wythvfw: That was the command Bashing-om offered earlier. I'm dd'ing the server image again while I'm in terminal. Also, I updated the grub so that I hopefully won't be getting stuck at purple screens anymore23:18
vfwdorkmafia: where /path/to/ubuntu.iso is the actual iso image23:18
vfwdorkmafia: You can cd to it first and then do it.  But preface it with sudo23:18
dorkmafiacool yup i'm with ya23:19
dorkmafiashould i unmount it first?23:19
vfwwyth: If the USB boots ok, no need to dd to it again.23:19
dorkmafiasaw that23:19
vfwdorkmafia: No.23:19
dorkmafiadd: bs: illegal numeric value23:21
dorkmafianot 4M?23:21
wythvfw: The usb does not boot, I don't know why23:21
vfwwyth: Sorry, I don't know either.  Did you verify the .iso?23:22
vfwwyth: md5sum  ubuntu-image.iso23:22
wythvfw: Upon reboot though, it boots though, shows the server login for just a second, and then the graphical interface comes up. I can get back to terminal and ther server login with the fn ctrl alt f1 though. Not sure what to do from here23:22
vfwwyth: This is after installing to the Hard Drive?23:23
vfwwyth: Or have you just booted to the install media?23:23
wythvfw: This is on the hard drive, yes23:24
vfwwyth: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade23:24
wythvfw: 455206c599c25d6a576ba23ca906741a ubuntu-16.04.1-server-i386.iso23:25
dorkmafiavfw I had to unmount first otherwise osx will report the disk is busy23:26
vfwwyth: If that is the result of the md5sum command, that's it.  I just googled it.23:27
vfwdorkmafia: No, you do not mount it.  It should be un-mounted,.23:27
wythvfw: Running that update/upgrade/dist-upgrade command now. Still can't ssh so I have to keep walking back and forth23:27
dorkmafiaoh i miunderstood23:29
jb_Hello Ubuntu IRC channel! I am just watching and learning from your channel. I have been using Ubuntu since 8.04, and I am currently using Mate 16.04.23:29
dorkmafiai wish there was a progress bar on dd23:29
vfwwyth: sudo apt install openssh-server23:31
wythvfw: Ah, right. Once the other thing finishes running I'll give that a go23:31
vfwwyth: Why are you using server iso?23:33
wythvfw: Because I want a frikkin' server! lol23:33
fasdfdHi, I have a problem with permissions. I want to create sort of a copy of a folder foo, it has these permissions drwxr-xr-x 7 but after chmod 755 I still can't create foldres inside it. It's a mount point BTW.23:34
vfwwyth: Are you goint to install a GUI and Desktop Environment on it?23:34
wythvfw: The fact that the graphical aspect of it got installed confuses me beyond all belief, and definitely wasn't what I wanted, lol23:34
dorkmafiavfw ok i am booting it up now23:34
wythvfw: no, I don't want a gui or desktop environment23:34
wythvfw: I only want to ssh into it23:35
fasdfdI mount a device to this folder and can't access it!23:35
vfwwyth: Ok23:35
wythvfw: I don't even understand how it got installed when it was from a server iso23:35
dorkmafiaI let it boot off the stick then select install and it just restarts23:35
vfwwyth: Not sure why openssh-server is not already on the server iso.23:36
wythvfw: The whole thing has me baffled. Which is why I was trying to start again with a new usb, but it won't boot from it for some reason :(23:37
Linkandzeldais there any way to make virtual environments on the same system where i can install different packages etc and run things?23:38
TravisBarkerhi all23:39
wythIs there a command I can use to force reboot to the usb if I know it's sdb1 for instance? And try doing the fresh install, fixing the partitions, and etc?23:41
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dorkmafiatime to reset the cmos i guess23:46
fasdfdCan someone tell me why this doesn't work? mount -o umask=0002,gid=1000,uid=1000 /dev/nbd1 /home/foo/vol1/bar23:48
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