[09:51] hello [09:51] my PC is p4 , ram :2gb, processor : core 2 duo, which OS should i use [09:52] i instlaled ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but it becomes quite slow when i use netbeans sort of softwares [09:55] hello [09:55] my PC is p4 , ram :2gb, processor : core 2 duo, which OS should i use [09:55] which linux distro will be perfect [09:55] is it Lubuntu? [10:01] is anyone there? [11:56] Hey buddys, have some problems here with instalation. Can someone help me? This is what happens when i trying to install lubuntu on my pc http://i.imgur.com/kJNWeql.jpg [11:57] Im tryed with nomodeset also [11:58] Also i see error E[Xorg[1052]] failed to idle channel 0xcccc0000 [Xorg[4414]] [11:59] In blackscreen after this grafic glitch [12:40] tried with another graphics card heybroken ? === g2 is now known as g2[FLCNS] [18:12] Jo [18:57] hi, i'm on Lubuntu 16.10x64, and after a update, lxpanel don't run on autostart, do you know why and how fix it ? thanks === g2[FLCNS] is now known as g2