
junaidaliis there a command that can get the current focused model?05:53
junaidaliah, got it. I missed the show-model command05:54
kjackalgood morning juju world!07:42
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
rick_hjunaidali: yes, and if you list-models or just models the current one should have a * on it11:23
anrahQuick question about update-status hook11:33
anrahIt seems when using reactive charms it runs all reactive decorators what are available then?11:33
anrahcan I somehow avoid this?11:34
kjackalanrah: yes, supose you have a method that should be run only once. inside that method you should do something like set_state('method.called') and you should decorate that method with "when_not('method.called')"11:42
anrahso I can use decorators inside methods?11:47
kjackalanrah: you can declare states inside your methods. Then you can guard aganst these states with the appropriate decorators11:57
kjackallet me find an example11:57
kjackalanrah: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bigtop/blob/master/bigtop-packages/src/charm/mahout/layer-mahout/reactive/mahout.py#L2311:58
kjackalhere we make sure mahout is installed only once11:58
anrahthat is familiar11:59
anrahProblem right now is that I use layers and somerelation.connected part gets executed multiple times11:59
jcastrorick_h: I have to hit the road late next week, but perhaps we should do an office hours before then?13:59
rick_hjcastro: on the calendar tomorrow14:04
jcastrorick_h: did I miss an announcement on a list?14:05
rick_hjcastro: was going to today14:06
rick_hjcastro: on my todo to chat with you about it but been in calls today14:06
rick_hjcastro: started updating the doc with a script14:06
jcastroyeah I have calls all day14:07
jcastrook so you just want me to rally my folks and we'll talk about whatever?14:07
rick_hjcastro: yea, but have some topics I want to walk through14:07
jcastroack I see them14:07
rick_hjcastro: so yea, I wanted to see what else you wanted to add.14:18
rick_hjcastro: and see if anyone wants to join14:18
rick_hjcastro: and that's on the calendar for tomorrow, are you able to send an email or should I?14:18
jcastrogo for it14:21
jcastroI'll add content to your notes14:21
rick_hjcastro: k, ty14:22
jcastrokwmonroe: any new hotness from BD I should include?14:22
rick_hjcastro: is there any sort of HO link/etc we can put into the email? How's that working these days?14:28
jcastrohmm, let me think14:28
* rick_h recalls you chatting with someone that it's not hangout on air any more but more a public youtube thingy?14:28
jcastroyeah they changed it14:29
jcastrohttps://www.youtube.com/my_live_events as the juju users14:29
jcastroI'll add it now14:30
rick_hah, gotcha14:30
jcastrooh man, this is actually way better14:32
jcastrohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo23ZXwa8ZU is the URL for tomorrow14:33
jcastrothat's handy14:33
jcastroit doesn't let me select a hangout though unless I go live, so I guess we'll get that URL before we start14:33
jcastrorick_h: oh nice bonus, it announced the upcoming office hours in my subscription feed as "Upcoming" with the time and date, that's really awesome.14:34
rick_hjcastro: sweet14:34
jcastrorick_h: the bottom of your mail encourage people to just subscribe to the YT channel, then from now on they'll get a notification when we go live14:36
jcastrothat's an easy way to get caught up to date without too much overhead, for people who want to keep up but not necessarily participate.14:36
rick_hjcastro: k, is there any hint on how folks can join the HO?14:37
jcastronot afaict, what we usually do is fire it off early and then put the URL here14:37
rick_hjcastro: so just tell them "a hangout link will be made available in #juju or something?14:37
jcastrothat's exactly what we do14:37
jcastrorick_h: it has a setting for hangouts, and then it has another setting for custom encoders14:39
jcastrothat means we could each OBS into one stream, we should experiment with that in the future, that's how the pros do the multi-stream deals14:40
rick_hjcastro: any feedback let me know: https://pastebin.canonical.com/172188/14:40
jcastrolgtm, I did rename the session to The Juju Show though14:40
jcastrosounds cooler14:40
rick_hhah ok14:41
rick_hjcastro: k, sent14:42
rick_hjcastro: let me know of any other topics you want to toss up and see you tomorrow for it?14:43
jcastroyeah I'll add more post-daily call, I need to round up some status from folks14:43
rick_hjcastro: rgr ty14:43
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arosalesmarcoceppi: hello16:10
arosalesmarcoceppi: if you have some time could you merge (if appropriate) and push updates to nagios from the following MPs16:13
arosalesI think petevg has reviewed the later16:13
* wxl is sad there's no juju snap16:14
wxli was going to set up a quick vm to test a little wordpress thingy. idea was get ubuntu snappy core in a vm which happens almost immediately, and then install the juju snap so i could grab the wordpress charm. but no such snap exists.16:15
magicaltroutballoons: jcastro16:16
petevgwxl: I believe there is a juju snap, though it's still under development: `snap install juju --beta --devmode`16:16
balloonswxl, there is, it's just in the beta channel16:16
wxlamd64 only tho yeah?16:17
balloonsright, it's in beta because it requires devmode still16:17
balloonsnope, all supported arches16:17
wxlyeah weird i can't find it16:17
balloonssnap find won't find it.. just install16:17
wxlno i mean i tried to install it and it says it can't find it16:17
wxlthis is an i386 core fwiw16:18
balloonsi386 is not a supported arch16:18
wxlnot supported by juju?16:18
arosalesjcastro: to confirm juju office hours is tomorrow, correct?16:18
balloonswxl, correct16:18
wxlah, k16:18
wxlthanks :)16:18
balloonswxl, :-) Can you not use the amd64 client?16:19
wxlprobably. unfortunately i've been hobbling along on this i386 install that i've sort of multiarched to amd64 but it's a real pain dealing with all the apps. just been too lazy to do a new install16:19
wxlso i'll see :) thanks for the help guys16:20
wxland gals :)16:20
magicaltrouti386? makes me feel old16:21
rick_harosales: yes, tomorrow16:24
marcoceppiarosales: well there's larger problems there16:27
marcoceppithose rely on ingestion16:27
jcastroarosales: yep16:30
wxlreading through https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started16:50
wxlis bootstrap a necessity regardless of whether or not you're using lxd?16:50
wxlseems that the lxd snap is in devmode too16:52
wxlunfortunately it doesn't seem to add the lxd group16:55
jcastroUsing the snapped juju with the snapped lxd doesn't work yet16:58
jcastroIt's on their roadmap though last time I checked16:58
jcastroideally you'd get the entire thing from snaps and be good to go16:58
wxljcastro: but tl;dr juju does require lxd, no?16:59
magicaltroutunless you want to use lxd ;)16:59
wxlok well i don't give a hoot about that. :)16:59
magicaltroutbootstrap will just launch a controller node on your given cloud16:59
magicaltroutor lxd provide16:59
jcastrooh, if you don't care about that then you can just use it to deploy to AWS or whatever16:59
magicaltroutso you do need to bootstrap but its not lxd specific17:00
jcastro`juju bootstrap aws/us-east-2` for example17:00
wxloic well given that i'm running off of a cloud image in virtualbox, i guess i do need it XD17:00
jrwrenwxl: it should work VERY well on a cloud image in virtualbox, but I don't use snaps for anything.17:05
wxljrwren: yeah i'm aiming for "quickest way to a local wordpress install" and right now the issue is apparently that the snaps need work still.17:07
jrwrenwxl: which snaps?17:11
wxljrwren: specifically the issue is with the lxd snap, which admittedly in beta, but it doesn't add the lxd group and there's no easy way to do that in snappy's locked down environment17:11
jrwrenwxl: is there a reason to use the lxd snap and not deb package? apt install lxd works very well for me.17:12
wxljrwren: well snappy core relies entirely on snaps. the reaosn i want to use snappy core is i can download an image and have it running in minutes, versus going through a whole install.17:13
wxljrwren: realize this is an "ideal world" kind of thing. it's not a complaint about juju or snappy. development just hasn't got ther eyet17:13
jrwrenwxl: oh! I missed the snappy core part. I only saw the "reading through https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/getting-started"17:13
wxljrwren: yeah sorry for the confusion. i'm an odd case for sure :)17:14
arosalesjcastro: rick_h thanks. If possible I would like to talk about review queue and charm testing17:15
arosalesmarcoceppi: re nagios and dep on ingestion, sorry I didn't parse that17:16
marcoceppiarosales: it's a ~charmers charm, it's not been taken over by anyone17:17
marcoceppiand we can't just update the store, its a charm that relied on ingestion that no one has taken over17:17
arosalesmarcoceppi: ah, but your listed as a maintainer17:19
arosalesI thought we pushed fixes to this already....17:19
marcoceppii guess I could just move this to my name on charmstore17:19
marcoceppithough I'm really no longer the maintainer17:19
arosalesWell I normally ping maintainers to do this17:20
marcoceppiarosales: maintainers in the yaml file really means nothing17:20
marcoceppiit's the person that matinained it at one point in time17:20
marcoceppiit's really about the owner in the charm store now17:20
arosalesIt's the best we have thus far to mark a maintainer17:20
marcoceppiarosales: but I'm telling you, I've not been maintaining it17:21
arosalesmarcoceppi: in any case if you would no longer like to maintain could you email the list?17:21
marcoceppiit's essentially, unmaintained17:21
arosalesWe have some contributions on it so I'll ping ~charmers to merge and push for now17:22
marcoceppiarosales: you're missing the point17:22
marcoceppiwe can merge it sure17:22
marcoceppibut it'll never get into the store17:22
arosalesSorry, I do understand17:23
arosalesWe need to land the fix in LP17:23
marcoceppibut that fixes nothing in the store17:23
arosalesAnd the push that code to the store17:23
marcoceppithe second half needs a maintainer17:23
petevgbcsaller, cory_fu: Do either of you mind if I push a new build of python-libjuju to matrix's wheelhouse?17:23
marcoceppisomeone other than ~charmers, and I'm not an active maintainer17:23
arosalesSorry me typing on a phone atm17:23
arosalesmarcoceppi: ok, could we17:24
arosalesstart by you emailing the list looking for a maintainer?17:24
arosalesPerhaps there is someone untested in maintaining17:25
arosalesmarcoceppi: thanks17:25
magicaltrouti'm interested in maintaining it17:25
arosalesUntested = interested17:25
magicaltroutbecause i use it and i know of a couple of other issues that I've patched17:25
arosalesLike we have a winner :-)17:26
arosalesmarcoceppi: ^ petevg ^17:26
marcoceppimagicaltrout: if you want to create a public repos *somewhere* I'll merge these two things, convert it to git and hand it over17:26
arosalesmarcoceppi: magicaltrout thanks!17:27
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: i can just push the code to github then?17:27
marcoceppimagicaltrout: as the *previous* maintainer, yes17:27
marcoceppimagicaltrout: if you set up a repo, I'll push over the latest code17:29
magicaltroutshove it in there marcoceppi17:31
marcoceppimagicaltrout: what email address do you want to use as maintainer?17:34
magicaltrouttom@spicule.co.uk please marcoceppi17:39
marcoceppimagicaltrout: cool17:40
marcoceppimagicaltrout: okay, pushed17:44
marcoceppimagicaltrout: if you want to push that to the store, I'll move the promulgated name to you17:45
cory_fupetevg: Nope17:47
petevgcory_fu: you referencing my comment on the hadoop-processing issue? Or is it just a general "nope"?17:48
petevgcory_fu: oh, right. You're answering my question. I had forgotten that I had asked it :-)17:49
cory_fupetevg: :)17:49
petevgcory_fu, bcsaller: Pushed an updated python-libjuju .whl to matrix master. Please pull and rebase if you want to deploy fancy bundles :-)17:50
bcsallerpetevg: thanks17:53
kwmonroelazyPower: mbruzek:  matt's note said charmbox:devel was going away.  can we keep it and build a jujubox:devel that pulls from ppa:juju/devel?  it'd be nice to have a juju/charmbox with 2.1-betaX19:00
mbruzekkwmonroe: make a pull request if you want that and we will review19:02
lazyPowerkwmonroe: we're kind of booked with what we're supporting already. Matts suggestion is what i would recommend, that if you can contribute the Dockerfile and a minimal test (See matts latest pr) we could reasonably get that in and accounted for in the automation.19:03
magicaltroutsorry marcoceppi https://jujucharms.com/u/spicule/nagios-charm19:12
marcoceppimagicaltrout: can you push it as jujucharms.com/u/spicule/nagios ?19:14
magicaltroutdunno why i did that :)19:19
magicaltroutwhats the charm grant command to revoke access?19:23
marcoceppimagicaltrout: revoke19:29
magicaltroutah up a level i was still looking in the grant menu19:32
marcoceppimagicaltrout: done19:41
kwmonroelazyPower: mbruzek:  local build looks good with 2.1-beta1.  here's a pr to bring devel inline with master (plus a couple commits to add ppa:juju/devel).  this will affect cwrbox, so you may want to hold off until https://github.com/seman/cwrbox/pull/2 is merged.20:17
lazyPowerthanks kwmonroe20:17
kwmonroenp.. nice job on travis integration!20:18
lazyPowerthats all matt :020:19
cory_fubcsaller: So, I'm using async for the charm archive download and all, but I can't figure out a way to extract the zip in an async way.  Also, fetching the archive URL involves a non-async call to the charm store API, which we have seen hit a 10s timeout in tests.  I guess my only option on those is run_in_executor?20:33
tvansteenburghcory_fu: that's what i would do (for both)20:59
lazyPowermarcoceppi: Cynerva: ryebot: - https://k8s-gubernator.appspot.com/build/canonical-kubernetes-tests/logs/e2e-node/1122_17:10:48.000    despite the fact we're not officially merged, with some url hax, we're totally in the dashboard :P21:48
ryebotlazyPower: Sweet!21:49
pcdummyWhat are the minimum specs needed for Juju? (To try it out) ?22:06
marcoceppipcdummy: if you're using the lxd provider,  4 cores and 8gb ram22:12
marcoceppiotherwise, a cloud provider22:12
pcdummymarcoceppi: thanks22:19
pcdummyWill install Juju the coming days and give it a try.22:19
marcoceppipcdummy: cool, if you need cloud credentials, sign up for the developer program: https://developer.juju.solutions22:20
pcdummymarcoceppi: juju will give me something like that: https://drawstack.github.io/qxjoint/ ? :)22:21
pcdummymarcoceppi: that was a fun project i was working on (should be a interface for LXD in conjunction with saltstack).22:23
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
lazyPowerpcdummy: correct, however juju is application centric view in the GUI instead of machine/container centric.22:25
marcoceppipcdummy: it will give you something...similar22:25
pcdummyI'll give it certainly a try.22:37
pcdummyjuju has no live migration of containers?23:14
rick_hpcdummy: no, it does not currently23:15
pcdummySo downtimes on maintenance of the host, if the app isn't scaleable/loadbalanced/whatever.23:17

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