
IrcsomeBot1<Deno Jacob> how to emulate android apps on kde04:38
Datis there away to prox krdc?05:01
DarinMillerDat: By chance did you try setting the system proxy to see if that works System Setting | Settings (Network section) | Proxy05:05
Datsystem wide proxy doesn't work05:23
Dator maybe the proxy setting staying in effect05:25
Datmaybe i'll have to leave it open for the world05:30
BluesKajHi folks12:06
R13oseI have been getting this problem for awhile: http://pastebin.com/9Up28Z6014:23
mgoldenR13ose: any other information? Can you run top in a terminal window while it is happening?14:41
R13osemgolden: top?14:42
R13osemgolden: this is limited to the application like the browser etc so I can run other programs at the top.14:44
mgoldenR130se: Open konsole14:53
mgoldenthen type the word "top" at the prompt14:53
mgoldenThat might tell you want program is running14:54
mgoldenIt's possible that something is pegging the CPU and that's what's causing the slowness you're seeing14:54
Biscuit-I need help in customizing my taskbar14:57
Biscuit-I just moved to kubuntu because of dolphin14:58
R13osemgolden: firefox  and xorg are the two biggest in terms of %mem but only firefox is above 2% of the %cpu.14:59
BluesKajBiscuit-, you have optional taskbars available , the default and the "icons only" taslbar15:00
Biscuit-Oh thanks blueskaj15:01
Biscuit-Is there any tool for customization like how gnome has tweak tool15:01
BluesKajright click on the desktop or click the 3 stacled dashes on the far right of the panel and choose agg widgets, Biscuit-15:04
BluesKajadd widgets :-)15:04
Biscuit-Thank you blueskaj15:05
Biscuit-But I was asking about hotcorner configuration15:05
yocs0000hi everybody! Can you manage ftp connection through dolphin 5 Version 16.04.315:06
BluesKajBiscuit-, I recommend you become familiar with system settings first , it's in the kmenu15:07
Biscuit-Alright, it will take some time.15:07
Biscuit-I got bored and later, I was like Fuck it and booted back to gnome.15:07
Biscuit-I'll boot it to kubuntu again15:07
BluesKajBiscuit-, kmenuu>computer>system settings15:08
Biscuit-Thank you so much15:08
Biscuit-You've been very helpful15:09
yocs0000solved! thanks ....15:09
BluesKajwell, kde/plasma is quite different than gnome or unity15:09
Biscuit-I seem to like the splitting window a lot15:11
Biscuit-It's worth it, even if it's not as user friendly as gnome15:11
BluesKajit is , but you have to undestand how flexible kde is, more so then gnome15:13
yocs0000not really .... it does not accept any advanced command.15:13
lordievaderyocs0000: Like what command?15:14
BluesKajyocs0000, what advanced command15:14
yocs0000lordievader: for example recursively deleting15:18
yocs0000I think many of the services which were available for dolphin4 are not available anymore on dolphin5, is that correct?15:18
BluesKajyocs0000, give us an example15:18
yocs0000I just did ....15:19
BluesKajsome yocs0000 yes15:19
lordievaderyocs0000: Well, you have a terminal at your fingertips (inside Dolphin).15:19
yocs0000BluesKaj: I have not found any that do actually work .... but dolphin does not check the version, so it is try and fail ....15:20
yocs0000lordievader: what do you mean?15:20
BluesKajyocs0000, try what and fail?15:21
lordievaderyocs0000: In dolphin hit F4 ;)15:22
yocs0000BluesKaj: try to install them and fail15:22
BluesKajinstall what?15:22
yocs0000[15:18] <yocs0000> I think many of the services which were available for dolphin4 are not available anymore on dolphin5, is that correct?15:23
yocs0000[15:19] <BluesKaj> some yocs0000 yes15:23
BluesKajyeah what are you tryiung to install specifically ?15:23
yocs0000BluesKaj: the point I am making is that there is no check on version, so you have to keep trying and failing .... for example if yu want to install a "open as root" service or a "convert file to mp3" service15:25
Biscuit-There are so many people on this group too15:25
BluesKajyou open with root permissions on kubuntu, that's the safest method , this isn't debian15:27
yocs0000BluesKaj: you lost me ....15:28
BluesKajyocs0000, you lost me too due to your inability to be specific about what your are really tryiung to do ....15:29
lordievaderBluesKaj: His point is quite clear to me, yocs0000 says that Dolphin 4 services are incompatible with Dolphin 5, and there is no check to see if a downloaded service is for Dolphin 4 or 5.15:30
lordievaderyocs0000: I'd suggest to file a bug for this on bugs.kde.org ;)15:30
BluesKajanyway I have other things to do ..ok lordievader you deal with it15:31
yocs0000BluesKaj: I am trying to install a service in dolphin 5 to "open as root"15:31
BluesKajsince 15.04 it's plasma 5 , that all there is to it15:32
yocs0000BluesKaj: does not seem terribly difficult to understand: dolphin > Settings > configure dolphin > Services > Download new services15:33
yocs0000BluesKaj: search for "root"15:33
yocs0000BluesKaj: choose the first service15:33
yocs0000BluesKaj: install15:33
yocs0000BluesKaj: fail15:33
yocs0000BluesKaj: choose the second service .... and so on15:33
lordievaderyocs0000: File a bug ;)15:33
yocs0000lordievader: OK, that is a sensible answer, thank you, I will do.15:34
BluesKajyocs0000, simple root actions menu15:35
BluesKajyocs0000, seearching for root gives a list of about 8 optional services here15:39
BluesKajyocs0000, which plasma version are you running ? plasmashell -v15:40
yocs0000BluesKaj: yes ....15:42
BluesKajok yocs0000 the second service listed under root fails here as well, I'm on plasma 5.8.315:43
BluesKajplasmashell -v in the terminal gives your version15:44
yocs0000BluesKaj: mine is 5.7.5 I believe .... but imagine being someone who does not know about plasma version, for 5 minutes.15:45
lordievaderHe just sees a broken service system ;)15:46
BluesKajyocs0000, .well, sorry about the misunderstanding , i have never tried to add a service to dolphion so I had no idea what you were talking about at first15:48
BluesKajmines brokenas well :/15:48
BluesKajthe defaults work , the optionals don't15:49
yocs0000lordievader: how many time did it happen let's say in the 4 years?15:49
lordievaderyocs0000: Did what happen?15:50
yocs0000OK, rephrasing .... I have been on KDE since 1997 .... so 19 years, coming on 20. How many times did it happen that we broke all the services by implementing changes without the proper change management procedure in place?15:52
lordievaderNo idea, never used Dolphin services.15:53
yocs0000lordievader: OK, even wider and simpler .... in general .... How many times did it happen that we broke services by implementing changes without the proper change management procedure in place?15:54
lordievaderEuhh, from what I remember the upgrade 4 -> 5 went a lot smoother than 3 -> 4. I usually don't notice major breakage with version upgrades (as 5.x -> 5.y). Things, most of the time, improve.15:55
BluesKajI found 4 to 5 less troublesome than 3 to 415:56
BluesKajbut I do miss 4 due the loss of some features like separete VD backgrounds15:58
yocs0000right .... OK .... then we must be using different systems .... I have nly experienced 4 major changes, so probably I do not know exactly what we are talking about .... that is the reason newbies find the system so easy to use.15:58
BluesKajactivities still isn't quite as stable as it could be in that regard15:58
R13oseany other thoughts on my question?16:10
BluesKajR13ose, all i can suggest is update and upgrade your..seems someting is missing  packages16:16
BluesKajoops your packages16:17
R13oseBluesKaj: which packages are missing?16:17
BluesKajdunno,  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgarde16:18
BluesKajerr upgrade16:18
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oncaI never set a password for root and accidentally unchecked administrator from my user account.17:26
oncanow I can't update my system. :/17:26
DragnslcrYou might able to fix it with a Live CD/USB17:27
DragnslcrBoot a live OS, mount the hard disk, and manually edit the system files17:28
oncaoh that's an idea.17:28
geniiBoot to a livecd, mount the hard drive, edit the old /etc/group file to append adm:x:4:syslog   to adm:x:4:syslog,yourusername17:28
geniiSave, reboot to hd17:29
DragnslcrIs it adm or sudo?17:29
DragnslcrWell, I know it's both17:29
DragnslcrBut I think it's the group "sudo" that lets you run commands with sudo17:29
geniiAppend sudo line in there while you're at it :)17:30
BluesKajonca, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/user-management.html17:30
yocs0000sorry, back! How do you run applications as root using a graphical interface?18:19
BluesKajin kde it's kdesudo name of package in the run command or the terminal, which then launches the app in gui form, afaik18:23
yocs0000BluesKaj: no other alternative? for example, from the menu of dolphin, or from KDE main menu?18:29
yocs0000BluesKaj: it is for a newbie who needs to install packages on her laptop18:29
BluesKajyocs0000 , have you been running debian all these years?18:30
BluesKajsudo apt install nameofpackage ...sudo gives root permissions to the user , that's all that's required on kubuntu18:31
yocs0000BluesKaj: no .... mandrake, mandriva,opensuse, kubuntu among many.... highly customised I have to say. Everything from CLI, so I am not very familiar with GUI .... not at all actually!!!!18:33
BluesKajthe post above assumes you are using the terminal18:36
yocs0000BluesKaj: :D18:37
BluesKaj!root | yocs000018:39
ubottuyocs0000: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:39
yocs0000BluesKaj: I am asking whether there are graphical tools for a newbie ....18:43
BluesKajgraphical tools to do what ?18:44
yocs0000BluesKaj: for example, if you use R when you install additional packages that are not in the repository you need to install the at system level18:44
yocs0000BluesKaj: or if you wnt to install eclipse or android studio18:44
BluesKajeclipse is in the repos/package manager and android studio is not altho perhaps there may be a devel version in git18:48
yocs0000BluesKaj: yes, they are prehistorc versions .... there are people coming to visit the repository as part of the the Jurassic trial ....18:50
yocs0000BluesKaj: s/trial/trail18:51
lordievaderyocs0000: What do you need root for?18:54
lordievaderMost GUI applications don't need root.18:54
BluesKajyeah, i've been scratching my head about this all day :-)18:54
BluesKajok , bbiab, gotta go check the snailmail18:55
yocs0000lordievader: BluesKaj: eclipse, android studio, R task views (are three examples enough?)19:10
lordievaderWhy does eclipse and android studio need it?19:13
lordievaderAt least Android studio runs fine without root.19:14
lordievaderI'd recommend only running things as root if they really need it.19:17
yocs0000lordievader: yes, if you want to install it in the user directory and eat away nerly 6 GB in the /home partition19:17
yocs0000lordievader: (that is with 1 AVD)19:18
yocs0000lordievader: the let's say another 1 GB for eclipse ...19:18
lordievaderJust because they live in a system dir doesn't mean they need root rights...19:19
lordievaderWhy does Android studio need root in your scenario?19:19
yocs0000lordievader: to install yes19:19
yocs0000lordievader: of course, not to run19:19
lordievaderOh, is it just the install? Just grab a konsole ;)19:20
yocs0000lordievader: please, please, pleas19:21
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yocs0000lordievader: follow the discussion ....19:21
yocs0000actually, I think it is hopeless .... which is the reason why so many newbies are put off .... because this is the way the community reacts every time someone rises a good point.19:23
lordievaderyocs0000: Are you trying to say you are looking for a gui package manager?19:24
ubottuMuon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview19:25
lordievaderNot sure if that is still around...19:25
BluesKajyocs0000, you don't seem to understand the difference in (K)Ubuntu betrween root and root permissions for thje user...there's no need to install an app to /home dir , /usr/bin is the normal dir where application are iunstalled to by default19:26
yocs0000BluesKaj: yes, you are right .... I have administered systems only for 20 years. So, guide me through how would you install Android  Studio 2.2.2 woth all useful AVD and SDKs.19:27
yocs0000BluesKaj: s/woth/with19:27
yocs0000BluesKaj: but from the point of view of a newbie (Not my point of view, which took me a considerable amount of time nonetheless.)19:28
BluesKajyocs0000, android studio is not a default application in Kubuntu,  you may have to compile it from source19:29
yocs0000BluesKaj: and then, when you have finished with that, tell me how would you install Eclipse Neon with Modelling Plugins and Business Modellers, if you were a newbie.19:29
yocs0000BluesKaj: no, you well fracking do not.19:30
yocs0000BluesKaj: when the repository has versions that are 4 years old of course.19:30
BluesKajso what , I'm a home user and an experiemnced one , that admin stuff means nothing toe , so trying to pull rank here doesn't cut it for apps that don't apply19:31
yocs0000BluesKaj: what do you mean? if a newbie needs it, needs it.19:31
yocs0000BluesKaj: what I have been trying to say for 2 hours, is that we are making life extremely difficult for non experienced users. And we are.19:32
yocs0000BluesKaj: try doing any of things I told you.19:32
BluesKajyocs0000,  I don't need to ...it has nothing to do wih normal installation procedures in kubuntu,19:33
BluesKajnormal meaning standard best prctices19:34
yocs0000BluesKaj: what do you mean?! They are standard applications for the linux platform. They are ubiquitous! what do you use for developing under android? And for business modelling?19:34
yocs0000BluesKaj: if the current standard does not cover applications that are used by several thousands of users in the community, then it is our standards that are wrong, not the community!19:36
BluesKajthis is kubuntu not linux in general19:36
lordievader!info androidstudio19:36
ubottuPackage androidstudio does not exist in yakkety19:36
BluesKajthis is where i get off , not wasting my time any longer19:37
yocs0000BluesKaj: so, you are saying, that because this is Kubuntu, the newbies should be miserable every time they have to install an application that is not in the repository?19:37
lordievaderWithout it being in the Ubuntu repo it will be difficult for a newby user to install, I do agree.19:37
yocs0000BluesKaj: I really do not understand your point19:38
yocs0000lordievader: thanks God in Heaven! so, we can agree and close the discussion .... but really, we need to sort ourselves out or we will be completely marginalised. Have a  good evening.19:41
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