
dholbachhey hey07:47
Mister_Qsvij ubucon europe meeting today ? :D08:13
CoderEuropeJust askin' who is doing the Ubuntu-On-Air Q&A this afternoon ?14:11
CoderEuropeQUESTION: Just wonderin' : If the Ubuntu-On-Air Q&A is happening  this afternoon  as it is not advertised: http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/14:22
popeyi removed it from the calendar, and updated the topic in the channel14:26
popey(so no)14:29
CoderEuropecheers popey, Could the gnew 'Ubuntu Testing Day' on Fridays be added (as I am not sure if that is scheduled either ?) ?14:44
popeygood idea14:44
popeyI'll speak to leo14:44
CoderEuropek, If you could refer him to the wiki-page too to update. ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay ) He said he'd look at updating it - but didn't know of its existence.14:46
CoderEuropeI would do it myself, but I cannot edit the wiki ;/14:47
CoderEuropek bye14:49

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