[00:16] !info linux-image-generic [00:16] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB [00:49] tfw [07:16] hi all === JanC is now known as Guest13710 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [12:06] Hi folks [14:20] Hi [14:21] I am still getting this: http://pastebin.com/9Up28Z60 [14:22] oh well [14:22] ask in #ubuntu or #kubuntu [14:23] okay, thanks [14:23] How come Linux is not more popular? [14:24] values about freedom only get you so far, just look at the issues you can't solve :) [14:26] yes but other OSes have even worse problems [14:28] nope [14:28] only for those who can't set them up [14:29] really? [14:30] Many people don't even know what an operating system is, let alone that there are more... [14:31] Microsoft seems to have a monopoly on pre-loaded OSes. [14:32] yep, naughty tactics [14:40] yeah, just try to buy a pc or laptop without an OS [14:41] it wouldn't save you much anyway, i remember when that idea started going around about declining the licenses on firing up a new machine and asking for a refund [14:41] at least you can custom build desktops and do whatever OS wise :> [14:41] How do you buy a laptop without an OS at a store? I only find ones that have OSes [14:42] you don't [14:42] but you could go to a company that sells laptops with Linux, they do exist [14:43] examples? [14:43] a friend managed to buy one, but he still paid the list price. [14:43] honestly this is too basic for you to be asking, use a search engine. [14:43] :P [14:45] R13ose, over here computers aren't loaded with windows until the machine is sold...usually unless they're on sale [14:45] Dell used to sell Ubuntu machines, not sure if they still do. [14:47] yeah developer edition [14:53] I am never switching to another OS ever again [14:54] that's nice [16:29] any here? [16:30] yes [16:30] what's up bro [16:31] can i do a question? [16:31] sure [16:33] reconnect: but note, this isn't the support channel [16:34] what u think about other distributions? [16:34] I was gonna wait to see the question first. haha [16:34] reconnect: I like a lot of them. Mint, Gentoo, Arch are all nice. Haven't tried many others. [16:34] They all have their nice things and not so nice things. [16:35] nicomachus: cool [18:26] hey Bashing-om [18:27] hi pauljw [18:30] :O \o [18:31] hey daftykins [18:43] hey EriC^^ :) [18:44] EriC^^: ! He's our man . What it be ? [19:41] hey Bashing-om [19:41] how is your evening going? [19:42] EriC^^: You are having fun now . Booting issues to keep you occupied :) [19:42] lol [19:42] you know me too well :D [19:43] Well, just glad you are on the channel to keep us all in-line . I am still way behind booting up EFI systems . [19:46] i'm glad to be here, cozy bed smokes and chips [19:47] the weather really took a turn this past couple weeks, at least here in lebanon [19:48] did the nvidia work? [19:51] EriC^^: Well ., nVidia - yes and no .. But I am in a happy state with it . in 14.04 there is no open source driver support but even on the vesa driver the performance is better than with that old ATI card . 16.04 on the spinner has no issues with the new nVidia card . [19:53] EriC^^: ^^^ but but but .. 14.04 on my minimal build my own - even after messing about a bunch with 16.04 - remains my perferred system . [20:00] same here, 14.04 is pretty dear to my heart [20:01] last of the sane editions! [20:01] well, for server at least >:) [20:09] well .. I must tell the truth .. last sane edition for me was 10.04 ! Then came upstart and all the ither releated changes - not for the good . [20:13] i've yet to try 10.04 [20:14] i'm pretty curious, many people say good things about it [20:20] EriC^^: But 10.04 was a long time in the past . It is history now . I am real slow about abou picking up on 16.04 - systemd . [20:21] same here just the very basics [20:21] i dont really know much upstart either [20:21] just service .. restart and such