
vinceiszombie_Hello, I have an error like "No rules to build target src/R.stamp" trying to build ubuntu touch.00:50
vinceiszombie_Does it happen to anyone ?00:50
swalladgeHow can you install more desktop apps? There's a scope listing the currently installed ones but no settings or other info02:31
dobeyswalladge: in the "Libertine" app. it allows you to manage the containers02:40
dobeyswalladge: or just "apt-get install foo" from within the container, i think, if you have xterm installed in it for exmaple.02:41
dobeyswalladge: or the main terminal app under unity8 (if you have it installed) you can use the libertine-container-manager CLI tool, iirc02:41
swalladgedobey: how does one obtain the libertine app? It doesn't seem to be in the app store, neither is it on my device02:43
swalladgeor does it still require manual installation as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Libertine ?02:44
bregmaswalladge, the app itself in not available as a click in the store, but the command-line tools are available on all up-to-date devices02:45
swalladgeso i should be able to run something like `libertime-container-manager install-package -p <pkg>`?02:49
swalladgehmm do I need root privs? it's trying to write to /var/cache/apt/ and failing02:50
dobeyi don't recall the exact args. no you don't need root privs02:59
bregmaswalladge, have you created a container using libertine-container-manager ?02:59
dobeyyou might need to create a new container to install additional apps in though. i don't recall if you can do it in the default container02:59
dobeybecause of the root fs being readonly and whatnot02:59
bregmayou can not use the default "puritine" container, it's write-only02:59
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swalladgeAh that makes sense, thanks03:46
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NeoTheThird[m]I have some trouble booting the ubuntu emulator. Can anybody help me? askubuntu.com/questions/854602/ubuntu-touch-emulator-on-16-1010:09
sil2100NeoTheThird[m]: hi! Sorry I got preempted yesterday - you're using yakkety on your host machine, right?10:13
NeoTheThird[m]sil2100 (IRC): Hey, yes, i am10:14
sil2100Not sure if that's still the case but during the release of the last update we noticed that yakkety has a regression in qemu IIRC10:15
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1625182 in Canonical System Image "Ubuntu-emulator not working on Yaketty" [Medium,Confirmed]10:15
sil2100This *might* be the issue you're experiencing ;/ Not sure why no one actually got this fixed yet10:15
NeoTheThird[m]Ok, thanks, that does sound like my problem.10:16
NeoTheThird[m]Now i now, it's not just me, thank you!10:16
NeoTheThird[m]I bought a used nexus 4 as a debugging device for 65 bucks on ebay, so i will be able to continue my testing, it will arrive in a few days.10:18
NeoTheThird[m]But someone should really fix that bug!10:18
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subhoGuys, is the ubuntu-device-flash moved from the repo??14:21
k1lsubho: nope14:21
k1lmake sure to have universe enabled14:22
subhowhen I try to install it, the following error occurs: http://termbin.com/w3n514:22
subhoOh, yeah I have enabled it14:23
dobeyyeah, "You have held broken packages"14:24
subhoI auto removed autocleaned and cleaned14:25
subhoWhat to do then??14:25
k1lsubho: "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt install click-ubuntu-policy" and show the output14:26
k1lapt-cache policy click-ubuntu-policy14:28
k1lwhat ubuntu are you on?`"lsb_release -sd"14:30
dobeyalso you should probably add ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa14:32
subho14.04 Trusty14:32
k1leither he is on trusty and installed the 16.04 package manually or he has not enabled universe14:32
dobeyyou should definitely add ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa14:33
subhodobey: I added that ppa14:33
k1lsubho: you cant mix packages from 16.04 and 14.04.14:33
subhoAnd I have enabled Universe14:33
subhok1l: How, to start fresh14:33
k1lsudo dpkg -r ubuntu-device-flash14:34
subhoIt isn't installed. http://termbin.com/in0714:35
k1lsubho: "dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-device-flash"14:37
subhoOkay done. No output14:38
k1lwell. does "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" run without issues? then you should be fine14:39
subhoNo problems in running that.14:41
k1lok. what brings you "apt-cache policy ubuntu-device-flash"14:41
k1lgrep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |nc termbin.com 999914:44
dobeythe problem is that click-ubuntu-policy isn't available on trusty14:45
subhoSo, I need to upgrade14:46
dobeywell somoene needs to build it for trusty in the PPAs14:46
subhodobey: Hasn't someone done it?? Cause someone should have14:47
k1ldobey: but i dont see ubuntu device flash in any of the ppas for trusty14:47
dobeyobviously someone has not done it, otherwise it'd be there and you wouldn't be here asking about it :)14:47
k1lah wait, the source package is "goget-ubuntu-touch". ok14:48
subhoOkay then, do know how to install ubuntu touch for mako without it14:49
dobeyoh, it's still only the older version there14:50
sil2100Yeah, I don't think anyone worked on having the tools up-to-date for trusty14:51
dobeysubho: well you can disable the ubuntu-sdk-team and phablet-team PPAs, and then apt-get update, and then install it from the trusty universe instead14:51
dobeythough i don't know if that version will work exactly14:52
subhoHow to install from trusty universe??14:52
dobeysubho: or you can just grab https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/click-ubuntu-policy_0.2_all.deb and install that manually, and then install ubuntu-device-flash from the PPA probably14:52
subhodobey: The ubuntu-click-policy deb file you provided is giving errors. Dependency is not satisfiable14:54
subhodebsig-verify (>=0.15)14:55
dobeysubho: try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/click-ubuntu-policy_0.1_all.deb then14:55
subhoOkay done.14:56
subhoI also need ubuntu-snappy-cli14:56
dobeyoh, yeah, that's not on trusty yet i don't think14:57
subhoSo, no other way??14:58
dobeysomeone will need to fix the packages, or snappy needs to be released for trusty15:02
dobeyor you can do as i said and try the old version of the tool that's in trusty archive15:02
dobeyor you can upgrade to 16.0415:02
dobeyor you can boot 16.04 in a VM and forward access to the USB for your phone, and flash from there15:02
subhoThanks man. I will upgrade to 16.04 soon.15:02
dobeyor boot from USB stick15:02
dobeyor just make a minimal 16.04 chroot and install the package in there, and run it from within the chroot15:03
subhoNah, I'm gonna make a complete switch over.15:03
subhoBut on my ancient hardware I would use the 2D version of gnome15:04
subhoIs there any direct ISO file available with the 2D environment15:04
subhoCause I really don't wanna switch over to xfce or lxde15:05
NotKitsubho, maybe try switching to MATE (GNOME 2 fork)15:07
dobeysubho: yeah ^^ Ubuntu MATE is what you probably want then15:09
subhoNotKit will do.15:09
subhoThanks for helping me out.15:10
Laboany news about n5?15:34
dobeyLabo: how do you mean?15:53
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LaboI want to know something new abour ut for nexus 517:16
dobeyLabo: nothing new really. the port exists on ubports.com best to look there for news, or just try the latest channel.17:20
Labothanks for ur info17:21
Labodobey : devel_rc-proposed channel has new android base.is there any way to install it?sr for my bad english17:28
dobeyLabo: with ubuntu-device-flash from a PC or using system-image-cli --switch on the phone itself17:33
Labodobey : i tried ubuntu-device-flash and stucked with cache/recovery is a directory.I don't know what to do17:36
dobeysorry, i don't know17:37
dobeyLabo: i think there is a #ubports channel or maybe mariogrip can help ^^17:38
Labothank you for ur helps17:38
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mardyrenato__: hi! How can I copy my contacts from one ubuntu phone to another ubuntu phone?20:32
renato__mardy, best way is export it to file manager and import it on a new phone20:33
renato__mardy, or to email app20:33
renato__mardy, it will create a vcard file20:33
dobeyor you can just copy the .evolution dir20:34
mardyrenato__: mmm... I can only share contacts with messaging-app or dekko...20:35
renato__mardy, do you have file-manager installed?20:35
renato__mardy, should work with deko20:35
renato__I never tried20:35
mardydobey: I copied ~/.local/share/evolution, and that didn't help20:35
mardyrenato__: ops, no, I didn't!20:37
mardyrenato__: oooh, it worked :-) Thanks a lot!!20:41
renato__mardy, welcome20:41
dobeymardy: you probably need to make sure the addressbook backend isn't running when you overwrite the sqlite db file though :)20:41
mardyrenato__: it doesn't import the preferred contacts, but that's no big deal, since I had only one there20:41
mardydobey: silly me, that was probably it20:41
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