
=== BuZz_ is now known as Guest93656
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Electronic Greetings Day! 😁09:19
phabletfirst time w b m 1009:25
phabletbq  m1009:26
diploMorning all09:29
diploHows you foobarry ? Any luck on the job hunt? Sure you were looking at some point recently09:38
foobarryi flip between looking and not looking09:51
foobarryi think i'm a bit fussy basedon location and job spec09:51
foobarryi occasionally become less fussy depending on circumstances/annoyances at work09:51
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:52
popeyfoobarry: you want a spherical lunar device atop a narrow wooden pole?09:55
foobarrydon't we all?10:11
foobarrymy raspi official 2A charger doesn't charge my tablets :(12:02
foobarrywasted purchase12:02
diddledanget a raspi to hang off the end and then it'll not be wasted :-p12:04
foobarryyeah, i can't find my pi zero.12:04
foobarrytoo small12:04
diploI bought some great chargers that work with everything so far12:11
foobarrythey had a 2.5 A raspi charger but didn't think it was necessary12:12
foobarrybecause everything said 2A was sufficient12:12
diploThose are the ones I'm using for Pi's / phone charging12:13
foobarrysimilar to my pi charger12:13
foobarrynot sufficent it seems for hp touchpad (and hudl2 possibly012:14
popeydon't you need the resistors inside the charger to tell the device it can deliver that current?12:14
diploWorks for my mums N712:14
diploYeah, best thing to buy is the MK sockets now, deliver the optimal current to your devices12:14
popeythey're always on though?12:16
foobarryMK sockets?12:16
BigRedSMK do mains sockets with USB sockets in them12:16
BigRedSlots of companies do, but MK's are better than most. I assume that's what diplo means12:17
foobarrybtw one of my wall sockets is jammed "on". why would this happen? quite a new socket (2yrs old)12:17
diploSorry phone went12:20
diploYep exactly, they auto modify the current to your usb cable dependant on the device it detects12:21
diploMore expensive than most USB sockets, but better too12:21
zmoylan-pii got a surge protection plug that has usb sockets on it.  works well12:29
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: A short on the inside fusing something? Flip the breaker and take a look13:22
foobarryTwistedLucidity: if thats the case, would the socket next to it be ok?13:24
foobarrymy missis said the one stuck on was getting hot13:24
foobarry(we aren't using it anymore)13:24
foobarryby "next to it", i mean the other one of a socket pai13:25
TwistedLuciditySounds like a short, the whole thing is suspect. Get it replaced ASAP13:25
TwistedLucidityOr, at least, get it looked at13:25
foobarryfinding good tradesmen is hard13:26
diddledandigital economy bill blocking porn. what about twitter asks an MP. ""We are legislating to prevent as much as possible of that inadvertent viewing by those who are not desperately actively seeking to do so." <-- surely most teens who find porn are in that category?! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-3814375713:33
diddledanand my constituency MP Maria Miller claims that everything is possible by making law13:34
diddledanapparently laws make the impossible happen13:34
foobarrymy usual question is , while all of redit be blocked?13:35
foobarryi'd love a filter that disallowed adult subreddits13:35
foobarrynot just via a setting in your user profile which is self policed13:35
foobarryreddit has the best and worst of the web13:35
zmoylan-pisayonara tumblr13:35
zmoylan-piand isn't the only thing this bill will do if passed is teach every kid how to bypass it and then share those skills with adults?13:36
diddledanI saw a tweet earlier today that muted the thought that the Government are actively trying to drive tech companies out of the country13:36
diddledanthat too13:37
zmoylan-piand starbucks13:37
diddledanoh golly, starbucks. don't get them started on starbucks.13:37
foobarrywhat about sb?13:37
diddledancoffee is gonna be illegal methinks13:37
foobarryi stopped rading about the news again13:37
foobarrytoo many depressing stories recently13:38
foobarrycoffee meh, no biggue13:38
diddledanTrump. So much Trump.13:38
foobarryshould double click on a word in terminal typically use : as a delimiter?13:39
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TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Not so much, there's various trusted-trader schemes. Or ask your neighbours who they use and if they would recommend them13:59
foobarrymy neighbour who flings dog poo onto my patio...might give him a miss. yeah i'll ask my builder/plasterer other neighbour instead :)14:01
daftykins#1 neighbour14:04
daftykinsalways worth nixxing those TR-06# features when you can14:55
TwistedLucidityWhat I don't understand is, why (for normal people) does the home router need *ANY* external port open?15:33
TwistedLucidityOh, and then there's UPnP15:33
daftykinsand NAT-PMP15:33
foobarrytalktalk keep an open port to "updat your firmware"15:33
foobarryand they do15:34
daftykinsTR-06# are remote techs so your ISP can look at your router when you call up support15:34
TwistedLucidityMy router, my firmware, my problem15:34
daftykinsright, YOU might use your own, but the article was talking about ISP Supplied ones - read the article TwistedLucidity15:35
* daftykins groans15:35
TwistedLuciditydaftykins: I did15:35
TwistedLucidityIt was a general point15:35
foobarrythen i generally need to allow ISP to do bits15:35
daftykinsright which doesn't apply15:35
foobarryor risk losing my connection15:35
foobarryor losing bandwidth15:36
TwistedLucidityI have to use my ISP's router. Luckily it has a modem-mode; problem solved15:36
diploCan't use your own router with Sky, I used to without issue but stopped working recently and whatever I try fails15:39
daftykinsprobably added a VLAN15:43
TwistedLucidityRouter <-> VM SuperFlub (modem-mode)15:46
diploWell I'm about to cancel Sky TV, see what they offer on the broadband/fibre and make my decision whether to stay or move after that15:55
foobarrysaw some company on the tube offering broadband only (no phone) for £2015:55
daftykinsi took apart an old Thomson sky HD box of a clients last night, 300GB maxtor HDD inside, bit of a blast from the past15:55
diplofoobarry: vodafone are doing that 25 or 27 quid i think16:07
diploThomson one, blimey that's old16:07
daftykinssurely there's still a line rental separate16:07
daftykinsyeah it is, it's been in his understairs cupboard for a while because it used to play up :)16:08
daftykinsi said i'd take it home and have a look if it had bad capacitors16:08
diddledanthe problem isn't so much that TR-069 exists, more that the ISP didn't firewall it off or put it onto a VLAN (BT Openreach has it on a separate VLAN so that the general public can't access the network at all)16:10
* diddledan checks the config on his16:11
daftykinsno i wasn't attempting to infer that16:11
diddledanTR-069 on my openreach modem is on vlan 301 where the public internet is on vlan 10116:11
daftykinsit's an unnecessary feature though16:11
diplodaftykins: ref line rental, they are being built into the price now so you don't have two different bills16:22
daftykinsmaybe in your country :)16:24
foobarryi found a jersey 20p piece and couldn't pass it on16:24
foobarryfortunately self service tills take them16:24
daftykinsyeah, we're not allowed to spend Guernsey or Jersey money anywhere but some ports of ingress - it's a right hassle16:25
daftykinsalways have to go to a UK notes only ATM or swap with friends/family before travel or similar16:26
daftykinspoor little young dafty got made to buy something himself in a shop as a kid and was embarassed half to death when the guy asked "what the hell is that green thing?" at my lovely crisp Guernsey £1 note :(16:27
diddledanwell that's a bit nuts. my parcel due in a few minutes has journeyed from guildford (not far from here) up to birmingham (other side of the country) and then back down to basingstoke (here)16:45
daftykinscouriers #116:46
diddledanit literally went past basingstoke to get to birmingham16:46
diddledanunless it went to the m25 I guess16:47
diddledanit might have gone guildford->m25->m40->birmingham I suppose16:48
* daftykins smiles and nods at the mainlander talk16:49
diddledanyeah, loookin at maps that's probably the route it went16:49
diddledandaftykins: you have motorways, too. that dirt track behind the coop16:49
* diddledan assumes you have a coop16:50
daftykinsthat's the sheep racing track16:50
diddledansheep racing is a welshman's sport. they run away when you're randy so you chase them16:51
SebthreeBQM10HDAnyone like PC World in here?16:52
daftykinsyeah i've heard what you do on those 'holidays' of yours!16:52
SebthreeBQM10HDwhat go to PC World? nope :)16:53
daftykinsi don't really believe a word AMD says since they talk up their gear then release lemons - but https://www.amd.com/en-us/innovations/new-horizon16:55
daftykinsdiddledan: that's nothing new, seen that loads of times16:55
daftykinsfound folks machines with chrome and updating broken due to a single registry key o016:56
DJonesffs, Why do new mobile phones not have a standard "ring ring" alert tone, all they seem to have is fantasy musical tunes17:14
daftykinsheh yeah, at least you're checking - i always hear the manufacturer default sounds whilst out and about ;)17:15
DJonesAll I want it to do is malke a ring ring tone when somebody's ringing me, not beyonce or any other random artuste17:17
DJonesDammed googe pixel setup17:17
daftykinsoh you got a pixel?17:17
DJonesYeah, I was due an upgrade a couple of months back. but wouldn't pay the increased contravt price, noticed a cyber monday discount that leaves me better off when I sell my old phone17:19
daftykinshow handy17:20
DJones(over the course of the contract anyway)17:20
DJonesPaid an extra £30 up front, plus £1.50/month for 24 months, can sell the old phone for £100, so still make a profit even buying a new case17:21
xnoxpixel - want, but don't want to pay for it =(17:22
* xnox is on the original nexus 6 at the moment17:22
daftykinsi just ordered a OnePlus 3T for a client17:22
DJonespixel is nice17:22
xnoxwill wait until nexus 6 dies17:22
daftykinschristmas gift for his wife17:22
DJonesdaftykins: Yeah, surem whats the betting his wife gets his old phone :)17:23
daftykinsnah he'll hold onto his17:23
DJonesI had to laugh before, my parents are heading out to Perth, Australia to visit my dad's sister before Christmas. Speaking to her before she said that she had her old iphone ready and waiting for them to use when they arrive....Thats a joke, they won't even switch their own mobiles on because they have to recharge them17:25
DJonesI guess the peril's of being nearly 8017:26
daftykinsclients' secretary and husband go out to Perth a lot, they have a tale of picking up an Aussie SIM and being promised cheap calls back to home but all the credit disappearing in seconds, no idea what happened there17:26
daftykinsthey were asking me about how to use skype so they could call for free17:27
DJonesI just tell my parents to use hangouts17:27
DJonesThey can do that accidentaly, just don't know which icon to press to do it deliberatly17:28
daftykinsi don't see any benefit either way17:28
DJonesNot much difference, just I don't use skype, and they don't speak to anybody else over the internet apart from me17:29
daftykinsyeah they're middle aged and the fella wants to skype his mother i think, who has an iPad - so mmm17:31
DJonesdaftykins: You're not based in Jersey are you (I don't think so from what you've said in the past) just saw a news report about the undersea cables to Jersey being cut17:31
daftykinsnah the better island, Guernsey17:31
daftykinso rly, that might still mess things up for me17:32
DJonesA ship dragging its anchor on the seabed in the English Channel has cut the three main internet cables to the Channel Islands overnight.17:32
DJonesBroadband speeds are expected to be slower as a result and cable owners JT, Sure and BT say it could take up to three weeks to repair.17:32
DJones"It is exceptionally unlucky and unprecedented for three submarine cables to the UK to be cut in the same day."17:33
DJonesJust thought it worth a mention17:33
daftykinsindeed, thanks for the heads up17:33
DJonesI saw that this morning, but first time I've been online since17:34
DJonesAh well, good luck, hope it doesn't affect you17:36
daftykinsoh neat my ISP only had voice cables affected17:36
diddledanit's happening! http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/11/29/ofcom_to_force_a_legal_separation_of_bt_following_failed_voluntary_proposals/19:41
zmoylan-pioh for the good old days when they were a monopoly and had no competition19:42
daftykinswon't prevent back room chatter so it'll probably be totally useless19:44
zmoylan-pibut it'll look like they did something... yay \o/19:45
diddledandoes anyone use private modes in their browser for normal things that isn't adult entertainment?19:47
diddledanthat's in reference to this tweet that just arrived: https://twitter.com/firefox/status/80368667914799923219:48
zmoylan-piany time i log into gmail i use a private mode19:48
zmoylan-piabout 1-2 a year19:48
daftykinsyeah i use it for online banking19:56
daftykinsbed! \o20:07
zmoylan-pisleep well20:07
diddledanat 8pm?! :-o20:12
zmoylan-piwell if you want to hack wearing a balaclava and hoodie at 3am you have to get your beauty sleep20:13
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