
RAOFXorg's hybrid support is marvellously seamless.02:04
RAOFIf it wasn't for the terrible tearing on the second card, you'd hardly notice!02:05
RAOFOr, rather, you *wouldn't* notice.02:05
=== JanC is now known as Guest13710
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tseliotmamarley: does patching 304 work for you? I lack the hardware to test here15:15
mamarleytseliot: I haven't tried, but it should work on my 8600m GT.  I can try later today when I get home from work.15:16
tseliotok, let me write the patch15:19
tseliotmamarley: here's the patch for later http://people.canonical.com/~amilone/patches/buildfix_kernel_4.9.patch15:26
mdeslaurtseliot: hi! any news regarding an updated 304 driver that fixes the regression from the security update?16:45
tseliotmdeslaur: I haven't heard from them in a while. I'll ask them again this week17:31
mdeslaurtseliot: thanks. I'm tired of getting hate mail :)17:35
tseliotmdeslaur: :D17:40

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