
b_bi'd like to propose small changes to Box8 theme13:36
b_b(mainly for usage with unity)13:36
b_bhow can i propose my patches ?13:36
b_bhi again...14:28
lynorianb_b in launchpad is one way17:10
b_bhi lynorian17:10
b_b'k i got an account but i've never used their cvs17:11
b_bor should i just open a bug and propose a patch ,17:11
lynorianYes you can open a bug on launchpad17:12
b_bcan't find a way on this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-art17:17
b_bstrange, i'm pretty sure that i've seen a way top open an issue there some times ago17:18
b_band, just in case, i'm logged :)17:36

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