[01:39] hey i tried to wipe a drive with the livecd i had but i keep getting an error [01:39] on my mac it was "unable to write to the last block of the device" [01:40] now it's "Input/output error (udisks-error-quark, 0)" [01:40] sorry not getting it plshelp (hehe) what are you trying to do with what how? [01:42] trying to wipe/reformat an external hdd because it had permissions [01:43] i read on a forum that linux could maybe finish formatting when mac couldn't [01:43] so you're trying to use a lubuntu livecd (which version?) on a mac (what type?) to format an external hdd (usb or firewire?) using what specific software? and what do you mean by "permissions?" [01:47] also plshelp this may be relevant https://askubuntu.com/questions/377253/unable-to-format-usb-drive-with-disks-udisks-error-quark-0 [02:29] 16.10 on late 2011 mbp (and then ibm thinkpad t43 w/ livecd) using usb2 a to b to hp personal media drive hd0000 [02:30] using accessories > disks on lubuntu [02:37] um. how do i unmount the drive in lubuntu? sorry i'm disadvantaged [02:46] Error formatting disk Error creating file system: Command-line 'parted -script "/dev/sdb" mktable msdos' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Error: (udisks-error-quark, 0) [02:48] plshelp, is this 16 MB or is it bigger? [02:53] 120gb hdd === leszek_ is now known as leszek === BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2