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linux_ | que hago para solucionar error de ssl | 02:13 |
loserlaptop | hi | 02:40 |
loserlaptop | anyone here ? | 02:40 |
loserlaptop | :( | 02:40 |
mate|75519 | hola | 08:00 |
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stevenm | can anyone else confirm they're seeing the same bug as me with MATE Search Tool? | 11:01 |
stevenm | try opening it... set 'Look in folder:' to simply 'File System' and search for 'ubuntu-mate' but under 'Select more options' add in 'Name does not contain:' and type in 'png' | 11:02 |
stevenm | you might find (as I have) that although you'd get an instant (or near instant) set of results for 'ubuntu-mate' (as in theory your updatedb is up to date) ... but if you then say to exclude those that mention 'png' in the filename - the search just hangs | 11:02 |
stevenm | i'm not sure why it isn't just doing the same search and just exclude the png ones from being displayed in the results | 11:03 |
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TwoNotes | Since putting a new HDMI display on my RPi, I am getting Ubuntu bug #1574841 on login. Which has been marked invalid. What do I do now? | 13:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1574841 in mate-applets (Ubuntu) "The panel encountered a problem while loading "TrashAppletFactory::TrashApplet"." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1574841 | 13:53 |
steven__ | qwq | 14:15 |
steven__ | hello | 14:15 |
steven__ | ? | 14:15 |
TwoNotes | I added a comment to the report | 14:16 |
steven__ | 有中国的吗。。。。。 | 14:18 |
ali_ | hi | 14:22 |
DarkPsydeLord | ho | 14:23 |
steven__ | 有中国的朋友吗 | 14:24 |
DarkPsydeLord | i dont understant kanji :( | 14:31 |
DarkPsydeLord | just phonetics | 14:31 |
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robot | jose luis | 16:04 |
robot | ola encantado de chatear con vos | 16:06 |
robot | os espero a cualkiera solo chicas y chicos os espero a todos | 16:09 |
DarkPsydeLord | english pls | 16:12 |
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Guest82681 | hablo español y tu | 16:26 |
Guest82681 | ubunto mate hola | 16:31 |
Guest82681 | gracias en castellando | 16:32 |
robot__ | no comprendo inguis | 16:36 |
DarkPsydeLord | chicos lamento cortarles la charla pero en este canal el idioma oficial es el ingles... las charlas en espanol estan en #ubuntu-es | 16:52 |
DarkPsydeLord | alguna gente se ofende con facilidad con charlas en idiomas extrangeros en un canal global | 16:53 |
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Guest65208 | clear | 22:07 |
Guest65208 | shiet waddup | 22:07 |
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