
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:43
davmor2Morning all09:03
brobostigonmorning davmor209:04
davmor2brobostigon: Morning dude how's life?09:05
brobostigondavmor2: a mess, but trying to think postivly and looking forward to better. and you?09:09
brobostigonhttps://download.cyanogenmod.org/get/jenkins/187783/cm-14.1-20161130-NIGHTLY-mako.zip woop09:10
davmor2brobostigon: ouch that wasn't quite the answer I was expecting :( But also Yay for you.  As for me busy and tired but hey I got  a dishwasher and new tablet from black friday so am overjoyed09:10
brobostigondavmor2: :)09:11
davmor2popey: I strayed from the hudl2 the battery started to only last for 2 hours, I picked up the Lenovo Tab 3 8inch fantastic tablet only one complaint it doesn't dim enough but I'm down to 64% battery on 2 days use \o/09:14
zmoylan-pii got the lenovo tab2 8 incher in argos on special a few months back... tis nice.  battery life is good. only thing i find iffy is that tumblr app is very crashy on it and not other android devices i've tried09:17
foobarryhudl2 is prefect except for software and battery09:18
foobarrymini hdmi out micro sd, it has the lot09:18
foobarryfor battery read intel chips09:18
zmoylan-piand i do like otg devices... been able to plug a usb drive with a micro usb socket on one end and normal usb-a on the other is dead handy at geeky meetups for swapping files09:19
davmor2foobarry: yeah I loved my hudl2 when the battery lasted 6-8hours but when it got down to 2 it was ridiculous09:20
foobarry£11.99 buys you a new battery09:24
foobarryor 9.99 actually09:24
foobarrylots sold so must be an issue09:24
zmoylan-pihow old are the hudl2's now? getting on a bit09:27
davmor2foobarry: yeah it is but then you got to go through the hassle of opening the device, replacing the battery and so on, so I got £120 Tablet for £90 instead and no looking back, similar power, marshmellow, runs my banking app that the hudl2 didn't and so on09:27
davmor2oh and the battery lasts days doing the same thing as on the hudl2 :)09:29
popeymine is 2 years old09:29
popeybattery on my hudl2 is fine09:30
popeybut then i rarely use it anymore :)09:30
zmoylan-piwhich in battery years is? :-)09:30
davmor2popey: do you ever unplug it :D09:30
popeySam used it for ages, but now he has my OnePlus One, he never uses the hudl209:30
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Wednesday, and happy Computer Security Day! 😃  🔒09:49
davmor2JamesTait: I discovered this a few days ago looking into firewall for modding a setting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_sSNTP2-T0 enjoy09:53
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JamesTaitdavmor2, I've left the playlist running, I quite like it.10:52
davmor2JamesTait: you're welcome11:04
davmor2JamesTait: the original is more of a rock/pop song but I preferred the nightcore version11:04
foobarryoh. my touchpad does charge if it already has decent charge11:20
foobarrytrickles very slowly11:20
foobarrywith the raspi charger11:20
foobarrybut not from zero11:20
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=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledandavmor2: good tune!14:22
davmor2diddledan: apt at least :)14:24
m0nkey_can confirm14:55
m0nkey_it's available14:55
m0nkey_not for everything, but most things14:55
daftykinstime to hunt for a wall bracket for that fancy 65" LG OLED :O15:03
diddledanscathing: https://richardskingdom.net/investigatory-powers-act-rebuttal15:09
diddledanI found a bug so I made light of it via humour: https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/320515:17
diddledannote my purposeful typo15:19
davmor2diddledan: man it got fix fast ;)15:20
m0nkey_wow, i just found my old nexus one15:32
m0nkey_its charging15:33
m0nkey_should be able to put jelly bean on it, right?15:34
daftykinsspecs are so bad it wouldn't be worth any effort.15:35
daftykinsnah deadly serious, 512MB RAM, oof15:36
m0nkey_it has a legacy feature, which all phones should include15:36
m0nkey_a user replaceable battery15:36
m0nkey_even my Note 4 has that feature15:36
daftykinsi'd be willing to bet most people have moved on before they ever have need to change one anyway15:36
daftykinsm0nkey_: haha cyanogenmod gave up at gingerbread O_O (CM v7)15:47
m0nkey_daftykins, 7.2 was released for it, that appears to be Android 4.4.415:55
* m0nkey_ is taking bets on weather Purolator screws up the delivery again today15:55
m0nkey_This was yesterday: Delayed in transit due to missed connection15:55
m0nkey_Supposed to arrive today15:56
daftykinsnot if it's CM15:56
diddledanm0nkey_: what you getting delivered?15:57
m0nkey_gtx 106015:57
daftykins3GB or 6GB?15:57
diddledanall the GB15:58
daftykinsaww yeah just scp'd the last of the ripped music to a clients file server and desktop PC \o/ yay for remote access15:58
daftykinsalso yay for 10Mb upload :D15:59
diddledanAWS has revenue of 13bn16:02
diddledanthat's their last year16:03
daftykinsmmk :)16:13
diddledanamazon are launching fpga instances16:37
diddledanso that's a compute instance that is connected somehow to fpga chips16:37
m0nkey_I just had a call from Purolator17:39
diddledanoh dear17:40
m0nkey_They claim it's at the 'depot', but no update. Then she went on to say 'It was left at the door'. I bet they lost it.17:40
m0nkey_I told them it better have not been left at the door, any bugger could just take it.17:40
m0nkey_I work from home, to make sure somebody is here to receive it, now they've failed two days in a row.17:41
m0nkey_sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBzU8TD1iks17:46
m0nkey_My guess, somebody 'broke' the box it was in, found it was a GTX 1060 and swiped it.18:01
diddledanamazon just announced a shipping container18:19
diddledan"AWS Snowmobile"18:19
diddledan100PB container in a 45ft truck18:20
zmoylan-piwindows 10 actually _runs_ on it :-D18:21
zmoylan-pii remember a.c.clarke predicting 4pb in a shoebox sized contained for mid 2050s iirc... looking like we'll get there18:27
daftykinscould be!18:28
diddledanof course there's gonna be many jokes when yottabytes are commonplace: "boy, you've got a yotta bytes!"18:28
zmoylan-pihe was suggesting they would be used to distribute illegal copies of library of congress type databases cheap for home useage...18:28
diddledanbut the library of congress takes a couple gig, I thought?18:29
m0nkey_OK, another agent has just told me it's on the truck with the driver. They don't seem to know what the heck is going on.18:29
daftykinsstandard courier then18:30
zmoylan-piall the text of library of congress is about 4pb iirc18:30
zmoylan-pii'm not sure if that's with or without compression18:31
zmoylan-piah, 1 million google accounts compromised by android malware...18:32
m0nkey_Canada Post is the only decent service for deliveries18:32
daftykinsonce again only third party marketplaces, so wholly moot when following sane practices18:33
zmoylan-piput your android device in a plastic bag, never connect it to the net or a pc. leave it locked in a dark drawer and you're grand18:34
diddledanwhat you mean f-droid is unsafe?!18:34
daftykinszmoylan-pi: don't spread FUD18:35
zmoylan-pia layer of fud on top of it in the drawer will help too :-)18:35
diddledanelma fudd18:35
daftykinsi've seen articles that claim it's mostly in the east that people are using third party marketplaces18:35
diddledanprobably getting cracked softwares too18:36
diddledanhence the third-party marketplace18:36
zmoylan-piyeah it does seem that 3rd party markets are the big malware sources for android but a few have made it past google into marketplace till they've been discovered18:36
daftykinssure, but you have to really be installing some really weird junk to get hit18:37
daftykinsdiddledan: yeah or region restrictions maybe18:37
zmoylan-pibe vewy vewy qwiet, it's malware season18:37
daftykinsa client can't get MS Word right now on android because they like to stick their middle finger at anyone signed up with a Guernsey address18:37
zmoylan-piwell those tax havens are notorious :-P18:38
* diddledan middle-fingers daftykins .. quite hard.18:38
zmoylan-pifull of pirates18:38
diddledan*pokey poke poke*18:38
m0nkey_it's here!18:38
daftykinszmoylan-pi: it's not a f*ing tax haven.18:38
m0nkey_that first agent was useless18:38
diddledandaftykins: anymore18:38
daftykinsand i'd appreciate you not to talk bs about my home either18:38
daftykinsno, nor was it18:38
diddledanI still don't really understand the relationship between the islands and britain18:40
diddledanas a britisher we tend to think we "own" the islands18:40
zmoylan-pii think it's people think islands and then mix everything they've heard about all of them under one big label 'islands' and thus mistakes are begun18:41
diddledanzmoylan-pi: you're misspelling ireland :-p18:41
zmoylan-piwell as a german mate said, 'ireland is an island... barely' he wasn't a fan of the damp which comes at you from every direction18:42
m0nkey_Britain rules the world. We only let the US think they do.18:42
diddledanas a friend would say "slap the locals away with my british passport"18:42
daftykinswell that's definitely a refreshing statement to hear diddledan, usually i find the English are trying to teach me about my own home :>18:42
daftykinsthat got old very quickly at Uni18:42
m0nkey_This is why Canada exists, it's bigger and it's on top. Mostly colonized by Brits.18:43
daftykinsdiet 'murica18:43
zmoylan-piand exists just to annoy the americans :-P18:43
diddledandaftykins: I can tell you about your home.. you live there! (that's about the sum of my knowledge :-p)18:44
diddledan<-- Mormon18:45
m0nkey_Think about it, the US didn't go to war with Iraq, the UK did.  The UK also recently introduced the 'snooping' charter, which you can bet your bottom it will be adopted in the US shortly.18:45
diddledanor should that be Norman?18:45
zmoylan-piwell... the uk has always been snooping, now they're just making it official18:45
diddledanI think we need an interlude: https://twitter.com/EmrgencyKittens/status/804033532351971329/photo/118:45
m0nkey_They've been testing the snooping in the US, now deployed on a small scale.18:46
diddledanI like how Britain now has the most repressive surveilance laws in existence which everyone are now clamouring to copy18:47
diddledan"we're world leaders"18:47
m0nkey_Then before you know it, BOOM. Everybody has a Telescreen in their living room18:47
zmoylan-piwhy bother when you've trained all the citizens to carry cameras and microphones around with them 24x718:49
diddledanI sometimes talk to the people bugging my home18:49
diddledanthe idea is to make them wonder if I know they're listening18:49
daftykinsor scare the children18:50
m0nkey_Not everyone has a cell phone, especially here.18:50
zmoylan-piwhere's here m0nkey_?18:50
diddledanagain, Britain is leading the way on self-surveilance18:50
m0nkey_You'll be surprised how many people don't have a cell phone here18:50
zmoylan-pilarge spaces still out of coverage i suspect?18:51
m0nkey_Anywho, I'm going to write a new program this weekend. It's going to generate web browsing noise. Not too much to make look like you're masking something, but just enough to fill their logs up with crap.18:51
diddledanBritain has the most penetration of cellular surveilance equipment disguised as a phone and has the highest proportion of owners submitting their daily activities to the state social network, Facebook18:51
m0nkey_In Canada, most of the coverage is located in major cities and along the border (where 95% of the population live)18:52
m0nkey_When you head north, little or no cell coverage18:52
diddledanthe border is well populated because it's full of Americans who escaped18:52
m0nkey_Heck, I drove to Guelph from Montreal, about half way, there was no cell coverage.18:52
zmoylan-pisolar powered mesh connecting mini towers attached to migrating moose... :-P18:53
m0nkey_And just for fun, I've started reading 1984 again. :)18:54
diddledanwhat's the plural of Moose? Meese? Mooses? Mice?18:54
zmoylan-piread it out loud so the security services aren't bored on the job18:54
m0nkey_diddledan, it's just moose.18:54
m0nkey_If you lived in Canada, you'd know that.18:55
zmoylan-piby the time you've worked out the plural for moose you've been trampled by a herd so saving time is important...18:55
m0nkey_I need to follow that account18:57
diddledanis it really bad that I know where this picture comes from? https://twitter.com/EmrgencyKittens/status/80194474613855436818:59
diddledanhint, it's a kids' show19:00
zmoylan-pithey're doing a reboot of that show aren't they?19:01
diddledanzmoylan-pi: really?19:01
SebthreeBQM10HD 19:02
zmoylan-pihmm, there was buzz when the 20th anniversary of the show debut rolled around a few months back... http://hollywoodlife.com/2016/09/27/sabrina-the-teenage-witch-anniversary-reboot-melissa-joan-hart/#!19:05
zmoylan-pithey've rehashed every other mediocre show/movie19:06
diddledaninteresting that they're using a standard HDD19:12
diddledanespecially as it's only 1TB.19:12
diddledanI think it would have been better-off by replacing the MSATA SSD with a huge NVMe SSD and getting-rid of the HDD altogether19:13
zmoylan-piwhilest soldering the ram to the motherboard19:13
daftykinswhat makes you say it's mSATA? it's M.219:14
diddledanI thought that's what she said19:14
* diddledan re-runs it19:14
diddledanyou're right19:15
daftykinsi mean an M.2 device can still be pinned for SATA or PCIe operation, but i'd hope it's the latter given the age of the device19:15
diddledanstill, it would be better to use a large SSD than the hybrid nonsense19:17
daftykinsthat whole machine overall is a joke19:18
daftykinsevery all-in-one is, really19:18
diddledanevery manufacturer seems to think integration is the best rather than customisation19:19
zmoylan-pibecause apple made a profit doing it19:21
* zmoylan-pi remembers when pc manufacturer ast shortened keyboard cables by 6" to save i think it was 5c per pc. made their pcs unusable as the cables were too short to reach from under average desk to desk surface. the keyboard would slide towards the pc19:24
daftykinswas that PS/2 connector days, or DIN?19:25
SebthreeBQM10HDwhat's DIN?19:25
zmoylan-pips/2 at that stage19:25
zmoylan-piand a few sockets were damaged by keyboard undertension pulling at the motherboard19:25
diddledanback then it was common for PCs to be horizontal "desktop" units rather than vertical "tower" units19:26
diddledanseems everything is tower these days19:26
diddledanfor self-build that is19:27
zmoylan-pitrue but some of their bigger desktops took up too much space so were put on floor on their side19:27
zmoylan-pi...and made a nice warm spot under your desk for those winter days19:27
* diddledan remembers his first Windows PC - I skipped 3.1 altogether and jumped direct from an 8086 CPU running DOS to a P133 running Win9519:28
diddledanzmoylan-pi: something to put your feet on :-p19:28
m0nkey_boo. Can't use my new 1060 until xmas day :(19:29
diddledanawww :-(19:29
diddledanswap it anyway and tell the wife the one in the box is still the "new" one19:30
m0nkey_I did think about that, but it wouldn't be fair.19:30
m0nkey_She's not allowed hers until xmas either19:30
daftykinsher what? same card? :P19:30
m0nkey_No, a new PVR19:31
m0nkey_She wanted the new one which records 8 channels at any given time19:31
diddledanyou're stuch a good Husband :-)19:31
m0nkey_PLus it does 4K19:31
m0nkey_So, next thing will be a 4K TV19:31
diddledannew TV FTW19:31
diddledancourse you've just had yours19:32
diddledanso it'll have to be hers?19:32
daftykinsbut what broadcast 4K are you going to get that a PVR can record?19:32
* daftykins blinks19:32
m0nkey_Didn't get it for the 4K19:32
m0nkey_got it for the recording19:32
diddledanprolly does netflix which has some 4K19:32
daftykinsyeah i'm kinda wondering what of a PVR needs to support 4K though19:33
daftykinsunless it's got tuners as a cable box as well or some such19:33
diddledanif Virgin let you plug your own box into the cable I'd be tempted to get cable19:34
daftykinssurely there's no own box for TV services though19:34
daftykinsif you meant TV19:34
diddledanwell nobody sells them in the UK because Virgin legalese you into not buying them19:35
popeythere are generic cable boxes, but they're generally not supported in the UK19:35
diddledanI think Virgin scramble the DVB table too, so you need a correction matrix to be able to tune even unencrypted channels19:36
diddledanit is supposed to be standard DVB-C though so apart from the protection on the channel list you should be able to get off-the-shelf stuff to work19:38
diddledanthe thing with cable though is that it's bi-directional so they will probably be able to see that you've got an illegal device attached19:39
zmoylan-pithat and you've stopped ringing their complaints department from using their buggy box :-)19:40
diddledanhah. negative reinforcement19:41
diddledan"as long as they keep phoning for support we're good"19:41
popeyI had a friend who would modify set top boxes so they didnt call back19:42
popeythat was fun19:42
popeymeant he could use cracked cards19:42
MartijnVdS*pets his satellite dish*19:43
MartijnVdSno cards required, AND unscrambled DVB-S(2) signals ;)19:43
* daftykins pats not watching crap19:43
zmoylan-picracked cards and the battle to keep using them took so much time in the 90s19:44
popeyi remember the 'seasons' software back in the day to decode signals offline to make a key for cards19:44
brobostigonhttps://open.spotify.com/track/7Js4OF5MUb2bqJe09g4uQE :)20:06
m0nkey_The wife is awesome20:20
m0nkey_She got home from work 10 mins ago, saw it and said I can use it :D20:20
m0nkey_Off I go and install20:20
m0nkey_gtx 1060!20:50
m0nkey_for s&g, i ran the steamvm benchmark, vr ready baby!20:50
daftykinsyawn VR :P20:51
m0nkey_gonna run 3dmark now20:51
m0nkey_back soon20:51
daftykinsand that was the last they heard from m0nkey21:41
m0nkey_I'm back22:15
m0nkey_Got a pretty decent bench22:15
daftykinsnow for a game! :)22:15
m0nkey_But can it run Crysis?22:17
daftykinsi lost interest in playing those many moons ago22:17
m0nkey_I'll re-install Fallout422:17
m0nkey_It used to lag on that game22:17
daftykinswhat was your last card?22:17
m0nkey_gtx 96022:18
daftykinswow that was a tiny upgrade22:19
m0nkey_it's almost double the performance22:20
zmoylan-piscrolling text has never been so responsive :-P22:21
m0nkey_tested in GTA V, framerate has increased, no more lag which makes it much more enjoyable22:22
Gargoylem0nkey_: Happy with it then? I've got the 1060 pegged for a new system build after xmas?22:22
daftykinsyeah, but just surprising for you to upgrade from22:23
daftykinsi went 560Ti -> 1070 :D22:23
m0nkey_daftykins, i want to get into VR, the 960 was just under the benchmark22:23
daftykinshttps://www.dropbox.com/s/wty9j6ttp1d5hqx/4.jpg?dl=0 :D22:24
m0nkey_would have loved to get the 1070, but there was a $200 price difference22:24
daftykinswhere's the 960 headed?22:24
daftykinsyeah i think i paid £36022:25
m0nkey_it's now in the pc in the living room, replacing an old radeon hd 685022:25
zmoylan-pidoes it make the pc kick out more heat?22:26
m0nkey_not really22:26
daftykinseverything newer would be more power efficient than an AMD HD 6850 XD22:26
m0nkey_less since i took the 6850 out22:27
diddledanI writted a thing: https://medium.com/@diddledan/advanced-composition-of-polymer-webcomponents-9929788024f9#.x6vyvtoiu23:13
diddledanI believe I'm a coolkid now I've published on medium?23:14
m0nkey_lets face it, nutella is f**king delicious23:45

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