=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [13:25] hi there. i'm having an issue, possibly with xorg-edgers's modules / mesa. it only affects a single steam game, though, which is admittedly weird. [13:27] i rebooted this system (actually power off/on) after roughly two weeks of uptime + installed updates. ever since then, mouse and keyboard input is registered with much delay by this 3d MOBA game (called 'Strife', by S2 games). [13:28] neither steam nor this game way updated during these two weeks (or after the reboot). [13:28] s/way/was/ [13:28] nor was steams / this games' configuration changed. [13:29] other 3D games do not show this behavior, however. [13:31] the delay is massive, often taking up to 3-5 seconds (while other times there is no delay at all). it is as if mouse + keyboard input is cached and the cache not checked frequently enough. [13:31] i'll be happy to try and help debugging this further if it seems worth it (but i would understand if not so, since i'm a single user reporting it for a single game only). [13:32] i'm on xubuntu 16.04 (fully patched), AMD RV730 (DRM 2.43.0 / 4.4.0-51-generic, LLVM 3.9.0) [13:33] x86_64 [13:34] i don't dare filing a bug report since i'm not even sure it's worth your time looking into this. [13:34] (but do tell me if i should) [14:05] hey tjaalton, do you know if the new rolling HWE thing will also cover mesa? [14:18] jcastro: normally it would [14:19] it just replaces lts-yakkety/lts-zesty/lts-?? with lts-hwe [14:19] tjaalton: right so what I was thinking, given the announcement, that the point releases with the HWE kernels would help fix the old mesa problem in distro itself [14:20] jcastro: to some extent yes, and we've had that for two lts releases now [14:20] and third still tbd what it looks like [14:20] yakkety shipped with 12.0.3, not 13.0.x [14:21] which is what feral "needs" [14:21] well, tbh I don't think anyone needed mesa to be so aggressively updated until the past year or so right? [14:21] not sure, I don't have AMD gear [14:22] right, amd finally ditched fglrx [14:22] which puts more pressure on mesa [14:23] but, theoretically if the guy pushing aggresively in the PPA's work can be reused in whatever is in -devel and normal releases then maybe the normal releases won't be as behind as much? [14:23] normal releases are still bound to FF [14:24] and upstream release schedule doesn't necessarily align with outs [14:24] ours [14:24] * jcastro nods [14:24] mesa 13 got delayed [14:24] partly because 12 got delayed [14:24] well, I suspect any gamer or enthusiast will just use the PPA and deal with it since that's probably way better for them than the old fglrx days [14:24] I kept asking when 13 is released since august, but didn't get a reply until it was too late [14:24] yes [14:25] HWE wise the latest isn't always needed [14:25] and support for new hw can be backported fairly easy [14:26] I have a package with polaris support (from 12) added on top of 11.2 [14:28] does debian use the same exact packaging? like, do we both build out of that git repo? [14:28] still, would rather see 12 backported as-is, unrenamed. then after 1704 is released the same for mesa 2017.03 or whatever [14:28] yes [14:28] so, if we get those two PPA building guys to just do their work their, it fixes both distros and the PPA. :D [14:28] yes [14:29] they'd need to be on irc and on pkg-xorg [14:29] ack [14:29] preferably #debian-x@ofc too [14:29] oftc [14:29] ok [14:30] I'll recommend that as a next step [14:30] git snapshots don't need to be kept on a proper branch, but once a rc is released it's usually kept on the debian-experimental branch and packaging fixed there [14:30] then once the new release has it's first or second point-release, it's moved to debian-unstable [14:31] or merged there actually [14:31] with every new upstream release there is a certain git dance that needs to be handled so that the history remains intact [14:31] the old upstream needs to be merged with 'git merge -s ours' [14:31] tseliot: Sorry, I forgot to test 304 yesterday. I will do that today. Also, don't hesitate to bug me about these things. :) [14:32] then the packaging branch [14:32] anyway, I can teach them when the time is right [15:10] mamarley: ok, I'll wait for your results. Thanks === JanC is now known as Guest103 === JanC_ is now known as JanC