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geekgonecrazyGreetings everyone.  Does anyone know of a mongodb 3.2 charm?  Looks like the "mongodb" one is 2.4 only02:04
geekgonecrazyor even a mongo 2.6 version :D02:08
lazyPowergeekgonecrazy: Are you looking for one thats ready to use or are you looking for something thats still wip but on its way to being better than the 2.4 charm we have available today?03:07
lazyPowergeekgonecrazy: if you're looking for the former, we dont have anything more recent than whats in the charm store. There's a layer that has been under dev and put on hold for other priorities that you could reasonably pick up and help complete03:08
geekgonecrazylazyPower: i'm not necessarily looking for better.  :)  Rocket.Chat due to meteor underneith needs at least Mongodb 2.6 to function.03:11
geekgonecrazyAfter wasting several hours trying to get our charm working, I finally realized that the mongodb charm is only at 2.403:12
geekgonecrazyI ended up taking the juju 1.x type approach instead of 2.0 so no layers.  Mainly because I was looking to get done quickly and had absorbed enough information prior to your suggestion that it was just easier to go this way for a quick and dirty first version03:14
geekgonecrazylazyPower: but I have a team mate very urgently wanting to try it.  So if you know where abouts I can find the wip version we'd gladly take a look03:18
geekgonecrazyI assume its one that would have to be built and not already in the charm store in some beta form :)03:18
lazyPowergeekgonecrazy: correct, let me fish that repository up03:50
lazyPowergeekgonecrazy: https://github.com/marcoceppi/layer-mongodb03:51
lazyPowerno readme, but the gist is clone that repository, run `charm build` and give it a whirl.03:51
geekgonecrazylazyPower: sweet! much appreciated!03:52
* lazyPower hat tips03:52
kjackalGood morning Juju world!07:53
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jaceknwhat's the process to get this charm into xenial? It should work just fine from what I can see09:15
kjackaljacekn: what charm is this?09:34
jaceknkjackal: I forgot to paste it didn't I? https://jujucharms.com/apache2/trusty/2009:42
jaceknfrom what I can see it's just simple upload + publish09:42
kjackaljacekn: yeap, sounds simple. You should ping the maintainer of the charm09:44
jaceknkjackal: what's charmers' IRC nick?09:46
kjackallet me check09:46
kjackaljacekn:  the maintainer should be gnuoy if I am not mistaken09:47
jacekngnuoy: so hello! I want to use https://jujucharms.com/apache2/trusty/20 on xenial, I think it shoudl work just fine but needs to be pushed to jujucharms.com09:47
jacekngnuoy: is this somethig you can help your IS colleagues with?09:48
gnuoyjacekn, I haven't touched that charm in years09:50
gnuoyjacekn, happy to help out however I can though09:50
gnuoyMaybe transfer of ownership is the best longterm thing?09:50
jacekngnuoy: if you're not active maintainer that's fine, I'm just tryihng to figure out who to talk to abou tit09:50
jaceknthe problem here is that I can probably push it but it's promulgated charm and it would end up in xenial without any review09:51
kjackalHey marcoceppi the jenkins charm on github.com/jenkinsci is using some interfaces that are outside the jenkinsci org. I can add them to the the jenkinsci org if i get added there or we could pull the jenkins charm in juju-solutions along with the review-queue etc.10:52
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marcoceppikjackal: what?13:25
kjackalmarcoceppi: the jenkins charm (https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-charm) uses layers (https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-charm/blob/master/layer.yaml) that are  in free's github repos (eg https://github.com/freeekanayaka/interface-jenkins-extension.git)13:44
marcoceppikjackal: that's fine13:44
kjackalmarcoceppi: wouldn't it be better if we move the interfaces with the charm; under the same org?13:45
kjackalmarcoceppi: Free does not object to that13:46
marcoceppikjackal: sure, but we don't own that org, jenkins does, and it takes a bit of time13:47
marcoceppii'd rather just move the interface to github.com/charms for now, as a central location13:47
kjackalmarcoceppi: that would be an improvement, I could move to juju-solutions13:48
marcoceppi /charms would be better13:48
kjackalmarcoceppi: we are talking about https://github.com/orgs/charms/people ? With three people?13:49
deanmanj #ubuntu13:59
kjackalmarcoceppi: (I thought we owned jenkinsci)13:59
marcoceppikjackal: no, jenkins.org owns it14:00
marcoceppiit's their upstream org14:00
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kjackalkwmonroe: are yo around?14:30
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marcoceppirick_h: btw, stop editing your yaml files for $JUJU_HOME, `juju help set-default-region` ;)14:48
rick_hmarcoceppi: oh! you're right!14:49
* rick_h hangs head in shame14:49
mgzmarcoceppi: some old habits are very hard to break14:49
mgzI almost like hand editing yaml now...14:50
* rick_h thinks mgz is nuts...but ok14:53
rick_hSimonKLB: ok, got one going with released 2.0.1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/23563553/14:54
rick_hSimonKLB: same thing, no volume in the output14:54
SimonKLBrick_h: odd...14:58
SimonKLBrick_h: we seem to diverge at the user data, the size is different and after that i get 'destroying model "controller"'14:59
SimonKLBwhile you get 'started instance "47d92c..'14:59
marcoceppirick_h: what's the api endpoint for bundle file? https://api.jujucharms.com/v5/bundle/canonical-kubernetes/file/bundle.yaml15:00
marcoceppirick_h: I keep trying variations of that, and can't get it to work15:00
rick_hmarcoceppi: s/file/archive15:00
marcoceppibleh, thanks!15:00
SimonKLBrick_h: are you running on the public or private cloud?15:01
rick_hmarcoceppi: there's a link on the charm details page as well15:01
rick_hSimonKLB: public15:01
SimonKLBalso the same then15:01
rick_hSimonKLB: are you on private? I don't think the provider works on the private cloud becuase it's so different15:01
SimonKLBnope, public here as well15:01
SimonKLBthis is really strange :D15:01
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: is developer.juju.solutions still the place for CDP signups?15:03
marcoceppimagicaltrout: yup15:03
SimonKLBrick_h: ah, i'm actually running 2.1-beta1 if that could make any difference15:05
SimonKLBrick_h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23563595/15:06
SimonKLBsee if you can make any sense of it15:07
SimonKLBrick_h: 2.1-beta2 fixed it :)15:18
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cholcombelazyPower, if i'm making a subordinate that needs to access both reactive and non reactive charms is best practice to keep it non reactive for now?19:22
lazyPowercholcombe i'm not sure i understand the question. if its remote charms, it doesn't matter what its built with.19:22
cholcombemy question is i'm making a subordinate to attach to other charms like ceph, gluster, vault, etc.  some of them are old style and some of them are reactive.  icey mentioned that mixing a reactive subordinate with a non reactive charm causes problems19:23
lazyPowerah i haven't run into that. i cant see why it would cause a problem tho19:23
lazyPowerjust make sure you have your subordinate in a virtualenv19:23
lazyPowerwhich can be controlled by the layer.yaml, see layer-basic's readme for that one.19:24
cholcombethe subordinate needs to access the filesystem of the parent charm19:24
cholcombeit's going to be backing up directories from the parent charm19:24
lazyPowershould be fine19:24
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: if I rewrote the Solr Charm in reactive and pulled the lastest solr stuff, is it worth me submitting a PR to the existing charmers solr charm? or just publishing a new one?19:35
magicaltrouti'm working with the JPL/USC guys to bring a web crawler to juju but it requires a newer solr19:36
kwmonroebbcmicrocomputer: i didn't see you here (hence the PM).  anyway, you're the current maintainer of https://jujucharms.com/solr/.  would you like magicaltrout to submit PRs to you, or push a new solr charm?20:01
bbcmicrocomputerkwmonroe, magicaltrout: I'd just push a new charm20:01
kwmonroemagicaltrout: fwiw, bigtop's solr is 4.9.0 (https://ci.bigtop.apache.org/job/Bigtop-1.1.0/BUILD_ENVIRONMENTS=ubuntu-14.04,label=docker-slave/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/output/solr/).  if that's recent enough, i can work with you to create a bigtop-solr charm.20:03
magicaltroutthanks chaps. No kwmonroe we need to target solr6, solrcloud etc20:03
magicaltrouti've just migrated a bunch of stuff off of 4, 4 is like the stone age ;)20:04
kwmonroeheh -- roger that magicaltrout20:04
justicefrieshey all. is the OSX binary for juju building with Go 1.7 yet?20:23
marcoceppigeekgonecrazy: hey, re-mongodb, most everything is there wrt to newer versions. Just needs replicasets20:41
marcoceppijusticefries: no idea, rick_h ^20:41
rick_hjusticefries: marcoceppi sorry, don't think so yet. /me goes to check what go version is available in the ubuntu OS20:41
rick_hhuh, did golang move package names in recent ubuntu versions?20:48
justicefriesdunno. the main reason I ask is we're still suffering a bit from the Go 1.6 MacOS Sierra issue with the juju client, and it makes it hard to distribute around our team.20:49
jrwrenrick_h: not afaik.  still 1.2 everywhere.20:49
justicefriesi'm working off the version I compiled.20:49
jrwrenerr, 1.620:50
* rick_h is on the hunt now, wtf20:50
jrwrenjusticefries: any reason you can't give them your juju binary and tell them to put it in ~/bin or /usr/local/bin ?20:50
marcoceppijusticefries: what's the sierra issue?20:50
marcoceppijrwren: well we should probably fix the issue20:50
rick_hoooh, they moved to the golang-$version20:51
rick_hhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-1.7 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-1.620:51
rick_hjusticefries: so no, we're not using 1.7 at the moment, but looks like 1.7 is available in zesty/yakkety so something for us to consider at some point.20:52
justicefriesjrwren: mostly the natural nervousness of "here, take this thing I compiled and run it. ;)". I'll probably make my own internal build CI job.20:52
jrwrenyes, fix the issue. I only suggest work arounds.20:52
jrwrenjusticefries: its funny how folks will trust things from strangers off the internet before they trust their own coworkers. :)20:52
justicefriesi know right?20:52
magicaltroutyeah but i put keyloggers in all binaries i ship to my coworkers....20:53
justicefriesin reality, they trust it just fine, though I don't want them to trust it unless there's a clear source -> binary build that's automated and auditable.20:53
vmorrisyou're more likely to get scammed from someone you know... that's what i hear repeated all the time anyways20:54
rick_hjusticefries: I'm sorry, is there a bug/note on the sierra issue?20:58
rick_hjusticefries: I assume we're not on top of it because it needs go 1.7?20:59
justicefrieshmm, I think there's a closed bug I saw somewhere but it hadn't been rolled out for builds.20:59
lazyPowermagicaltrout - i know, and i wiresharked your traffic :|20:59
justicefriesi'll have to dig it up, but basically, Go 1.7 fixes some (I think ABI?) changes for MacOS Sierra. Go 1.6 and prior has weird, unexpected failures - random panics, random networking issues, etc.21:00
rick_hjusticefries: random networking issues?21:00
justicefriesspecifically on MacOS Sierra.21:00
rick_hjusticefries: ok, if you can find that I'd love to see what's up. We'd like it to work and I'm not aware of us pressing on 1.7 so if we should be it'd be good to know.21:00
justicefriesbasically any binary will just unexpectedly fail. let me find the launchpad issue for Juju..21:01
justicefriesjuju-core encompasses everything yeah?21:02
lazyPowerjusticefries - i know these symptoms well. i feel them on kubectl21:02
justicefriesi could've sworn there was an issue.21:02
justicefrieslazyPower: how are you installing kubectl today? its fixed! unless you grab the gcloud components install version.21:02
lazyPowerjusticefries https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/163349521:02
mupBug #1633495: Panic MacOS Sierra <osx> <juju:Fix Released by cox-katherine-e> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1633495>21:02
justicefriesbrew install kubernetes-cli will give you a good version. :) I fixed that sucker.21:02
justicefriesya, that's it.21:02
lazyPowerjusticefries - i'm using what was shipping in brew21:02
lazyPoweri haven't updated brew recently though21:03
justicefriesah yeah, do that.21:03
justicefriesso yeah, that's the launchpad issue. for juju, short lived commands you just repeat.21:03
justicefriesbut long running ops you're guaranteed a panic just about.21:03
justicefrieskat-co's fix too fixes the issue with creating controllers from MacOS which is sweet.21:04
geekgonecrazymarcoceppi: ok awesome.  Colleague is giving it a shot.  Said he ran into an error where it said "missing implementation of provides interface"21:05
rick_hjusticefries: ouch! "First, doing so would give the appearance of support for Go 1.6 when in fact Go 1.6 is now unsupported." well wtf21:06
marcoceppigeekgonecrazy: yeah, you'll need my fork of the mongodb interface, https://github.com/marcoceppi/interface-mongodb21:06
justicefriesrick_h: yeaaaah. :|21:06
marcoceppigeekgonecrazy: if you create an INTERFACE_PATH environment variable and clone that into it you'll get past the error21:06
marcoceppigeekgonecrazy: basically INTERFACE_PATH=$JUJU_REPOSITORY/interfaces; mkdir -p $INTERFACE_PATH; git clone https://github.com/marcoceppi/interface-mongodb $INTERFACE_PATH/mongodb21:07
justicefriesrick_h: that's the Go team's weird cognitive dissonance around LTS versions, as if everybody should re-compile and re-deploy everything every 6 months, and replace all of their binaries.21:07
rick_hthanks justicefries I didn't realize it wasn't a supported release. Like someone else mentions in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/17234 it's been listed as supported21:07
rick_hbut guess that fell off...21:07
jrwrenjusticefries: we should probably reopen 1633495. I'm adding a comment.21:07
rick_hjusticefries: so this is what i mean I guess, I'll have to bring up to the release team what our plan is with 1.7 and see what we can do.21:07
jrwreni'm trying to add a comment, but LP will not let me :{21:08
justicefriesyeah that makes sense. I've got a manual workaround over here for the moment, which I'll probably end up just creating my own matching CI pipeline to cut Sierra releases for us.21:08
justicefriesor maybe its not worth it, and I just distribute the juju binary I've added a bunch of spyware to. ;)21:09
marcoceppijusticefries rick_h could we maybe just update the homebrew recipe to use go-1.7?21:10
rick_hmarcoceppi: yea, I'll bring it up with the release team in our sync later today21:11
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