
=== JasonO- is now known as JasonO
=== dldurk_ is now known as dldurk
=== r00tobo[BNC] is now known as r00tobo
=== Zoohouse is now known as dx43CQ
dx43CQHello everyone18:50
dx43CQI try to install the latest lubuntu on my macbook and I get this error at the end: https://imgur.com/a/HYVC7 GRUB installation fails and then the installer crashes. How can I fix this?18:55
wxldx43CQ: did you file the bug report?18:57
dx43CQwxl, the installer crashes and I can't close out of it. There's no bug report dialog box that appears after the 'installer crash' dialog box.18:58
wxldx43CQ: aw heck.18:59
wxldx43CQ: you still have the machine on?18:59
wxldx43CQ: like, in the installer?18:59
dx43CQwxl, yup18:59
wxldx43CQ: and this is on real hardware, not a virtual machine, right?18:59
dx43CQwxl, real hardware, a MacBook for 200819:00
wxldx43CQ: okie dokie. let's try to look at the log files and see if we can get some more clues.19:00
wxldx43CQ: what we need to do is to open a virtual terminal.19:00
wxldx43CQ: traditionally on non-macs this would be as simple as, e.g. ctrl-alt-f219:01
dx43CQwxl, got LXterminal open19:01
wxldx43CQ: i think on macs, you have do like ctrl-fn-option-f2 or something funky like that. i don't remember the combination19:01
wxldx43CQ: oh heh, that works too XD19:02
wxldx43CQ: log files are kept in /var/log19:02
wxldx43CQ: i would examine the apt logs19:02
dx43CQwxl, I'm not connected to the Internet, do you think that might be it? When installing, I did choose to 'install 3ed party' apps but there's no Internet connection to the laptop at the moment.19:03
wxldx43CQ: so look at /var/log/apt/term.log19:03
wxldx43CQ: um, that's possible, but i'd generally expect the grub package to be a normal part of the iso. which iso did you grab?19:04
wxldx43CQ: you can `less /var/log/apt/term.log` to page through the file19:04
wxldx43CQ: if term.log is 0 size, then you'll need to look at one of the gzipped old logs, which you can do with `zcat /var/log/apt/term.1.log.gz | less`19:05
wxldx43CQ: gimme a sec and i'll double check that package is there19:05
dx43CQI only have eipp.log.xz and history.log in the apt dir19:05
wxlhuh annoying.19:05
wxldx43CQ: try /var/log/dpkg.log and see if that gives you anything useful.19:06
dx43CQfor full disclosure, I'm installing over a SD card.. lol19:06
wxldx43CQ: to help with these logs, you can install pastebinit with `sudo apt install pastebinit` and then do something like `cat /path/to/log | pastebinit` and it will give you a url you can put here19:06
wxloh you would wound't you XD19:07
dx43CQit's worked in the past with ubuntu distros though :D19:07
wxlso are you on hexchat on THAT machine? cuz i think there's an exec command in hexchat. you could do something like /exec cat /path | pastebinit and it would put the url in this channel but i'm not sure about the syntax with hexchat, so ymmv19:08
wxlit's probably still supported, but we don't usually test such things19:08
wxli doubt even ubuntu proper does19:08
wxli've never seen any test cases for that19:08
dx43CQI'm on xchat on a different machine19:08
wxlyou can boot an iso on the sd card???19:08
wxlbtw the manifest file in the cdimage.ubuntu.com directory shows all the included packages http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.10/release/lubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.manifest19:09
wxl!info grub-efi-amd64-signed19:10
dx43CQwxl, I have two computers, the macbook and a PC from 2000ish. I have one ethernet connected to the PC which I will disconntect in a minute to plug into the macbook. give me a sec, im going to get off hexchat while I unplug the ethernet19:10
ubottuPackage grub-efi-amd64-signed does not exist in yakkety19:10
wxl^^ that may be the problem19:10
dx43CQone second19:10
=== dx43CQ is now known as dx43CQ-PC
wxlum ubottu you're high. it totally does.19:11
dx43CQok back19:15
dx43CQlet me get the pastebin package installed one second19:15
dx43CQcool it works19:19
wxldx43CQ: anyways, i think it probably tried to grab that from the internets. i don't see it in the manifest. try to reinstall it.19:19
dx43CQwxl, ok here it goes, going to paste  dokg.log19:20
dx43CQtry to reinstall what?19:20
wxldx43CQ: grub-efi-amd64-signed19:22
dx43CQinstalling grub-efi-amd64-signed now19:22
dx43CQwxl, got a dependency error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23564548/19:27
wxldx43CQ: try `sudo apt -y --reinstall grub-efi-amd64`19:30
dx43CQE: Internal Error, No file name for grub-efi-amd64:amd64 and E: Internal Error, No file name for grub-efi-amd64-signed:amd6419:33
wxli have never seen that in my life O_O19:34
dx43CQmaybe it was a typo19:35
dx43CQgoing to try it again19:35
wxlno i mean i never seen anything CLOSE to that19:35
wxltry `sudo dpkg --reconfigure grub-efi-amd64`19:35
dx43CQit's installed19:36
wxlyeah so let's try the reconfigure19:36
dx43CQdpkg: error: unknown option --reconfigure19:37
wxlargh sorry19:38
wxlrarely have to do this19:38
wxl`sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64`19:38
dx43CQ"/var/cache/debconf/config.dat" is locked by another process19:39
wxldid you close that installer window?19:39
wxlor do you have synaptic open?19:40
wxlor another apt running in another window?19:40
wxlso `sudo lsof | grep config.dat`19:40
wxldoes it return anything?19:40
wxl(it will take a while)19:40
wxlso something is still running somewhere19:41
wxlyou could kill it but19:42
* wxl chews fingernails19:42
wxltry `wmctrl -lp | grep 8891`19:42
wxlyou may have to install wmctrl19:43
dx43CQnothing, blank19:44
dx43CQjust installed it19:44
dx43CQreturns nothing19:44
wxlok so it's running in the background somewhere19:44
* wxl siiighs19:44
dx43CQCan it be the installer that crashed?19:44
wxlgive me `ps aux | grep 8891`19:44
wxlmight be, but it's still running somewhere, or at least some part of it is19:44
dx43CQcan we remove the lock?19:45
wxlworking towards that19:45
wxlwant to see the state the process is in19:45
dx34CQ-PCI accidently crashed my laptop when trying to connect an external monitor (half of the LEDS on the laptop are dead)19:49
dx34CQ-PCwxl, I am about to try to reinstall lubuntu. Do you want me to try something before I start the installation?19:51
wxldx34CQ-PC: naw. you might want to check and be sure the hashes are right and to check the install media, though, if you haven't already19:51
dx34CQ-PCwxl, good idea19:53
* dx34CQ-PC checking disk for defects19:56
dx34CQ-PCer.. can't find the hash file on lubuntu.net...19:57
wxlyeah well lubuntu.net is not the right website either :/19:57
dx34CQ-PCwxl, errors found in 2 files!19:57
wxlthere you go19:57
wxlthat may have been the problem to begin with19:57
dx34CQ-PCwxl, oo19:58
dx34CQ-PCwxl, why two domains?19:59
wxltechnically there's only one19:59
wxlthe lubuntu.net is maintained entirely by one of the original co-founders of the project, who is no longer involved19:59
wxlwe've been working on getting that changed20:00
dx34CQ-PCi see20:00
wxlduck duck go will tell you that lubuntu.me is the official place20:00
wxlwe're also making changes to lubuntu.me's SEO to increase its ranging on google20:01
wxlall of this stuff takes time, though20:01
wxldx46CQ-PC: were the hashes right?20:05
dx46CQ-PCPC crashed on me20:06
dx46CQ-PCim redownloading it and will check20:06
dx46CQ-PCwxl, md5sum checks out20:11
wxldx46CQ-PC: then it may be a copying error.20:11
wxldx46CQ-PC: HOPEFULLY it's not an error with your SD card or the reader itself20:11
wxldx46CQ-PC: or worse yet the driver in the kernel :/20:12
dx46CQ-PCwill install onto SD card using startup disk creator20:12
dx46CQ-PCwxl, Finished, going to run the 'check the disk for defects' utility again.20:22
dx46CQ-PCwxl, Again, 2 errors.20:23
wxldx46CQ-PC: did the hashes workout, though?20:23
dx46CQ-PCwxl, yeah the hash returned OK20:24
dx46CQ-PCdarn... let me see if I find another medium20:24
wxldx46CQ-PC: so probably something related to the sd card. or your methodology. you might try using dd20:24
wxldx46CQ-PC: there have been a plethora of problems with image writing tools lately20:24
dx46CQ-PCwxl, do I have to format the SD card before using dd?20:25
wxlit's a good idea20:25
lynorianAre you sure sd card is a bootable device20:26
wxlwell he DID boot it20:26
wxlsorry about the assumption of gender20:26
dx46CQ-PClynorian, I boot off it20:26
* dx46CQ-PC is male20:26
wxl(and gender identity) XD20:26
lynorianI should have read the scrollup more20:26
dx46CQ-PCfunny story, I'm in this mess because I was using dd on the SD card for my raspberry pi and I accidentally dd my hard drive on my laptop xD20:27
wxloh man20:27
* wxl remembers the time he `rm -rf`'d /etc20:28
* lynorian uses lsblk to make sure I have the right device20:28
dx46CQ-PCwxl, would this be ok? my SD card is sdc1 dd bs=1M if="lubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso" of=/dev/sdc20:44
wxldx46CQ-PC: as long as sdc is not your hard drive XD20:44
dx46CQ-PCdoes /dev/sdc need to be unmounted?20:45
* dx46CQ-PC sees the lights on the SD card reader blinking and lets out a sigh of relief.20:46
* dx46CQ-PC ran sync and is running the disk error utility 20:49
dx46CQ-PCThere were 2 boot options this time I booted from the SD card on the MacBook, weird.20:49
dx46CQ-PCNO ERROS!!! wxl20:50
dx46CQ-PCwxl, ok so I ran the disk error utility and I got the GRUB installation Failed warning again.20:58
wxldx46CQ-PC: so there were no hash errors and the boot disk check worked ok?20:59
dx46CQ-PCThe differeance this time is that nothing got stuck and it rand a dignostic for bug reporting.20:59
wxldx46CQ-PC: hm. do you have some other media you can use?21:00
matt16I was wondering if lubuntu is really lighter than unbuntu because I just installer unbuntu and it is very slow21:00
matt16thanks for your help21:00
wxlmatt16: it definitely is.21:00
dx46CQ-PCmatt16, yes, much lighter on the resources.21:01
dx46CQ-PCwxl I have to look around.21:01
dx46CQ-PCwxl, I'm going to disconnect the PC and connect the eth to the laptop so I can send the report to the devs21:01
matt16Ok should I download the 32 or 64 version for my mid 2009 macbook unibody ?21:01
wxlmatt16: amd6421:02
wxldx46CQ-PC: ok. i'm very baffled by this frankly. i have to wonder if you'd have the same problem if you had the thing connect to the ethernet.21:03
wxldx46CQ-PC: this time did you REMOVE the check for the 3rd party updates?21:03
matt16great ! thank you so much for your help21:03
matt16I'll download it right now21:03
matt16have a nice day21:03
dx46CQwxl, I am still getting this error when I try to install grub via command line https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23564927/21:16
wxldx46CQ: you should do grub-efi-amd64 before grub-efi-amd64-signed21:17
dx46CQwxl, that also gives me an error. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23564933/21:18
wxlargh something about debconf21:19
wxldx46CQ: could you give me `ps aux | grep -i [d]ebconf`21:19
dx46CQthere you go wxl21:20
wxlit's null?21:20
dx46CQWhat do you mean if it's null?21:21
wxlyou didn't send anything21:21
wxlnull means nothing21:21
wxlliike not zero, but nothing21:21
dx46CQyeah, it has 2 processes listed, I'm looking at it now..21:22
wxlso it's in interruptable sleep (that's the S; man ps if you want to learn more)21:22
wxlis ubiquity still running?21:22
wxl(ps aux | grep -i [u]biquity or pidof ubiquity)21:22
dx46CQgrep: ubiquity: No such file or directory21:23
wxlyou must have done something wrong21:23
wxlmissed the pipe perhaps?21:23
wxlps aux | grep -i [u]biquity21:24
dx46CQlet me recheck21:24
wxl^^ type that exactly21:24
dx46CQeverything is S21:24
dx46CQoh sorry, I thought /exec was sending the link!21:25
dx46CQjust realized it was not21:25
dx46CQwxl,  ps aux | grep -i [d]ebconf = http://paste.ubuntu.com/23564937/ AND ps aux | grep -i [u]biquity = http://paste.ubuntu.com/23564942/21:26
wxldx46CQ: yeah like i said, i wasn't SURE about the exec syntax on (he)xchat. i use irssi21:26
wxlok lot of ubiquity still running21:27
wxlhuh all sleeping21:27
wxlall based on apport21:27
wxldo you still have the "file a bug" window open?21:27
dx46CQwxl, no I filed the bug and submitted it. Now I have a normal running desktop.21:28
dx46CQUbiquity is the installation wizard?21:29
wxldx46CQ: then i'd try killing all those processes. since 23235 is the session leader, you might start there. `kill -9 23235`21:29
wxland apport collects logs and stuff to help with filing bugs21:29
wxlyou can see that process is using python to run apport with ubiquity as an argument21:29
jousi does anybody speak frenche ?21:30
dx46CQps aux | grep -i [u]biquity returns NULL21:30
wxlthat's good :)21:31
wxl!fr | jous21:31
ubottujous: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:31
wxlNOW try the install again, dx46CQ21:31
* dx46CQ double clicking on the install21:31
* dx46CQ is waiting21:31
wxli mean try to do the reinstall of the grub-efi-amd6421:31
dx46CQcrap ok21:32
dx46CQi guess i have to kill the job again huh? lol let me check to make sure it isn't running again21:32
dx46CQps aux | grep -i [u]biquity retuns NULL21:32
wxlnow you're getting the hang of it :)21:33
* wxl must mention that as a result of researching things around this topic, that he just found `pstree` which with the `p PID` argument shows a very nice tree of threads21:33
dx46CQwxl, lol It's sad that I've been using linux for so long and still need someone to hold my hand.21:33
dx46CQok it installed21:33
dx46CQgoing to install *-signed now21:34
wxldx46CQ: it's not so much as holding your hand as it is nudging you along, but point taken :)21:34
dx46CQgrub-efi-amd64-signed is already the newest version (1.74+2.02~beta2-36ubuntu11).21:34
* dx46CQ gives the thumbs up for grub21:34
wxldo the dpkg-reconfigure on them, one at a time, to be sure21:34
dx46CQwxl, do I leave the "linux command line" part empty? The instruction in the reconfig says I can leave it empty21:38
jousHow to get the wifi pack for Lubuntu ? please21:39
wxldx46CQ: yes21:39
wxltsimonq2: sthut up and read your telegram.21:39
wxloops wrong channel hahaha21:39
wxljous: pastebin the results of lspci, please21:39
dx46CQwxl, should I "Force extra installation to the EFI removable media path?" I don't have any other OS on this MacBook21:41
joussylvain@sylvain-HP-Pavilion-15-Notebook-PC:~$ lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller (rev 0b) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b) 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b) 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series USB xHCI HC (rev 04) 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 8 S21:41
wxldx46CQ: probably.21:41
wxljous: `lspci -nnk | pastebinit`21:41
* dx46CQ going to reconfigure *-signed now21:42
dx46CQwxl,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64-signed returns nothing21:43
wxldx46CQ: that's not a bad sign :)21:43
dx46CQIs this the moment of truth where I restart and hope it works?21:43
wxlseems like it21:43
dx46CQoh boy... here we go...21:43
jous00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller [8086:0a04] (rev 0b) Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller [103c:2281] Kernel driver in use: hsw_uncore 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0a16] (rev 0b) DeviceName: Intel(R) Graphics GT2 Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controlle21:43
wxljous: i can't see all of it, which is why i suggest using pastebinit21:44
wxl!paste | jous21:44
ubottujous: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:44
jousokk sorry  i gonna try21:45
dx46CQ-PCjous, Utilisez http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ pour éviter d'inonder le chat et également pour conserver la mise en forme.21:46
dx46CQ-PCwxl, this was the result https://imgur.com/NAKE5DG21:49
wxlaw bah21:49
wxlit might be an update grub issue21:49
wxlyou can try this21:49
wxldx46CQ-PC: either way, it seems to need a bug report.21:51
wxlunfortunately i know we didn't have this problem on several other machines21:53
dx46CQ-PCwxl, how do I determine which sda partition I should mount?21:57
dx46CQ-PCwait a minute!21:57
dx46CQ-PCwxl, I forgot to mount the laptop's file system when installing grub!!! :D21:58
wxldx46CQ-PC: omg.21:58
* wxl facepalms21:58
dx46CQ-PCapt didn't install it onto the laptop ::facepalm::21:58
wxldx46CQ-PC: i'm the idiot who led you astray!21:58
dx46CQ-PChaha nah it's ok21:59
wxldx46CQ-PC: so just follow these instructions but do the reinstall instead21:59
dx46CQ-PCmy live CD had grub all nice and configured. :D21:59
dx46CQ-PChow do I know which partition of sda I need to mount?22:00
dx46CQ-PCI have: sda, sda1 - sda322:01
dx46CQ-PCps aux | grep -i [d]ebconf22:05
wxldx46CQ-PC: `sudo fdisk -l` should make it clear22:06
dx46CQ"/dev/sda2    1050624 304723967 303673344 144.8G Linux filesystem" found it22:08
dx46CQThis is my boot part ion? /dev/sda1       2048   1050623   1048576   512M EFI System that needs to be mounted to /mnt/boot ??22:10
dx46CQ-PCnevermind wxl, I just saw fstab doesn't have /boot22:13
dx46CQ-PCoh wait, just it does...22:14
dx46CQwxl, I have everything mounted as the article says but I can not use apt to install packages am I supposed to bind something else?22:33
dx46CQwxl,  actually, it seems that grub-common is the only grub package available...22:36
dx46CQso I figured that the apt source list was out of date and tried to update them. Got an error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23565161/22:42
dx46CQping: yahoo.com: Temporary failure in name resolution22:43
xanguaSo light locker is not functioning again22:43
dx46CQwxl, fixed the problem with the network, had to add a DNS to /etc/resolve.conf22:58
dx46CQwxl, I installed and reconfigured grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-amd64-signed23:01
dx46CQthe moment of truth...23:01
dx46CQ-PCstill no grub.23:02
dx64CQI get this error when I chroot and run the reconfigure command for grub. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23565431/23:41
dx64CQwxl, Just tried grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/EFI/ and it installed something there. Let's see if that makes any diff23:53
dx46CQ-PCno go :(23:55
dx46CQ-PCI'm going to try Linux Mint see if there's any difference. It's what I used to use on this laptop. Darn, I wanted to try lubuntu23:56

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