
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
RAOFIs signond catastrophically broken for Google accounts on zenial at the moment? If I try to add a Google account I get a never ending stream of ‘Web authentication for Google’ popups, most of which go to wiki.ubuntu.com(?!?!), none of which work.06:24
RAOFSometimes they've actually got the Google login page, and going through that process results in *Google* thinking that I've signed in, and then a redirect to wiki.ubuntu.com.06:25
pittiGood morning07:55
seb128hey pitti07:56
seb128good morning desktopers07:56
pittibonjour seb128 !07:56
seb128how was basketball?07:56
pitticomment vas-tu ?07:56
seb128ça va bien !07:56
seb128et toi ?07:56
pittiseb128: bien, et long -- on a joué pendant 2h30 :)07:56
pittiI'm a bit groggy07:56
seb128quite some exercice!07:57
Sweet5harkbonjours a pitti, seb128, tous!08:04
seb128hey Sweet5hark, how are you?08:05
Sweet5harkgood, good: finally handing over the old appartment today. Once that is done, the only pressing issue left is getting th elandline switched over to the new appartment (they botched that).08:06
desrtgood morning desktop people08:12
pittiheeeeello desrt!08:41
desrtmorning pitti08:41
desrthappy start-of-secular-advent/celebrate-a-season-of-fasting-with-a-calendar-full-of-little-chocolates!08:42
desrtgot your supply of stollen shipped in yet? :)08:42
pittidesrt: in November already, from my parents; it's traditionally cut on first Advent, and we surely did so last Sunday :) (with our neighbors)08:43
pittidesrt: and indeed! opened the first door on the calendar today!08:43
* desrt refuses to recognise that 4-sundays-before business. advent is dec 1 :)08:43
pittisince when is the Advent time a time of fasting? that's like the worst possible time of year :)08:44
desrtmascha is away on a trip, but she left me some gifts to unwrap while she's gone.  day 1: nürnberger zimtsterne08:45
pittichocolate calendars, Stollen, the "Weihnachtsmaerkte" with Gluehwein, big family feast on the 25th, etc.08:45
desrtman... there are so many *winter*markts in köln that my head is spinning08:45
desrt(had a recent visit from a friend who refused to set foot in one unless we called it "winter market" instead... in the end, i think he ended up liking it quite a lot)08:46
desrtoh.  weird.  i had been to 7 so far, so i assumed that there were like 20.  turns out there are 7.08:47
BigWhaleI come here after a long time and Ubuntu people are talking about chocolate calendars and mulled wine.  ... ... You people are still awesome!08:47
pittihello BigWhale! long time no see, how are you?08:48
BigWhaleOverly busy, but quite ok. :)08:48
pittiwell, this is #ubuntu-hedonism after all, is it not?08:49
BigWhale:D Someone please feed me grapes.08:49
desrti prefer to acknowledge it for the paganism that is surely is08:49
LaneyRAOF: not seen that myself - best to ask mardy09:04
davmor2Morning all09:04
desrtLaney, davmor2: good morning!09:04
Laneygreetings desrt09:05
davmor2how do desrt09:05
Laneyhow's your deutsch these days?09:07
desrtnot good09:07
seb128hey desrt BigWhale Laney09:07
desrtbeen too busy to practise very much :(09:07
Laneyoh, forgot to reply to seb128, how rude09:50
* Laney sulks10:10
davmor2Laney: man what did you do to seb128 he just isn't talking to you at all now ;)10:11
Laneyhope he didn't fall in the canal again :(10:14
seb128no, but I already said hello, need to wait tomorrow for the next chance!10:22
hikikodistcc works :)10:32
pittihikiko: oh, congrats! so the savings actually overcompensate network latency?10:33
pittibut I suppose chromium is lots of C++ which is achingly slow, so it actually might10:33
hikikopitti, when I build compiz it takes about half time (documentation says 3 times, but ok)10:33
hikikoI haven't tried on chromium yet10:33
flexiondotorgBelated good morning desktopers11:01
flexiondotorgI'm in that there London having office inductions and stuff.11:01
Sweet5harkyay, libreoffice 5.3 beta1 snap starts to build now!11:19
Sweet5harknoes, libreoffice 5.3 beta 1 snap fails to build because of some icu symbol madness!11:20
Sweet5harkhello SNAFU my old friend11:20
hikikopitti, timing :D11:21
hikikoit was tricky on chromium11:21
hikikoI had to disable clang and change the default compiler because ninja can't find the gcc version that is used by distcc :p11:22
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, I am going to copy 5.2.4~rc1 to pre-releases ppa later11:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1646025 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice 5.1.6 for xenial" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:34
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* Laney cries14:00
LaneyI'm ending up fixing half of proposed14:00
* Laney goes for ragelunch14:00
davmor2Laney: you don't want to lunch on rage it's not very filling, try food instead, just sayin'14:01
seb128Laney, enjoy lunch, let me know if you need help with that transition I can look at some build issues or such14:05
* Sweet5hark wonders if this is an opportunity and invitation to shadow-break the other half of proposed ...14:06
Sweet5hark"Your CI did not see me breaking anything that wasnt broken before, therefore I am an innocent professional."14:07
* Sweet5hark nods.14:07
kenvandineattente, the gtest fix for content-hub landed yesterday14:14
kenvandineattente, can you merge trunk into your branch?14:14
kenvandineattente, it will conflict... i'm sure :/14:14
attentekenvandine: sure, thanks14:15
seb128Trevinho, attente, hey, I'm catching up with that CSD options discussions ... would the mir-preferred solution of a surface handled by the server allow custom widgets?14:42
Trevinhoseb128: mh, yeah... Of course... You add whathever you want to the banner, but you've to reserve an area for the server-widgets (WM buttons)14:48
seb128Trevinho, then you loose the consistency argument ... what's the point then doing it server side?14:49
Trevinhoseb128: did you see the doc? Baiscally being able to close the window when it hangs, or when there's a malicious client who hides these buttons.14:49
seb128seems like lot of work for little benefit14:50
seb128yes I read it14:50
seb128but I was unsure to understand why we think those are so much better still, even after reading14:50
seb128seems like the original argument was visual consistency14:51
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, well... also there are cases where we want to hide these. Or where we want to embed them to the panel14:51
Trevinhowhen maximized for example14:51
seb128then what do you do for apps with custom widgets in the decoration?14:51
TrevinhoAlso we'd like to embed the app widgets to the panel, not only the WM buttons (when in banner mode)14:51
seb128not convinced that would look right but alright14:53
seb128Trevinho, thanks for replying :-)14:53
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, me neither... I whish you joined the discussions about this at the sprint, but me and attente were the only ones (and /me being a little critic about the fact we could achieve this, knowing the past)14:54
attenteTrevinho: seb128: #gtk+14:54
TrevinhoBut... seb128/attente I agree that we could just contribute to gtk so that the widgets added to the headerbar would be moved to a different banner surface (if the backend supports it, otherwise falling back to default)...14:55
Trevinhoattente: ok14:55
xnoxis the world on fire in zesty?14:55
attenteseb128: Trevinho: ok, so we can probably make some changes as long as they only affect mir basically14:55
attenteseb128: Trevinho: we also make sure that it's only in gdk and not too much in gtk14:56
Trevinhoattente: mh, well, not sure that is the best thing for us... But ok...14:58
seb128attente, yeah, I was reading #gtk+14:59
seb128xnox, it's zesty who knows14:59
xnoxseb128, i'm getting segfaults from Xvfb...15:00
xnoxi think15:00
seb128I don't know about that, maybe tjaalton does?15:00
tjaaltonI mean, it's something else most likely, xserver is the same version in xenial to zesty15:03
xnoxright, i recall claims that glibc broke the world.15:04
xnoxi'll try building ubiquity without zesty-proposed.15:04
pittiwe've seen some segfaults in gtk too15:04
pittiplease collect facts in bug 164606415:05
ubot5bug 1646064 in glibc (Ubuntu) "investigate autopkgtest regressions in 2.24-7ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164606415:05
Laneyseb128: cheers15:15
xnoxit builds fine in zesty without -proposed. i'll try to pull only glibc from proposed to see if that's the badger.15:25
* Laney hears "that's the badger" in Q_'s voice15:26
Laneyoh debconf15:26
seb128Trevinho, to be able to move the decorations and the eventual widgets from the titlebar in different position it means you wouldn't need the decoration to be 1 banner surface but different surfaces next to each others? or one surface but do trick to be able to pack things properly while letting the controls to be added later in some empty space?15:28
attenteseb128: it's mostly going to be up to gtk to determine how the widgets are packed in the header bar15:45
seb128attente, right, but does that include the wm controls? or is that up to the client or backend to let space for those?15:46
attentei think the problem there is that the csd wm controls are decided by gtk and the app15:46
attenteif u8 wants to draw its own, then the mir backend needs to know information like "should i show the csd wm controls?"15:47
seb128yeah, but from Trevinho said earlier it seems like the unity8 team doesn't want the application to be able to decide about those15:53
attentethe api is already there15:54
Trevinhoseb128: an app can say it can't be minimized or maximized, but not avoid to be closed... In theory.15:55
Trevinhoseb128: actually we could instead allow it, and just use other elements (launcher/spread) to force close, in case it's needed15:55
seb128that's what we do in u7 today...15:56
attenteanyways, gtk is pretty clear about this. the shell can specify the default decoration layout, but in the end it's always the application having the final say about what appears in the header bar15:58
* Sweet5hark is currently in a LibreOffice online document with some editing call minutes with 20 people at the same time. It works.15:59
Sweet5harks/some editing/heavy concurrent editing/15:59
seb128Trevinho, did you see the comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1635577/comments/19 which describe a leak in ups?16:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1635577 in unity (Ubuntu) "memory leak in unity-panel-service" [High,Triaged]16:53
attenteseb128: do you think it would be possible to backport bubblewrap to xenial?17:16
attentei guess that's a better question for -devel...17:17
seb128attente, I don't know17:20
seb128I've no idea what it requires from the system to work17:21
seb128it doesn't seem to need a lot so would probably be possible, it would probably be useful to have there ... do you need it for something? is that for the jhbuild snap thing?17:23
attenteseb128: yeah, it's needed as a dependency there17:43
willcookenight all18:11
attentekenvandine: hey, sorry it took so long. i merged trunk: https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/content-hub/content-hub-glib-2/+merge/31162118:14
kenvandineattente, thx18:15
attentekenvandine: actually i saw something nitpicky i might fix quickly18:18
attentekenvandine: ok, pushed18:19
kenvandinecool, thx18:19
Trevinhoseb128: thanks, I did got the email, and it was in the top of my stack, but didn't read it yet19:07
seb128Trevinho, yw!19:49
seb128have a good evening desktopers19:49
seb128see you tomorrow19:49

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