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Walexpiglit: I ordered a second Aquaris 4.5 as a spare a few moinths ago to make sure I would not be without an Ubuntu phone if my current one broke14:01
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mterrytedg: can you make the tiny requested change to https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/start-after-unity8/+merge/311095 and I'll start a silo for the url-dispatcher and ubuntu-touch-session changes today hopefully.  Try to get them actually landed and off our plates15:17
tedgSure, let me finish this call15:18
mterrykgunn: in your testing on a VM, have you ever seen indicator-network work?  (trying to see if this is a VM misconfigure or a ind-network bug)15:24
dobeymterry: define "work" there15:25
dobeymterry: it's running for me with a gear icon in unity8; but the ethernet support isn't landed yet15:26
mterrydobey: it launches and fills out a menu.  But it doesn't think there's a connection to the internet (but when sshing in, there is a fake local connection set up by the VM)15:26
mterryok no ethernet15:26
mterrythough I do get a valid icon15:27
kgunni thikn i've seen a valid icon15:27
kgunnwant me to test real quick?15:27
dobeybut afaict, everything that uses connectivity-api to check status works15:27
mterrydobey: is there a bug about ethernet support?15:27
dobeymterry: yes, and a branch in a silo15:27
mterrydobey: oh I've seen the dash fail to load music images because of no internet15:27
dobeythe store is definitely showing icons for me15:28
dobeyand 7digital works here15:28
dobeymy vm is deb xenial+overlay though, not snaps15:29
mterrydobey: ah I think I see 7digital artwork too on classic.  But in Core 16, I dont' see the artwork, because of the "no internet" thing15:30
dobeymterry: ah, maybe a lower level issue than the indicator then15:32
mterrydobey: yeah I suppose it is probably networkmanager15:33
dobeymterry: is :network-manager interface connected up to the unity8 snap?15:33
dobeyor :network-control ? i forget what is what there exactly15:34
mterrydobey: seems network manager isn't running indeed...15:34
mterryalright I'll look at this15:35
mterrytedg: do you want me to put your recent libertine MP in this "tiny fixes" silo I'm making?15:47
mterry(silo 2249)15:47
tedgmterry: I don't think so, I think ChrisTownsend releases things there differently.15:50
ChrisTownsendmterry: tedg: Is that fix needed right now?15:51
mterryuh there's no urgency, we have it in our megasilo that we build snaps from15:52
ChrisTownsendmterry: I usually do a batch upstream release of recent merges into our devel branch, but if something pertinent is needed in our release branch, then we can do that.15:52
ChrisTownsendmterry: Ok, cool15:52
tedgChrisTownsend: I need it, but I have it in silo 2129 so that's good enough for now.15:54
ChrisTownsendtedg: Ok, as long as your happy:)15:54
tedgI was happy, but that grammatical mistake ruined my life.15:55
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UbuntuPhoneUserAHi, I just wanted to know what's the current version of ubuntu touch since my ubuntu phone seems not being able to upgrade to an newer version then OTA-13 , Ubuntu 15.0419:28
UbuntuPhoneUserAHi, I just wanted to know what's the current version of ubuntu touch since my ubuntu phone seems not being able to upgrade to an newer version then OTA-13 , Ubuntu 15.0419:31
davmor2UbuntuPhoneUserA: 13 is the current version19:32
dobeyalso !patience :)19:35
davmor2dobey: pfff19:42
davmor2dobey: patience is overrated19:42
dobeymine is just tried19:43
mterrychrisccoulson: heyo I just noticed that the overlay PPA's oxide-qt got behind xenial again -- might need an update19:55
mterryah that's silo 2148 I guess19:55
* mterry should really try looking first :)19:56
vitimitiI want to build a snap that uses a webapp container for a webpage, simply the webapp-container with a URL command. What do I need in the parts section for the snap to properly build?20:18
vitimitiSOrry, wrong channel20:19
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xav_how do i install ubuntu touch through windows20:43
dobeyxav_: you might be a...20:49
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Acou_Basstheres a !patience command?23:25
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:25

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