
* tiwake pokes r3dd0g 01:49
r3dd0ghey hey01:49
tiwakewhats up?01:49
r3dd0gtruck shopping01:49
tiwakebeen scouring craigslist... but nothing for a month so far01:51
tiwakenothing with my criteria01:52
tiwakethe manual transmission requirement gets rid of almost everything01:52
r3dd0gtried cargurus.com ?01:52
tiwakeI cant select a minimum year?01:53
r3dd0gsure you can01:53
tiwakeor $4,000 top price?01:53
r3dd0gyes, ust pick make and model first01:54
tiwakeI don't want to though01:54
tiwakeford, manual transmission, 2008 or newer01:54
tiwakeand $5,000 or less01:54
r3dd0gwhat model?01:55
tiwaketruck, car, does not matter01:56
tiwakeF250, F350, F450, focus, fiesta, fusion... whatever01:56
ArdonelYo! What's up!01:56
tiwakeactually I think thats pretty much everything that ford shipped with a manual transmission01:56
r3dd0gyeah im in the market for a f250 or f350, crew cab, 4wd01:57
r3dd0ghey, whats up Ardonel01:57
tiwakethough if I get an F150, I suppose I could cut a hole in the floor and put in my own manual transmission in sometime later01:57
r3dd0gof course you can01:57
ArdonelHow are you r3dd0g and tiwake ?01:57
tiwakeArdonel: alright01:57
r3dd0gjust another day in paradise01:58
tiwaker3dd0g: I applied the $5,000 filter but its showing stuff way above it still01:59
r3dd0gthe first few listing are featured...01:59
tiwakeoh I see the issue02:00
Ardonelpeople try too hard to get around those filters... makes them close to useless02:00
tiwakeArdonel: no, the slider bar actually had to adjustment tabs on it... one for upper and one for lower price02:00
tiwakemoved the lower bar to 5,000 and was wondering what the heck02:01
tiwaker3dd0g: no listings... heh02:01
tiwakewell, two, but certainly nothing 2008 or newer02:01
r3dd0gdang... Goldthwaite, TX ยท 146 miles away02:02
tiwakemy clutch is still slipping02:02
tiwakethough it only has gotten marginally worse... I could probably make it last another month if I had to02:03
r3dd0greplace it?02:03
tiwakecause when I change the engine on it, the clutch configuration will be different02:04
tiwakeso I'd be throwing away a $300 clutch02:04
tiwakecheaper to get a loan honestly02:04
tiwake(which I'm going to from my dad...)02:05
tiwakeArdonel: that was the year I was born02:05
ArdonelIf I had the extra time and money02:05
r3dd0ghell, i have an 88 in the backyard02:06
ArdonelThat was the year I joined the military02:06
r3dd0gArdonel, thank you for your service!02:06
tiwakeI'm not interested in another project car/truck02:06
ArdonelYou are welcome r3dd0g.02:07
tiwakeArdonel: are you in the DFW area? I don't remember02:07
ArdonelYes sir. South side of Ft. Worth.02:07
tiwakeif I find something I want on craigslist in that area, can I send you the money to get it for me and I come pick it up the following weekend?02:09
tiwake(kidding... mostly)02:09
Ardonelwe would have to talk, but maybe...02:09
Ardoneljust don't have the cash02:11
ArdonelMy budget right now is probably as tight as tiwake's...02:11
Ardonelmaybe even tighter...02:11
tiwakeI have maybe a spare $1000 right now02:11
ArdonelI might have a spare $10.00 right now, and today was payday. But, all the bills are paid, groceries are bought, truck is gassed up, I have money for next weeks tank ready, and I have $50-60 for missed groceries/stuff available.02:14
tiwakeyeah, I still need to pay rent for this month02:14
tiwakebut I get about $600/week from my job02:14
tiwakepayed every friday02:15
tiwakebeen giving my dad $500/month for the last few months02:16
* tiwake checks bank account02:19
Ardonelhttps://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/ctd/5876622140.html  <-- love to have this as my work truck.02:20
ArdonelI would need a compressor, a welder, torch tanks, some more tool storage, and a crane...02:22
tiwakea GMC? no thanks02:22
ArdonelOnly downside in my book is it is not 4wd...02:23
tiwakedosent GMC use cummins engines for their diesel trucks?02:23
tiwakeor is that chevy02:23
Ardonelamong others... you can get a Cat if that's what you want...02:23
tiwakeI'm pretty sure chevy puts cummins diesel engines in their truck02:23
ArdonelDodge has the factory deal with Cummins...02:24
tiwakeford makes their own diesel engine02:24
r3dd0gno they dont02:24
tiwakewhat is it then?02:24
r3dd0gthe powerstroke 6.0 is an International motor02:24
Ardonelthats what I thought...02:24
Ardonelare the 7's also?02:25
r3dd0gi honestly dont know02:26
r3dd0gi know for sure the 6.0 is though.02:26
tiwakeArdonel: the 6.7? I don't remember the common sizes02:26
tiwakeah yeah, the 6.702:27
tiwake"Codenamed the Scorpion during its developmental stage, the 6.7L Power Stroke is Ford's in-house built diesel engine for the Ford Super Duty."02:27
r3dd0gyea, 6.0, 6.4, 6.7 and 7.302:27
r3dd0gim having a hard time right determining if Im going Ford or Dodge02:29
tiwakedodge makes a lot of cruddy stuff02:29
tiwakethe neon? heh02:29
Ardonelok, just read that the powerstroke's are ford motors, but are built for ford by International's Indianapolis plant.02:29
tiwakeArdonel: ford design using international's manufactoring facility?02:30
tiwakesounds about right02:30
Ardonelso it is a Ford motor, built by International...  clear as mud there...02:30
tiwakepretty common to do honestly02:30
r3dd0gFord has/had a class action against International over that 6.002:31
tiwakeseasonic makes power supplies for antec, and a bunch of other companies02:31
r3dd0gso yeah, clear as mud  lol02:31
r3dd0gthe Dodge Cummins 5.9 24v is a mean ass motor02:31
tiwakefoxconn makes motherboards for pretty much every company02:32
r3dd0gtrue story02:32
tiwakebut the motherboard design is each given companies own.02:33
tiwakehonestly the uncommon thing is to be the designer, manufacturer, and doing all the sales... for a given product02:34
ArdonelI make paddles out of fence pickets for whoever wants one. The kids in this neighborhood hate me. :P02:35
r3dd0gill take 702:35
tiwakemy dad had a wooden spoon for us kids02:35
r3dd0gso I can personalize them for each child02:35
tiwakewe all cheered when it broke one day02:35
Ardonelr3dd0g: only 7 so far?02:36
r3dd0gwell shit, minus 2, cause you can't whoop foster kids o.O02:36
tiwakethen why have them?02:37
r3dd0gthat's what I said02:37
Ardonelcan't get caught you mean...02:37
tiwakethats true too02:38
Ardonelthere are ways of handling those situations that make them beg for a paddlin'02:38
tiwakechinese torture methodologies?02:39
ArdonelAll jokes aside, much respect to you r3dd0g for doing the foster parent thing. Not everybody can do it.02:39
r3dd0gthank you sir. it's been a learning experience for sure.02:40
ArdonelThe wife and I only have 1, and we have talked about fostering/adopting, but the time never seems to be right. I am afraid that if we don't make time, there will never be time...02:41
tiwakemy pastor adopted one such... they sent some people over to check on them I guess, standard protocol for adoption? anyway, the person that came over said "what well behaved kids" he replied with "I beat them with a stick" heh02:41
r3dd0gArdonel, true story. and time moves rather quickly02:42
tiwakethe kids all agreed with him... I guess she didnt believe that kids could come out so nice with punishment from a stick02:42
tiwake"oh you are so silly" or something like that was her response02:43
r3dd0gif only she knew... lol02:43
tiwakethe rod of reproof removes the foolishness far from a child02:43
tiwakeI got a fair amount myself02:44
tiwakemy sister even more so02:44
r3dd0gi can attest myself02:44
tiwakejep, and indeed it works well.02:44
r3dd0ghell, i woke up in strange places... that may have been a little to far, but the point was well received02:45
ArdonelThere was no rod sparing where I grew up.02:45
tiwakeI'm glad that its a more common thing here in texas it seems02:45
tiwakein oregon its practically unheard of02:46
r3dd0gvery much! Im a transplant from California.. pfft02:46
tiwakeoh yeah, califorina is the same thing02:46
ArdonelBut dad didn't drink or do drugs, so there were never any beatings for 'just because I feel like it' either...02:46
tiwakeArdonel: same02:46
r3dd0goh i deserved my lickings02:47
tiwakewell, he has a beer every other night... not much more than that though02:47
ArdonelI know there are still school districts in Texas that have corporal punishment.02:47
tiwakesipping on one myself right now02:47
Ardonelr3dd0g: I deserved far more than I actually got.02:48
r3dd0gsadly, they are being stripped of that slowly02:48
tiwakeArdonel: the only thing I wish there was more of is public hangings02:48
ArdonelCould we start with politicians?02:48
tiwakestart with hillary02:48
ArdonelStart with the people who enable Hillary.02:49
r3dd0gpay per view that shit... poof national debt relieved02:49
tiwakealso, I was homeschooled, so all that public school BS was absolved for me... heh02:49
tiwakedo 4H sewing and not get laughed at02:51
ArdonelI wasn't homeschooled, but our son is. Can you believe he got suspended 4 times as a kindergardener.02:52
tiwakefor what?02:52
ArdonelAfter that we pulled him out.02:52
Ardonel1 time was because he got beat up during play time, and he would not fight back.02:53
tiwakeha oh man02:54
ArdonelThe other boys were mad that none of the girls wanted to play with them. They were all playing with our son because he was polite and had good manners.02:54
tiwakehow can you get suspended for that?02:55
ArdonelSo 7 or 8 beat him up, on the playground, during supervised play time. And our son got suspended because one of the other boys moms was PTA chair, and another little boys dad was a Lawyer.02:56
ArdonelApparently, not fighting back is instigating... I still can't understand all the crap from that school. But we are beyond that now.02:57
tiwakehow old is he now?02:57
tiwakeah alright02:58
ArdonelHe will be 13 in April.02:58
tiwakeso he has a chance to know calculus by 15 or so02:58
ArdonelHe is a First Class Boy Scout, working on the Star rank, which he hopes to get in February.02:59
tiwakeIMO calculus should be gotten to by about 14-15... I was teaching myself how to program starting at about 1402:59
ArdonelI figure at the rate he is going, He will get his Eagle at 14 or 15.02:59
tiwakemy mom considered that part of my schooling and allowed me to do what I wanted in that regard... basically locked myself in my room for days straight and popped out knowing how to program... heh03:00
Ardonelr3dd0g: any of your kids do the scout (boy or girl) thing?03:00
tiwakeI didnt... did baseball though, and 4H03:01
r3dd0gArdonel, negative03:02
ArdonelSince my dad was a traveling preacher during my early years, we moved around a lot. I wasn't allowed to be a boy scout. Now that I am almost 50, I really wish I would have pushed harder.03:03
r3dd0ggood night gents, thanks for the chat03:03
tiwakeeveryone has their own unique learning platform03:03
Ardonelsleep well r3dd0g03:03
tiwaker3dd0g: cheers03:03
tiwakeand good luck on your truck hunt03:04
tiwakeArdonel: all the moving I did was on my own... grew up and lived in the same place in excess of 20 years03:09
tiwakemoved to montana for a few years, moved back, then I moved to texas03:10
ArdonelWe moved 21 times in 16 years.03:10
tiwakeI cant imagine living in a non-ideal location03:10
ArdonelI did get to do my last 3 years of high school in the same school03:10
Ardonelactually 21 in 14 years03:11
tiwakewhy bother...03:11
tiwakeI told my dad I am preparing to buy some property to build a house large enough to take care of them when they cant anymore, and move them over to here in lubbock03:12
tiwakehe said "but I like the hills and trees and stuff" basically03:12
tiwakeI said "and now you sound like one of those liberals you hate so much"03:12
tiwakeI donno whats going to happen in the next years, but I do know what I want to do03:13
tiwakehouse & shop, three phase power, and the house built with specific materials to last multiple lifetimes03:14
tiwakesomewhere in there I might find a girl03:15
ArdonelAll things in Gods time.03:16
tiwakeArdonel: dispensationalist? calvenism or armenianism?03:19
Ardonelme or dad?03:21
tiwakethere are other questions, but thats a good starting place03:22
tiwakeor PM if you would prefer03:24
ArdonelChurch of the Nazarene. The Nazarenes came out of the Methodist tradition and are similar in most beliefs. What sets them apart would be their teaching on sanctification (as elaborated by John Wesley). And they're definitely Wesleyan-Arminian, not Calvinist.03:25
tiwakegotcha... and that is what you believe?03:26
tiwake(as apposed to just going to that church)03:27
Ardoneldad is the same now. However, when I was growing up, we were southern baptist; hel-fire and brimstone variety.03:27
ArdonelYes, that is what I believe.03:27
tiwakewhat about dispensations?03:28
tiwakeI'm using the wrong fancy word03:28
tiwake(yeah yeah, wrong word)03:29
tiwakeand I'm derping on the correct word03:29
ArdonelI was that way most of today at work.03:29
tiwakeoh gosh derping so hard03:31
tiwakegoogle is so not helpful03:31
tiwakeoh yeah, its the right word03:33
tiwakedifferent dispensations as defined by the bible... dispensationalism03:33
tiwakedepending on how you count there is 7 or 8 or 12 or something that is defined03:35
tiwakesome people don't believe that though? its kinda strange those that don't03:36
ArdonelNot sure I understand what I am reading on this http://www.endtimes.org/dispens.html .03:40
ArdonelI am probably too sleepy to figure it out right now. Let me look at it tomorrow and see if it is more understandable.03:41
ArdonelGood night tiwake .03:41
tiwakeshort version: Gods instructions are slightly different for different overarching time periods03:41
tiwakeNoah had different instructions from adam and eve... for example03:43
tiwakethey say 7 different time periods, I'd say there is more... uh... I'd add 7 year tribulation, and the "forever and ever after" part too, though almost nothing is known about that03:45
tiwakeit could probably be broken down slightly more, but thats the important stuff03:46

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