
acheronuksanta_: fine by me :)00:00
santa_acheronuk: just one thing before you go to sleep, are you able to execute the retry script there?00:00
santa_can you do that so walter can see it in action?00:01
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> or maybe you should just turn it on and go to sleep XD00:01
acheronukoh, I'll try on lindode. if it will let me00:01
acheronukI usually rune from my machine here, as it remembers the keyring00:02
acheronuklet me try on linode00:02
santa_btw we should just record a video and put it on youtube00:03
acheronuk?? why00:05
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project merger_print-manager build #772: STILL FAILING in 2 min 32 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/merger_print-manager/772/00:06
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_merger build #744: STILL UNSTABLE in 7 min 4 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_merger/744/00:07
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> i agree00:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_progenitor build #728: STILL UNSTABLE in 7 min 7 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_progenitor/728/00:07
santa_so people like walter can see the KA in action before getting them into the loop00:07
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> exactly00:07
valorieI agree as well00:07
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> unless you want to do everything yourself from here on out rik XD00:07
acheronukno no no no......00:08
valorieeven if I can't take it all in on the first watch, I can always ask questions then watch again00:08
santa_well, it's not bad to see the real action™ either00:08
acheronukthe more the better :)00:08
valorieright, but I wouldn't have had any context if I had tried today00:09
valoriealso I didn't have time00:09
acheronuktoo few people being able to do vital stuff is how we got behind00:09
valorieanyway, not crucial, but a youtube would be helpful00:09
valoriefor some of us, anyway00:09
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> ok so i can get off your thing now, right?00:09
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> oh nice thanks :)00:10
wxli have my screen back00:10
santa_acheronuk: ok, se we are done today aren't we?00:14
acheronuksanta_: breeze-gtk for xenial will need a tweak so it builds ok with old GTK on that00:15
santa_but you did that already, I doubt the merge would override that00:16
acheronukah. no. maybe it wont00:16
* acheronuk is tired00:17
acheronuksanta_: yes, I guess we are done00:17
santa_acheronuk: ok, I will do plasma here. thnk you for your work and sleep well00:18
acheronuksanta_: what is the status of zesty frameworks? still need some fixes?00:18
santa_acheronuk: oh I already did the e-c-m autotests fix, I will take care of plasma workspace once I'm done with the backports and thus we won't have test regressions00:20
acheronukso in theory frameworks may be ok to upload to zesty if someone is willing?00:20
santa_yes, but I need to ask the release team for mercy on a couple of failing autotests00:23
santa_or just disable them temporarily00:23
santa_so if we have an sponsor just give me a ping00:23
acheronukok. :)00:24
wxlso you need a sponsor?00:26
santa_we have been needing it for a long time00:26
wxldo we have something ready yet?00:27
acheronukI have a **maybe**00:27
santa_frameworks 5.2800:27
wxlframeworks is ready?00:28
santa_yes, and plasma 5.8.4 once I deal with the autopkgtest failure00:28
wxlwhen do you expect to be done by?00:29
acheronukwxl: would not have backported if it wasn't pretty much ready00:29
wxllet me dig something up\00:29
acheronukwxl: you have someone definite in mind?00:33
acheronukok. we have a maybe and a possibly :P00:35
* acheronuk goes in hunt of a 'perhaps'00:37
acheronuknight all :)00:50
santa_good night00:50
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!01:50
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project merger_print-manager build #773: FIXED in 19 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/merger_print-manager/773/01:50
ahoneybun_so now only 1 red and that kalzium02:40
valorievery nice!03:09
valoriekci got turned back on?03:09
lordievaderGood morning.08:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_pause_integration build #8: ABORTED in 9 hr 32 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_pause_integration/8/08:12
IrcsomeBot1<marcinsagol> o/08:19
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #33: STILL FAILING in 6 min 18 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/33/08:45
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #34: STILL FAILING in 6 min 57 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/34/08:57
=== zero is now known as Guest23595
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kalzium build #63: NOW UNSTABLE in 24 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kalzium/63/09:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_discover build #74: STILL UNSTABLE in 13 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_discover/74/09:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #35: NOW UNSTABLE in 25 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/35/09:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kalzium build #120: NOW UNSTABLE in 25 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kalzium/120/09:49
acheronukmorning :)10:00
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kalzium build #121: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kalzium/121/10:35
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kalzium build #64: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kalzium/64/10:36
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #36: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/36/10:36
clivejo=== KCI NG Setup ===13:04
yofelwell, part of it13:04
yofellets go with the same ubuntu account as we did on river, that way we don't have to maintain the ssh slave config multiple times13:05
yofellater at least13:06
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Hey yofel and clivejo13:06
yofelfirst of let me turn off password auth13:06
clivejoSo I added http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian-stable binary and installed jenkins from there13:07
clivejotried to intsall the plugins we have on KCI13:07
clivejoand copied the config file13:07
clivejoso login is via LP OpenID13:08
clivejocan you give the commands of how you do that?  turn off password auth13:08
yofelnote that you installed 2.19.4, while river runs 1.656. Do we need to check something there?13:09
yofelalso, we need to move the runtime data to the new system later on. Not sure if we can just copy over the jobs folder..13:09
clivejoshould we try and rebase with pangea tooling from Blue Systems?13:10
yofelwell, I have no intention of throwing the old history away, and no, that would be a several days job for someone that knows ruby I think13:11
yofelexcept maybe cherry picking the job templates they updated13:11
yofelneeds merging with our changes though13:11
yofeldisabling passwords is "PasswordAuthentication no" in sshd_config13:12
yofelPermitRootLogin needs to be no as well...13:12
yofelalthough, not necessarily13:12
yofelactually scratch that. If we make a user with passwordless sudo permissions we might as well just use root13:13
clivejoIm not sure what version we need, but I was under the impression that river was under a "its working, don't touch it" policy13:16
yofelit was13:16
clivejo2.19.4 LTS seems to be the latest stable13:16
yofelif we do this we might as well use the new one13:16
yofelI'm just plain clueless about the backwards compatibility13:16
clivejokinda figured if it could be got working with newest stable it would be better13:17
yofelright, esp. as we can afford a couple days to get this running now13:18
clivejoIve installed the plugins we had on river13:18
clivejoand it seems to be accepting LP logins13:19
yofellol is that thing fast right now XD13:20
clivejoit should be!13:20
clivejoits a lot closer now :P13:20
clivejodo we need 3 tooling folders?13:22
yofeldisk space is a bit too low to use it as a builder IMO, but we stopped doing that a while ago so it won't matter much. The other resources on the server are sweet though13:22
clivejohi sick_rimmit :)13:22
yofeltooling has the keys, and the other ones were originally created by mgmt_tooling IIRC13:23
yofelwe need to move all the keys anyway13:23
clivejojust a direct copy?13:23
clivejowhat should we call this box?13:23
yofelpond? XD13:24
yofelI'm re-watching too much Dr. Who lately ^^13:24
clivejophoenix ?13:24
clivejoBoaty McBoatface13:25
yofelwell, not that13:25
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Well river is from DW13:25
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Lol13:25
yofelthat was my point :P13:26
clivejoriver is the current KCI master name13:26
clivejo+1 pond13:26
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Why not lol might as well have a theme13:26
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> +1 for davidson13:27
clivejoneed something to distinguish them13:27
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> What about max13:27
clivejoI might get confused with my pup13:28
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> XD13:28
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Eccleston13:29
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> That one13:29
clivejoI want something short if I have to type it!13:29
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> XD13:29
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Issac13:30
yofelit took me 4 attempts to write that correctly, disqualified :P13:30
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Isaac13:30
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Newton13:30
yofelI could live with that13:31
clivejoyofel: is there a reason why its on port 8080?13:31
yofelnone that I can see, dunno where that's set13:32
yofelalthough, river's proxied, so they probably wired that up in the proxy there13:32
yofelhave to get back to work for now, you can try rsync-ing the pgp, ssh keys and the tooling in the meantime13:34
clivejoBut these ports are considered privileged on Unix/Linux systems, and the process using them must be owned by root. Running Jenkins as root is not recommended 13:34
yofeland I'll take arcona offline so I can clone a test slave for the new box13:34
yofelah, might as well install nginx then and proxy 80 to 808013:34
clivejonot a big deal at the moment13:35
yofelor just bind the ports in iptables13:35
yofelyeah, later13:35
yofelsweet, the new box has ipv613:36
BluesKajHiyas all13:39
clivejohi BluesKaj13:41
BluesKajHi clivejo13:41
=== efm__ is now known as efm
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_
yossarianukhi - is there a ppa to download multimarkdown for (k)ubuntu ?15:14
yossarianuk I've found this -> https://github.com/fletcher/peg-multimarkdown/wiki/How-do-I-install-MultiMarkdown%3F15:14
yossarianuk to compile from git (instructions are out of date slightly)15:14
yossarianukbut anyone know of a repo ?15:14
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> #kubuntu please15:25
jimarvanhi guys15:29
jimarvanhey clivejo :)15:29
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Nice write up15:37
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> You guys moving kci?16:45
clivejonot yet16:47
clivejobut learning how to set it up16:47
jimarvansee ya peeps16:49
jimarvanhave a nice evening everyone! :)16:49
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> Cool. Is that for the sake of learning or because something is wrong with the old one?16:52
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> both16:52
IrcsomeBot1<wxl23> What's wrong with the old one?17:12
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> It is half a world away. Literally. So very slow due to that and it just being so anyway. FS is distinctly dodgy. We don't have 100% control over it. For starters.......17:14
yofeland it likes to die once per month on average17:24
yofelI'll finish up the test slave for it once I get home. I cloned arcona, but the image isn't booting for some reason17:25
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #12: ABORTED in 9 min 33 sec: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/12/17:46
wxlcool well then good job guys :)17:49
wxllet me know if i can be of any further help17:49
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!18:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdepim-addons build #38: FIXED in 38 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdepim-addons/38/18:07
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!18:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdepim-addons build #122: FIXED in 44 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdepim-addons/122/18:14
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!18:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_kdepim-addons build #50: FIXED in 45 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kdepim-addons/50/18:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #13: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/13/18:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #218: STILL UNSTABLE in 32 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/218/18:15
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #219: STILL UNSTABLE in 19 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/219/18:43
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!18:43
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #122: FIXED in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/122/18:43
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!18:43
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #14: FIXED in 18 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/14/18:43
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed!19:06
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter build #220: FIXED in 23 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-mediacenter/220/19:06
IrcsomeBot1tsimonq2 was added by: wxl2321:06
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Ohai :)21:06
wxlwelcome back, friend21:06
ahoneybun_wxl: westworld is on HBO21:07
wxlahoneybun_: oooh watch it!21:08
ahoneybun_don't have HBO lol21:08
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> OK, read backlog21:11
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> I'm really sorry guys, especially Aaron. I had a rough night and got like 12 hours of sleep.21:11
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> (got the 12 hours last night, 5 the night before)21:12
clivejopoor sleepy Simon21:14
wxltold you sleep was important, tsimonq2 XD21:15
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> You were right (like you are most of the time), wxl21:16
wxli'm have my moments21:16
wxl^^^ except for that one21:17
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> So TIL simonize is an actual word XDDDD21:17
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunthere we go21:17
wxlyou betta simonize yoself before you wreck yoself21:17
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Fwd from wxl23: Word of the Day - simonize: to shine or polish to a high sheen, especially with wax. http://www.dictionary.com/wordoftheday/2016/12/01 at Dictionary.com21:17
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> :P21:17
wxlahoneybun: that was intentionally ironic, btw21:17
* wxl is listening to Commit A Crime by The Rolling Stones ♫ https://www.last.fm/music/The+Rolling+Stones/_/Commit+A+Crime21:36
wxlnew album's out21:36
wxlall blues21:36
wxl(otherwise i might not care)21:36
mparilloI installed ZZ from the ISO when it first was posted. I noticed I do not have Okluar installed. apt-cache policy okular seems to indicate it was available. Is it deprecated now in favor of something else?21:42
ahoneybunI don't think so21:45
clivejoits being ported to KF5?21:47
acheronukmparillo: okular is off the iso seeds for now as it's still kde421:48
clivejomine is Kf5 :P21:48
acheronukshow off21:48
wxlspeaking of okular, a general comment: i *HATE* that adobe acrobat somehow seems to support pdfs that break from the pdf standard21:50
mparilloSo 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1 500 is KF4?21:50
acheronukmparillo: yep21:51
acheronukthe KF5 port has only just been done. will be in KDE applications 16.1221:52
geniiwxl: I have so many problems when someone sends me a pdf form to fill out which has user entry fields.21:52
mparilloWell the old KF4 version is still a better PDF viewer than Libre Office.21:52
wxlgenii: yeah i don't usually have to worry about that. but we get vendors that use crappy pdf libraries to generate invoices and it drives me mad that it doesn't work in okular but no problem in adobe reader.21:53
mparilloOkular is decent at basic PDF forms, but there are certain US tax forms that have 'extra' stuff that they seem to not work with any free PDF viewer21:53
acheronukalso an editor as well as a viewer https://code-industry.net/free-pdf-editor/21:54
acheronukseems to manage the non standard stuff well, even though not OS21:54
wxlthe most annoying thing is that when i tell my boss it's because it's a non-standard pdf, he doesn't want to believe me, because it opens in adobe reader21:55
* wxl sets fire to adobe's offices, worldwide21:55
* genii joins in the pyromania21:56
wxlfitting song:21:58
* wxl is listening to Ride 'Em on Down by The Rolling Stones ♫ https://www.last.fm/music/The+Rolling+Stones/_/Ride+%27Em+on+Down21:58
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_plasma-workspace build #68: STILL FAILING in 27 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_plasma-workspace/68/23:30
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project yakkety_unstable_plasma-workspace build #69: STILL FAILING in 22 min: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_plasma-workspace/69/23:53

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