
LINKSWORD2valorie: I'm still not finding Muon on the system.00:00
valorieinstall it then?00:00
valoriewe no longer provide it by default00:00
LINKSWORD2That's not good. :/00:01
valoriewell, we can't provide everything by default00:01
valorieand it was unmaintained for awhile00:01
valorienow it has a maintainer again00:02
LINKSWORD2I understand that. But Muon was a good package manager. Why switch to Discover? *Pbbbtt.*00:02
mgolden_LINKSWORD2: You should also be able to upgrade from the command line00:02
valoriewell, the KDE Store is providing a lot more stuff now, from free wallpapers to plugins, and snaps of various applications00:03
mgolden_I believe it's do-release-upgrade00:03
valoriemgolden_: that's correct00:03
LINKSWORD2do-release: command not found00:03
valorie`sudo do-release-upgrade`00:03
valoriehowever, ensure that you have fully upgraded before you do that00:04
valorieso `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade`00:04
geniiAlso uninstall your PPAs with ppa-purge00:04
valorieif you want to do it via the commandline00:04
LINKSWORD2Alright. Looks like I have to close Konversation for the upgrade to work.00:05
amichairHi, does anyone know which of the plasma config files under ~/.kde/share/config/ or ~/.config/ are still relevant? there seems to be some duplication between the two folders07:33
newkehow to set up my desktop, so settings wouldnt be reset after logging out and logging in back?08:02
newkei change wallpaper, change desktop to folder view08:03
newkelog out, log in and i have default desktop08:03
valorienewke: you can save state at logout08:04
valorieDesktop Session Login and Logout in System settings08:04
valorieor I just typed session into krunner which alt+f208:05
newkeok ill try08:05
lordievaderGood morning.08:07
severuskenhello ?08:29
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yocs0000hi everybody! What client do you use for google doc?11:18
yocs0000lordievader: hi11:23
amichairHi, does anyone know which of the plasma config files under ~/.kde/share/config/ or ~/.config/ are still relevant? there seems to be some duplication between the two folders11:24
lordievaderyocs0000: How are you doing today?11:29
lordievaderamichair: For plasma5, the ones in ~/.config.11:29
lordievaderPlasma 4 used ~/.kde. This has been changed.11:30
yocs0000lordievader: OK .... you? I am tryin to find a working client for google drive / google doc ....11:30
amichairlordievader: all of .kde is no longer relevant? can it be deleted? or just the plasma config files?11:30
lordievaderamichair: There might still be plasma4 applications around, they might make use of it.11:31
lordievaderyocs0000: Doing good. I use grive I believe for google drive syncing.11:31
amichairlordievader: ok, so ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* can be deleted? they're all unused?11:31
lordievaderamichair: Not sure.11:32
lordievaderI wouldn't remove them if I where you.11:32
lordievaderWhat you can do is rename the folder and see if things break/get reset.11:32
lordievaderThat way you'll know if something makes use of it.11:32
amichairlordievader: true11:33
amichairlordievader: I hope at some point the upgrade scripts will clean up old unused config files11:33
yocs0000lordievader: does it work well? I thought it had been abandoned!11:37
yocs0000amichair: please use apt-file find to see whether the file is referred to by a package11:37
amichairyocs0000: nice, I'll try it out11:38
yocs0000amichair: remember that if cancel a file that is referred, then you break the package .... not a good idea.11:39
yocs0000amichair: so sudo apt-ge install apt-file, sudo apt-file update , sudo apt-file find <name of file or directory>11:40
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amichairyocs0000: thanks, I haven't heard of apt-file before11:42
yocs0000amichair: it work well11:43
yocs0000amichair: llet me know whether it solves your problem, but I suggest you do not remove confirguraton files manually, even if they seem to be unused11:43
amichairyocs0000: it shows them to be unused... but then again, it also shows ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc to be unused even though I know for a fact that modifying it does change plasma behavior11:46
amichairyocs0000: perhaps they are generated files rather than ones installed by the package or something like that11:47
yocs0000amichair: oh, sorry, you are talking about the files in the home directory of the user?11:52
yocs0000amichair: my fault .... if you cancel those, you only screw up the user configuration, and if you remove the entire directory they will be recreated in default state at the next boot ....11:54
yocs0000amichair: the important thing is that you do not remove the "originals"11:54
amichairyocs0000: is there any way to check which of those user config files are really used, and which are remnants of old versions that didn't clean up after themselves properly?12:07
lordievaderyocs0000: It works for my purposes.12:12
lordievaderyocs0000: Don't think apt-file will work for config files, since these are usually generated and not shipped with the package (talking about user config, not system config here).12:13
amichairlordievader: yeah, that's what I was thinking12:14
yocs0000lordievader: yes, you are correct .... as I was saying to amichair these are generated at boot if they are not there .... so you can essentilly do whatever you want with them really ....12:18
yocs0000amichair: but keep in mind if you remove them without a backupand then they have important configuration information you lose it ....12:18
amichairyocs0000: of course12:19
lordievaderHence the suggestion of moving/renaming the folder ;)12:19
amichairI was just wondering if there's a proper way to check what's used and what's not, other than deleting everything and checking every app and widget to try to detect if it broke in some subtle way12:19
yocs0000lordievader: completely agree with you .... make a good backup and stove it away first of all.12:20
yocs0000lordievader: there is also an interesting trick: look at modification and access times .... those files that have not been modified or accessed since installtion are probably not in use anymore..12:21
lordievaderamichair: If there is a config in both ~/.kde and ~/.config probably only the latter is in use.12:21
amichairyocs0000: nice idea, though some of them I accessed myself while trying to figure out what they are and if they're being used :-)12:21
yocs0000amichair: well, then you cannot use that trick anymore :)12:24
afiefhHow come QtWebEngine is not packaged for Kubuntu?13:08
lordievaderYou are not talking about the QtWebKit libraries?13:13
BluesKajHiyas all13:38
yocs0000afiefh: is that not what libqt5webkit5:amd64 is?13:44
afiefhyocs0000: as far as I understand it that's qtwebkit, the predecessor to qtwebengine13:44
yocs0000afiefh: OIC13:46
lordievaderI see an ebuild on my Gentoo box. Don't see a package for Debian though (don't have access to Kubuntu). Guess it is too new for Debian/Kubuntu.13:46
yocs0000afiefh: https://wiki.qt.io/How_to_Try_QtWebEngine <-- you could build it, there is a very good tutorial here.13:47
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yossarianukhi - is there a ppa to download multimarkdown for (k)ubuntu ?15:01
yossarianukI've found this -> https://github.com/fletcher/peg-multimarkdown/wiki/How-do-I-install-MultiMarkdown%3F15:05
yossarianukto compile from git (insstructions are out of date slightly)15:05
yossarianukbut anyone know of a repo ?15:05
yossarianukgoing to ask in #ubuntu (if that's not against the rules)15:06
BluesKajyossarianuk, why not ask in #kubuntu-devel15:07
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yossarianukok BluesKaj: thanks15:14
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BluesKaj!info kodi15:32
ubottukodi (source: kodi): Open Source Home Theatre (executable binaries). In component universe, is optional. Version 16.1+dfsg1-2 (yakkety), package size 12 kB, installed size 62 kB15:32
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yocs0000BluesKaj: tried to install Kodi, I had o clean the system afterward .... it is fairly disruptive!!16:31
BluesKajyocs0000, what did you have to clean up ?16:32
BluesKajI haven't had a problem with kodi, some of it's servers are a bit flaky in terms of disconnecting them, but otherwise kodi itself is quite stable16:34
BluesKajfor kubuntu 16.10 install kodi-jarvis, don't muck about with the dev version , it's not ready for everyday use16:35
yocs0000BluesKaj: it completely froze my plasma .... I had to unisntall, and autoreove everything it had dragged in ....16:42
yocs0000BluesKaj: I did sudo apt-ge install kodi16:42
BluesKajyocs0000, which kodi version?16:42
yocs0000BluesKaj: the oe in the repository of 16.10 64 bit16:43
BluesKajthen which Kubuntu version?16:43
BluesKajhmm, odd because I've removed and reinstalled a few times without any trouble16:44
yocs0000BluesKaj: when it started everything froze, then when I rteid to switch it off it took some time, but after switching off the application all lost their windows decoration and menu bars, and the browsers were not usable anymore ....16:46
BluesKajyocs0000, that's the first time I've heard of that happening , unless something else froze the desktop that affected your systemsettings themes etc16:49
BluesKajwhich is what i suspect16:49
BluesKajbecause kodi is quite self contained16:50
yocs0000BluesKaj: maybe too much running at the same time ....16:53
yocs0000BluesKaj: Is there a home theater based on VLC?17:06
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BluesKajyocs0000, I used VLC as my HTPC player for many yrs since it's so configurable untill I figured out the settings on kodi were actually more relaible anbd stable...but as a Home Theater Suite it's streaming capabilties aren't as wide ranging as Kodi17:16
BluesKajyocs0000, however VLC as a media player is still near the top of the list ...I still use it occasionally17:18
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Dr_CokeBluesKaj I did that autoremove19:57
Dr_Cokebut I still have gnome metacity19:57
Dr_CokeHow do I take that out19:58
Dr_Cokeclean it back to kubuntu only19:58
BluesKajapt remove gnome-desktop iirc19:58
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »19:59
BluesKajDr_Coke, ^19:59
Dr_CokeThat didn't work for me20:07
Dr_Cokeso I went into synaptic package manager20:07
Dr_Cokeand looked for cinnamon and gnome-desktop20:07
Dr_Cokeand removed20:08
Dr_Cokeand it removed a bunch and install a bunch20:08
Dr_Cokelet me reboot and see if it went ok20:08
Dr_CokeThat's fixed it20:10
Dr_CokeBecause it was a broken install20:10
Dr_Cokeand somethings I installed after the ppa finished installing what it could and then i tried to install things anyway it's gone thank goodness20:11
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R13oseHow do I auto update Opera Browser?22:49
valorie!info Qupzilla23:20
ubottuqupzilla (source: qupzilla): lightweight web browser based on libqtwebkit. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.9~dfsg1-3 (yakkety), package size 830 kB, installed size 5639 kB23:20
EventHorizonmorning...  Any ideas how to resolve this: https://paste.kde.org/pwjdow38y23:48
EventHorizonIs it a common output for 16.10?23:50
valorieEventHorizon: sounds like your mirror is not answering23:51
valoriedo you have a particular mirror configured?23:51
EventHorizonI habe tried different servers... common and other???23:51
Unit193valorie: ...It's for the Kubuntu PPA..23:52
EventHorizonnot intentionally...23:52
valorieUnit193: also The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu yakkety Release' does not have a Release file.23:52
valoriewhich is why I suspect a mirror23:52
Unit193PPAs don't have mirrors.23:52
EventHorizonits a funny one...23:53
Unit193Usually that means that specific PPA isn't publishing for that series.23:53
valorieright, there is no yakkety on LP23:53
valoriebackports is just being staged now, then there will be something to serve23:54
valoriehttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ <-- no yakkety23:54
valorieI wonder why and how you have that in your repository list, EventHorizon?23:55
EventHorizongood question....  I cant tell you (been playing around with the system lately).23:56
valorieI would comment that out in Discover/Muon or whatever you use to manage your repos23:56
EventHorizonsorry which one???23:57
valoriewhen we have backports ready to go, we'll announce it on Kubuntu.org23:58
valorieand I assume in the /topic here23:58

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