[00:27] dx46CQ-PC: what's wrong with grub? [00:27] xangua, there's no grub when I boot the MacBook [00:28] dx46CQ-PC: grub failed to install? [00:28] xangua, I get a grub-efi error when installing lubuntu [00:28] !grub2 [00:28] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [00:28] the installation crashes when it gets the the part where grub is installed [00:30] dx46CQ-PC: what release? I had a message error like "grub could not be installed" just a few days ago on my very first UEFI install [00:31] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair used this tool and manage to install grub for me [00:31] xangua, the latest release [00:32] xangua, can boot repair be used over the commandline without a gui? [00:33] Well it's a graphical tool.... [00:34] Why? Don't you still have Lubuntu live? [00:36] xangua, no... I am coping mint linux to the SD card with dd at the moment... [00:38] Well you can perfectly try the instructions with mint, and if still doesn't work, continue and try installing mint [00:41] xangua, ill give it a shot [01:31] linux mint worked out of the box... lubuntu must have something wrong with the installer... [02:01] Hi [02:01] Can someone help me.. [02:01] Im trying to install lubuntu 16.10 on my dell mini 10v [02:02] the setup fails...with unable to install grub2.... [02:03] the dialog will no allow me to continue.... [02:03] i have tried various other flavors of linux on the same machine, and none have had this problem... [02:03] is this a known issue? [02:04] Hi Steptoe [02:04] hi [02:04] I had the same or similar problem today. [02:05] so it not just me and my old hardware [02:05] I just gave up on it and installed linux mint.. [02:05] The laptop I was trying to install lubuntu 16.10 is a 2008 MacBook [02:05] ok [02:06] so, not only your old hardware at least [02:06] is there a support ticket for this issue [02:06] not sure, haven't had time to look [02:06] This might help: xangua> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair used this tool and manage to install grub for me [02:06] i reboot to a live image, and did an fdisk [02:07] hey if one or both of you guys can repoort this but and the other of you confirm it that would be awesome [02:07] looks like the setup go half way through setting up the boot partition before it bombed out [02:07] headed home [02:07] wxl, later [02:07] how do i report it? [02:08] launchpad I'm guessing [02:09] newbie alert....what is launchpad? [02:10] !bugs [02:10] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [02:12] i can install mint and ubuntu just fine...so im guessing the problem is specific to lubuntu [02:13] the problem is with the installer...so i would have to say, install mint to report a problem with lubuntu.....life's too short...;-) [02:15] just thought i see if anyone had any ideas...... [02:16] but i guess i'll have to wait until this release has matured [02:17] ..Without anyone reporting that bug? [02:45] I'll report it tomorrow [02:45] night everyone [03:08] bye [09:56] Hello [11:38] i just installed Ubuntu Server Standard 16.04 on my raspberry pi 3 and would like to setup the wifi...can someone help? i have ethernet working and am logged in [11:41] murrekatt: if you have network-manager installed there is a neat little tool called nmtui which is basically an ncurses user interface for the network manager [11:43] don't have that it seems [11:43] i read something about wireless-tools but don't know about that too much. is that another route or same? [11:45] another one [11:46] is it really 16.04 ? Is network-manager really installed. Because nmtui should be there http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/network-manager/filelist [11:46] otherwise you can also use wpa_supplicant if you like to [11:47] first you need to create a config with wpa_passphrase. Basically something like this wpa_passphrase SSID Password > my_wpa_config.cfg [11:48] and then execute wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iYOURWLANDEVICE -cmy_wpa_config.cfg [11:48] last one as root I guess [11:51] i installed from here: https://ubuntu-pi-flavour-maker.org/download/ [11:51] Ubuntu Server Standard 16.04 [11:51] maybe i should not use this? happy if you can explain if there's an important difference [11:51] i don't need the gui [11:52] don't find wpa_supplicant either :( [12:46] I have this error: Unable to find or create trash directory on my ntfs partitions. I've tried some suggestions based on searching like adding uid, create the trash folders but to no avail. Can someone please help me? [12:58] sigh [16:29] Hello everyone. [16:29] !bug [16:29] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:32] ubuntu-bug ubiquity [16:32] !ubuntu-bug ubiquity [16:33] oh in my terminal... [16:33] * Zoohouse facepalms [17:09] I just typed up my bug report on launchpad and press submit. I can't find my bug report... [17:11] Can't find the bug report I just typed... [17:11] I dislike launchpad.net... [17:15] dang, I think I submitted it to Lubuntu Art... Trying to submit that bug with grub from yesterday.