
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
pittiGood morning07:29
seb128hey pitti07:32
seb128good morning desktopers07:32
pittibonjour seb128 !07:33
seb128happy friday!07:34
seb128how are you?07:34
pittiseb128: I'm great, thanks! how about yourself?07:35
pittilooking forward to the weekend07:35
seb128I'm good, thanks!07:35
pittiAnnett and I will meet StevenK in Nuernberg07:35
seb128same here ;-)07:35
seb128do you have plans?07:35
seb128oh, say hello from me then07:35
pittiI will!07:36
pittiand on Sunday I'll fly to $warm_place \o/07:36
pitti(Sevilla, for the core sprint)07:36
seb12819°C there, that's alright07:37
didrockshey pitti! re seb12807:40
didrockswaow, summer/spring soon for pitti :)07:41
pittibonjour didrocks !07:44
pittididrocks: yeah, we'll be eating stollen in the sun!07:45
flocculantwith brandy ...07:45
didrocksheh, sounds nice :)07:49
didrockseating stollen in any condition is nice :)07:49
seb128no, it's wrong, you don't eat stollen when it's warm07:52
seb128it's like mulled wine07:52
seb128works only when you need to fight the cold weather07:52
willcookemorning all09:01
willcookehow do I report a spam user?  Getting msgs09:01
seb128hey andyrock willcooke09:01
Laneyamoin moin09:01
seb128oh, early Laney!09:01
seb128hey Laney09:01
seb128willcooke, unsure about spam, maybe #ubuntu-irc knows?09:02
willcookethanks seb12809:02
seb128do you speak about irc spam?09:02
seb128or launchpad?09:02
willcookejust googling it now09:02
willcookeI'm getting dm'd09:03
willcookeit's stopped now09:03
seb128I think there is an admin channel but don't remember which one09:03
willcookegah duckduckgo is annoyingly bad for this09:04
* willcooke reverts to actual google for his googling 09:04
Laneyhey seb12809:04
Laneyhow are you?09:04
seb128good! it's friday & sunny & I've a tennis match tonight09:05
davmor2Morning all09:05
seb128how are you?09:05
Laneypretty good09:06
Laneyno sun though09:06
Laneywent to climbing and a new micro pub/bakery last night09:06
willcookehey Laney davmor209:08
seb128nice! and any plan for the w.e yet?09:09
Laneysup willcooke09:09
Laneyhow was london?09:09
willcookeWas nice to see real people again :)09:09
Laneywas there some event?09:09
davmor2morning willcooke09:10
Laneyseb128: going to a birthday party, probably go to the allotment if it's not raining ...09:10
Laneylast free weekend of the year :-o09:10
willcookenah, I wanted to chat to a few people and work with p_opey on creating a snap09:10
seb128did you make a good one? ;-)09:10
willcookeI gave up around 6pm and went for a ber09:11
seb128wash out the failure at the pub09:11
seb128I see09:11
seb128good way to deal with it ;-)09:11
davmor2willcooke: well it was popey there was bound to be some failure ;)09:12
willcookehappyaron, Chinese New Year is awesome, having to work Saturday and Sunday, less so :)09:16
seb128do they have to do that?09:17
happyaronit's a so called 7-day holidays, but 2 days are swapped from Saturday and Sunday09:18
seb128Laney, is bug #1626233 something you are looking at? nautilus upstream asked me the status saying that they talk to somebody from Canonical about it before (they didn't remember who though but I assume it was you?)09:18
ubot5bug 1626233 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in nautilus_directory_get_file_list (due to the typeahed ubuntu changes)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162623309:18
seb128I've not been following the 3.20 update issues much so I didn't know but I said I would ask ... there we are ;-)09:18
seb128happyaron, I see, still good to have a week off work! oh, and hey btw ;-)09:18
Laneyseb128: doesn't ring any bells09:19
seb128it might have been jbicha then09:19
seb128(they said later they though he was working for Canonical)09:20
* seb128 tags it as rls-z-incoming09:21
seb128Laney, csoranio said it might be tricky to update that patch to work properly with the new codebase, we should maybe just drop it and see how it goes with users?09:23
seb128do you have an opinion on that?09:23
LaneyI don't want to maintain patches like that if I can help it, but people were loud last time09:25
LaneyI'd dig up the contributor and ask if they want to do it09:25
seb128well apparently somebody updated the patch enough that it applies and build, it's just not working/hitting a segfault09:25
LaneyYes I understand09:27
flexiondotorgMorning Laney seb128 willcooke davmor2 happyaron andyrock09:33
davmor2and a partridge on a pear tree09:34
willcookehey flexiondotorg09:34
seb128hey flexiondotorg, how are you?09:35
davmor2morning flexiondotorg09:35
flexiondotorgseb128, All good thanks.09:35
willcookeTrello is down...... nooooooooooooooooo11:04
Tm_Ttopyli is lying, I don't fight wolfes, I might fight for them though11:13
Tm_T...aand wrong channel (:11:13
davmor2willcooke: it's like the voices of a million developers cried out at once and then were gone11:13
willcookethey all cried out "yay"11:14
LaneyTm_T: playing werewolf?11:15
mitya57Trevinho, hi!11:25
Trevinhomitya57: hey11:25
mitya57While looking at bug 1635577, I found this line in libindicator which probably hides the old item: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/libindicator/trunk.16.10/annotate/head:/tools/indicator-loader.c#L17211:26
ubot5bug 1635577 in unity (Ubuntu) "memory leak in unity-panel-service" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163557711:26
Tm_TLaney: no, just discussing where we live, ubuntu community is vast (:11:26
* Trevinho checks11:27
Trevinhomitya57: thanks for that debugging work, though!11:27
mitya57And it looks like in https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/libindicator/lp-1045372/+merge/123876 it was changed on purpose from "remove" to "hide".11:27
mitya57So if we change it back to "remove" we need to make sure we don't reintroduce bug 104537211:28
ubot5bug 1045372 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "libreoffice unity menu bars greyed out after opening any dialog or switching window" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104537211:28
mitya57Trevinho, oh, and thanks for adding my MP to your ticket :)12:22
* Sweet5hark is still amazed by his experience with using LibreOffice online for the first time "in production".12:30
Sweet5hark20 people concurrently writing call minutes in one doc and it just kept going.12:30
Trevinhomitya57: np12:47
seb128Sweet5hark, like on the uds gobby time? ;-)12:54
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, our calls are a bit like UDS sessions in that. we used etherpad before, but now tried a fullblown LibreOffice for the first time.12:56
seb128Sweet5hark, how is it working? there is a libreoffice server side than somebody needs to host I guess?12:56
Sweet5harkseb128: yes, its currently hosted by collabora.12:57
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seb128do they do free hosting?12:57
seb128like can anyone use their server?12:58
Sweet5harkseb128: for TDF, yes ;)12:58
seb128lol, I see12:58
Laneyis it in the browser?13:01
Laneyor the app(s) connect to the server?13:01
Trevinhomitya57: sooooo..... Mhmh, well that libindicator thing doesn't seem too wrong to me, unless the indicator actually remove the items at a given point...13:03
Trevinhomitya57: in UPS I don't think we do anything special for that, so it might be more related to some lib we depend on...13:04
mitya57Trevinho, so does removing items seem wrong to you?13:05
Trevinhomitya57: in the applet you say?13:06
mitya57No matter — in libindicator or in UPS itself.13:06
Trevinhomitya57: if removing would cause that libreoffice bug again, I'd prefer not13:09
Trevinhobut I've not checked the full logic yte13:09
mitya57Trevinho, I would leave the decision to you. In any case I fixed owncloud-client so the UPS part is no longer critical.13:11
Trevinhomitya57: ah, however the line you linked to me before (the one doing the hiding), is actually in the indicator-loader... Which is a dummy loader for menus... So an example app13:11
Trevinhonot the lib itself13:11
Trevinhoisn' it?13:11
mitya57Oh, maybe.13:12
Trevinhomitya57: what's the diff at owncloud side, just to understand?13:12
mitya57Trevinho, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/295376092/owncloud-client_2.2.4+dfsg-2_2.2.4+dfsg-2ubuntu1.diff.gz13:12
mitya57One line changed :)13:12
mitya57Re-registering the icon every 30 seconds was a workaround for some old bug in Qt 5.5.13:13
mitya57Trevinho, but where are the items hidden then? I found only the entry2geometry hash, but I did not fully understand how that works.13:14
Trevinhomitya57: that hash table should only have the reference of the entry id... not the entry itself... but it associate every menu "title" (or entry, as we call it) to a location in the screen and in the panel...13:26
Trevinhoso basically the panel knows where it's painted in unity... This is has to be known for various reasons such as scrubbing, or to know where to place the menu Alt+<accelerator>13:27
mitya57Trevinho, the only useful thing happening in on_removed_idle() was dropping the removed items from that hash, so I thought that could hide them somehow.13:29
mitya57But if I was wrong, then I can not find the line where they are actually hidden.13:29
Trevinhomitya57: I don't see it at this level... I think it might happen on libindicator only... While the library keeps the refence, it doesn't notify it to the actual applet (whatever it is, indicator-applet or ups or... others)13:30
Trevinhobut this is just a suspect13:30
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
xnoxGtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"14:53
xnoxthat's dead right, and we should not try to load it?14:53
xnoxbin/ubiquity-dm:        os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] = 'overlay-scrollbar'14:54
xnoxbin/ubiquity-wrapper:        os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] += os.pathsep + 'overlay-scrollbar'14:54
xnoxbin/ubiquity-wrapper:        os.environ['GTK_MODULES'] = 'overlay-scrollbar'14:54
attenteis that still used for gtk 2 apps?14:55
ogra_it isnt instealled at all14:55
xnoxubiquity is gtk314:55
ogra_but it is installable from unitverse i thinnk14:55
ogra_i guess the question is if you still want it to work for people that explicitly install it14:56
ogra_(and yeah, i doubt it works at all for gtk3)14:56
xnoxduring live-cd installer only? no, there are no apps during ubiquity-only session14:56
ogra_oh, right ... i missed which files you pointed at14:57
attenteoh, right14:57
ogra_rip it out ;)14:57
seb128xnox, yeah, that needs to be cleaned out15:01
ogra_seb128, should we perhaps also drop it from the archive ?15:04
seb128ogra_, we did15:04
seb128the source still builds a gtk2 binary which is needed since gtk2 doesn't have such overlay scrollbars, that was only added to gtk315:05
ogra_yeah, i cant read what "apt search" prints ... sorry :P15:06
attentedesrt: hey, do you know if there's a way to prevent the libtool wrapper from the g-ir-scanner output from overriding LD_LIBRARY_PATH?15:27
desrtthat's sort of its job15:27
desrtthat's how it is able to make the linker find the in-tree versions of the libraries (which is pretty much the only thing libtool is good for)15:27
attentebut now i have an old system library and it's using that one instead of my locally installed one15:28
attentei don't really know where /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu is coming from15:30
attentesorry, i should've given more context about the /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu problem15:32
=== JanC is now known as Guest2425
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Laneyhappy weekend!18:04
willcookeoh, yes it's time18:04
willcookegood night all18:04
willcookeWeekend \o/18:04
seb128have a good w.e desktopers!18:06
cmishraare only two ides available now through ubuntu-make? (light table and visual-studio-code)19:03
dobeypretty sure the android sdk / eclipse is there19:18
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun

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