
=== dandrader_ is now known as dandrader
alan_ggreyback: I told you not to waste time on that bug. I have already marked it a dup.10:46
greybackalan_g: I hadn't hit refresh, 'tis all.10:47
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
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bschaeferyay mir support landed upstream in kodi16:39
AlbertAbschaefer: nice! does that mean the snap can build for upstream github branch now? or not quite yet?16:40
bschaeferAlbertA, yes it can, i upstreamed the fixes need for cmake, the only issue is the tarballs16:40
anpokoh wow!16:40
* alan_g is looking forward to running "miral-desktop -kiosk -launcher kodi"16:41
bschaeferill have to look into doing it correctly16:41
AlbertAbschaefer: you could potentially just make a custom plugin that pulls in the tar balls16:41
bschaeferAlbertA, hmm but internet access was blocked?16:41
bschaeferwhich was the issue, or do plugins get more rights?16:42
AlbertAbschaefer: ahh.. nvmd then. forgot the builder is launchpad16:42
bschaeferAlbertA, yeah how i have to do it now is manually point the cmake -DRELATIVE_PATH_TO_TAR_BALL16:43
bschaefersoo it'll be like16:43
* bschaefer will have to check it out though16:43
=== JanC is now known as Guest2425
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
anpokmiralshell at least is working fine (still with 0.24.1)18:46
anpokon vmware18:46
anpokI thought there was a problem18:46

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