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vmuser123Hope this is the right place to ask: It's been a while since I've done this... Trying to write the daily Touch build to a 16gb ssd and make it bootable so it will start on an x86 pc. Is there a tutorial somewhere?02:24
dufluvmuser123: Regular Ubuntu (16.10 and later) comes with the touch interface so you don't need to. Just choose Unity8 on the login screen.02:28
vmuser123_thanks to whomever just replied about unity8. I'm installing this on a small x86 pc with a touch screen monitor. (was a POS machine) full desktop install is pretty slow.02:30
dufluvmuser123_: We're also working on improving performance. What CPU/GPU are you using?02:31
vmuser123_post-install it won't have a keyboard/monitor so essentially will be a tablet02:31
vmuser123_it's a atom d52502:31
vmuser123_2gb ddr302:31
dufluvmuser123_: Yes regular Ubuntu should support full touch. Just choose Unity8 instead of Unity7 before you log in.02:32
dufluNo need to build your own02:32
vmuser123_Is (are) the daily builds buggy or quirky?02:32
dobeythe "touch" daily build tarballs aren't really built for general PC hardware as you're probably using02:33
dufluvmuser123_: They are usable but always risky: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/02:34
dobeythey do some things differently more oriented toward actual phones/tablets02:34
dufluvmuser123_: Also by chance I was the first person to discover Atoms are unusually slow. They have their own bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/158079202:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1580792 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 on Intel Atoms performs poorly (falls back to software rendering more than non-Atoms do)" [High,Confirmed]02:34
dobeyhonestly sounds like the best option for you, would be ubuntu personal, when those snaps are ready02:35
dobeyor better yet, building your own kiosk-ish snap02:35
dufluAlthough I would highly recommend not using Unity8 on Atoms for now (https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1580792)02:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1580792 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 on Intel Atoms performs poorly (falls back to software rendering more than non-Atoms do)" [High,Confirmed]02:36
vmuser123_gotcha. Not sure what to do. This was a kiosk/pos machine that was given to me. touch screen monitor is really nice (24" medical grade) and wife wants me to mount it on the kitchen wall so we/she can use it to look up receipts & stuff while she cooks. will be monitor only02:36
dufluWe know what the problem is, as we've already squeezed out all the Atom performance issues from Mir itself. Just remaining in Unity802:36
vmuser123_performance is so bad I'd rather go back to Embedded POSReady702:37
vmuser123_just thought that Touch may be a good alternative option. I don't mind a bug here & there but the Atom's performance is terrible02:38
dufluvmuser123_: Yes, we know. Please discuss it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/158079202:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1580792 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 on Intel Atoms performs poorly (falls back to software rendering more than non-Atoms do)" [High,Confirmed]02:38
vmuser123_ok thank you.02:41
dufluIncidentally, Atoms + mir-demos render very nice and smooth now. So it's encouraging that the future is bright even for older Atom chips. We just need to find where in the Qt* and Unity8 code the remaining performance issue is02:43
vmuser123_heh. interesting. I wouldn't usually choose Atom but this was free. Stinks because this mobo has SIM slot so I was interested in playing with Touch and phone features02:45
dobeythe SIM on the board is only for data, doesn't have voice modem wired up on it02:55
dufluFan fact: When I ported mir-demos to run properly on Atoms I found the difference was 200x faster. So that's the kind of slowdown we're dealing with when an Atom falls back to software rendering03:02
dufluFun fact: I think I'm dyslexic03:03
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ktchkHi can I just buy Meizu and port ubuntu to it??10:49
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ktchkhi any one get meizu pro5 in hong kong?12:49
davmor2ktchk: in theory it is doable there are instructions on line on how to do it12:53
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ktchkdavmor2: have to change the internal boot ?13:01
davmor2ktchk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/767323/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-meizu-pro-5-that-was-originally-with-android13:43
UBport-use|48879anyone tried devel_rc-proposed 160?13:58
matv1my phone turned orange14:26
dobeymatv1: did you get an SMS from trump?14:31
matv1dobey: I didnt. He probably tweeted. MakeUbuntuOrangeAgain!14:33
matv1but i dont have twitter so yeah14:33
mterrytedg: seeing some errors with the systemd job for a legacy app (I'm trying to get firefox to launch in u8)14:34
mterrymm, let me pastebin14:34
mterrytedg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23567928/14:34
mterryThat's the journalctl output that mentions firefox and the relevant unit file14:35
tedgmterry: That means the environment got to long... systemd only allows 2048 characters in the environment :-(14:35
* tedg bitches about C programmers for a moment14:35
tedgmterry: There should be a warning in the URL dispatcher log14:36
tedgmterry: We're gonna have to prune more if it's coming up, I black listed a bunch of env vars to try to keep us under it, but we'll have to do more.14:36
mterrytedg: nothing interesting in url dispatcher that I see14:37
mterrytedg: can we create a wrapper script for the envs?14:37
tedgmterry: I think so, there seems to be some environment loading commands, but I haven't played with them yet.14:38
dobeytedg: clearly you should rewrite Xorg in golang then14:38
tedgmterry: We should be able to put something in /run or something14:38
tedgdobey: This is a systemd issue, and we are, it's called snapd ;-)14:38
dobeyyou mean systemd-snapd14:39
mterrytedg: ah yeah just to triple confirm: "(process:11574): ubuntu-app-launch-DEBUG: Environment length: 2138"14:40
mterryso close14:40
dobeygood thing we don't do reverse domain namespacing any more14:41
dobeybut even so, could easily make a package name long enough to cause problems :)14:41
tedgmterry: Shorten your username ;-)14:46
mterryWon't Fix14:47
mterrytedg: we can also shorten the snap name to u814:48
mterrymaybe reset the revision to a single digit14:48
tedgOne digital will be enough for anyone!14:49
ogra_tedg, did you notice that installing unity8-session-snap on a unity7 system makes startup of apps really slow in the unity7 session (since the new debus session package showedf up)14:49
mterrywe have a bug about that...14:50
mterryogra_: bug 164432314:50
ogra_i.e. i usually hit ctrl-t after login a few times pretty quickly to bring up a handfull of terminals ... they take between 1-2 min to open14:50
ubot5bug 1644323 in Canonical System Image "Installing unity8-session-snap adversely effects unity7" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164432314:50
ogra_ah, perfect14:51
* ogra_ subscribes14:51
mterryogra_: workaround for terminal is to launch it from launcher14:51
ogra_i doubt i can cheat my finger memory like that :)14:52
mterrytedg: should I open a bug about this for tracking or should it be just folded an existing bug?14:55
mterry(the env limit)14:55
tedgmterry: Yeah, probably not a bad idea, I kinda see it part of getting the feature landed, but a bug is fine too.14:55
mterryMore bugs means you get a more satisfying burst of "fix released" notices!14:57
* tedg assumes at the Pearly Gates when he dies they'll ask how many e-mails he got14:58
tedgmterry: Apparently silo 2129 is not installable, #snappy14:59
* tedg is going to look into it but if you have ideas...14:59
mterrymust need a rebuild somewhere14:59
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seb128tedg, Saviq was saying earlier that an oxide security upload created installability issues in the overlay, unsure if that's what you are seeing though15:00
dobeymterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-transfer/+bug/1638708/comments/115:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1638708 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Hardcoded paths in desktop files need to be processed need $SNAP prefixing" [High,Triaged]15:01
tedgseb128: Hmm, perhaps, thanks for the tip!15:01
Saviqtedg, that's only on xenial+o, though is the snap built from x?15:05
tedgSaviq: No, xenial+overlay+silo212915:06
dobeyyes the snap is supposed to be built from x+o15:06
Saviqtedg, then yeah, that's the issue15:07
Saviqoverlay has older oxide than xenial-security15:07
Saviqso BOOM15:07
Saviqhttps://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2148 has it for overlay15:07
tedgLAND IT NOW!15:08
dobeyit's in queue15:09
mterryOh right, I dealt with that yesterday and my solution was just to add 2148 to my system and rebuild the snap15:10
dobeyor just binary copy the packages over to 212915:16
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la_juyishello everyone and welcome to today's session!19:02
dobeyla_juyis: i'm clueless. but nice hair :)19:16
la_juyisdobey: ha, wrong channel xD but thanks :D19:19
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