
AlexPortabledoes lubuntu contains any extra graphics / sound drivers / stuff apart from a server installation?01:20
wxlabsolutely, AlexPortable. it has the whole X11 stack, for Pete's sake.01:22
AlexPortablewxl: can i somehow install that myself?01:24
AlexPortableim trying to create a more bare minimum with only a webbrowser basis01:25
wxlAlexPortable: so you only want to browse?01:25
AlexPortablewell and sound and video playback (youtube and kodi)01:25
wxlAlexPortable: try using lubuntu-core.01:25
wxli dunno what kodi is but with html5 in youtube you should have no problems01:26
AlexPortablekodi is a mediaplayer program01:26
AlexPortablehow is lubuntu core different?01:28
wxlapt-cache show | grep Depends will show you01:30
wxljust put lubuntu-core/desktop after show01:30
AlexPortablewhat do you mean after show?01:30
wxlthere's only about 38 packages in core, and about 92 in desktop01:30
wxlapt-cache show lubuntu-core | grep Depends01:30
wxlyou can do one after the other with `apt-cache show lubuntu-{core,desktop} | grep Depends` assuming you're using bash01:31
AlexPortableah thanks01:32
AlexPortableand how about installing those packages on debian/ubuntu server?01:32
wxlwell the above are ubuntu packages01:33
wxlso do you have debian or ubuntu?01:33
AlexPortablei was testing with a bare-minimal system of debian01:33
AlexPortableand have an lubuntu installation, but it was kinda bloated for my use case01:33
wxlthen that will take you more effort01:33
wxlthey have lxde* metapackages (well, taskel tasks i imagine) that could help01:33
AlexPortablewell i have a working solution with openbox and stuff, but im not sure what x11 things im missing01:33
wxljust go through the list of packages in -core01:34
wxlgotta jet but good luck!01:34
AlexPortablethanks :)01:34
Antony567How to autostart few users?10:39
AlexPortableWhat is the difference between lubuntu core and lubuntu minimal ?15:03
paul__hi i can see wi fi networks can anybody help me ?16:02
Falconicso, I'm trying to use a document and cloud drive manager on lubuntu, and it's telling me to start by opening Activities and typing Online Accounts19:26
Falconicbut I can't seem to open Activities...19:26
Falconicif it's relevant, I'm using a ThinkPad x22019:27
wxlwhat is this thing, Falconic ? link?19:28
FalconicI tried using the upper left hot corner, nothing comes down, and using the command key(super I guess is the popular name for it on linux now?)19:28
Falconicit's Documents19:29
wxlFalconic: did you install this through the package maneger?19:30
wxloh. and you know, this is designed to work with GNOME, not LXDE.19:30
Falconicyeah, through Software19:30
wxlclearly the instructions reference features of the GNOME desktop.19:31
wxlso you can install a LOOOOOT more stuff and get it.19:31
Falconicoh shoot, how did I miss that?19:31
wxlthere's also an Ubuntu GNOME flavor, but i can't expect it to be as lightweight as Lubuntu (though I'm not sure)19:31
Falconichaha, okay, better start to this question19:31
Falconicis there a good way to have access to gDrive/gDocs on LUbuntu as a desktop app?19:32
wxlit's strange that it doesn't seem to depend upon gnome even though it says it's a standalone application19:32
wxli'm not sure honestly19:32
Falconicor should I just use the browser based stuff for gDrive/gDocs?19:33
wxlthat's probably what i'd suggest19:34
wxli think there's also like google-cli or something like that that can be used to access some features of google on the command line but i'm not sure that's what you want19:34
Falconicokay, bummer, the browser apps don't like to play nice with Vivaldi19:35
Falconicnah, if it was for me I'd be fine, but it's for my SO19:35
wxlright right. the Google-native apps are probably more "at home" in reality.19:36
Falconicshe was gonna be an IT major, but she said fuck it because it got too frustrating and now she refuses to us things that are not user friendly19:36
Falconicoop, sorry!19:37
wxlall good19:37
Falconicalright, so she'll have to use the web based access for them, silly users and needing their GUIs! XD19:39
Falconicthank you! have a great day19:39
wxlyou too19:40
Falconicoh, is there a shortcut for terminal on LUbuntu?19:41
lynorian_Falconic: control alt t19:41
Falconicthank you! :)19:41
wxlpick through ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to see ohw that's set19:41
wxlit's easily changed if you prefer something else19:41
AlexPortablethe main differences between lubuntu core and lubuntu-desktop are some packages. I'm trying to create a bare minimal system, which packages can i more remove? dbus-x11, lightdm, lightdm-gtk-greeter, lubuntu-artwork, lubuntu-default-settings, lubuntu-icon-theme, lxpanel, lxsession, lxterminal, openbox, pcmanfm, plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo,22:07
AlexPortableplymouth-theme-lubuntu-text, ubuntu-mono, xserver-xorg-input-all, xserver-xorg-video-all, xserver-xorg-video-intel22:07

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