[12:34] yay eth connection working at last [12:34] afternoon everyone [12:44] hi inetpro superfly paddatrapper pavlushka theblazehen and all you other lurkers [12:56] hi Kilos! [13:15] hi Luis_ [13:15] welcome to ubuntu-za [14:18] helloooooo africa [14:18] ai! [14:53] hi Kilos [15:05] goeiemore [16:26] hi Kilos :) [16:42] Luis_ you may greet and make friends, dont be shy [17:02] anyone created or modified any keyboard layout? [17:24] Kilos: back to being the gate keeper I see [17:25] haha [17:26] now the ubuntu-za back to normal. [17:27] sorry, beena busy day [17:27] yeah these guys all lurk if no one nags them [17:27] np superfly life happens [18:57] good evening [18:57] pavlushka: ? [18:58] Kilos: please keep talking [19:12] about what inetpro [19:12] about everything [19:13] lol [19:13] had to use wicd to get my eth connected [19:13] help pavlushka [19:13] nm lost the eth things [19:14] with what [19:14] have no idea [19:14] he wants to enter funny characters? [19:14] like 🔔 [19:14] haha [19:15] pavlushka make a compose key [19:15] MaNI: wb [19:15] thanks [19:16] very hot here in rustenburg [19:16] 3 days of 38°c [19:17] im getting a tan at last [19:19] sounds more like cancer than a tan at those heats [19:19] lol [19:22] stay out of the sun oom Kilos [19:23] sun helps fight cholestrol [19:23] and how can i walk and stay out the sun [19:24] ian stays on a massive beautiful farm [19:24] so i must investigate some [19:24] but i dont walk far yet [19:24] the airport walk were tough [19:25] ai! [19:33] abu dhabi airport is massive and you land one end and take off from the other end [19:34] hey inetpro, yeah, that helped :p [19:34] inetpro knows everything [19:35] haha 😂😂 [19:35] my mentor [19:36] you on your cell phone goosie [19:36] nope [19:36] what then [19:36] those arent normal smileys [19:37] tablet? [19:37] copy and paste from standard emoji characters [19:38] inetpro: I am actually composing the layout I use for my Language on a diff linux distro :) [19:38] they're just unicode characters [19:38] ah [19:38] pavlushka: kde? [19:39] when i hover the mouse over them i dont get to see the code as i do with normal smileys [19:39] but I need to know how to set the alt+key option. [19:39] pavlushka: are you using KDE? [19:39] inetpro: parabola-arch [19:39] naughty [19:39] ask the arch peeps [19:40] Kilos: you know better than they do, about my language. [19:40] hahaha [19:40] gibberish keyboard [19:40] hmm.... [19:41] Maaz hmm... [19:41] hmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking [19:41] Kilos: after a complete intro, they will say, so you are an indian? [19:41] * inetpro learns about parabola-arch for the first time [19:41] hahaha [19:42] pavlushka: https://pthree.org/2006/11/30/its-unicode-baby/ [19:42] its not about the architecture but just about the layout which is not available for any other distro. [19:43] not sure whether that will help in your case [19:43] just have to map the keys accordingly to an mim file [19:43] but cant find out how to map alt+key operations. [19:44] inetpro: well, lets check that link, so far, you didn't fail, :p [19:44] haha [19:45] think it might not even be relevant [19:46] me to, I didn't checked a project on github about layout editor, its on my ming atm. [19:46] pavlushka: why use parabola-arch? [19:46] *ming/mind [19:47] inetpro: curiosity about arch (from theblazehen ) and I like Stallman. [19:47] theblazehen: help him [19:48] so far I need to compile my scanner and printer drivers there and the browser [19:48] only the compiles and the kernel left. [19:49] *compiler [20:10] night guys, My eyes feeling truckloads [20:10] night lad [20:10] good night [20:13] yikes! [20:13] it's after 🕙 already [20:15] time to call it a day here as well [20:15] goeie nag oom Kilos [20:15] nag inetpro [20:15] \ [20:15] lekker slaap [20:27] night all. sleep tight