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kjackalgood morning juju world!07:54
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kjackalHi everyone, a member/partner from scaledb cannot register with the juju list. Who is the juju list owner?08:52
BlackDexHello there, i'm looking for the minimum requirements for a juju "node"/vm but i can't seem to find it10:17
kjackalBlackDex: What do you mean by minimum requirements?10:23
kjackalBlackDex: A base charm is the ubuntu charms10:24
kjackalBlackDex: That deploys ubuntu and it should run wherever ubuntu runs10:24
BlackDexI meen the juju bootstrap node10:29
BlackDexSo, how much mem, disk, cpu etc.. is the minimum requirement for a juju-bootstrap node10:29
BlackDexFor maas it is located here: http://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/#minimum-requirements10:30
BlackDexFor JuJu i couldn't find it10:30
cjwatsonIs there any equivalent of optional_resources from jujuresources in Juju 2.0 resources?11:45
cjwatsonI'm trying to write a charm that installs packages from resources if they're provided that way, but otherwise installs from a PPA11:45
cjwatsonSimply not attaching the resources and having a bit of conditional behaviour in the charm worked OK until I tried to do "charm release", at which point I got "cannot release charm or bundle: bad request: charm published with incorrect resources: resources are missing from publish request: ..."11:46
cjwatsonI've thought about building metadata.yaml conditionally, but that's fiddly, and it would mean two different versions of the charm, one with resources and one without11:52
cjwatsonDo I just have to fall back to bundling files in the charm instead?  Seems a shame - resources are a nicer UX in general11:53
kjackalOptional resources....12:04
kjackalyou can have dummy 0-sized recources12:05
cjwatsonTrue; feels extremely hacky12:05
kjackalcjwatson: there is an email thread that is somewhat related12:05
cjwatsonIs that something that other charms do?12:05
kjackalperhapse you could give some feedback12:05
kjackalyes, there is no other option for now12:06
kjackalbut your feedback/usecase needs to be heard12:06
kjackalplease send some email to the list/or say something about your needs in that email thread12:06
kjackalcjwatson: title "Hide resources from showing on the store"12:07
* cjwatson finds https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-December/008265.html12:07
cjwatsonkjackal: do you happen to have the Message-Id of that message?  That way I can synthesise a reply - I'm not subscribed to that list12:08
cjwatsonkjackal: ah, never mind that, I can extract it from the HTML source12:14
kjackalsorry cjwatson. I am back now12:29
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shruthimaHi all, iam trying to push multiseries charm to charm store. i have successfully ran charm push but charm publish command if giving following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583217/, anyone please suggest?12:52
shruthimaHi all, iam trying to push multiseries charm to charm store. i have successfully ran charm push but charm publish command is giving following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583217/, anyone please suggest?13:17
kjackalhi shruthima I thought the publish was replaced by charm release13:18
kjackali get a "ERROR unrecognized command: charm publish"13:19
kjackalshruthima: is it possible you are running some old version of charm tools?13:19
shruthimaya in some machines i faced even that error13:19
shruthimaiam using charm-tools 2.1.213:20
shruthimakjackal: any document related to charm release?13:21
kjackalshould be the same as charm publish13:22
shruthimaoh k il give a try13:22
shruthimakjackal: ERROR unrecognized command: charm release13:23
shruthimain which version of charm-tools will it work?13:24
kjackalI couldnt find docs on the web for charm release, but here is the --help output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23583338/13:24
kjackalshruthima: Regarding the "access denied" error you are getting I would start by looking at the permissions you have on launchpad13:25
kjackalshruthima: are you in the right group(s)?13:26
shruthimakjackal: ya i have pushed 3-4 charms with same launchpad id13:26
kjackalso it is only that one you cannot release?13:27
kjackalyou can release other charms in that group?13:27
shruthimaalmost everyone is facing this issue from last friday13:28
kjackalIn that case, use charm show <charm-name> to compare the permissions set13:28
kjackallast friday...13:28
kjackallet me try to release a charm myslef.13:29
shruthimakjackal: no other charms also iam unable to publish now13:29
kjackalshruthima: I am sorry I cannot reproduce the error. Releasing charms works here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23583368/13:33
kjackalshruthima: can you try the publish command with the --debug option13:34
shruthimakjackal: almost everyone from ibmcharmers facing same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583370/13:34
marcoceppishruthima: you have an old version of the charm command, if you run `charm version` you should get charm with at least 2.2.013:35
shruthimamarcoceppi: how to update the charm version13:38
marcoceppi`sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable; sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade`13:38
marcoceppi`sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:juju/stable; sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade`13:39
shruthimakjackal: here is the output with debug option http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583387/13:39
kjackalshruthima: can you please try the upgrade marcoceppi suggested and then do a charm logout, login, release ?13:41
shruthimakjackal: ya iam trying to upgrade now13:41
kjackalshruthima: thanks13:41
shruthimamarcoceppi: kjackal : i have updated the cahrm version http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23583438/ , still iam facing the same ERROR cannot release charm or bundle: unauthorized: access denied for user "salmavar"13:52
marcoceppishruthima: which charm are you trying to release?13:52
shruthimamultiseries charm13:53
marcoceppishruthima: you can't release to the stable channel for that charm, it's an approved charm.13:53
marcoceppiinstead, sonce you push, enter the URL you get back from push into http://review.jujucharms.com/ and it'll follow a review cycle then be released once reviewed13:54
shruthimamarcoceppi: oh ok so just i have to create a new request for review with new URL right ?13:56
shruthimamarcoceppi: thanku :)13:56
shruthimamarcoceppi: any updates on this issue https://github.com/juju-solutions/interface-http/issues/513:58
marcoceppishruthima: no, not at the moment14:16
shruthimamarcoceppi: ok when can we expect that to be resolved?14:18
admcleodis there a way, when adding a machine manually with 2.x, to define what kind of lxc networking you'd like to use by default?14:22
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deanmanmarcoceppi: Hi, i joined recently the aws charmers program, I was wondering if i do have access to AWS web console as well.14:30
marcoceppideanman: you do not14:30
marcoceppideanman: is there something you need in the web console?14:31
deanmanmarcoceppi: i was controlling a deployment yesterday from home and now from office (and behind proxy) it seems my client cannot talk to AWS. I'm trying to debug whether is due to controller dies or some other network issue.14:32
marcoceppideanman: ah, do you know the instance id for your controller?14:32
deanmanmarcoceppi: does that help ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583601/14:33
marcoceppideanman: ah, can you get the controller UUID from `juju show-controller`14:34
deanmanmarcoceppi: hmm it seems that i can't http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583609/14:36
marcoceppideanman: $HOME/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml should have that cached14:37
deanmanmarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583631/14:39
deanmanuuid: d1a79bb1-a362-4551-81ec-d51613d31a1f14:39
marcoceppideanman: it is alive still14:40
marcoceppibootstrapped about 22 hours ago14:40
deanmanmarcoceppi: how does local juju client talks to the controller ? ssh or other protocol ? SSH is blocked and needs some tsocks configuration but everything else should go through the proxy server.14:41
marcoceppideanman: I'm under the impression that it's directly with a websocket14:43
deanmanah websockets14:43
deanmanok thanks, ill try troubleshoot it14:44
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bildzgoood morning15:41
bildzare there any docs at running a juju controller in HA?15:41
bildzim designing an HA MAAS solution and haven't been able to find any docs yet15:41
marcoceppibildz: let me take a look15:41
bildzmarcoceppi: thanks!15:42
marcoceppibildz: in short, `juju enable-ha` is the command you want (juju help enable-ha for more info). I've filed a bug on the docs to document this better https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/155615:45
AnkammaraoHi Kevin15:47
AnkammaraoHi i have firefox browser issue on ubuntu z machine ,can anyone help me15:48
marcoceppiAnkammarao: you mean, a problem with Firefox on Z or problem with Juju GUI on Firefox (on Z)?15:49
Ankammaraowhen running firefox command on vnc server ,getting the error like "Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays"15:50
Ankammaraomarcoceppi ,i want to open firefox browser on vnc session for ubuntu z machine15:50
marcoceppiAnkammarao: this sounds like a general Ubuntu question. http://askubuntu.com or #ubuntu on irc15:51
marcoceppiAnkammarao: those are probably the best source for help15:51
marcoceppiAnkammarao: I'd help, but I've not encountered that problem :(15:51
Ankammaraomarcoceppi, can we install other browsers like "firefox" on ubuntu z machine15:55
marcoceppiAnkammarao: probably, sure. It's the same ubuntu as you'd expect on any other architecture. So long as there's a package for that architecture15:55
marcoceppibildz: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/controllers-ha15:58
marcoceppipetevg: hey, are you in DC?16:08
petevgmarcoceppi that I am.16:12
petevgJust for the day.16:12
magicaltroutpetevg: you visiting the whitehouse before it turns gold?16:32
magicaltroutpersonally, I think it'll look nice gold...16:32
petevgmagicaltrout: heh. I thought about doing that.16:35
petevgI have just enough time to wander through the National Mall, though. Then I have to hit the conference.16:35
magicaltrouti was down there the other day.... huge blisters16:35
magicaltroutI never learn16:35
petevgOutside > inside. I'll have to see the Whitehouse after Trump's successor restore it :-)16:36
magicaltroutI reckon he'll turn it into a downtown golf course16:36
magicaltrouthe'd make a lot of money.....16:36
magicaltroutthink about it16:36
magicaltroutteeing off from the roof, with the hole being the washington monument16:36
magicaltroutit doesn't get any better than that16:36
magicaltroutyou could zipwire from the roof16:37
petevgThe problem is that I can see it.16:37
magicaltroutthen, tee #2 could be the lincoln memorial16:37
magicaltroutit would be the best golf course ever16:37
magicaltrouti need to figure out how to incorporate capitol hill16:38
magicaltroutI also happen to think the roof of the kennedy centre would make a great green16:41
magicaltroutplenty of room, but testing enough  because if you go off the edge, you're gonna have a tricky chip to get back onto the green from 4 stories below16:41
magicaltroutmaybe a short par 3 from the Watergate hotel16:41
bdxmarcoceppi: can you link me to anything you have done for datadog-agent?17:09
cory_fumarcoceppi: https://github.com/marcoceppi/svg.juju.solutions/pull/817:18
marcoceppibdx: give me 10 mins to clean up this iteration17:48
marcoceppibdx: and we can chat17:48
bdxmarcoceppi: ok17:48
marcoceppicory_fu: thanks for the contribution!17:49
marcoceppicory_fu: I wnat to merge post/get, since it's a lot of duplication17:49
marcoceppimaybe one day17:49
bdxrick_h: you were talking about how you specified the default aws region in clouds.yaml, how exactly are you specifing that?17:52
marcoceppibdx: don't listen to rick, use juju set-default-region ;)17:53
marcoceppicory_fu: I've got a crazy idea, need sanity check17:53
marcoceppicory_fu: got a min?17:54
cory_fumarcoceppi: Sure17:54
bdxmarcoceppi: thx17:54
marcoceppicory_fu: https://appear.in/lets-talk-about-interfaces-charms-and-reactive17:55
rick_hbdx: yea right , that Rick guy is nuts. Don't listen to him.17:59
lucacomehey guys, I'm from NGINX and working on the official charm, does someone have time to take a look at it and see if I'm going in the right direction?18:09
marcoceppilucacome: yeah, totally18:15
lucacomemarcoceppi, I've started form layer-nginx and continued from that https://github.com/lucacome/juju-layer-nginx18:19
marcoceppilucacome: taking a look now!18:21
lucacomethank you18:21
bdxlucacome: cert/key might be better specified as config options18:21
lucacomebdx, can I pass files wit config options?18:23
bdxlucacome: I don't think so, you can pass the cert/key as strings <- this might not be the prefered way either tho18:26
bdxluacome: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/charm-datadog-agent/blob/master/config.yaml#L2218:26
bdxlucacome: others have made charms and layers to help facilitate SSL/TLS, see https://jujucharms.com/u/containers/easyrsa/3, and https://github.com/cmars/layer-lets-encrypt18:28
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bdxlucacome: ^ only cover self signed, and LE certs/keys though ... so to acommodate user specified sighned cert/key, I would thing config options would do it, but I'll let the pros chime in here18:29
lucacomebdx, they are not self signed cert/keys, they are handed out by us to install the NGINX Plus, our commercial version18:31
bdxlucacome, I see that now18:32
lucacomebut I'll take a look in to it to see how others are doing dealing with certs18:32
marcoceppicory_fu: I've backed myself into a corner18:33
bdxlucacome: I would lean towards config options for that .... @marcoceppi should be able to confirm whether that is the best route or not18:33
marcoceppilucacome bdx I don't think resources is a bad way, but if you had a "nginx-cert" resource that was a tar.gz of a .key and .crt file it'd be easier for users18:34
marcoceppiI'd go either way, config or resources - both are valid18:34
bdxmarcoecppi: in his charm the resouce is optional though18:35
marcoceppiI do have a few other concerns, still working through it18:35
marcoceppibdx: yeah, and that's fine, as long as there's a 0 byte blank resource18:35
marcoceppineither config or resources is ideal for this18:35
marcoceppicory_fu: can I do something like this?18:35
marcoceppibdx: haven't forgotten about you, but I have some code I think you'll like18:36
marcoceppibdx: for datadog18:36
lucacomemarcoceppi, is there a better way to upload files?18:36
marcoceppilucacome: configuration, resources, and scp are the three methods. With the last one not being recommended at all given the UX around it18:37
marcoceppiresources is preferable, because it doesn't expose the key and crt files in plain text anywhere18:37
marcoceppiunless you want the configuration options for nginxplus to be exposed18:37
marcoceppiin exports18:38
* bdx eats his words18:38
marcoceppiwell, configuration isn't bad bdx, there are cases you'd wnat the crt to be in a bundle export18:38
marcoceppibut I'm not sure that's the case here18:39
marcoceppibut I also can't tell, those are the two paths ultimately18:39
marcoceppicory_fu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23584586/ line 13, can I use getattr on the class for autoaccessors?18:40
marcoceppicory_fu: or is there an easier way?18:40
cory_fumarcoceppi: I think that's the best way, though "rel_data.k()" won't work18:48
marcoceppicory_fu: right, so will getattr work?18:48
marcoceppior is there a better way?18:49
cory_fumarcoceppi: Actually, what about standardizing the interfaces so that they share a common method name.  Something like, "get_configuration()"?18:49
marcoceppicory_fu: not a bad idea18:50
marcoceppicory_fu: I want to ultimately standardize these stats interfaces18:50
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bdxis there a debug method of sorts that will list all flags/states that are set for a charm?20:01
skay_how do I get tests to run against a live deployment? I can't only use containers because I'm using a snap and snaps have a problem installing in containers at the moment20:30
skay_so my one test at the moment makes a deployment and checks that my charm is a blocking state while it waits for a snap resource20:31
skay_I can verify that20:31
marcoceppibdx: `charms.reactive get_states` I think20:37
marcoceppibdx: I am finally ready to talk about datadog20:37
=== Mmike is now known as Mmike_1
bdxmarcoceppi: all ears21:08
marcoceppibdx: so, this is what I came up with21:08
marcoceppiI'm testing it now, but basically it means you only need to touch metadata.yaml and layer.yaml to add new integrations21:09
marcoceppithat was the biggest concern when talking to ilan at data dog, about overhead of maintenance and boilerplating21:10
marcoceppibdx: I'd like to collaborate going forward, and get this repo into upstream21:11
bdxmarcoceppi: I'm trying to get something official going for it before I start putting it out everywhere for sure21:11
marcoceppibdx: yeah, we've been in touch with datadog about this, we have an internal business relationshiop being developed21:11
bdxmarcoceppi: so why list integrations in metadata?21:12
marcoceppibdx: well, interfaces should drive the entire configuration for everyhting. So if the nginx and php-fpm (and kubernetes, mysql, etc) charms and layers include a unique stat inferface, which supplies the keys required by datadog, or any other stat generations/configuration tool, you get a fully automated experience21:14
marcoceppiwe can jump on a quick call to explain more if you'd like21:14
bdxmarcoceppi: ok21:14
marcoceppibdx: https://appear.in/datadog21:15
marcoceppibdx: I found a few foul ups, updating the repo in a min with some patches21:57
marcoceppilots of missing imports21:57
xplatform12I have the latest juju and MAAS. When trying to "conjure-up openstack" and running the OpenStack option, I use the "Connect to an existing MAAS" option. For maas server, I am entering "http://x.x.x.x/MAAS/api/2.0/" and entering my maas-auth key in that field. When I Confirm the options, it shows that it is trying to bootstrap the environment and then almost immediately failes with "error: flag provided by not define: --upload-tool22:19
xplatform12s" does anyone know what is causing this issue?22:19
marcoceppixplatform12: to start, you should need to enter "http://x.x.x.x/MAAS/"22:24
marcoceppixplatform12: what version of juju do you have installed?22:25
marcoceppixplatform12: `juju version`22:25
marcoceppicory_fu: I hit a snag22:25
cory_fumarcoceppi: ?22:26
marcoceppicory_fu: `RelationBase.from_state('php-fpm')` returns None despite these states: {'apt.installed.apt-transport-https': None, 'datadog.configured': None, 'apt.installed.datadog-agent': None, 'php-fpm.available': {'conversations': ['reactive.conversations.php-fpm:3.silph-web/0'], 'relation': 'php-fpm'}}22:27
cory_fumarcoceppi: The states have to match exactly.  You'll want RelationBase.from_state('%s.available' % relation_name)22:28
marcoceppicory_fu: oh, boss, even easier22:28
marcoceppithis removes my entire `relation_name.available` state check22:28
marcoceppicory_fu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23585512/22:31
marcoceppithese are set to scope.UNIT22:31
xplatform12marcoceppi: I tried with just http://x.x.x.x/MAAS/ and my key and got the same error. I am using juju Version: 1:2.0.1-0ubuntu1~16.04.4~juju122:31
marcoceppixplatform12: huh, yeah, conjure-up should work just fine. stokachu ^ ?22:31
cory_fumarcoceppi: Yeah, if it's set to scope UNIT, that means there will be a separate conversation per remote unit, so you have to iterate over self.conversations() instead of assuming a single self.conversation()22:32
marcoceppicory_fu: yeah, it's a subordinate relation, so, single conversation makes sense22:33
xplatform12I also checked in /var/log/openstack.log and it has the following: "Dec  5 22:28:27 juju openstack: [ERROR] ['error: flag provided but not defined: --upload-tools']" I can't seem to find any info about htis issue online.22:33
cory_fumarcoceppi: So if it's always going to be subordinate, you can just change it to GLOBAL scope22:33
marcoceppixplatform12: --upload-tools was a flag for juju 1.x conjure up thinks that's your version, for whatever reason22:33
marcoceppicory_fu: ack, just did22:33
marcoceppitime to re-deploy22:34
xplatform12marcoceppi: This was upgraded from juju 1.x. Let me rebuild the juju system and go right to 2.0 without an upgrade. I hope that helps and thanks.22:36
xplatform12marcoceppi: I rebuild and made sure I had the correct repositories when installing juju and now conjure-up is past that issue and bootstrapping. Thanks for your assistance.22:47
marcoceppixplatform12: no worries! sorry you got caught up in that transition22:48
marcoceppibdx: alright, finally got configuration files writing22:48
bdxmarcoceppi: niceee22:48
marcoceppibdx: my latest work was just pushed to the repo22:49
bdxmarcoceppi: looking22:49
marcoceppibdx: bunch of awful little papercuts22:51
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