
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
rockerst1r1990pls help when installing from source...when do i need make install and then when do i use sudo make install??02:40
rockerst1r1990im having trust issues with this one specific software.lol02:44
rockerst1r1990pls help when installing from source...when do i need make install and then when do i use sudo make install??02:44
sting84rayNewbie:  problem with kodi installation. running on linux system not sure now what I did.  but system crashes cannot power off or exit everything is freezing.  I added fusion fresh start and the program does not do anything.  can you help?03:00
sting84rayhello rimd2r03:01
efloidi just read about how the leader of kubuntu resigned last year.  kubuntu should be disbanded and people should be redirected to neon.  its not fair because ppl don't know about kubuntu's status08:03
lordievaderI think I heard Riddel himself say that Kubuntu doesn't have a leader, never had one.08:05
valorieefloid: the *founder* of Kubuntu left08:26
valorieone of the leaders, yes08:27
valorieNeon is a different product, for a different set of users08:27
valorieand i'm a part of both teams, although much more involved in Kub. than neon08:27
valorieefloid: if you want to know our status, read kubuntu.org, as usual08:28
valorieyou can't make me stop working on kubuntu, LOL08:28
valorieoff to sleep now though08:29
efloidthank you guys for kubuntu08:35
efloidi guess kubuntu is the more stable release which makes sense08:36
efloidits good to have both08:36
efloidbut i wish it would be easier to use the neon archive with yakkety08:36
acheronukefloid: That is Neon's choice, insofar as they choose to only build their packages on and for the LTS ubuntu releases08:40
acheronukwhich I can see the logic for, as they are only concerned with new KDE, and building for ubuntu releases that will only be around for 9 months is a lot of effort for no real gain08:43
yossarianukHmm - i'm getting segfaults when trying to use virt-manager for any vm's - i think its nvidia driver related09:59
yossarianuki.e virt-manager loads fine, however when I click on a vm (KVM) virft-manager crashes09:59
yossarianukvirt-manager[21155]: segfault at 80 ip 00007f09e7077285 sp 00007fff0f3c6148 error 6 in libnvidia-eglcore.so.375.20[7f09e63ec000+1649000]10:00
yossarianuki'd avoid nvidia 375.20 driver for time being - screen locking also breaks10:30
acheronukthere are bad reports on it, so I have been avoiding10:32
yossarianukyeah, its the most unstable verison in years...10:38
yossarianuknew version should be out in about a week though10:38
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BluesKajHi folks11:25
hazamonzoHowdy BluesKaj11:27
BluesKajHey hazamonzo11:27
IrcsomeBot1Kai Sen was removed by: Kai Sen11:38
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Hazamonzo1ugh pain...11:42
Hazamonzo1Just installed Kubuntu 16.10 on VirtualBox. For whatever reason the keyboard is being picked up okay and I can move the mouse on the guest OS but I can't click / select anything in the Kubuntu UI11:42
Hazamonzo1However it was working up until a quick restart11:43
Hazamonzo1Has there been any big changes to the underlying Kubuntu UI that might be cause#ing me issues?11:43
Hazamonzo1Any thoughts BluesKaj ? :)11:45
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BluesKajHazamonzo1, no, I'm not much on VMs. They never quite measure up , so I use OSs on real partitions11:59
BluesKajless convenience, but I prefer reality12:00
hazamonzoBluesKaj: Fair enough12:02
hazamonzoI kinda have something working now although its a little unstable12:02
yossarianukyou could try KVM instead - works well aside from proper 3d unless you use passthrough (then its the fast 3d you can get in a vm at present)12:11
yocs0000nyone who can help here? firefox behaves very strangely .... every time you install a pacakge which can open a pdf, it changes the association in the browser, even f you have chosen the option to save or "ask always" .... what is wrong with it?12:36
lordievaderSounds a bit like a system config is being replaced.12:41
yocs0000lordievader: it is really weirrd, and I found some bugs logged12:43
yocs0000lordievader: but in the system config, the association is correct .... so it is only firefox association that is screwed12:43
yocs0000lordievader: mmmm .... I will try to debug this thing ....12:46
yocs0000lordievader: do you know f a good shoot them up for kubuntu?12:47
lordievaderyocs0000: Sorry, what?12:48
yocs0000lordievader: you know one of those games where go around and shoot things .... with a good physics engine .... my wife is at home with a bad flu and she is an avid player ....12:50
lordievaderOh, I'm not really a gamer. Besides this is more a topic for #kubuntu-offtopic ;)12:52
yocs0000lordievader: I mean for kubuntu of course .... non in general.12:53
yocs0000lordievader: to install on the kubuntu laptop.12:53
lordievaderyocs0000: Yes, but it is not really Kubuntu support ;)12:53
yocs0000lordievader: the other issue I have is that when I use muon, after I have installed a pacakge the search function does not work anymore13:14
yocs0000lordievader: whatever I put in the search box return and empty result page13:14
lordievaderI'm sorry, I have no experience with Muon.13:14
yocs0000lordievader: yes, I do by hands .... but my wife does not13:14
lordievaderyocs0000: What I mean is that I cannot help you...13:15
BluesKajyocs0000, that's a bug with muon, I see the same problem, relaunching muon usually solves it13:16
BluesKajwell, it's not solved , but it's a workaround13:16
yocs0000BluesKaj: thank you .... yes, at the moment we are rlaunching every time.13:20
BluesKajyocs0000, also muon yakes a while to reload the reopos and package lists after using install or removal options, check the progess bar on lower right corner after executing, make sure it's closed before doing another search13:23
BluesKajtakes a while13:23
yocs0000BluesKaj: yes, already doing so, but it does not seem to address the issue13:23
BluesKajyocs0000, yeah, it's a hit and miss bug13:24
yocs0000BluesKaj: you are right .... do you know what causes it/13:25
BluesKajI wish i did13:25
v100231Hi, I am trying to install Kubuntu on a notebook with Nvidia 1060 and Intel HD 530 dual graphics. I am able to boot to the install screen with the nomodeset option, but the installer crashes with the message "dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 1.48 was not provided by any .service files"13:44
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_
AceKingI just installed Kubuntu 16.04 on a laptop. I am having trouble with the WiFi not showing up. It is a RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter. I went to this page https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new/issues/134 and followed the directions, but still nothing. Can someone help?14:51
lordievaderAceKing: Is the wireless nic detected?14:53
AceKinglordievader: No14:53
lordievaderAceKing: Could you pastebin the output of 'sudo lspci -k'?14:54
AceKinglordievader: https://paste.kde.org/pnf6mf5lf14:56
lordievaderAceKing: Could you pastebin the output of 'sudo iw list'?14:56
AceKinglordievader: https://paste.kde.org/pp5p5ftzp14:57
lordievaderAceKing: Phy0 is not the RTL?14:58
AceKinglordievader: I'm sorry, I don't understand the question14:58
lordievaderAceKing: Nevermind, what is the output of 'ip link'?14:59
AceKinglordievader: https://paste.kde.org/py7mlmn5515:00
lordievaderAceKing: What happens when you run 'sudo ip l s wlo1 up && sudo iw dev wlo1 scan'?15:13
AceKinglordievader: https://paste.kde.org/p4umbg0ct15:15
lordievaderAllright, I don't see any problem. What is the problem?15:15
AceKingI cannot get onto WiFi. If I try to put a check in the box for WiFi it sometimes will come up, and most of the time wont.15:17
AceKingWhen I first start the laptop, I have no connection unless I hardwire in.15:17
hateballAceKing: rfkill list15:18
hateballsee if it is hard/soft blocked15:18
hateballalso realtek chipsets are generally terrible15:19
lordievaderhateball: It can scan ;)15:19
lordievaderAceKing: Seems to me it is not activated, does the network manger manage it?15:19
AceKingI cannot see it in the network manager. Even when I click the checkbox, it's hit or miss whether or not it comes up.15:21
lordievaderAceKing: Do you see it after you restart the network manager? (sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager; Might interrupt your network connection)15:22
AceKinglordievader: No15:23
lordievaderAceKing: Interesting, what is in /etc/networking/interfaces?15:23
lordievaderCould you run 'sudo journalctl -u NetworkManager -o cat >/tmp/nm.log' and pastebin the /tmp/nm.log?15:27
lordievaderAceKing: Is the ethernet device available under NetworkManager?15:31
AceKinglordievader: yes15:31
lordievaderAceKing: This is a laptop right?15:31
lordievaderIf I read the logs correctly the device wlo1 should be available under the NetworkManager.15:32
lordievaderThere is even a succesful connection to 'DS9' logged.15:32
AceKingIt's probably from before we restarted the connection.15:33
AceKingSometimes it will connect, and sometimes it wont show at all15:33
lordievaderAre you able to connect right now, or not?15:33
lordievaderHmm, does 'sudo iw dev wlo1 scan' give output?15:34
AceKingcommand failed: Network is down (-100)15:35
lordievaderInteresting, does it provide output after running 'sudo ip l s wlo1 up'?15:35
IrcsomeBot1ortni was removed by: ortni15:36
lordievaderAceKing: Interesting. at 15 minutes ago it was able to.15:37
AceKinglordievader: I know. And what's funny is I just saw a popup saying that I connectred to DS9, which is my router15:38
lordievaderAceKing: Could you pastebin the output of 'ip a'?15:38
AceKinglordievader: for the hell of it, I just tried unchecking the WiFi and rechecking it. Lost everything again15:38
lordievaderI get the feeling NetworkManager fails in managing the wireless nic properly.15:39
lordievaderStill in 'down' state.15:40
AceKinglordievader: if that's the case, is there a fix?15:40
lordievader'sudo ip l s wlo1 up' does not change that?15:40
lordievaderAceKing: I think that is the case, I have no proof ;)15:40
AceKinglordievader: No, didn't change15:41
lordievaderAceKing: Could you rerun the 'sudo rfkill list' command?15:41
lordievaderDo things happen after 'sudo rfkill unblock all'?15:46
lordievaderNot really sure what that acer-wireless does.15:46
AceKingNothing happened after I ran that15:47
lordievaderDidn't become available in NetworkManager?15:47
AceKingAnd if I try to tick the WiFi box, it hilights for a second, then goes away15:48
lordievaderAceKing: Have you read this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/590414/wifi-problems-with-rtl8723be-in-ubuntu-14-0415:51
AceKinglordievader: Not that one15:52
lordievaderMight be worth to try out.15:53
AceKinglordievader: Thank you. I will give that a shot. I appreciate all of your time today15:53
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doniany programer here??17:47
doniCAN SOMEONE HELP ME !?!?17:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:02
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ubottuHelp! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) yofel, ovidiu-florin, ahoneybun, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, valorie, shadeslayer, rww, Unit19320:00
menacewhat is the normative way on kubuntu/kde to send a notification to all users (which are logged in, like with multiseat)?20:01
menaceor as administrator?20:01
mpo42vr!ops I'm getting spammed with private messages20:01
ubottumpo42vr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:01
menacebecause kdialog does not work when i am another user or a script20:02
=== EvilerRoey is now known as EvilRoey
menacesomebody's spamming on freenode?20:03
geniimpo42vr: Please don't do that unless there's some actual emergency in the channel20:04
menacei keep getting messages about some ostergard or like that20:04
ikoniahow is that ANYTHING to do with this channel20:04
geniimpo42vr: Use /ignore theirname20:04
mpo42vrIt is about a user of this channel20:05
mpo42vrI think you should remove these people20:05
ikoniait's about a freenode staff member in 50 channels20:06
ikoniait's nothing to do with this channel20:06
valoriempo42vr: please visit #freenode and report it20:06
kloerimpo42vr: set umode +R to avoid the spam20:06
ikoniaand you know this - hence why you didn't call the ops in any of the other channels you're in20:06
mpo42vrfreenode staff20:06
mpo42vrI see20:06
mpo42vrikonia: I know this?20:07
ikoniawell you only called the ops in this channels20:07
ikonianot any of other channels you share with the user in question,20:07
mpo42vrThis is the only channel I'm in20:07
geniimpo42vr: No, you're also in #freenode, where they are originating20:08
ikoniadoesn't look that way20:08
mpo42vrI just joined because of the span, kids20:08
mpo42vrYou are super smart20:08
mpo42vrBut what do I expect from ikonia20:09
ikoniayou know me ?20:09
ikoniaif so - then you must know how to use the ops trigger properly20:09
mpo42vrAn ikonia special20:10
=== Bigcheese_ is now known as Bigcheese
lenswipeehi looking for a distro that will run an old computer designed for winXp. suggestions23:11
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> lubuntu?23:16
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lenswipeehi looking for a distro that will run an old computer designed for winXp. suggestions23:45
valorielenswipee: as genii said, try puppy23:49
lenswipeeonly puppy?23:51
hggdhlenswipee: puppy, xubuntu, lubuntu, mint23:52
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lenswipeewhich is the fastest of those 4?23:56
hggdhlenswipee: your guess. You will need to experiment23:56
lenswipeeim sure that data is avaiable23:58
hggdhlenswipee: probably, but I do not have it.23:59

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