
happyaronhikiko: hey, :)06:42
happyaronpitti: hi, I pushed a new branch to n-m repo, for xenial SRU of 1.2.4, mind to have a look?06:45
* desrt wakes up with an IRC hangover07:13
desrtlooks like OFTC was a fun place to be last night07:13
desrtgood morning07:15
* desrt finds the "delete active private messages" button on irccloud to be surprisingly useful07:16
andyrockdesrt: did you get spam too?07:16
desrti woke up with about 10000 (seriously) new queries07:17
desrtfrom _aawjeeoijweofji to zzerjgeoijwe07:17
desrt(names approximate)07:17
andyrocksame here07:17
desrtmorning, seb07:18
hikikohi happyaron pitti desrt andyrock07:35
desrtgood morning07:35
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pittiGood morning! Hello from Sevilla08:09
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happyaronmorning desrt pitti seb12808:30
desrthappyaron: hey :)08:30
willcookeGood morning all08:57
willcookeA rather chilly minus 3 here today08:57
seb128hey willcooke09:00
seb128had a good w.e?09:00
seb128hey pitti09:00
seb128hey Laney09:00
seb128how are you? had a good w.e?09:00
seb128didn't wait for the bbc this morning?09:00
pittiseb128, Laney, willcooke: ¡bueons dias!09:01
* pitti waves from Seville09:01
pittiseb128: greetings back from StevenK!09:01
seb128pitti, ola!09:02
seb128pitti, thanks!09:02
seb128pitti, had a nice w.e/trip to spain? How is Sevilla?09:02
Laneyforgot it was the sprint!09:02
pittiseb128: haven't seen much of it -- I only landed at 19:30, it was dark and raining cats and dogs09:02
pittibut looking nice this morning09:03
pittiwe'll have a scavenger hunt tomorrow evening, then we can actually see $outside09:03
pittiseb128: and Nuernberg on Saturday was nice too; hung out with Steve and visited the Emperor castle and the christmas market09:03
seb128ah, nice09:03
seb128mulled wine and nice food?09:04
Laneyseb128: no, I was watching tv instead and that finished earlier than 09:00 ;-)09:04
pittiseb128: we had food in a nice pub, so just the Gluehwein and Gluehbier on the market :)09:04
seb128like warm beer?09:05
pittiyes, with spices; surprisingly good09:06
desrtwe have this here too09:06
desrti was... afraid09:06
seb128I wouldn't dare trying09:06
desrtwillcooke: good morning :)09:06
willcookehey desrt09:06
seb128warm and beer that doesn't work09:06
desrtthanks for the +109:06
seb128hey desrt09:06
desrtmorning seb :)09:06
seb128looks like those Bluehbier are not even German, they import it from Belgium09:08
seb128"The fruits and spices found in Glühbier are one of the biggest reasons it is so hard to find in Germany. Technically, German brewers can't even make it. They adhere to the German Beer Purity Law, which states beer may only consist of malt, hops, yeast, and water."09:10
desrtlol.  yay for european free trade09:10
desrtprobably explains why it's so easy to find around here.. .pretty quick trip across the border09:11
davmor2Morning all09:14
flexiondotorgMorning seb128 Laney davidcalle desrt willcooke pitti happyaron andyrock hikiko09:16
seb128hey davmor209:16
seb128hey flexiondotorg09:16
happyaronhey guys09:16
flexiondotorgHow is everyone?09:16
hikikomorning flexiondotorg seb128 Laney willcooke davidcalle and everyone :p09:17
hikikowe could write a script that says hello to every nick listed here :)09:18
willcookehey happyaron, did you manage to get the 1.2.4 NM -> X finished on Friday?09:18
happyaronwillcooke: yep, in git now09:19
willcookehappyaron, nice one!!09:19
seb128_hey hikiko happyaron09:23
seb128_(sorry, ip change and irc didn't like it)09:23
davmor2Bon jour seb12809:23
seb128_happyaron, btw did you see that upstream rolled out 1.2.6 updates on friday? ;-)09:35
seb128_there seems to be little changes in those though09:35
happyaronyes I saw that09:35
seb128_just fixing some issues from previous ones so maybe worth going for those directly?09:35
happyaronhaven't looked at details yet, can do tomorrow09:36
happyaron(time to off today, :D09:38
seb128_happyaron, enjoy your evening!09:39
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, how are you? had a good w.e?10:22
Sweet5harkseb128: weekend was mixed. good stuff: two family birthday parties. bad stuff: grandma had a stroke and visiting her under intensive care in the hospital ...10:28
seb128Sweet5hark, urg, sorry to read that :-( hope she's going to get better10:30
Sweet5harkseb128: Thankful that we still have her around though. Hardly anything one can take for granted with someone born in 191 ...10:30
hikikohey :) question: any tricks to accelerate the build apart from distcc that accelerates it but not so much as I'd like it too... :)10:59
hikikowhat do you do when you have to build huge projects?10:59
popeyif I am building over and over again I use ccache11:01
popeyalso, build on someone elses faster computer :)11:01
hikikolike a build server?11:02
hikikotried ccache and distcc it does accelerate it but not that much11:02
hikikono miracles :)11:04
popeyccache is only really useful if you repeatedly build something11:04
popeyalso, I use PPAs or remote VPSs for big things I don't want to bog my laptop down with11:05
popeybut yeah, no magic bullets11:05
hikikoyeah the build server needs about the same time according to qengho11:06
hikiko1hr or so for a clean build11:06
hikikoso I guess, I'll just switch tasks in the meantime or: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/compiling.png11:07
hikiko(just kidding about the 2nd)11:07
TrevinhoLaney: hey, I've some job for you :-)11:49
LaneyTrevinho: I've seen that before ...11:51
Laneydidn't I already do it?11:52
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, it probably wasn't published because of a missing approval, tho11:52
Laney 2016-11-30 14:04:36 +0000 (laney) Publish failed: Bad merges11:53
Trevinhoyeah, I didn't noticed that it was something missing11:53
Trevinhowhich... behind the scenes, has some similarity with some imprecation too :-D11:53
* Laney tries again :|11:56
Trevinhojust add an L in front... OR a C :-D... I'll leave that for you in a wordreference exercise ;-)11:57
* Laney sucks at google translate :P12:03
Laneyseb128: can you run new-binary-debian-universe please? :-)12:05
hikikoTrevinho, busy?12:08
TrevinhoLaney: well, wordreference can help more in general, as it has more terms :-)12:08
Trevinhohikiko: nope, hey!12:08
hikikohey :)12:09
hikikoI am gonna ask you a few questions in prv if you have some time to not flood this channel :)12:09
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you? had a good w.e?12:52
LaneyTrevinho: do you have an election now or just a new PM?12:53
seb128Laney, done for n-b-d-u12:53
Laneythanks <312:53
Laneymay this hell end12:54
Trevinhoseb128: hey... Well it was good, then sad because of the referendum results... It's just incredibile how people wants change, then when they can get it, they just protest again.12:56
TrevinhoLaney: hard to say yet... The president has to decide. He's not obliged, but it will be hard to find a majority in parliament now12:57
TrevinhoSo... Probably some interim government, then elections12:58
seb128they don't want that sort of change12:58
seb128they want somebody to throw the table12:58
seb128seems like it's a time where people are just angry and take any opportunity to vote against anything coming from etablished political groups12:59
TrevinhoYeah... But this vortex won't ever end. Since at some point, everybody has to become "the power" to attack.13:03
seb128well it might13:04
seb128I don't know much how it is in italy13:04
seb128but for countries which alternate between the same 2 parties all the time the people got used to share the power and it looks like they don't feel like they need to keep honest, they are just spoiled13:05
seb128having a few elections like the Trump one might bring them back to reality and to realize they need to get work done and work for the country, just don't keep doing nice random void speeches and blaming the ones currently in charge waiting their turn at the next election to change nothing13:06
TrevinhoWell, we never had a single-color government for years, so... It's also that...13:18
Trevinhopeople doesn't really likes compromises, thus the actual democracy.13:21
seb128not sure about that, but they don't like that politics keep saying things until they are elected and not do anything of what they said then13:25
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Laney libqt5qml5 : Depends: libdouble-conversion1v5 (>= 2.0.0) but it is not installable14:54
Laneymore transitions14:54
* Laney has made a directory called "hell" to work in15:57
* Laney is definitely not overly dramatic15:57
dobeyLaney: golang? :)15:57
Laneyactually not yet15:58
Laneybeen trying to migrate some stuff from proposed for ages15:58
Laneyevery time I look it's gotten worse15:58
Laneysomething like that16:00
seb128the start of the cycle autosync transitions can be fun indeed...16:05
Laneythis is particularly bad16:07
dobeyLaney: yeah, mesa/glibc is broken at the moment, so good luck :)16:07
Laneysomeone go upload poppler to complete the set16:07
seb128it's in the sponsoring queue!16:08
seb128oh, no16:09
seb128I though it was16:09
seb128bug #163947816:09
ubot5bug 1639478 in poppler (Ubuntu) "Merge with Debian 0.48.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163947816:09
seb128he was waiting for the gdal transition to complete before subscribing sponsors16:10
Laneythat is this one16:10
seb128no fun16:10
seb128in the good old days we would just have uploaded16:10
Laneydidn't have migration back then16:10
Laneythose were happy days16:10
Laneyjust get half your system uninstalled16:10
seb128blame it on p_itti!16:10
Laneyfigured out a way to upload qtdeclarative anyway16:11
Laneysilos are the best16:12
Laneyfor bootstrapping stuff16:12
seb128pitti, cyphermox, hey, did you see that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 seemed to create some DNS issues (for VPN users?)16:13
seb128e.g bug #163300316:13
ubot5bug 1629611 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1633003 dns server priority broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162961116:13
seb128or the SRU bug has a comment about a regression as well16:13
cyphermoxseb128: I wasn't really watching those, Aron has been maintaining NM?16:16
cyphermoxand that bug is incredibly unclear and confusing16:16
seb128cyphermox, bug #1633874 might be better/have more info16:18
ubot5bug 1633874 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "VPN - "Additional DNS servers" Settings are being Ignored" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163387416:18
seb128cyphermox, or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1592721/comments/916:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1592721 in network-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "Don't write search domains to resolv.conf in the case of split DNS" [Medium,Fix released]16:19
seb128cyphermox, and yeah, happyaron is maintaining it but that SRU has your name and pitti's on it so I'm going with the principle of "who is creating a regression is owning it", especially whoever is doing a change has more context on the change and it makes sense for them to follow up rather than asking to somebody else to try to understand what has been done and why to try to figure out the issue then16:20
cyphermoxI don't know that my name is on that, pitti has been driving the DNS resolution magic16:21
cyphermoxthat doesn't mean that I won't look, just that I don't have much context16:21
seb128+++ network-manager-1.2.2/debian/patches/dns-manager-don-t-merge-split-DNS-search-domains.patch2016-09-27 08:33:54.000000000 +000016:21
seb128@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@16:21
seb128+From: Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.trudel-lapierre@canonical.com>16:21
meetingologyseb128: Error: "@" is not a valid command.16:21
seb128cyphermox, oh well, thanks, going to check with pitti what's going on then and why he wrote your name in there16:22
cyphermoxthat's a very old patch16:22
seb128well it was added in the SRU creating the regression16:22
seb128see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/286824187/network-manager_1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.2.diff.gz16:22
cyphermoxreally? because seems like it was in before that, IIRC16:22
cyphermoxthat's unlikely to be the cause for the regression16:22
cyphermox(in fact, it should be *fixing* such issues, except not some other similar problems)16:23
seb128cyphermox, #1633003 states16:23
seb128"After downloading version 1.2.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 copies of libnm-glib-vpn1:amd64 libnm-glib4:amd64 libnm-util2:amd64 libnm0:amd64 network-manager:amd64 and installing them via: sudo -H dpkg -i *.deb my name resolution started working again."16:23
cyphermoxas above, this is a complicated matter, and people in general don't understand how VPNs and split tunnelling in the first place16:23
seb128cyphermox, reading #1633874 it seems the user just connect to a vpn configured with the gui and add a dns in the corresponding config tab16:25
seb128cyphermox, http://neartalk.com/ss/2016-10-16_001_601x625.png16:25
cyphermoxlike I said, that's not how VPNs work16:25
cyphermoxsplit tunnelling isn't that simple16:25
cyphermox(and given dnsmasq, it's explicitly not running things in order of appearance)16:26
seb128can you maybe add a comment on #1633874 saying that?16:28
seb128the user has been doing quite some work16:28
cyphermoxin this context I suppose it *is* a kind of regression16:28
cyphermoxI'm looking at the code to figure out what's the best course of action16:28
seb128cyphermox, sorry to bother you, I just crossed that bug and the user has been downgrading is machine, trying in fresh vms, downgrading packages etc to try to find the issue so it would be nice to give him some ack so he doesn't feel ignored16:31
seb128cyphermox, thanks! :-)16:31
seb128cyphermox, also was that patch upstreamed? there is no bugzilla reference16:31
cyphermoxit might not have been, I'm not sure.16:33
cyphermoxmaybe only on the ML16:33
seb128cyphermox, pitti, bug #1647133 and bug #1647066 also on zesty after the recent changes16:35
ubot5bug 1647133 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network-manager 1.4.2-2ubuntu4 brakes network connection (Zesty)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164713316:35
ubot5bug 1647066 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Systems with systemd-resolved disabled and dns=default in NetworkManager.conf no longer get DNS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164706616:35
seb128cyphermox, sorry, it was slangasek who was mentioned in that one not you16:36
cyphermoxwell, I already know about the latter, stgraber and I were discussing that in the airport this weekend :)16:41
seb128k, I assumed there would be some direct discussions about it ;-)16:41
cyphermoxseb128: it's a very complicated issue in general, and we've been moving in the right direction to making things work, but all of it needs still lots more love.17:02
cyphermoxtbf though, the patch you pointed to is quite unlikely to be the culprit (after I've reviewed it thoroughly). I think it's a problem with another patch I may or may not have written that may or may not have gone away with a merge, from the look of things17:03
cyphermoxbut even then, it wouldn't apply anymore since NM reorganized a bunch of that code17:03
* cyphermox is ripping his hair out)17:03
cyphermoxI updated the bug and I'll wait for people to add more information17:04
Laneyseb128: can you terminate gyoto from zesty-proposed please?17:07
Laneyit doesn't build, needs rebuilding, want to upload the older one which works17:07
Laneyin fact even 1.1.1-3 worked17:09
Laneynot sure if that version can be resurrected17:09
kenvandineattente, your content-hub glib bindings are in the process of landing17:28
kenvandineattente, in zesty-proposed, once that migrates to release it'll merge your branch17:29
attentekenvandine: great, thanks!17:29
kenvandineattente, i'll look forward to the gtk branch landing :)17:29
attenteme too ;)17:31
Laneyback in a bit17:36
seb128Laney, delete it?17:51
seb128cyphermox, thanks17:51
seb128have a nice evening desktopers18:24
flexiondotorgGoodnight desktopers18:47
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=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
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robert_ancellwillcooke, o/19:59
robert_ancellGuess I better look at bug 164678419:59
ubot5bug 1646784 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/snapd-glib/snapd-login-service:11:read_data:read_from_snapd:read_cb:socket_source_dispatch:g_main_dispatch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164678419:59
willcookehey robert_ancell be with you in a few mins19:59
dobeywhen one sets the default apps in system settings, where the heck is that setting actually stored?!20:00
davmor2dobey: dconf20:01
dobeydavmor2: uhm, not afaict. where exactly?20:03
davmor2dobey: more of an assumption the other option would be gconf20:03
dobeyit's definitely not gconf20:04
dobeyi thought maybe it set it in a file in ~/.local/share/applications/ but i don't see evidence there either20:04
davmor2dobey: update-alternatives maybe?20:05
davmor2dobey: try /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives20:07
dobeyno, it's a user setting, not a system one20:10
willcookenight all20:32

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